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Minutes Book 17, Page 327, July 6, 1926
No. Proceedings of City of Paducah JULY 6TH, 3,926. At an adiourned mccting of the Board of Counellmon hold on the Third Floor of 'he pity IIall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, July Gth, 1926, President Johnston presided, and upon the call of the roll the following anaaered to their. names: Johnston, 9rummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Korth, Onen, Stcwart, Vogt, ,atson unI ".atts. (11). Member Ovion offered motion to receive and file communication disapproving an ordinance providing for the closing of a portion of an alley, running from 21st Street to 22nd Street, botween Jefferson and i.Ionroo Streets, to the extent of 12 feat off of the :,ouch side of sai:i alley, provided the property oviners adjacent therego, dedicate two feet of ground on the North side of said alley between 21st and 22nd Streets, and directing the City Solicitor to institute an action of the McCracken Circuit Court, to carry out the provision hereof. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea3 (11). '..'ember Berth offered motion that the city Solicitor bring in a resolution .... ,.. t_ and ordinance for the construction of concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter on the north side of Husbands Street from 6th Street to 7th Street, as requested by J. P. Smith. 0 7th. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member 17atts offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the matter of ro?, raf::ndin.7 ;1.50 Poll Tax to Thomas L. Eviing. ^dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member 41erth offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor and Board of ."olley. Evaluation, the matter of reducing the assessed valuation of L. P. Molloy on property at 1717 Yalison Street, 0810.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the rq-commendation of the City Solicitor cancollinr Tax Bill against the Y. i+. C. A., on property at ;707 Broadway. Adopted -.^:e call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Korth offered motion that deed for strip of ground on Goebel avenuo n•1.7ayme Jones, be accepted, and they be allowed $600.00 for same, same to ' a:aarc,;d to Rir; t -Of -",ay Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion that deed for strip of ground for the extension of Doel Geo.", Jackson -trent from Geor.,e :1. Greif and Fritz E. Metztar be accepted. Adopted on the 'all of th. rel'_: 7taa (11), ';•t^;.o^ an offered motion to receive and fdle Estir.ate No. 5 of Black A. - of' ::or": +.h,; Zeller Plumbing Company in Seiner 'hone No. 2, prior to July s Lqy . 1926. •lopt!;d on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). off�rnd motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in .,:A t•rr.r i:•.ie :e: .in¢ doed for strip of f7ra and on ••ashington Street from Mrs. Minnie Bernhard. of the roll: Year (11). . , or+ananec entitle•1 "i.;i ORDJN.,110id PROVIDING FOi3 THE 01? G*3f-'lCl: ACCORDING TO iGII-Bn3I113 ;:YD 24 _..., r•:.. ! n • %i ti i upon Y I '528 No.--- - - -- Proceedings of BO.CID of collNCIL': c:: City of Paducah JULY 6TH, 1926. Member ',att offered motion to refer to 'tile City Solicitor rind Chief of the Fire Department, report of the Paducah Water Company under date of July 2nd, �r0' .. o'' ,. ..✓r. inoah ..r.':c•r ,.nf •' or 1926, of water mains laid and fire plugs located. e:doptod on tho call of the roll: -,.dins i :::: i irc r1urs located. Yeas (11). Same offered motion to refer to the Ligrit & ':later Committee, petition f Mater mNins on for :^nter mains on the folloraing named streets: Tae nty-fourth Strect from Trimble 24th St., "C' St. 25th It.t and Street to l`ildred Street; "C" Street from Guthrie Avenue to Dheeler Avenue; Bach -man .t. 25th street from Mildred to the Ilinkleville Road; & Bachman Street .from 8th t6 9th Street. :adopted on the call of the roll: `leas (11). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the following recommenda- tion of the Fire & Police Committee: "Whereas, there confronts the Fire Department � I the following problems: New truck, building problem p©rmits, electrical inspec- tions and re -organization of stations, and believing that the thirty day suspension .7.':. Sl.,,,r7h ter, I Fire E.^.ief. would serve no good purpose, we, the members of the Police.& Fire Committee, recommend that same be set aside, and Chief Slaughter continue in charge without suspension. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Brummett, Fleming, Berth, Ste^:art and '.?atts. (5). Nays: Johnston, Crider, Doherty, Owen, Vogt and Watson � Member Brummett offered motion that J. I.I. Slaughter be'allotired to j remain as Fire Chief the balance of month without pay, adopted on the call of i the roll: Yeas: Brummett, Fleming, Korth, Ogren, Stewart and Watts. (6). Plays: i Johnston, Crider, Doherty, VoFt and latson. (5). , Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the pity of 'ity _ .. Jailer for the month of June, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). i Same offered motion to receive and file the reuort of the Chief of of thief of Police for the month of June, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ?ember Ogren offered motion that the Police and Fire Committee be instructed to bring in an ordinance amending that portion of Traffic Ordinance I PF:. _., r- _. i frc eoverning parking on South 2nd Street from Broadway to Kentucky Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member "latts offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the „•:oc "r•o;, 9th toI'ayor in re -considering a Resolution for hard surfacing; of Clay Street from 9th .. ,.: from I le to loth 'treets, and HpiV 10th Street from Clay to Trimble Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas.(11). ::emter Brummett offered motion to concur in the recoc:r.endation of { nor in re -considering a resolution providing for the gradin; nnI graveling i ---z 'treefrom. 19th to 17th Streeta, and 17th Street to the Railroad property. „• .... on the call of th^, ro�1: Yeas (11). ' Member i�erth offered motion that ah ordinance enti tlaed "All F707IDIi1 i c'On TTU' CL: I:i" OF .. 11ORTIO11 0? All ALLEY RUNNING FROM 21sT ' .. „ ;, •, •.,tin:.. OF l""i?L C 227: mar° T, B :T.+E Il J _Fir i OII iOld''O': aTRI,,E :' TO -Tri,, ;•. TEN IN � TII ? P'?0PI; t v 0-1111033 nA7ACPi11'i THERE - i :i 'i:.•; OF :=t ALL %` 213T AND Tv ''. .._ )'1I'IOII: ....".r-rFw 'I third given and ^iral nasaa^6 La crus t ns _,,c•-; . y Veto .,,• .._-.�•.....?.i:�, ..,e los,, third and final passage upon ti;e call ;f tre rol:. :- 'I PM No. 7,2`4. Proceedings of. City of Paducah JULY 6TH, 1926. Member .,.crth read an ordinance entitled "j.N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE OW LAY FROM f1p.; :2,T PIWERTY LINE OF 9TH 3TREXT Do THE ','.'F,3T 10711 10'M :--T FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINN OF CLAY STREET OF TRMBLE STREET, IN CITY OF Pj'.DUCAH, KE11TUCXY, BY Tin. -7i' OF A HARD-SURFACE..AY, TOGETHER �'.ITH ALL NECESSARY MAN -HOLES, INT.,',M,',S, T: AN- -'�',IER PIPECON' _` M, CTIONS, IN 1000RIIANCE '71TH PRE PLANS AND SPECTI'MiTI0113 _7 ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF T!lr :,.BUTVING PROPERTY 0!7111-1Rl, SLUH CONSTRUCTION 1.!AY Bill PAID IN ACCOTRANCE 1."ITH THE PLAN." en motion 7iven first pas,age upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On notion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the rcli: Yeas (11). .,amt read a resolution entitled "a RESOLUTION P90VIDING FOR THE IMPROV OF CLI77r 323E: -,T FRO11 71-113 & ST PROPERTY LINE OF 19TH STREET TO THE :TEST PROPERTY CLARK STREET F10111 THE E.%.;T P()I1hRTY LINE OF 17TH STREET: LINE' OF 1771; 2,TR=; THENCE ON '79' -::-7 PPOPER-1i LINE OF 1`1113 NE'.7 STREET TH T IS BEING BUILT BY THE P. C. RAILROAD IN V.3C17f OF P,.X(;;,.H, KENTUCKY, BY THE GRADING AND GRAVELING OF SYd.TE, TH ..LL NECI�:�F.`-.?Y 1:AN-HOLES, fIMMS, C.'iTCH BASINS n'!D SIV - 71313 PIPE CONTIECTIONS' IN AC?330?7 "CE "ITA THE PLANS -,'ID SPECIFIC.,,TIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGI11100t, (j1.1 Tl?.19TTTTING P73OPERTY O"'INERS, AND PROVIDING MtT 1HP COST OF SUCH "_'/ BE P.ID IN ACCORDANCE 17ITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YIP T? PAYMENT Pi,,:N. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion the rules were suspended ttnd resolution road by title upon the' call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion --ane 'aas given second and final passage upon the call of the Yeo-_ Morr`,er Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of I A2der-,en in allowir.r! :T. --. i Rouse v1213.47 for work done on Island Crook BridF*,e. :(loptcd on rh,c 'hc of -oll: jC-1--.1; notion to concur ir. the action of the Board of AldoTlren, !r,, :t_7:,ovcment Bowls and Gounons cancelled in the amount of .10. 11 of the roll: Yeas (11). c'frf,d notion to concur in the action of the 11oard of Lcmi-anniial inter,:2t an A00,000.00 Third District -,11 of th;,. roll: vp;,3 on to cnr,r.ur In the action of tho Board of .'1!71 Of ;,1QCk j, *;(,a j-, for or Adopted on 1:he Call or 0n Monc. to _ir in $1'1f:iction of thi., ll .Ra of intene-st, on ,.IrW, CO !*chool jtrjprov(!jn(,r,,t Y, ytn for of Re— :4. Proceedings of Na 3as�-oF cuu?acI :.: s^ City of Paducah -JULY-6TR-, 1926.- -. ?.;ember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Rowrd of Cashie"`s Fund. Aldermen in allowing the Cusbior's fund ;;183.69. Adopted on the call of tile, roll: Ye -.s (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of eildermen in I r Pay roll a::1 claims. allcrrin the following: Clairas......:;l174245.34; pay roll.....010958.34. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member .;atts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of City Directories. Aldermen authorizing the turchasing Agent to subscribe for seven now City I Directories. Adopted on the call of tho roll: Yeas (11). t:ember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of tno Board of I i Financial re^ort of Aldermen in receiving and filing Financial Report of the Finance Committee of Finance Coc:mittee of city's exnendi- the City's expenditures. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ,. res. Member !7atson offered motion to concur in :the action of the Board of � i T3oar-1 of ?fealty Zc Aldermen extending the time of the Board of Realty and Improvement Evaluation for v Imrroesr-,nt Evalue- 1 tion `ime ex':en:Ped, silty days. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in authorizing the Board of Public ':forks to repair the floor of Broad Street `,o ne re0 irel. Bridge over gross Creek. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Renort of Fire Chief—idermen in receiving and filing; the report of the Fire Chief for the month of j Jure. .,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Watts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of C:;•. 'on of Alder:, -en in referring to the Police & Fire Committee, the communication from J. I.J. %cr, Fire ; Slaughter, Chief of the Fire Department, regarding the closing; of tw;o fire stations. "'10 .fire Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeus Llember Kerth read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE REGULATING PLUMBERS nND PL'tT.:3ING IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEITTUCKY; PROVIDING FOR A 130ARD OF OF PLLi, B'ER i FOR TN'r: PURPOSE OF ASSISTING IN SUCH R'�'GULATION; AND T'"=::C' _-+'': , 'i?: PENALTY FOR ANY VIOL,,71011 R0R1X'OF." Same lost first passage upon the call of the roll: Nags : John^ton, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming„ Owen, Stewart, Vogt and '.atson.(9). T:embers Korth and ":acts not voting. ?;ember Steuart offered motion that the City Engineer be instructed to rive ;trad(-- on 22nd street, from '7a3hington to Clar;c Streets, so property owners from ':'nsb. >ts. can build side'aalks on 22nd "'treet. ,,doated on tho call of the roll: Yeas (11). 1:ember ',7atts offered motion to concur in the action oJ' tile, Board of instructing, +;,:; cit;; :.olicitorl to hrin, in a resolution for tile. e tendon or: RO:-d frcr: 24t:! 13trnr,t to the City Limit:). „donted n the rtiil o,, the roll: Yeas (U). 0:: mot ion re:e tines adi0urncd t0 •.—«t F:^irla;; nirht, .Tal;r the 9th at, 7:30 o'ri�ick p 11. , i j I o'+.