HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 310, June 7, 1926No. zip. Proceedings of scor c0u21cILLIETi City of Paducah JUIIL 7, 1926. At a regular meeting of the General Council.held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., June 7th, 1926, President Johnston presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Kertn, Owen, Stewart, Vogt, ::atson and ':atts. (12). Minutes of the previous meeting wore adopted as read. Member Korth offered motion to refer the'.aommunidation from the Board of Mayor,relative to tae Board of Plumbing Examiners,to the City Solicitor and Ordinance Plumbing Cgmmittee, to bring in an ordinance creating same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Examiners. Yeas (12). Member '.'iatts offered motion to refer the communication from the Uayor Scaffolding relative to Scaffolding Inspector, to the City Solicitor and Ordinance Committee, Snsn^ctor. _ to bring in an ordinance creating same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Eember Jacobs offered motion that the communication from the Mayor, -treetton relative to obtaining street dedications on Adams Street from 21st to 24th Streets, street on Adams from be referred to the Street Committee and Board of Public 'Norks. Adopted on the call of 213t to 24. the roll: Yeas (12). Member Owen offered motion to receive and filo the communication from Flo9nI He dr the Mayor, disapproving a resolution for the improvement of Flora Street and Hendricks Ave. Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Doherty offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, summons R.5'.Draffen vm: served on the Mayor in the case of R. E. Draffen vs: City of Paducah, Ky. Adopted on Cit'or the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Padu;ch. Protest of :ember Owen offered motion to receive and file the communication from, kart' Ei, bury E. Mallory and Addie L. Caldwell, protesting against the hard surfacing of S. kith Mallory & Adr31e L. Ca,dwnll (Caldrell Avenue), from Caldwell Street to the 11. C. track near Union Station. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Kerth not voting. .rank Line Same offered motion to refer to the Sewer Committee, City Solicitor sewer er on Jefferson anI City 4ngineer, waiver for connecting with Trunk Line Sevier on Jefferson Street, from 19th fro^ property owners on the Nortn side of Jefferson Street from 19th to 25th Street. to 25th. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). of Member :.•acts offered motion to receive and file the report of the ::eight and Measure Inspector. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). t'ember Kerth offered motion to concur in the -etion of the Board of s ^I-I:rmar in referring+ the smatter of Refunding $67.80, to Willie Hicks and Victoria -:'a, for sewer assesacel,t,to the 3caor Committee,for investigation and report back. n.r=i on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). 3lember 0w:en offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, )' raise on -ax 13111 ?Io. 581, of ::rs. Carph,,Il. Adopted on the call of tno roll: Y' mb..r Oren offered motion to concur in the action of the Beard of ;,lie:acen, ?'et' tr:e 17t ,, 1926, ir•s+.^tcting t -o City solicitor to brim; in proper r"9Clution LO nnv(: '4fI'eraCn-iti'eCt frG: `1.gi'3 to let ,.�tretnt9, and 1st, :3'reOt ft:'Dm °arson to Brei Lost upon -sic, call of the roll: Yc;a n . Johnston (1) ayn: F.%minA, Jaoo s, .".r,':r::, O:inn, i".Swart, Vo�?t, ?atson alld oiinq. Forth . ••:a :I Fa: o.r!iinanct: FO'? ., e . .. Proceedings of. BoA:?D oJ'. coui`ciJ�t. im . City of Paducah _.- _aUTIE OF A HARD SURF.CE ROAD -"TAY, CONCRETE GUTTERS eND CURBS OF EITHER CONCRETE OR GRANIPE, ACCORDING TO BID AOCEPTED, TOGETIP.I.R `.:'ITH ALL TI' C7;3:,:'+Y EA1:-HOL1,;::, 111TAK-?; CATCH 9+SINS, D--SVI : ,YS AND 3:i:7^ER CONN1ECTIONS, IN ACCORDl.NCE 91ITH THE' PLANS AND SPFCIFR;ATIONS PROVIDFD THEREFOR BY THi3 CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST Cff'' TIE ABUTTING PROPERTY 0:'.^IERS, AND PROVIDING THAT TIE COST OF SUCH C0113TRUCTIOTT 11AY BE PAID IN ACCORD•1NCE "%ITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLATT. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12), r Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIOITIG FOR THE CO11- STRUC:'ION OF CONCRETE GUTTERS AND CURBS, EITHER OF CONCRETE OR GRANITE, ACCORDING Gutters eu 22nd, 23rr d, and and , - TO THF BID ACCEPTED, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY !,IAN -HOLES, INTAY.ES, CATCH BASINS, Hinkleville Rd.„ I AND SEINER PIPE CUNNBC'PIONS ON Ti1E P'OLLO??ITIG NAMED STR1El•:TS, IN THIS CITY OF PADUCAIi, KENTUCKY, TO -:?IT: i BOTH SIDES OF 22ND STREET FROM THiE, NORTH PROPERTY LIKE OF THE HINKLEVILLE ROAD TO THE 130U'2H PROPERTY LINE OF MILDRED STREET; BOTH SIDLS OF 23RD STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF Tile; f HINKL'r'.VILLE ROAD TO THd SOUT11 P13UPEIITY LINE OF MILDRED STREET; HINKLEVILLE ROAD FROM THE "JEST P`?OPERTY LINE OF 20TH STREET TO THE 'TEST SIDE OF 24TH STREET, I IN ACCORDANCE '.:`ITH THE PLANS ANll SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER AT THE COST OF PHE ABUTTING PROPERTY O"INERS, AND PROViDIlla THAT ThE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAV BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll by the following Vote: Yeas (12). Member Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR <'2•%iin.e rt^[„ Paxton ' ., _,,.e, THE IMP?OVEk;P3T Oe PAXTOIT STREET FROI' Tx1; '.TEST CURB LINE Ole' BLOOM AVENUE TO THE Blore ... "1 3T CURB LINE OF ALXX= TTDi!. i4VE'l-TUE, IN THE CI'T'Y OP' PADUCaH, KENTUCKY, BY TIE GRAD- =•';`% GR-OJELI?ori OF .S,iME, TOG:%TflwR '71'CIT aLL NECESS;iRY MAN -HOLE'S, CATCH BASINS IN ACCO'...::,t;''s ”%I`i'!i THP. PJ.ANS AND SPECIVIGATIONS P'?OVITPD THERE- FOR B'✓ T' '. '.;I"Y ENGINEA:R, AT TIE CO. ^:'f OF Thl? !:BUTTING PROPERTY O41JERS, AND F!40V::;LN'G :...,: Ti:-; CO.;;T OF .,UCH CON: iUCTION !•'d'.' BE PAID UNDER THP P!?OVI :IONS OF TM!.. 'nn.. *t7,0? F'Nf'.-.IT PL,,s;.'? �1f�. On notion aa:^:e ;vas r,ive:; firOt pas ugo upon the call oi' the roll: Yeas (12) On rr.or,ien the rules cern suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: YF.as (12). On :notion saw, 'was wiven second and final passage upon the call of vn•: roll: 'Teas (12), No. 312. Proceedings of ,0,A z of City of Paducah _ JUNE 7,._1926. Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUE OF RRFUNDING BONDS OF Th!. CITY OF PADUCAH, FEYV11uKY, TO THE AE?OUNT OF $33,000.00, AND R' F"OvIT`ING FOR '.PH!•: PAYVEVT THr;'tr:OF," On motion same was given first passage upon the enll of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon tno call of the roll: Year (12). On motion same visa given 66eond and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same read an ordinance entitled "API ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CCNS:RUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDE l7".LKS AND GUTTERS, AND CURBS EITHER OF CONCRETE OR Orlinance.t?R=.TII'FEr ACCORDING TO RID ACCEPTED, TOGETnF,R '?ITH ALL NECESSARY MAN -HOLES, INTAKES, 'i Iewglks, etc. CATCH BASINS' AND SEr1ER PIPs. CONNECTIONS, AND DRIVL ''1AYS ON THE FOLLO':IING NAMED 'C,•..vc.3lst, 25th gTg;..Tg IN �ITF CIT. Ob P.iDUCBH KFtdPUCK_ TO -'IIT: n, 9 , , ' . y h.ayffeld,Rd. a .t.19th and 17th its. ON THE NORTH SIDE OF KENTOUKY AVENUE FROM THE VIEST PROPERTY i LIT7E OF 20TH STREET TO TNF RAST CURB LIPIE OF 25TIT STREET; ON THE SOUTH SIDE Or' KENTUCKY AVENUE FROM THE, :•LEST PROPERTY LINE OF 20TH STREET TO THE FAST CURB LINE OF 25TH STREET; ON BOTH SID3S OF 21ST STREET, 23RD STREET AND 24TH STREET, FROM THE SOUTH PROPETITY LING OF BROAD:'IAY CO TNF IIORT11 PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY qV• NITT<s; ON THE FAST SIDE OF 25TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPER'T'Y LINE Ot BROAD":1Y TO Th'�: NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF KEN'PUUKY AVENUE; ON THE :'JEST SIDE 0? THE MaYVIELD ROAD FROY TBN SOUTn PROPERTY I,I%1E OF GIT=HRS : AVEt7UE TU Tit's CITY LIMITS; ON THE EAST SIDE OF Tm N MAYFIELD ROAD FROM THE SOUTH SIDE OF RAL$13R ,LLLv;Y TO.•TH°; CITY LIhITS, FX,,r,-?T OMITTED PORTIONS INDICATED AND SHO17N ON PL:=NS; ON BOTH SIDES OF "B" STREET FROI:i THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF GIIt•HulE AVHnU TO TH:: NORTH PROPERTY LIN:�� OF "IHEF.LER AV�EmD.,. ON BOTH SIDES OF 19TH STREET FROM THE SOUTII P?OPERTY LINT, OF 137?0.=a'1`! STT+E-!t., TO THE I4ORTH t.URB LINT: OF JACKSON STREET, EXCEPT THriT PORTION SHO"N ON PL,:NS, ''nIUH HAS HZ4nT0FORE BEEN (;0143i'RUu1)5D OR IS TO BE OMITTED. ON BOTH SID.":S OF 17TH STREET FROM THF: SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF BR040• =Y ST,_' -EFT TO TRE NORTH LINE OF ':IHEELER SUB -DIVISION, IN ACCOh;)aNUE '.7I'1'H TmE PL•?.S A"1) 13PECIrIG.' IONS PItOVID:•:D BY THE CITY ENGINEhR, AT THE COST OF THE AB(ITTING P's1JPE,i7f O.ta-; S, ;-.ND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID IN +CCORDANCE 79ITH THE PROVISIONS OF TID,' TEtd Y::A`t P:a11'iTIT rLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call or the roll: Yeas (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of tnn roll: Yeas (12). On motion Bane was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yens (12). y Same rest -1 an ordi:r=nr.e entitle•i "All Ui?DIII<.:dCE PROVIDING FOH THE Orlinance. CJ.+oTR' CTI!:i Gi' SOii . ^.Ts iIu'.. ,1 _ : , .ND CUi?B3•:ZTIL." ER F Gr'- t^tr U UNG'1�',.1. OR ldewglk, *'.ers on 4CC014DIN3 't0 BID ,1:�?:.•: ,, ,.. . -.. <i(1;_ 35.�'tY '?:�I!-IiOLF.:;, INT.sF. •:i, C,iTCII i_TI•, I'ar-otonAve. 01i :d IOLin'Intl ii,=..:D !1(;;tv'„p., I18 THPCI'C'r Saler-=ve.,P 11ini;leville OF T7r111C'07,- -, . . ”' -i e,a roy9 St. -in-!nor, T 12 LVEE "'i 1Cy D, _0 .r. , E, 3 J. 4, Ori TH: 'OUTH 31 ; . _. :.r:.. ` ; i IIIF. OF S.:L3)• C:i TIf: "r LINd OF 12 77 J ...:I `:�. "Z t Resolution. Coney Ct. 24th, gradinry and gravel Ina. Proceedings of - BOARD. OF COUN.CILGIEN . _. - City of Paducah JM_ -- T,-1926. ON B0111SIDES OF 3ALF1.! AVENUE FR01:1 'I1113 SOUTH PROPERTY LINT: OF 12TH STREET To Till" NOR TH PROPERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET; ON TINS SOU'T'H SIDE OF THE HINKLFVILLE ROj:D FROM THE :"ZEST 1`10PERTY LINE OF FOUNT:+I AVENUE ( OH 17TH STRE;iT) TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 2214D STHERT, AS EXTENDED FROM THr; GLI,'N'90OD ADDITION; ON BOTH SIDES OF 30YD STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LININ OF 8TH STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 10Th STREET; ON TIP? WEST SIDE OF BOYD STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE' OF 10TH STRE;•T TO TIIIi NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 'FRIABLE STREET; ON THE FAST SIOC OF BOYD STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERT" LIVE OF 10TH STREET f0 A POINT 'WHERE THE 'r,'AST LINE OF BOYD STREET INTERSECTS Till., NORTH LINE OF AN ALL•SY ",-ICH RUNS PaH.ILLEL TO TRIMBLE STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF iu039.1S011 SPRET7,T FROM Tng, "LEST CURB LINT; OF 19TH STREi:T TO TII�: Ea3T PROPERTY LINE OF 21ST STREET, T.7CTFNDED; ON BOTH SID::S OF 21ST STREET FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF MADISON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPER 'Y LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET, 712111 THE EXCEPTION 01.' THE N04TH EAST COTiNER OF THr: II4TERSECTION OF 215T STREET alli) 0Lk1Y STREET ":RICA I4AS HEREPuFORE BEEN CONSTRUCTED; ON BOTH SIDES OF 21ST STREET FROM THF NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JRFPERSON STRE;.:T -00 THK SOUTH CURB LINE OF MONROE STREET; ON BOTH SIDES uF 24TH STREo,T FROM THr; NORTH. PRUPE-TTY LINE OF THE HINKLKV1LLR ROaD TO THF SOUTH PRUPERTY LINE 01" MILDRED STREET; ON BOTH SI DSS OF FLOURNOY STREET FROM 'I'lir; SOUTH PROPERTY LIME OF 12TH STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET, IN ACCORDilluE 'JITH PLANS AND SP?C1FiCAf1ONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT T'F? COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 011PERS, AND PROVIDING THAT S1I01, COSTS MAY RE PHID UNDER TH-7 PROVISIONS OF Tfin' TEN YEAR PAY11F.11T PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Kerth, Ovien, Vogt, Watson and :datts• (11). Member Stewart not voting. On motion the rales were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Urider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, ferth, Owen, Vogt, Watson and "Jatts. (11). Member Stewart not voting. On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Y.erth, Owen, Vogt, 'Aatson and "Jatts. (11). Member Stewart not voting. Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING THAT THE FOLLO"ING Nti}!ED STREETS, IN THw CITY OF PADUCaH, KENTUCKY, TO—WMT: COREY STREET FROM THE 'JEST PROPERTY LINX OF LINUOI.dd 3TREFT TO THE E, ,T ?ROPE'tTY LINE OF THE CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS AND NEW ORLEANS RAILROiiD COMPANY. TvE'ITY—FOURTH +TR-7.'sT FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF HINKLFVILLF. ROAD TO T1I's SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF IbILDRED STREET, BF, I1!PROVFD 3Y 'ry"I: G`?ADING .iN') GR;:VHLiNG OF 10JE, TOGETHER '.':ITII ALL IIFCESSARY VAN -HOLES, INTI�KE5, CiiTCH-B:iSIifii ,IIID IE77:'R PIPE CONNECTIONS. IN !?ITH THE PLANS iD SPr,(::r'.IUn.'lU?JS PRUViDED TR'-_Rr.'FOR 11v TOE CITY Evo,114FFR, AT THE COST OF THE ABUT 1'.JG PTiOP? RTY O 'Id 3 tS, AND PROVID1.11G THAT Till, 0031P OF SUCH CONS `,?UCT1011 MAY HE P•,:.. T_ld CCU':.- ITT THN PROVISION? Or' ':'iii. TEN YEAR Ph'.OARNT P " L.iI7. Yeas (12). On motion same was given first pasafigO upon the call or the rail: On motion the rules wer: suanended and resolution read by +title upon the call :f the ro11: Yeas (12). On motion sar_e was given second and final passaP;e upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). i No. 314. Proceedings of, no_,nD o City of Paducah Mr 7THp lisps. Vember Kerth redd a resolution entitled "A RJ'SOLTJTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCCION OP CONCRETE OUPTr.RS, AND CURBS EITHER OV CONCRETE, OR GRANITE, ACCORDING Resolution. Guttrrs,etc.TO BID ACCEPTED, TOGETHER !PITH ALL NECE38ARY MAN -HOLES, INTAKES, CATCH -BASINS AND SITTER 24tn St. PIPE CONNECPIONS, ON T17hNTY-FOURTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE Or MONRON STRE3T, IN THE CITY OF PADUU++H, KIN THCKY, IN ACCORDANUF.­ITR THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENG1NFXR, AT THE COST OF THIS ;tBUT'ING PROPERTY 0711:`iS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE, COST Oe SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID IN ACCORDAidCE "1I'i'H 'PINI PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN.n On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the. roll: Yeas:oohnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Kerth, Owen, Stewart, Vogt and 71atson (11). Member '.atts not voting. On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas : Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Kerth, Owen, Stewart, Vogt and Matson (11). Member Watts not voting. On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Kerth, Owen, Stewart, Vo. -,t, and „atson (11). Member 1+7atts not voting. Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVF;id72,IT Resolution. OF T'nP:TY-FOURTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STRERT TO THE SOU^H Gralina t, Grnvelinr, Y"OPF?TY LINE OF 11014TIOE STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUUAH, KENTUCKY, By THIS GR1DiNG AND 29th Wit. GRAVELING OF SAME, TOGETHER :11I't'H ELL NECESSARY ]IAN -HOLES, INTAKES, CATCH -BASINS END i SR';EP. PIPF, CON ECTIONS, IN ACCORDArCE 7JITH THE PLANS aND SPECir'LCATIONS PROVIDED 3' -!<9 ­FOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OUNERS, AND PRO- VIDING THAT THE COST OV SUUR CONSTRUCTION 14AY BE P.iID IN ACCORDANUE r1ITH THI? PROVISIONS OF Tr.-: TEN YEAR PAYMFIT ' PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas(12) On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was given h6cond and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVE110T ^�l'."ion• OF 2271•' ^TRE�,.T FRO]' THis 3OUTH PROPERTY LINT.' OF KENTUCKY AVENUE TO THE NORTH PROPERTY nrt,,a r.2 t'i ^ra�el.ina LIN? OF CLATVC STRi':FT, IN THE CITY OF PADr)u,,tl, KFNTi/CKY, BY GRADING AND GRAVELING OF 22nd St. ':? TG -1211 ILL TNEC V.S'ARY ?TAN—HOLF3, INT,iK-SS, CA i'CH BASINS AND S5 ER CONIF3CTIONS, IN ACUOu ;.•.r,r: 'T_ '!I THE PL:+i+S Aid:) SPECIFI�,.+PiONS PROVIDED TI:ERdFOR BY THE CITY FNGi1TEEPR, AT T:+ -S (,OS'P nr' ;BUTTING PROPF;'TY 0.111FiS, AND PROVL)ING THaT THE COST OF SUCH COld- SV3frCTION 1' S'/ 9? "..l IN ACCO'?JDA' F '*'Ii--;7 Tii?'. PROM^ioiis Ob, 'PIIF TEN Ytdiol PnYn1FNT PLAN. On r^.otion same was riven first passage upon the call of the rmll: Yens (12). On motion the rales were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was riven secon•i an,! final passt,ge upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I 1 ___ No. mi _-- -- -- ' Proceedings of.__.BG,R-D-oF-CGUNUILIJEN -- -----City of Paducah .__!Tu?E- T,- 1926., liember N:erth road a resolution entitled "A RESOLO'elOII PROVIDING FOR i THE IMPROV9MEIT OF CLAY STREET FROM THI;'7EST PROPERTY LINE OF 9TH STREET TO THE Resolution. Hard surface :'LEST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET; 10TH STREET FROM THE NORTH P3OPM. TY LINE OF Clay St.,10th St., CLAY STREET TO Tug NORTH PROPb:tTY LINE OF TRIHBLI3 STRFf%T, IN THE CI'_'Y OF PAI)L;AH, KF.N'PIIUFY, BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROAD -WAY, TOGETHER. `?I'i'H ALL ' NECESSARY I.SAN-HOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SKVER PIPE, CONNECTIONS, IN ACCOR- DANCE 7.71TH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THNRi5FOR BY THE C1'ev ENGINEER, AT THE COST ON THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 0`714ERS, A14D PROVIDING THAT THE COST Oir SUCH OUNSTNrtC'1'T6Ii 1,LkY BE PAID I11 ACCORDANCE :7ITH THE PHUV1oI0N5 OF THE, 'PIilI YEAR PiiYlfE;IT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Roy H. and of Aldermen in authorizing the Mayor to execute a deed of conveyance from the Thelma I.Adelott. City of Paducah, to Roy H. and Thelma I. Adelott, conveying a strip of ground located at the intersection of 19th and Clark Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Fleming, Jacobs, Kerth, Owen, Stewart, Vogt, I'latson and Watts. (11). Nays: Doherty (1). Estimate. Member Ketth offered motion to concur in the action of the Black & Veatch. Board of Aldermen in receiving and filing final estimate/ of Black & Veatch of Zone No. 3, sewer laterals in Zone NO. 3, and accepting same from the Koller Plumbing Vompany as completed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the ction of the Board of Estimate Aldermen In receiving and filing the final estivdBof Black & Veatch of sewer Black tc Veatch. Zone No. 1, laterals in Zone No. 1, and accepting same from the Koller Plumbing Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same read an ordinance entitled "All ORDIIiaNvE ASSESSING THE assessment ABUTTING PROPERTY FOR THE COST OF CONSTRuCTION Or SANITARY SIi17ERS IN SPIER ZONE Ordinance. NO. 3, SUB -DIVISION A AND B, IN SE':7ER DISTRICT N0. 3, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Ky., Server Zone No. 3. AND PROVIDING THAT THE PAYI.ENT OF SUCH COST MAY BE MADE IN TEN ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A P'r.HTOD OF TEN YEARS, UPON EXECUTION BY TIIR PROPERTY 0"1NERS OF AGREEI.IENT REQUIRED BY LA17." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ASSF33ING 'HE ABUTTING PROPERTY FOR THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SE'7S;RS IN SF.7:7E13 ZONE Assessment IN Ordinance NO. 1,,SUB-DIVI.SIOI! "C", SE79ER DISTRICT NO .3, IN THE CITY OF PADIICAlf, KF.NTUCF.Y Sewer Zone Ilo.l. ' ' AND PROVIDING THAT THE PAYMENT OF COST OF SUCH CONTRUCTION MAY BE MADE IN TEN ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS, UPON EX`r;CUTION BYThE PROPERTY.01311FRS Op AGREEL;ENT REQUIRED BY LAS1. " On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). No. ----- Proceedings of ro.,xD of COUNQLMIFN City of Paducah JUNE 7, 1926. on motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). on motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Perth offered motion that the Board of Public Works be instructed Tern.St. to place Tennessee Street from 2nd to 3rd Streots, in good condition, and report 2nd to possibility and cost of making surface dust proof. •dopted on the call of the roll: 3rd Sts. Yeas (12). Same offered motion that the Board of Public 7lorks inspect conditions of Kurrell Turrell Blvd., and recommend some manner of preserving surface and expansion joints, Blvd. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Matson offered motion that the Board of Public Works and Street Powell St. Committee, be requested to see if property owners have paid for the grading of Powell from Clements Street. from dements Street to Tipple Track. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas to Tipple Track. (12), `."later mairs Member .iatts offered motion that petitions for water mains on "A" Street "A" St,from Guthrie to from Guthrie :venue to `,heeler Avenue; on 14th Street from Flournoy Street to "'heeler 1.ve. 14th from Hampton Avenue, if extended; on Madison Street from 20th to 21st Streets, and 22nd Flo ,rnop to nampton, Street from. Ky. Avenue to Washington Street, be referred to the Light & Water Committee. tIRdison- 20th to Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). 21st, 22nd �,r 4lK ,to same offered motion that the report of the Paducah t7ater Company, under. Report of date of June the 3rd, of water mains laid, and fire plugs placed, be referred to the Psto„ uucaho. Chief of the Fire Department and City Engineer, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that the Light & :'later Committee, be given power to Light ro- moved fro. have light removed from 24th and Bloomfield Avenue to 24th and Mildred Streets. Adopted 24th & Flomf Sell on tile call of the roll: Yeas (12). to 4th & A,'ildred. Member Brummett offered motion to receive and file report of the City Report- cf .Jailer for the month of May, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). City Jailer. Same offered motion to receive acid file the report of the Chief of Report of Chief of Police for the month of tray, 1925. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Police. Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Vacation. Aldermen in referring to the Police and Fire Committee, the matter of the members of Fire & Policeept.the Police and Fire Department being granted twelve days leave of absence instead of six days, as heretofore granted. :adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that the Mayor and Finance Committee, investigate itta7�afalasa City `:csle the feasibility of disposing, of the Uity Scale lot on South 2nd Street, and the City 2Lot on ". Light Plant an,f property on Madison Street. Judo ted on the call of the roll: nd .,t. ,.. p p., y p,, Yeas (12). Member Crider offered motion that the Chautauqua committee be allowed to have the Shite r, Brown Chautauqua Company give an entertainment from .rune the 14th Chautauoua, ThIte to June the 19th, without City License. ;,donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Broan. Member voherty offered !notion that the City of t`aducah deed to CG;-.•, Lary hills and Tillie Houston, Lot ffo. 21, in Block 14, New Addition, Oak Grove '-emeto ry, " M for the sum of X91.00. Adopted on the call or the roll: Yeas (12). ^. tlember uwen offered motion to receive and file Estimate No. 4, of „i Black & Veatch, of work done by the ..oller elumbing Company, in Sewer Ione No. 2. " ' h. Adouted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12), No. 317. Proceedings of Bo<IRD or, covNcliXEN City of Paducah JpNa 7, 1926. Fember uwen offered motion to receive and file the report of Riverside Report of ,:osnlisl. of Hospital.2dopted on the call of the roll: Yoas (12). Member '7atts offered motion to concur in the action of the, Board of Aldermen in permitting the property owners on the forth side of Jefferson �Itrcot, 'aley 21st -22nd between 21st anu 22nd Street, to dead to tno City two feet of ground off of the °.ts.,Jeff, to rear of lots facing the south side of Monroe Street, in consideration of them 4 or. roe. stn. retaining possession of the property they now occupy on the alley. This will line the alloy with balance of same, between Jefferson and Yonroe Jtreets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea^, (12). Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Plans u 6pecifi- Aldermen.in regard to plans and specifications for street improvement being cation for ',ard approve d b the Joint Street Committee and Board of Public i1orks and an other surface streets. y ' ' y member of the General Council that care to be present,before being submitted to the contractors. Neya:(.12). Member "latts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ':a•;= -r mains on Aldermen in adopting a resolution directing the Paducah 'later Company to lay its "onroe 6ts.from water mains for the connection of water service alongMonroe Street from 22nd 22nd to 23rd Sts. to 23rd Streets, in the City of Paducah, Ky. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Sidewalks, ctc., Aldermen in regard to receiving and filing petition of citizens protesting against 21st btw. Clark side -walks, curbs and gutters on 21st Street between Clark and Jackson Streets, and Jackson Sts. and instructing the City Engineer to omit same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Watts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Report of Chief Aldermen in Mgeiving and filing the report of the Chief of the Fire Department of Fire Dept. for the month of May, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Vacrtion for Aldermen in granting John Hessian vacation with full pay from June 15th to John "Daddy" ! Hessian. August 15th, 1926. ,idopted on the call of the roll: Yeas : Johnston, Crider, Jacobs, r:erth, uwen, Stewart, Vogt and Watts. (B). Nays: Brummett, Fleming and t4at3on. (3). Member Doherty not voting. Member '-;atts offered motion to concur in the action of tine Board of lde rcn, allowing the Evaluation Board $1.00 per day for auto on all days when Evalua+:Ion Boar,_ t:.ey uno an auto in their work for the City. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas : Johnston ar.1 :;atts (2), days: Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Korth, Gwrn, ;teaart, Vogt and •-atson (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen In authorir-1nv, tre Treasurer to transfer from the Special Street Improvement Bond t Ftncf to t':e General Fund, ;.5069.90, paid out of the General Fund for Street RIF,f:'.s of ••a r. :,fopte3 on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Brmtmott offer(:-: r_atlon to concur in r,ne action of the Board of ..1,1:;,7 •;•:, .1t. ':,llcitar to takr, fhF, ordinance for hard surfacing, .. .a - . - .'•, ':=, ... _. ::ppeala to test thf: validity of a3aos9ing the vc_'. aropr r* .y fe: .. ... .... . --,y-, an thr: ra'll of to=: roll: 'ten,a (12). - :,-.ion to concur in the aeti�,re of trig Boarci of 1 ter"-': {-:-....ir.r• .._, ._ . _.r.:r to transfer from thepeeial a:aer Bond --.:, ,o _.,..--- --•, r ^8.75, r o:., c_ ,i::. Jenaral Hund :o the Koller . c" _, 2 .:;ne an•i a serial furnished for ..a rn•.!:1 on *.%:e Gall cf _c _ (,;� No. 318. Proceedings of Bo..> r, or, co:1;:cI !,;; City of Paducah ir111Tr 7, -1926 "ember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in accepting report of ::editor on Sewer Construction Finance, an,( instructing the City, Auditor's report en Clerk to'issue proper warrant on the Treasurer to pay off such advanced loan as has Sewer Con been necessary to borrow, reporting back to the deneral Council the exact amount so sti'-ietion finance. pa 13. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). (ember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of et.Imorov. necial Aldermen in allowing Special Street Improvement Bonds and Coupons cancelled, in the Bonds &- Couocns amount of *18.59. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ^anc€lle3. ;.iember :latts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen of in .,llowing the claims of Black & Veatch for p950.00, charging same to the Special Black k Veatch. Sewer Lateral Fund. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the.action of the Board of Aldermen in allo,aing the Koller Plumbing, company .q,2691.18, for material and labor furnished in Koller PlurbIng the construction of Relief Sewer for District No. 3, prior to June lst, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). , Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in Cashier's Fund. alloxirg the Cashier's Fund 4163.21. +adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Aerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Pay rolls in allowing the follo'ain Claima......41432.19; pay rolls ........x11420.87. adopted s. g on the call of the roll: Yeas(12). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE I1.!PROV1i4SENT 0r I'.n:,;i,; ''F J FF=RSON STREET P'RO14 THE i'IEST PROPERTY LINT' OF 17TH STREET, (FOUNT,tIN AVHaXF), TO Jeffrc- T11^; 7EST PI?uPERT'f LINE 01•' 25TH STREET, IN Ti.!-,. CITY OF PADUCAH, KEATUCKY, BY THE CON- T=UC710i; Or' A ri.:RD SURFACE ROAD -WAY, TOGETHER '71 TH ALL NECESSARY 1,1AN-HOLES, INT+.i jeS, n ::^INP., DRIVE 77AYS AND SEWER PIPE CONNEC"IONS, AND aLSO THE RECOIdSTHUC'L'IOid OF •:('i? ... 7i;T —S, i;IID T,tK RE -SETTING OF CURBS WhEREVER NECESSARY, AS SHO'.iN ON PLANS, ::LL 11:I ACCG't ..:5„H' ":IPF? PLAITS ..NO 3P;B F1uA":0?IS PRO'/I!JED TnFREFOR BY ThE CITY ENGINER, A. Tr COSI Or PFABUTTING, PROPERTY 0"'NERS, AND PROVIDING TI1nT THF COST OF SUCH ; 'ON 4-"-SiG'?IO17 !'AY BE P,,f.D IN ICCOIDSNCE '.77TH TdE PROVISIONS OF THE TF.N Yr.AR PAYMENT -,LAN'." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yoas On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yons: .;Johnston, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, -Jacobs, Kerth, Stewgrt, 7ogt, 'Matson and "7atts. (10). ,:embers :irumcett and Owen not voting. On motion. same •eras given second add final passage upon the call of the roll: '%•:•as: Johnston, Crider, :oherty, A'1cmirr, Jacobs, Werth, Stewart, Vogt, Watson {10). Vc-- : s BruTrett and Owen not voting. t?e'm.'1-er t•erth real a reorlution entitled "A REMLUTION PROVIDING FO!i ?esOF.utloti. - .•T 2;':;,^.;±" •_ .':i:. `;02iiz ?''• i'� ^I LINE OF KENTUCKYi1VE11UF: TO Ti4r 22nd "t. r r• from, Fy..:vr,• I'. .... C.. , ...;'111,KY, BY Tfir. CON - `o Clerk "t ? _ ru• . ,.; , !'I f' ' GR ANI IN ....:, ';::1'C$ 'l;i iINS, 7' 6n ....,tic':. saw_ W':_ •ren firs-. mesas>, ,ap:,;; +::^.te call of t,�:e roll: Y„aa (11). ?Q—:'-er Gwen not voting. Cr, motion tr.j . s1e^ v;c•e ;:,r•:.;- an resolutionraai n_ Lille upon tiia ca:l oil rel?: Yeas (ill, Y•.- :. On motion saxe w. a aiv 1,r0.^. t,^.Q Call of `!le roll: Yeas (ll). `''ember Ower. not 1 No.__.319.. -._ -- -- -- Proceedings of 130,0W OF UOIINOILT-I •r+ .-City of Paducah _ . JUNE 7,_ 1986. Member Owen offered motion to reconsider motion to allow 01.00 Board of per day to Board of Evaluation. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ;�:valuat3on. Johnston, Fleming, Jacobs, Owen and atts. (5). idays: Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Kerth, Stewart, Vogt and •.atson. (7). on motion meeting adjourned. 1926. CITY U1,K4K. I