HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 338, August 2, 1926No.-MP- o.-338.Proceedings of .10 , D OF C01(fit, lL!:;-r; _ City of Paducah nu1!U3T 211D, 1926. Proceedings Ile Ml l :tr i ,it almeetin,^, of the Hoard of Councilmen held on the '-'hird Floor of the City Hall, in tho %,it•y of Paducah, Kentucky, August the 2nd, 1926, President Johnston presi;led, and upon the call of the roll the following, answered to their names: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Korth, Oren, Stewart, Voet and '7atson.(11). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Member Owen offered motion to receive and file the communication Alley btw. Mildred and Trimble Sts. from the i;ayor resardinq the repairing of alley between Trimble and Mildred Streets j 22nd ani 23rd Sts. and 22nd and 23rd Streets. +doptcd on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Watson offered motion to receive and file communication from Hydrant the 7lxyor relative to havinr, fire hydrant moved from the yards of the 2. C. R. R. I.C.R.R.Co. moved. Company. kdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Stewart offered motion to receive and file communication from D.J.Ryan Construe- the I±ayor relative to D. J. Ryan Construction Company being ready to proceed with tion �o. the hard surfacing of streets. Adonted on the. call of the roll: Yous (11). i L±ember Brummett offered motion to refer to the I!ayor with power to Emancipation act the matter of settingaside Monday, au; st the 9th for Emancipation celebration. ' Y' ' celebration. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). member Kerth offered motion to refer to the Board of Public 'Works, Chas. C.Rieke. Street Committee and City Engineer, with power to act, the communication from Streets ng Maple- Balk along Maple- Chas. C. Rieke regardin the street and sidewalk along Ma lelawn Park Cemetery., B 6 p y•, lawn Park Cemetery.idcpted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to receive and file summons served on the Summons in case of F.W.Y.atterjohn vs: ''ayor in the case of F. 7% Katterjohn vs. D. J. Ryan Construction Company and the D.J.Ryan Construc- tion Co. City of Paducah, Kentucky. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to redeive and file the communication from 71.%.Ezze11. Ky. Utilities Co. iiz:ell relative to the rientucky Utilities Company, Installing its Y, fi poles onVWestiJef — 5t, in the concrote intcr3ections of the sidovialks along West Jefferson Streat. r•doptod on the call of the roll: Yoas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the recon en-lat•ion of the City Mrs. Inlie Z:atkins tax bill cancelled. o a^.f ter in cancelling tax bill Vo. 4210 for the year 1925, and refundinw Vrr3. In'lia •,atkin3 s,,5.19,us this was a double asnossment. adopted on thn call of tae roll: Yoas (11). riembor Owen offered motion to concur in the recoax endation of the Prn. Vyrtle V. Royd,„•, roilt>*x refunded.'- -''-.Sof for in not rafuacfinR31.:'i0 Holl tat to t..".rs. ttyrtla M. Boyd. -Ldon.ed ... aw1i. of -nn roil: Y;an (11). 3'r,ubnr r.,rth afP:r•.:; .-.o%lon that ;j5000.00 in old refuirling bonds, Refunding, Bonds "t `. .. :!tv cf Va.chwah, a a r ljt, 1896, be cancelled ane destroyed cant";lea ant destroyed. 'y tno .t ,,;r i:r9a:ntr:r. ;ptet: cr, t• nail of +.hn roll: Y2:,3 (1l). •'rlr.-•;er ..t'.-:.: ofrerci mtv,aon 'x, em:rur in the t•coommondation of tho tbeda an Cite :. the .!;y t,o LAP, ..111:•13 cnt or t,11 City t,:•,,party.dante•1 pr':perty. ' :: ,. •.:,:1 ,.. . .... Yeas {..,. or narriso n an •: eit.lzrina on Harrison and Yadiscn is tta. 19th an,f ..1s•. EA 1! er:i r. ir`:: ar . -.. .:. .. •i�:': "i `a inr..l r•rivar.,., a,7we. linen. ir.rlhersi•.cr r'sant. - i .. _:, ... Il.ticr. Of trvi-n^_ine--ntor Plant. No. 117.9 Proceedings of 21C OF C%UNCIL" •Jr _. City of Paducah A IGu: T 2ND, 1926, _ ;'c:nt:ar Vort offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, the requoat F. 0. Jackson u:' B. 0. Jackson for refun3 of ,'4.50, Poll Tax paid for the ,years 1924, 1925 and 1926. Doll tax w£t:nd. Jeet�d on the call of the roll: 'leas (11). :'ember Owen offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, tho request of Oliver. - r. G. Prs. C, G. Oliver for rl-fund of ;6.00, Pall Tax paid for the years 192,x, 1924, 1925 and Oli s 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ' ;:er:i,er Fleming offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the request Lula B. Stavely. of Lula B. Stuvely, for refund of ;x4.98, refund on taxes for automobile. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Eembor Korth read a resolution entitled "A RiSOLUTION GRaNTING PEMTI:'"301I Resolution, 0"'1"'n '.0 GR,D•. di:D GR.,VEL JACKSON STRF.i3T FROM 21ST STREET TO THE GEORGE ' Grade and ^, _ . LIi.I,,,IJ: Tr:: CITY OilPA AJC,;H, KENTUCKY, IN xC(:ORDANCF. '''1TH THE PLANS nJID . gravel Jackson St, r ;,);3 Pi:,)VI7:•:> .'i:i•:?•,FOa BY THd CITY ENGINE; -11R, ANU SUBJECT TO VE SUPEIVISIoll frcm 21st to G<_o.•", "-OL OF THE 30:: OF P1,13LIC "JORKS, n Greif rest line. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yoas (11). "i;` Sts'.{c•, - - - - . �•r _ ._+ion :ln,? hr,ra acrfaccd route. as son as On motion the, rules vrere stLspendod .and resolution read''by title'upon: the call -of the roll: Ye,,s (11). On motion amte bras given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Ordinance. Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDI'l,M;E PROVIDIJIG FOR THE' I1.1P110JEEENT HArd surfwe0� ". - :q r; ,CJ; ';rnRXT F1i0" THE EA3T PROPERTY LINE OF 7TH STREET TO `PIP: '''EST PROPERTY ::ashington St. from 7th : 1..7. OF 6TH >, , GTR ^.TR ET FROM TIP. ',jUTH PROPERTY LINE OF 1:4:SHINGTOt: STREET TO Tied' 'p 6th,^ta. 5th frcn :rn`H P1r_,F3gTv LI^. OP CLA'?F 30R}EET, IN 'r11•. CITY Oi'' PADU(;,,i, KBNTUC•:Y, BY Till' CONSTRUCTION `eshington to Clar'r. 0 ' i'tr C3 i0 'r -:,,y, TOGsTHi;R :I VH ALL NECE33.- RY 1.1:,11HOLES, INT,iTES, CATCH BASIN. '10:13, IN ACCORD-XCE 'WITH THE PLANS ADD SPEC IFIC ::T IONS PROVIDED I :i:'OIII ;rR :,T rtl': COST OF '[4i •; i,.31JTrlNG PRuPER'1'Y OMljiRS AND t1cCR.1Ci.ii11 COMUY H.:VING AGREED TO APPROPRIATE ITS PORTION OF 3.V) GMT? OF 1JCH C-17137RUC'_"ION ASSRSSABLE ACnitIST Tilln PROPER'T'Y O':'?lEn,3, .. - ... - -, . .. .... THE Y ?OVI"IO;JS OF • tl. TE'N Y':•,R P.1Yri1i::T ' -- - rw a '-was given first nassago upon the call of the roll: Yens (.11). ` '•-..... rules sere suspended and ordinance read by tittle upon tiro r: ..,;pn s"r..•, : ,s ;,,ivcn second an,! £Snail naasa,;e upon the call of the ,-or•i,n ;hat, %he Plscal GO11ri be requested to notify the Cit of th<: ' o.^,r of hart a::rfecing street; around the Court hard Surf.:•s .. ,,. - ..._ ,;. r' •. r.., rail: 'iel.a (11). arour.'f- Ho'jae, _ ..._.... -,nat :tie .ioard r,:' : - i; : .grks he Lnntructed to 9'r. trtei '. :'! `,, ? if necessary 1,6 1— . r•1 woo.:} Lltiok anti tiravol • ..._ .... - .. ... .. .'e:.._ ,:9iA *n'n e';Cf1 af!17 fir} "i;` Sts'.{c•, - - - - . �•r _ ._+ion :ln,? hr,ra acrfaccd route. as son as No _ . 31:0 .--- --- _. . - Proceedings of_. ;o.,R pF cetinc iLr.31 City of Paducah . AUGIE_ —, UD, 1V26— Member Kerth offered motion that the Chief of Police be instructed Rope off Bway. btw. to rope off Rroat2way between 7th Lind 8th Streets, Sunday Evcninga from 7:30 7th and 8th on Sunday evenings, o'clock P. '°., to the end a services conducted on Y.II.C.A, lawn, so long as such services tare held. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). (Member Kerth read an ordinance entitled "iOl ORD111iiV H, PROVIDING Ordinance. FOR ME G0:1; ^ UCTION OF CO?ICR'r'TR GUTTEPS, 6ND CURBS F.ITlii.R OF CONCRETE, 07 CTtriIII` E, uoncrete putters l and curbs, etc/, .`,,000?MNG TO BID ACCEPTED, TOGETh7T? 'ITh ALL NECE039aRY iIANBOLES, INT,,TRS, C.,TCH Jefferson 24th St. from -; PIP CONNECTIONS ON 24TH STRIaia PROM THE NORTH PR IT'P Y LINT: OF Jefferson to (.ion- Ii:. ..... .., s.: �: ' � ,,r^� roe Sts. J ITREST TO THE SOUTH P%tOPERTY LIKE. OF KONROE STREriT, IH THE CIi't OI'' j KENPCICKY, IN yCCii'"1'; C'•: ':ITH THE PLr613 AND SPI-WIFICATIONS PROVIDED TI1FRE- I FG UITY :;?:GL"•E;iti9, fit' 003T OF THE ABUTTIPIG PROPERTY 0".RNiRS, AND PROVILW ING 71 .'i ::?!i CO';T 0,' 1XII UONS'`IICTION 1.LY BE P:+ID IN ACCORII=E' '.'I CII THE' PRO- VISIONS OF THts Tai Yt:nR Y.;19:iU::'C PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of t1,c rola: 'teas (11). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion same was ,given second and final passage upon the cal' of t:e roll,. Yeus (11). Member Stewart excused from meeting. :':star mains on Member Doherty offered motion that petitions for crater mains JecY_son St. from 21st to 25th Sts, on Jackson Street from 21st to 25th Streets; on 4th 6treet from Elizabeth to 4th from clizabetP, Georgie Street' on 13th Street from Hampton Avenue to Palm Street to r•eorge; 13th P , he referred to from Hampton to Palm. the Light Fc ::'iter uomnittee. 'adopted on the call of the roll: Yer's (10). Same offered motion that the annual report of the Paducah tater Annual report Paducah Water Co. Company be received and filed. t.dopted on the call of the roll: Yalta Same offered motion that the renort of the Paauchh tater "ompany Report Paducah +ater Co. of mains under date of Jul', Slat, 1926, of water mains laid, be referred to the city laid. naineor and Fire Chief. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). ('ember Borth and 1.1ember Jacobs excusal from meeting. 1'ember Dclrorty offered motion to refer to the Licht t: '7ator Light at et:" ^t. alley between Sttir' the requuat for lit;nt at the 6tla street opening, of the alley :Ariel -i rsaay. h Ky. avenue. . les ec•n dro',dway end ',:onturky .,.venue. Adopted on the call of the roll: tent tela. effete I notion to ratify dood from '•:m. Hacl.ley to -pa. Cemetery l.eod to ' urs• Boyer. 498, Block ';e. 2, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Mop+,,,;.1 on the Gwen orferort r:,otion to recoivo and file Eatinat:, of Blue;,, h Veatchb'emir-r ^ewer r•nsan no. .. .. .. ar,. Kral ler i'lur:binr Company in :',.,'.. :.ore.; ;:os. 2 2. 4 ant 5. . , I,; the roll: Yoan (8). tl C`•04rt. 0f ... .-•. ,.. 11'.lon t0 rf�eyiv.l an !'tlu the r,.r..:•'. R'V"" le "0801 t4l. .. . .<.;a_. .. ... ... ... -. .. ..... ruI 'llriin E't.. In of, 9eser 7r.r.a frr .. - '. -.�1qy .;i?r:i•.::• *'.o trinr, In ., i,. -.n r..:•••.r,^,tri,• a rear Acw:nr.:tcun a• d ; L'•lny, aaP^: er.a ar.'1 .. ..-.. ... , ... ,.. :•1'qt. arL1. !'6RrC..-. .' Wtiat art 1St.. #'crrce xear, Cf ., ...•e;r�L L.:o ::.yr;•- .:.s:o_cy a'<ar:k ,°. 'it:utr.Pr to do t'r:�-- nr.,,+,.::-,•.,.. ,,..t tent tela. No. Proceedings of . `_c:, - .4: :: __: ':'. City of Paducah _ .- ,'ijzu. ` l 2111), 1926. Srummett offered motion to concur in tike action of the Board of Irvin S. ,1'.9ermen in alloxan oxemptions of tar,^s to the Irvin ,. Cobb Cigar Comnarrr foi• the Cobb Cicar Co. rear 1926. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays. (8), Member Fleming offered motion to concur in the action of the Boarrl of Communica- ,,l:ln•-en in rcferrinq to the Folice e, FireCommittee, '.jith tion from omm power to act, the communication Fire blef ­7 association. e ra Fire Chief Association. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yens: Johnston, R,Tzm^^tt and ?leminF (3). Mays: Crider, Doherty, Owen, Vogt and '7atson (5). ;'cr.'ier O'rren read an ordinance enl;itled "All O!?DI71 17u;( ABOLISHING THE Assistant r=•?r: ,,_: •'=c-^._. 7 CI'CY P'r1Y.SICIri1 I1C T1Ii CITY 0?' r:, LU::.11. Same lost first passage City Phyei- clan. ;coon rine call of the roll: ;lays: (8), Member Owen read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR aolution. -. Grading & ` rr- +:! . C l;,,-.,"r OF J,.C" ` 011 STIUi �7T FROI'. T?}: EAST LI?P_: OF ill-. ,7HITTEI'0' X ADDITION TO ^lNr: Gr Graveling L7­7, 0- 25Tr'. RIR L,T; ,L,30 FRO:' P11H '.,'EST C1iiB LINK OF rUTHRIE AVLNUE TO TRE "/EST Jsckson St, from Whit t. :Y LINE Oil 213T >^3 i•:'i, IN THr UI'PY OF PADUCiOl, KE'ITUCYY, BY TH:{ G1z',DINO aND Add, to 25th; Guth, r- ;; OF 9t7­, TO"::T_}i::? 1a ;,LL 1;i-,CE3^;RY 1.1-11 ROLES, INT,.K7•,3, CATCH ''.:i,;IN3 AND to 21st. PIPE CONNP.CTIONS, IN ::UCO ":7'OE ":ITH THE P1­113 AND SPE•:CIFIL iTIONS PROVIEr.0 THE'? 'FOR 3Y HCITY LNGI11EER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTI-NG PROPERTY O'!iii•I'?S, AND PROViIDIMG THi.T THE C-7 '.UCH CON T3UUTI0II 11kY 3E PAID IN AC007MNCE ':'ITII 11R PROVISIONS OF THE TH21 n..n FL.;*I Year On motion same was given first passage upon tile call of the roll: tB)I, ' -On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon tho call of the roll: Yeas (81, On motion same ;ras given second and final passage upon the call .- t':r• rrll: Zeas (8)• Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldozaen Black h in regard to employlnq Blac'r, & Veatch for Engineering street paving, as recommended by Veatch emolo7ed. ,oar,i of Public, ::or'✓.s. l+donted on the call of ti,e roll: `.'oas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of in r^.Nevin.- tilr,. Ul.ty engineer of any responsibility in the construe Ion of Envineer, no:; vn•ler ^,. car,^t. ;bionted on tl e call of the roll: Yean (8). "�'+luno+,len •.:tt offered motion to concur in the act.lon of the r,3.-,!,nation of G. C. ::unleton, as ,!aalstant City c:n;;ineer. ^a. r ll: teat (8). io^ion to eon;:ur in the notion of the Board of hor••aaa,� turu•e are unpaid tax bills for the coat p.t;rable to the Koller Plumbif:R full pa•naent of said w .. _. . •... .:.. .•.!irk, the bum of tr, pay to aat�! ra3h +:cline'.; {.. rh,: 6,Cr, vP SjQr"�G.;l3, +,n..! ....rC .1•,J ::19:,.;'0t' b:.. t,'vor .,, n', .: izc'1tc b� ,� 'dj;,'/,i�Ii t0 'U'rer ttte ucfoai : be l.r.^:e U.* s,I LeA ?::'i: e, +t.^, j ?r p: -1rP ew sacnr•i' , "n•• .::+,.i: lor.r ,, al : uP •nWl tax b31:b," :;4 p'.cc9anpall c *:•'. r{,Il: lens ofterial motion to c:,r.�•r. 1r: tL'. ,r:r .. ,;; ur.. '+rnr: q.! Ai�iee�er. in. allorinu *504.66 a-111tir.,ral for. tbo- r«fLlr','1lr:u of 10`' 'r•lanrr.''• . `III& that have alraniy been pai: in fall !or 1 p[r.3 on .. ^:al t. IE�iL Qkr +ratAC,n t ne 7ov.^end .. ., :... ..-P_la.: .., .the Y^•. ..... No.---25Aa.-.--- --- — - - Proceedings of_Ba=• ?.-, ivl City of Paducah Member Orson offered motion to concur in the action of the >;onrd of Special Engineering pay roll. l.ie.r.an in allo^:in? Special EnF;incering Pay Roll in tile. amount of 02G7.74. :adopted on the call of the: roll: Yea3 (8). Same offered motion to concur in the _.ction of the Hoard of Aldermen Claim Black h in allorrirr; the claim of Black & Veatch for .00. .do the call of the vc,tch. �• 4950Ptod on no roll: Yoas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the P.oard of l+ldermen Claim of Koller rlumbing Co. in allowing the claim of the Koller Plumbing Company for the construction of for Relief Sewer for Sewer oistrict Relief Sewer for Server District Do. 2, prior to August the 1st, 1926, in the amount No. 2. of :1677.95. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Grider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Claim of J. M.Rouse of Aider -.en allowing the claim of J. T.T. Rouse for work done on Island Creek wa ork en lslana Creek Bril,!o in the remount of :;2772.25. Adopted on the call of the roll:.. Yens (8). Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board U. G. Appleton of ..lderr.en in allotiiing the salary of C. G. Appleton, Assistant City Engineer, for salary allowed. the last hull of July in the amount of X175.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ye%s (a). Fay roll and claims. I.'.ember Oaon offered motion to concur in the action of the 3o,r•d of _.ldermen in allowing the following: Claims ..... i67778.77; pay roll.... .,;10632.68. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Revort or Member Brummett offered motion to receive and file the report Chief of rollce. of the Chiff of Police for the month of July, 1926. Adopted on the cail.l of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the City Report of Gity Jailer for the month of July 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ycas (6). Jailer. On motion meeting, adjourned. -'fr(D: - 1926. 61TY CLERK, P Sr I' WV 'tO..;(D C Cu NCIL UY. r�