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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 32, April 7, 1924Cum
' � lf�" 192
I:x,. al r -s, U�.�. ! �
.LL .i *tlu� of :�, hoz�rd of uoxu:ilmon h,l`i ou axl/'lsz Floor of !
vo '-ou6oy, April ;he 71:h, 19x�, z-ai.'
�n c: ����x �o ��,�� o�z�x; n�s
�t:^ Bou, 0o:ux�), xr-�er, Jacobs, ��h,
%i-n:.oa of tht, r;[ulcz :»"tin| o.' i,,rch the 17th, Io:,, -:iern z.��ioytod as
os ii -.r u o� thn call .otiot. of ��roh the 28th, e4oycod as r*ud.
"rztb offered motion to concur in the uotiou of the Board of Health
C^` -"oz. in -^^a to oolacxju[ Dr. J. Eiro*mt Fox, as HeuIf6 Officer for the City of
muou;�eu on o�ll oz ��* roll �� the �oIIpxiz� �nto, ���u� //��\
. »' - '
M.mbe^ Zorriuou offo:ccd moLivo that the fiudiuSo of the Joint Fiu�.uoo
:�- i'�see` 311,0.71e by th�ir r^pvrt, be aIIovwd and the Clerk., to anzhorlzad to i: -no
On 2I-Caonrer no 9 .r oe�x
��e �*�coti�o �unto shown therein;
.-Y 2O���
Ti^e Department ........................................ l3e0^66/
Police v ,,..,,,.,.,,.,,,,.,,,,,.....,.,,,,,,,.l482^O0'
Le�iula�iva ...,..................................... 44O.00
zxacnt;va °,^,,.,,,,..,,.,.,,.,,..,..~..,~..,....,.,8-3O.00/
City Hell EmyIoyeoa.,.,.,.,.~,,,,,,..,.,.,.~^,,,.°,,. 57.50,
CityJail............................................ 100.00'
Cbs,ity..,....,.,,,..,.,,,..,,...,..,,,^,,...^,...., l4l°66/
.,°.,,,."^"..^.,^,,,.,...^,.^~....,.,,,,,,^,,.,,, 41.08
.,, u07^OV:
.,......,,,,,,,,~~,..,,,,...,,,,^,. 587,46 �
^�,,...,,,..,,.,...,..,,..,,.,,..,..,.,.,.,.,,.... 8"34i'
........................................... 60,00'
,,...,..,,.,.,,..,~,.~,.,,.,...,,.,. 63.50'
�^7 ..^,.,.^,.,,,.,,,,.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,~.,..,..,, 37°50.-
...................................... ...
O'.^,..,,..,.^,,,,,,,,,,,..,,^^,,..,^,,,..,..~.. 75^00'
.................................. 35^,19 /
nnr�o.,.,..,.,,,.,,,,,,.,.,,,.,.,^~,, 25^02!
��uc ....,,,,.,.,.,..,,,,,..^..°..,.,.,.,,.,,,^ 175°30
............................................ 67.74/
..^..^..,,,,.^.^^,,^.,...,.,.,,..~°,,^,~,^ �Ou^50/
.,,..,^.,..,,...,^.,,....,.,,~,,..., 7O5.���
' /
. .,,.,^.^,°,^,.,^,`,.,,,.,.,,,,,,,^,.,^^ .
Also 7ollo-,:iu ----lo�����,�
�r...,.........,,..,..,....,.,.,...,,. 775,00'
` l80 �O'
.^,.,,...,,,.,,...,.^.^ ^ /
.,....,..,,,.,.,,,,,,,...,.,,..,,,,. 26.00 �
,.........,...,.^..,,,.,...,..,.,,.,.,~, "'.00
-�... - ,.....,,....,..,...,..,..,.....,, l0z.'.O/
......................... L5~00
. /
.�`�...,�........,,.......,.,,.,...,,.,,.,.° 1.00
.....,.,.....,..,.,.,,,.^,,....,^..,,,^ 2�!:°00
'.........,,.....,.......... 54~00 ~
`.,.,,^.,.,.,,^,.^^^,....,,,, 6G"25 '
,,,....,...,,..,......,..... �-08'
��^�—�.,.^,,^^,,.^,^...,^..,..,,..,.,.. :1,0. 40
o^^a^ Cox m 7 ...... '�.11 a� ��` ioll by 1h«
T:a�� '�'i�c^ J�.o.-,
No. -33.
APIL7'TH, -192,i,.
LPllUOi 1.70.Cri50j1 0-;'fol.OLI Moi-ioll to allow Ioa:,M11t,lirk; mudc fi-om the Caohir,:vls
,urilj- i,.arch. 192zl, -::Rich avc, to i.ho, dil'forent
co_ ................................ 0.00
z); . 1, 1 i:. z ............................. 10. ;O
n' ....................... .......
............................... ....... 19. 00
.1 t, let ........................................ 100.95
................................... 36.56
Board ;f Hc_,lth ............................... 9
Ch-_-.rizy ....................................... 1.06
3RD- Dist. Sean............................... 2.05
on the call of the roll by the folloz'in,- vote: Yeas: Watts, Bou.f-'no, Gouh,
C-idei, Jacobs, Kerth, Eason, Lorrison, 0, Ri,erlesberger, Spicer and ote:,rart. (12).
1,'t7r.bPr Korrison ot"fered motion to alloy the Board of Education of the City
ds their proportion of taxes collected, and th,; Clork be instructed to
7ic-., ,variants on the Treasurer for some, as folloas-.
1922 Taxes collected ........................... (�17.09
Due 65/230ths to Board .......................................
191,3 T'—'Ces c011eci--ed .......................... 269.98
Due 75/238ths to Board ..................................... $5.07
Total 5)89.90
Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas: 'Nai:ts, boilf-eno,
Coch-3n, Ca:idet, Jacobs, Kerth, 1.1ason, 11orrison, 0-:ien, Ri�;rlesber,-er, Spicer and 6tewart.
Lember 111orrison offered motion that the. Engineer's Estimate for 17ork done
_iin,- Larch 1924, on Contract No. 3-A for seviers, trunk line extensions and extra
'.Voi::, be ap�)xoved and the City Clerk be instructed to issue proper warrant on the
-'.LC-a8ui-er 'to nay E. R. Harding Company the folloainU sums:
Sewers. ................................. ,12372 31',
Trunk Line Ext .................................. -1420:76
Extra '.7or:c ...................................... 84.00
TI -1--1877.07
Adopted on the call of roll by the follo-'riil� vote, Yeas'. 'Natts, Bol—eno,,
Crif,-,er, Jacobs, Kerth, E.orrison, 0'.*ion, Ri, Ulesber,ei,, ZD-niuer and
offilred motion -wicl. thA Engineer's Lonthly Estimate for done
I L .:arch 1921, on Contr�et :To. !,,, "or street coils rrl'c ti 011, be anproved all'i the City!,
rizr.d anti in3 7;ructed to i -,;-re Improver;,, nt 3arr_nt to Yancy r,, Johnc3onj
or the :�u.m of same beint" 65,a of the total 0_'_ '70-
(_11 O'f roll follo'-"'ill' vote: Yc a<s: Bet: enol r
Ouen, Ri—losibex— c,
I or orr.
,'or -.-rd tiri
t 4
.1ctrli to 1-1:"Lo Y411CY
La:101;nt 0:1
L by '.hf!
Bo"I eno,
0 3rd Diztric-t
i)7 4"A. "011:,
Commissioners` APRIL 72H,
ssioners' Proceedings; -City of Paducah 192,1.
c. J. -cobs oZ`crcd Laotion th> Ci -,y 0' F_ Convey by cL,,:it Cl,.im deed
ai z;O Vida i :. Lot ':0. '17411, Block oak Grove Cemetery, --or t :o ;ium of Fifty
'c d deed
City Clerk �e inst.ueted a'U".,"Orizcd lo oi,,n
o ,'t ;he call
11; xy a I —Ad conveyance in. Deed Book. Adopted or t
collo ,in.. vote: Yeas: Watts, BOL:—(,no, Cochran, Cri+Ier,
..Oz. on, -en, 7:i,ilt-sbor-vr, bpi -%or and 6Lwuart. (ILI).
;uc000 offoied motion that the, City of convey by suit Claim decd;
Lot No. 6, Block I-!, ITew Addition, Oak Grove Cemetery, for the sum
an', the Ci;:y Clerk be instructed anti; z,L,_orized to oi, ; n
pacor-ex entry of s_—id conve.yunce in Cemetery Deed Book. "dopted on
o-, tll, Loll by th- follo-inf- vo',:e: Yeas: 'Vatts, Bou. eno, Cochr-ii, Crider, Jacobs,
11-.or.ic,on, O., Spicer and btC;,'-;art. (12).
Jacobs offered thf. folio fin motion. That the City o:' -paducah convoy
Dieeci Caj.1 1-1. Thom-oson, Lot ITO. 112511, Block "li!", Oak Grove CeMcAor.*,
an:; thuu the. City Clnrk be
C117P.1 0.'. Ninety Five(95.00)Dollars,
to Sij,,n sai6 deid _;ild:make ',.roper entry of -,-lid convey -nee
Doo'-,. -dorsed on the call o".' the roll by the folloviin,, vote. Y,"as:
Crider, Jacobs, orth, Mason, Lora:_J8on, Owen, Ki,' LAc-sber, -a-,
offnved motion that the City of Pa,:nzcs.h convey by Quit Claim Deed to
Vi Lo is ITO. 112811, in Block 111cill, of Oak Grove Comic twry, Nw:i addition,
f Nine s; that the City Clerk be instructed o -ty(90.00)Dolla.L and
to zi-,n said deed a. d ra_.::e proper entry of said conveyance in the Cemetery
0'". 4tdoDted on the call o Liar- roll by th•> follo-^in., vote: Yeas: iattS,
Cri6er, jaco:_,s., K�rth, Lorrison, &:ien, UEe_-IcsberLrH.r" S' icer
.-.Otion thl- transfer of one-h-Af of Lot _-Io. 1129", Block
"rX.-, H. Lorqan to Arthur L. Dunn, be
0- roll by zhe vote: Y:'-;,S'S' Bou cno,
0 !in, 1?il I 6ber, nr, 6pic°z and btf-,%,rart. (ILI)
ur - f- read a resolution entitled:-
71 0
7'; R I U
0- $75000.00 IN EU H —1-01 1:..Y
t rr I.: ;l 'Y' _-'.UD :.0-- 01. Ti:
on M 0 i, :J -L.. �L, 'i t paa afollo--e by the -.,7in
- vote.: Yea:;: 4att3,
S' t; 1, f ,
a rozolu:ion entitled "A RESOLU2IOI,
7:Mi ;." On motion
fi_u e by the followin vote; Yeas: ',iatt.,;- Bou,--eno,
1, 6rllc( r
No. 86.
t�c>3 tt2i sie.Weis:. Pl c»eeaing , :(':fty-:�f::P�cl:uczh::: a�_SIL
7TH, -192-
3I mber Ri :;-lesberj or read an ordinance ,retitled "AN ORDIVANCE PRESCRIL'•IIIG
Or r.:a 3iiGERS Ir RE=ROLi, AT <iiE UNION STATION IN _'H: CITY OF Pl.DUC::H, ::'i:aCi:Y; .;ND
I::Ii+G A PSIinI2Y EOc, iY VIOLn'a'IOir HciiEOr'." On )ao,,ion o_' same the above ordinance '.vast
:+-:1 first rassa�-e on the call of the roll br the follo:'in- vote: Ycas: NA't`YS, �
BJ". `. .ti0, Cochr1 n, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Idii::011, i;orri.;on, Oven, Rl('[ lr,4b h?T er, '.'Dicer !
I1-). On )notion of r,+1;, Lir rules --,ere su.;pended :--nd ordinance Eras ,
pyo by title upon t1:= c..11 0.. Lho roll by the folio:•in; vote: '17atto, Bon; enol
+:.._ Cridea-, J:cob..-:, t:erth, 1_:ison, I1:orrinon, O";en, Rid 1..'3ber�81', C,'C:ice-r and !
On motion: of sama the above ordinance was 1:iven second e .d finall passage upon
-:e call of the roll by the followin vote: Yeas: 17atts, Boureno, Cochr.n, Crider,
i:.Cobs, -:Firth, 1..OTrison, Rile'-,C-er, Spicer f.Cld Stewart. (12).
liember Riz lesirerger read a resolution entitled "A 1ZISOLUMV THAT THE i
i .HE :TORTE :TALK Or S.xID COhPsi,'X AT aTL U17I01I a ':'_ION. ALSO ON TH3 SOUi'N_ :. LKiAY;
..LSO BET,:EBN =RACK ONE Z>IM Z70." On motion same was riven first passa, e by 'the-, follo:rl
2ng vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Eason, I:io'rrison, Oren,
i_glesbcr, er, Spicer and Ste;tart.(11) . Nays: Kerth. (1).
1:ember Jacobs offered motion that the Cemetery Committee are 'Mowed not
'o2ea =ifty(50.00)Dollars to buy growing plants and flowers for beautifying Oast Grove,
.6 c. co be char ed to Oat Grove 'then bill is allowed. Adopted on th• call of the roll
01vote:Yeas: Iffatts, Bonn .en0, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, !," son, :.:OrTi80n, j
U'"_:, .'lesberger, Spicer and Stawart. (11). Nays: Kerth.(1).
tuber Jacobs off -r--6 motion to cor:Cl:r in the action o: the Board of
-. .-._... ?1 in _ ":iZ'd t0 purchasing- a�.ent oe aut:.orizcd t0 ai4'n a Contract for 1aalza
:ith L:itchell Electric Com,, -.Py. adopted on the call of the roll by: the follo'::ing
vs',e: Y-- (12).
Member Riggltsberger read a resolution entitled "A R:SOLU'_ION THAT THE i
0- :.o::fon zanle was riven jj �y pas::ai`e by the follo:vi L- vote: 'i7atts,
Crider, Jacob,, Kea th, !a --,.son, itora icon, Owen, RiF,, 1''sherler, Sricer
ot'fered :.)otion ;:o concur in th" action of th+• Lo, -,rd of
N adi-n. Comrany, on reco,nlamnldation of thy' Bour'I of
0, ..i t,rF, .;,Lo000.00 on sccount of hiss a, S;t:zr Contract. j
-.. _l roll p. "'i :. '": "iS: Po LP,: Yeas: at;:::, -no,Coe'-2
... _ y riJ._ C." _ ._ .. :I; t; i;h i; Treti3llrC,r 11
i-- '_( +.. ,..:i aU1Dol j 1: i!:" :,. •i.- {, , ir. c.
. - .. ... _ L. 30, ..-e LOS-
Gninmissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ':.IL 7dE, _192 =•
.. .. _ :, .. .. ion th1.0 th, Chief of Police'.. aC ti1'i l:i v i:C C:"!! . ' J
o ill it oi' eririivas. Lotion lost i: -on ;h�7 cell oS the roll
a Yo c: Crider, J bo, i.rth, 0':x'n, 21, , laab.-:r,. ar :.r?il cAe:ra'rt.
.-art'.1'SOi: .nd Joic, r.(6).
1 ._-... -1' '.JPri Son o'-;Tert:u ;aot:lon :;o P"malt iialL L,; Ca.2'i-.x1 t0
.__1.'00'e .'.Lett, ,:a. 9J.i voa t:. _A ---d Ltrec.t. hdopted Oil til•• 1 OI tib.' roll by
-.r fol'_. - •r.:::..(l).
offered ..notion that L.alt a Cereal BeveraLe License be
c/ i- -o 9.t Tlll South `i'hird Street, P :lucah, 1-y. J:do'pted on tile: cal
loll by 1110 "in vote: Yeas: (12).
=,ripe: ::e:rth offered motion that Ealt &- Cereal Hevera:e License be Eranted
+. x'105 So. 2nd Street. Adopted on the. call of the roll b the _'olio, in,
;aaaLs, Boiviano, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Lerth, I.uson, 0^ren, Ri-glPsberrrei,
(10). i:ayz.: h-orriso: and Spicer. (2).
i..embel BOi:('Fno offered motion that thr oTfive. of Cleric for t:he City Jud;7e
it ) e till ordlnance.,reSOlution or order, and instruct the Auditor
• _-' -�i;T I:.Oi C:.EC s f01 said officer.
i_irTUia 8 offered an amendment to the I::ot"ion above that tile.- matter Of
_ o:; ice of G1er for City Judz'e be deferred to next reemlar meeting and
to Judiciv.ry Committee. Adopted on thel call of the roll b'= the follo:rinE;
Y- °-is: iatts, 3o::;, Coe: -.ran, Crider, Jacobs, Zerth, •i.:anon, i.lori.:on,
cpicer and Lte:•rart. (12).
i:erth offered motion to Concur in th-''. action or til=: Board of
/.:.- in a�a ':O '2-0 City Solicitor pre?mini.. an ordinance and 8;7it to test same
�C Cen:�7tery to bear its proportionate part of the cost of Coils true ti is
• .- : _::i:..ay :, .... _ill Oti'cet improvements. isd0_cted oil i:::F: c:al of the roll by the
olio ln; :Notion; • That at', ordi "lCC be bxoa: hi
v, fn tr t from !,.;z to 17th Stre�.t, a boulevard -Gh z;top si, n 1:: tit I(
fro.:. 1.:t 7.0 i. -5th street, a Ii O''l.9'v ,.2 :1 .,ith Otov, Si. il`i.l.;
fro:!i 1w1: 60 1'..'th, ill::i_RU).il 10th .. boul^v:rd :ritfl
:t0/ i ''? t - .. r -:i -CU i t'.. '_l 0 Tall G,', w; olio,.,in,, vote,: YeaB: •+alta,
::err?7n; ::]Tii..•07;, 0.!cn, Rill lruhe;;rf and
1 _.. ,._, o'.;.o:r .., q:,:'1UillU..i•1021 from Dr. J. L.
+oL10 1: .Sl'1 is td:. j
No. '37.
r i �i or r in the .„iion of '—eit of -16orifjn
o ttie City To order ten Tallon o: _'.ropioal et
J, -.11 in novkino L0
"'he Coo�� i.. V.'o”
J. M tiid 01, cz..11 Of Uy. roll !,,Zh,:"OlL'1:71ne va'; F. -
Y L;r Llc r,
of"tir(-.d motion to conci-.r in the Actio?)of tlhn Boaid o:L'
in a:,-. Lo acce
,.in, z;h,- resi:ntLtion o� Si. H. Stijj:.on, Do,, cutcjjor' _'.!)d
1 1)0"11 o" ted on ..all of 11, (; roll by tit, follo-.-!iT) vote:
-io, Coc'ar!:n, Crider, j:..;o! j, "c-,rth, 11 --;on, '"o -ri.:oil, G:!cn,
i26r and ote,.,,art. (12).
ihrd of
i n Zo i.11 e action Of the. l-
_1 sber.-(-.r offered
to refiirriyi` to t x. Ordin�Yxc. lo:.i%:ittco a rosolv'.Ion -P 1. 0'."i :: i yj•
.:rid publication o';' ortiin,.nces of the. City or RaJivcLh. Adopted
1 Q roll Yeas (12).
0,.-ien offar,:d ::orlon :".o concur in Ghe; Z'cLion of the Board of
e --men in 4. Ezard to the Solicitor beinf- instri--eted to brie,� in coadf-mation
it �O (66) - feet of -round on the East side of zouth 19-61. 6treet, in
At. Saes ";1"az ~tract can be opened from 17th to 19th rtreet. Adopted on the. call
Lhm roll; yp-e. (12).
].J, !--Son Of-'(-.r6d !notion to recon::ider and co-,ic-,L- in ._ction of the
Aldnxi:16;!., in t,-L.ard to order blank bill Adopted on the
call z -h Loll b* the foll-):.,in, vote: 'NaLzz, Bou, enc, Co.--'-_.r':n, GrI :e.L, isnoir)s,
• th, !:oxii:;oii, 0--!rin, Ric : jFs-oej-._,ir, .'pier al!d :i L' -.,art. (12).
Le-ber Jambs o--fei—I T.ot-ion to c nicur in the action o" tic 30:_-ro of
in :c-E_,.L d to th(; IiJ, t from llth a713 3-,,rnett to 12T.1, and Bvl-natt
::o Board of Pub'ic Vlor".:,ivit Li -ht
A,', o P; e d
11 0- loll. y s
th offered moLion to cont -r in the action of z". -.r. board of
-rd ;o L pc;ti tion aro::) citizens ..!;I n, t, a li, at be put at
I_wl 6tvcetz, be i-,jferred to th,
Adootod on. L..r. cuU. o." t, --p. roll. (12).
r "orth 0 r"i-,-red !::o Lion Lh,,tt c. C;h mc;rdjer of 30- rd 0.' t: ,`•.
- -k 00 per month for committee rol - Ado -!)t( -..d on ti., C "I of
'Ll i"'i 11 do tei : Yr a:, : Watts, Bou{,evo, Cochran, Crioer,
z,:iL;er -and '.- tE(11)
o_lf,,.red motion to -djourn. h1otion lo,;t o o.,..,'Lha
(;rJ .r,
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah -192
--l"d ::iotiola to i2i action Q!u-(: BotvJ Or
"J-70 I t�� Co=ittf,.P. lwi;Tt llwctjjj:
�i nuls made for bor-lev"-do
0 ,.-An�, vote:. Y—L; (1:!).
0i roll by ti:::lollo
iZefth offered motion th-,t 111r. Lxrriaonls rc-.,:t•L;L for lie-rjca'
to t-h�' City Solicitor. A6ioi.,ted on thc• cc:.11 of the roll by the
T;a.—. (12).
C-,-ider ,.-iozion %h.:'Z• auLorc.obilv-s be prohilAted from
"';nd Z,.Q ))Id Lznj Bro- v^ -.-y. iWop ted on the call of the roll by the follovi-
Y, eno, Cou}.,r-n, Crider, Jacobs, Lson, Lorzi",on, 0 -,en,
. .. ... VC .
(11). Hays; Kerth (1).
ar 'Darth offered motion that matter of floors in the
0i II c Frt ed �,) Y:•, Ili, Ikorovezwl nts Committee `.'lith -pol-.-er to act. Adopted on
,!i7, cell o-- ioll b. the. vote-. Yeas: (12).
c.i- Bou,-eno motion th.,%z the Volunteers of Afvrica be
charity, and -ctd to City Solicitor.
-0-0 I;ei month of cha sato be referred
D o.-, o -I roll by tho follo.Anz vote: Yeas (12).
On notion mectin; adjourned.
Fr&Id'?kt.Bnmr?z of G0?'ftd'Z"m