HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 343, August 16, 1926No. Proceedings of City of Paducah .rt'110 ',p 16T i, 1926. -010 r Lne(-111 of L w 3our 1 of ,ounciln,)n 1101-1 on the. Third Floor of -'V;y of ea ari* `i, Vrctuc Icy, ;,il!,,u.qt the l6tht 1926, President 1, •�n I upon the '.1 11 of the roll the follo,.-jinfr, anxacrocl to their n:,M1.q: Cri ler, Fleming, Jacobs, +.erth, Ovien, Stewart, Vogt awl latson (10) 'niitci of the orovious meeting ,aero adoote-1 an read. Chbr,-es ;en offered motion to refer to the Fire cz Police Uournittee, to r000rt acqlnst Jess Holman. r." furred a,-S.in3t Ca!;!,olman Jess Holman by the Mayor. Adopted on the call of t, -.e rzll: YE:AS (10) . EXC=Dtlon Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the requost of the E,I;zewood Dalr$r Pro- - ,j,e—iTJ rolucts Coinriany for exemption from taxation for a period of five -varsl ducts Co. on e : '11 of vile :7011: Yeas (10). off,. -rel motion to refer to the Board of Public orks and Se::.er Committee, Eiw,ewood --:3 i zo',;P- to act) the ratter of Ind7craocid J.zLry Product Company connecting with new Dairy Pro - duets Co. recently laiJ on North 13th Street. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yens (10). to connect 1, with sewer -onber --atson offered motion to approve plans ant specifications for street on 1�th 6t. Plans ani co,�t-Pts "os. 5,6,7,and 8, as recomr.ended�bv the Board of Public "lodes. Adonted nee.for ,.DVina .::11. of the roll. Yens (10). 5on:..pa "gt;.S. 08 1 7';.-Jr,,2 ;.,.,(-n offered motion to allow ;4.50, Poll Tax refund, to 14, 0. T.n1-:3on, E.O.Jackson 3 reoc,'.z.ondeI - tie. City Solicitor. Adootod on the call of tno roll: Yeas (10). Poll Tax Refund. 1.{,mher -,:erth offered motion to allo,.,,, N4.98 refund on taxes paid on autorlob'-le hrs. Lula S citaveley, an reon-.zended by the City Solicitor. I'dopted on the call of B.Stavely r-Nni. 10) 0 -wen offered motion to allow 01.50 refund on poll tax of W. E. E.:telly Doll tax by th-ity Solicitor. .,donted on the call of the roll: Y-, j (10). refund. .7 -crth offered motion to refund ber i 36.00 to Mrs. G. U. Oliver, Poll Yrs. 13. C. olli,7er .1 year 199 , 1924, 1',125 and 1926, as rodonmended by the city Solicitor. Doll tax reflinl. of tcip roll: Y0,13 (10). Pnr.-att offered motion to receive and filo communication to Public Public Utilities Rerortn Incornoration relative to the jiure.,a3c �ensrts 1nearp. %-Al or the C"ll of 'h"2, roll: Veal (10). Ordinance. bur Furth read an or,linftnee entitled "AW ORDIII.Mol.. p;w!1jI)jrjG ;-'CIC yll,' Fralintr & lravijling - : - : . . - �, . -,-- ; . �- , , ,t 010 JEF1,'ET?';0N WRI.H. 1,,'T To '1711;% 71:11 24th fro,i, jfr. By TIDE f"*,j"Djjj;, 7: to Vonl-,7,ft. 0 TCH 11113M..; PHOViiMD TW-:'-PW� 1,�' 7:,; t:;D I'l?"IVID0r; -t,� L of f -bo roll: Yeas( upon l Of C.Ve. tc 213t Proceedings of c- --u,, City of Paducah la, 1926. 1: ;02." J'' -L [,VI 11'7 6 71,*, ?, aIID PROVIDING Vll.,T 'Ell -I COST OF IUCH T(1_; --7 11� T) Li AUGO" D, I;i-: :IT11 TH*,.', PROVI3,10113 OF THE' TWIT YEA)? P v- Pl-'.;." On motion at-.(, 'vas riven first pas:.ia!ro upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion the rules vore wisnonded and ordinance read by title up the no call of the roll: Yana (10). On motion same was given second and*Vinal paonage upon the call'or the -011: ye"s (10). Member -�erth offered motion to refer to the city Engineer :Q11i Fire chief Report of Paducah 7,'ater Co. the report of the Paducah rater company under date of Aur;ust 16th, of ::inter mains laid and fire plugs located. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yens (10). L,etiiber Brummett offered motion to receive and file report of the chief of Report Chief of Fire the Vire Department for the month of July 1026. I'dopted on the call d)f the. roll: Department. Yeas (10). Report of ember Uven offered motion to receive and file the renort of the Riverside Riverside Hospital. Hospital for the month of July, 1926. iJonted on the call of the roll: Yous(IO). Same offered motion to deed to Mrs. Elizabeth 11routzer, west i1nif of Cemetery deed to Mrs. Elizabeth -foz; ;;o. 11, in Block 14, of Oak Grove Cemet,-ry, for the sum of .�',50.00. i'dopied on Kreutzer. tt!o call of the roll: Yeas (10). ;.:ember Stewart offered motion to'concur in the action of the, Board of 7:Eiter mains on I.. 13th St, from in adopting a resolution directing the raducah :'Dater Gompany to lay its Hamnton to Palm; ,ins on j�-orth 13th Street from liamnton vcnua to Palm Street; on Jackson Street Jacks -,n from 21st 1 to 25th Sts., I-orr. list to 25th -trects; on Goorr,,c George St. btw. -treet between 6th and 7th 3troota; on Gth & 7th; 7th from Husbands to 7th Ztrcet from Husbands Street to Calctiell Street, and on 1!orth 13th -trent from Caldwell; N. 13th fron Jeff. to Jefferson to Dilinon Streets. ,dooted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Yadison Stu, Len.ber Forth offered motion to concur in the action of the Roard of .�---,—n in referring to the Board of Public '-'Jorks, Ztroet Committt!o and City nc-.-anicatAon from. 0. T. Ikinn, Assi itant 1.,ql hnr7ine(!r of the Opening new street: Cc., rol,,%ive to the opening of now street,long th,� woat; line of the llosJn7 Tenr.5t. .!on; I.C.R.R.Co. ni-ctlrt,!, -:o h+L Tennessee ;treat my be closed :,s nor contract orop--rty. t',e i. C. N. -(. Gompf,ny under date oj' Dccacnar ..1opted or, the call of the roll: Yo,.a (10). �:;er 3-1-urv-ett cXfor(: i motion to conwir in the jon or t!!6- "1-2. 'sorra extondint-,, smoke or vv- Jr.c1nop-wtor 9rcwn ',heet Metal 'e,orks to ex-.nd I'- t for t.. of $576,07, same to be charged to -;3oa-j of amiz,i ntac? of In,'rerut,)r ?.Innt. -A. "U.9 call of tho roll: Yens (10), to concur in th! ..ctLon o,' 11 D111,11i.0 bythe G, ;neral G(:-1.:,j.,I Police awl*lih b1tarl an! 31;na.,a nancnazed rrcm Cumher-'ani Tel.cp. No. . Proceedings of - -•. " :'- i City of Paducah 16TH, 1926. cc-i-ov •erth offorcd :-,o-.ion ro concur in the action of the Boaml of .illcr Cc-cmittee to accept An r, ::a! r.; t..r grosidonto of each hoard avuointln;l two members to act 'rat th the Coal bi.is. sc'eni: "i fOi' cot`.l. •,iopted on the cull of the roll: Yeiis (10). -erth an.l L'ec:ber Hruranett were annointed on Coranittec. :'^ra+er ::::en off ,:red motion to concur in the action of the Board of -,�ldornen Jesse < n1 Pilin— communication from the I:ayor rolative to paying J. C. Sgoight Lindsey. iue Jeaso :,indaey.Adoptcd an.tt}c call of the roll: Yeas (10). ..emter area offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ildernen D..r,Ryan . �.ectior. of the .;:,yor in regard to makinr cont^net ;.ith the D. .T. Ryan Co. pr:; ..ir,ticn :c rpany to deliver all surplus dirt excavated on 7% 13th -�trcct to the fill .venue for the su-m of 15� per cubic yard, ddonted on the call of the roll: i'ember •atson offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of '.".. A.Middle- 11-lermen".. in <tllc:an c Middleton, uounty Judge, : 7.50, uity' a part of cost in the ton court cost. r .r• c_ ul;es vs: City of x'aducah: :donted on the call of the roll: Yec,s (10). ?'ember uwen offered motion to concur in the action of the Bourd of Aldermen Special ir. ;o '.^c -'recial street I:provement Bond Coupons cancelled in the amount of N23.01. St.IM,rov. Vend Coup. i cn `.`.:e call of the roll: 'Cods (10). cancelled. sr.e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of al'lermen in Cas''n.ier's i res Bund v101.57.-donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Fund. offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of .,lden!sen in ' .:nt;ineering •ic:.:; I:ecord...g43.60; uhaa. i'. Leake uo• ...al0.60; ".necial Pay roll: "' --r er.,...,`300.00; Pa:luc:ih vrinting ;omnany Q67.09. ..donted on the -:.r..o of;'•.,red trotion. to concur in the :,ration of the Board of nlderron cn'-ineerinr,, Pay'loll for the first half of au:arst in %he-iuolirt: ?. e. on a of the roll: Yeus (10). offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Pay roll _:i'... C1Sims.... 11935.9B; p,y roll ar.'i c1nIm3. 1':•:r: _. :•o::.:. Yens (1G). -. - ..., ofP;'r^•1 "Oti01: .... ,n;_,� 1:ester, (oy 107rt, bo nctified •'a rke vast';r. .inntFeit W: Y, %: r! Ca11 Of ....-ineor and Board of Public '•ori::r Inth from 1 a< !,... aii: l to B,:r•nett, nn,t Pinln:• iri^bin 1.7 +,r::e•tY,; ., .. to :. a . .�.. e:,ll of the roll: 'le u; (101 inlry fro- th to lr>tnr eller Plumbing Comrinny o,: -.ale p99•_au19 - ... P,olinr .vioPted on the call of , ___,-1� � ,_,,f�'r' !'fir/p_.� -- --�'-- •-- - - - - - - _ . _ .__ ._.__.