HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 3, January 21, 1924.. ;"3 it all or' bill l n :gid ";Om^.ur.iJat ion r"tom .. . Y.t Commissioners`: Prcaceurdinmr,x0 ty of'•Pa&wgl }:,;1;::Y)ill: ;S l`i^ ? :. C('17:C13l:.:1' CI:)' P7 1:J7FCiTr, J:."t'::?Y 21, 1924. Nn. �—� 1925_ ..t a rerruiar moetil.^ of the =',o�xd of Coui,cilmon helrl in the Council 7: C�1^. T.a}Qr on the .'rrl :nl OOr O:" t}1Q Cl t;, }:all In t}7e Ci. uv' of 1Cr1110-11, !PTrtUCkV, }'OT' 1_^.;:' oTW-,ii^r;: 21, 1924. ?:eetirs• called to order, }-reilld art •,atts. Crnn Xrell cosi th•? 'rolloarinrr ar orrer^.d to their ns- os: .7attu, ?owrero, CochraY_, 4riier, Jacobs, ;.crt}Y, ?:aeon., }•-orrison, C'"er, :}iaelosboreer, 6pecier ani .;to .art. on r^.otior of Councilman ;:girth the minutes of the }-revious meetir:r ^ere adopted as read. Councilman ,-erth offered the follo:vin,� rot ion, to -71t : That ,aommur.ication from ::a; or Bailey in re• and to'�iverside ?osri tal be turned over to the ?o^rital Co^.7.'".:ittee for im. esti^te ^Mien. '�ror Call of roll notion O^.rried nr.am!:n.O11S1 '. Courcilmar. Jacobs made the f01101.7inn' motion, to -•.vita shat Yrrcr :;- Johnsor. bill of $1924.17 for street improvements frontin• '.n7-Mmn_n YiPh School be a110:7ed aster '."'in?rce ^om.,.ittee checks and iapproves same. 1•ron roll Call motion. carrie.l b;' the fo3lo'•7ir:P,• vote's; Peas, 7atts, Boiinero, `goo ran, %rider, Jacobs, :.anon, C:or., 3iQP_lesberrrer, Spicer and Ste:ver+(10) 1'a;?s,lerth, ?.'erri::or., (2) Councilman Jacobs made the follo:vinr motion, to -wit; That the matter of e:-ter;sion of time for Yenc, a Johnson in reo-ard to street contracts be refrYrred to joint street committee and-0oard of lublic dorksi,for recommeeation. ;'Otion carried 11nar.imousl7: on call of roll. (12) Councilman. Lerth made th3 follodrer motion, to -:vita That the communicatior from t}Ye : :-or of 1' rra; in ret=ard to Italian '..overnmert suir.R the cit;" of l Inoah for Lazes -,r. _id or. tobacco by the italian ;overimant he r•�coived ani files art tlrr.ed o:•or to the Ci ti' Solicitor for advice. 'JI -on ea 11 of roll the motion ca_ri.rd ura? imous3:, (12) I :o:usci3rnar =•orth made the fol to 71nFr motion, to -wit: That the eommuricati j' from 1'.:;.:hOr13 1Y. ro "a-1 to on tuitemob}los he received, filet ant t^bled. II er .._ll of roil the motion carried nranimounl (12.) .'.mbar Carer ra'ln. t--3 folio lra >notior•, to-vit: ?'.':t '30 --in! ant ion it !� '.^`•.rd ') J -.'r -mor t of 1,.1 :r,i ;etors vs. Cit;- of _aduoah for ^.11 an'e3 iQs a i': '?3 •:r ..'.r^•:t On ,`_I Cit;• be r^ceivet ^_T!t turned 0:•^r to t^'7 Cit'• colic 1tori �0r ..:o. ,..i •,oli:l•tor -to m^.%n, r•n,}.ort at r!Ogt mnetirdr oar Cet1?Cil. 1"]'or i^ll O:I i:•r ;r_.ri.•�t :r _...mans. (12) motion, to -wit: -ha .•^;'nom.^.i"�. _'10; ��, ni;nrjt;�: i',�. be rlcl t. rind •Y. _. irr:,a sl: or oa11 of the 4,^11�s:'} •�._1. . .. 'O]l0 an r:O ti.On, to -wit: That !'h(};'^. b? al lo'..^EY SOrr .nr y^ .CO * e ,r. • h 1 o t: T...n1re, !? i also y-,Nn.00 jQr } '7•:, ^.. ...,... t_O' ;e3 An 'L J 1J .•r1t. " r-r-1ve }'i cks . Dol fir!' irrbo1 .:.r0 7o .i.r'.A iI r `• fir% No. . 'T GQ_nmi �s1- rWodtrfgs, City of Paducah 7 / -192 :.Y 21 , 1924 :'ember Eason offered the follo%rir;r motion, to -twit: To ratify the fol- lo.virr recon-:erAation: Recommended by the Tolice and lire Committee to set y..CCr.GO asido a fund out of the police court fires of •,?200.00 to be used b;= the chief of police to hear make our force more efficient in the aPlreher.sion of criminals. C; of of iolice to keep a :written record of all mono*, srent :rd for ':chat purpose it cent .v?Bch is to be retorted to the Body at their rorular meeting. ?:eirber Jacobs offered an amendment bo the gbove motion, that the reeomnen datior. be tabled.-mendment lost upon roll. cell. Yeas: Batts, Jacobs, l:erth, C 'ter., 3i:--losberaer, 6te'aart (6) i?ays, boureno, Cochran, Cridor, Eason. i,:orrisoy The ai:ove motion lost. on roll call by the follo'.wir!r votes. Yeas: SOr. apiCAT (5) i. a;*s: 7att^, Uriaer, Jacobs, ::girth ;r, ^1^.:;t:•=r'•er ute.vart. (7) %; `i.L tr ...^r1Y.O r: 0.`•'?-r.'d tho °0110:'ilr.^ motion: hi!at the L'it;' 1301 iritor :e 'ar li.cez... . to he e or cars that pay City :.ioonse.. • .. , _':r. :•:rr i :'t "!:ani:�.r. , ,- ,.. �, _ ?„03,7. mnAfor i r: :,'_ • r 7 rot ion: That the recon-nr. let tor- ' i ^ _, ;,, .:�• ; ..,,e n_^ !r^.larins of the fol7o.w- i .;r rp in7ir0 JAr rtr;nnt . :... ... .. ... .filo:•e:�, .. .':,.±. `G:•. .. .. 7 'l r.,irn.`ia. (ln,}; •ir0vn r,et ilnht. 1: rir.n Jel, t. i r r, re% µ ger - .. . . .•�� .,.. ... ';n r'1Ir.. ,.. ion, cc _ ) b- .. ... .. ..-.. .._. "... .., . .. .. . _ ..-- ..,.. ...: .: .. .. ':'�..;�..... ."tion: r ar -r ::!rt'r. ?:''a! •r3 the fell .Ing me tion, t0-;vit: The action of the Board of r •�r ..:th reforence to an Ordinance pertainil?T to the C:•e^til:r, of a their, .urk 7 risoners or. tha street be eorcn^red in provided thatthe City :_for be furth,:r d ireo ted to embrace in sa id ord inaree that Mat ios of deputy jailer be de._ir.el so as to confer ul on him obarge of said bhain rsrrr. l:dtion c•arriod ur,a: irasl (12) :'enbor Jacobs offered the follo.7i2::- motion, to -crit: That the Cemeter;- ff'' •' -- •-- Cormittee be authorized to have the home and .aaitir-^ room for the Oe?•ton of _ -,_ r,• -,-;e ["-i; �r0veCemater,. repaire:l, papered and palnted. l:otion carried lii:fl2: i7:10liSl,%. :'en.bor i'orriaen offered the follo.vinr motion,to-:vit: That the ordinar:ce r•�atir� derut:- cit.- olerl: be received and filed 7nrti2 the Board of oualizatior m_de its rei Ort. i•otior, tarried iirarim0uP7^ (12) :'amber `:a son mado th- follo-•. rr motion,to-•.vitt 2h -^.t ar ord.irance rraatir.e all tine 'r.,alth officer be adoi• ted. i:otion carrie^ upor call"o:r roll Gr 1 iI ^! 0e Cn 10110'.7s: yeas. 7atts, Bou"ro, Jochrar, Crider, Eason, i,:orrisor,, Ri--les- a*:1 U, . 3c�r i:5_ r, ;+v icer, :'teaart. (9) 1:a7y3. Jacobs, Zerth, U,,en.(3) :'ember Eason offered the follo%rir;r motion, to -twit: To ratify the fol- lo.virr recon-:erAation: Recommended by the Tolice and lire Committee to set y..CCr.GO asido a fund out of the police court fires of •,?200.00 to be used b;= the chief of police to hear make our force more efficient in the aPlreher.sion of criminals. C; of of iolice to keep a :written record of all mono*, srent :rd for ':chat purpose it cent .v?Bch is to be retorted to the Body at their rorular meeting. ?:eirber Jacobs offered an amendment bo the gbove motion, that the reeomnen datior. be tabled.-mendment lost upon roll. cell. Yeas: Batts, Jacobs, l:erth, C 'ter., 3i:--losberaer, 6te'aart (6) i?ays, boureno, Cochran, Cridor, Eason. i,:orrisoy The ai:ove motion lost. on roll call by the follo'.wir!r votes. Yeas: SOr. apiCAT (5) i. a;*s: 7att^, Uriaer, Jacobs, ::girth ;r, ^1^.:;t:•=r'•er ute.vart. (7) %; `i.L tr ...^r1Y.O r: 0.`•'?-r.'d tho °0110:'ilr.^ motion: hi!at the L'it;' 1301 iritor :e 'ar li.cez... . to he e or cars that pay City :.ioonse.. • .. , _':r. :•:rr i :'t "!:ani:�.r. , ,- ,.. �, _ ?„03,7. mnAfor i r: :,'_ • r 7 rot ion: That the recon-nr. let tor- ' i ^ _, ;,, .:�• ; ..,,e n_^ !r^.larins of the fol7o.w- i .;r rp in7ir0 JAr rtr;nnt . :... ... .. ... .filo:•e:�, .. .':,.±. `G:•. .. .. 7 'l r.,irn.`ia. (ln,}; •ir0vn r,et ilnht. 1: rir.n Jel, t. i r r, re% µ ger - .. . . .•�� .,.. ... ';n r'1Ir.. ,.. ion, cc _ ) b- .. ... .. ..-.. .._. "... .., . .. .. . _ ..-- ..,.. ...: .: .. .. ':'�..;�..... ."tion: r No. S 00minis-sionels' proceeding,-i,+1ityx0f-Pa-(hncah 192 54- . .. ... ...._...... ._., 0- 7_.7t ,_,-', 7.;IIL"?Y 21, 1924, i ;1,r• ^r-T^cinl ..treot . . i'0712 }'ember Liorrison rade the followinR motion: -7horeas the certain inter^.st ;of t're ;It:, of Talucr_h pa; -able on the follo:r}rr bonds: cpocial stroot inprovemart bor'l j o=r.` of '369.76 becarr7 due on the 16th d^;• of Jere^ a + r::, 19.24, . r i in the ab_- i 0 0 c'Dvision for the ro.%,mont thereof b:• the F7aroral eourcil, see :pts upon 1,'l"" 0,r o ' :,n id it: dui; rail. re,7 rn':• role th- raid order an•i the pa—ment t'rereo.f b,•, tho ireasiijer Or'... � t ^fit. ' _` Z � r.; � > and snid-roasuror is 3iroctei to e'rnrr-a the aame ,'il,•i :horefor. ?'otion carrio3 on tally .. Ol .. 1•."}:•a1, ,.. .:.. r;>�•a0 t�:+, r91107:r'- ICO T: 1011: 'iht!r pec Cor taiTG nP' n . 1'. )..l street .1 .•i,'^5... .;e b•7rrY' -� ,. r .. ':r t, cr'i h.7 or flPid. ! 1,o : tl-,�rofore - L t1, ^'1 .."i '. . i r y , t. .. .) •.,1,n ,� to -n nY °T' 1 or:r eel t "ether' ::orri bn rrndo the follo-rirz motion, to -'71t: 7horoas the certain, intoro:••; o:' ti:e Ci t;• of Iaduoah pa;•able on the fol. lo':rinr• bonds: •,'600.000.00 third district se'..er honbn, heoeme drto on thn 10th day of Jnnu-r:- 1924, ar:l in the absence of n_n;• p-rovision for the 1,9,-r^ert thnroof b:- the "C.000.Ov^ .aY:ei'al 0o.u'e11l sar,•o :•1,a^ 171,011 the order of the 'a;or of said nit—, lull- raid. .herefore, I no ; move that said order, ^n l}`e pa•mrort tlhereof b* the treasurer of said cit;: be ratified and approved, n_rd ^aid trnesnrer is directed to eharae the sa-m to the Sir.}:ir.n lural heretofore provided therefor. lotion carrio3 unar.imousl;• or. call of roll (12) i'ember }:orrisor. made the folio:.vir.g motion: 7horeas the certain: interest Of the Cit;; of Paducah y a:-ablo on the folio:ring bond: ,;247,000.00 School lmprovemert Bonds, became due on the 15th dap of J_nu- ar;: 1924, and in the absence of ar.;• prevision for the pa yrnent thereof by the General council, same :las upor the order of the i.iapor of said city, duly paid. Therefore, 1 r.oa move that said order aril the payment thereof by the -'reaourer of said Cit.;, be ratifielaard approved, end said treasurer is directed to eharre the same to the dinhira• ='arid heretofore provided therefor. lotion carried unanimously on call of roll (12) :'ember I.:orriuon made the fol lo.vincr mot ion. Tnoreas certain Bonds of the Cit:: of Taducah issued for special street improvement to the amourt of X1675.6,3 hetam due aril :'ora presented for collection on the 16th dap of 19?.4, !z,d in the ab J ::.. t irr• orl:3 ser:co of a1,.;: provision for the pay,mort thereof b:- the Jeroral Council, Game:aas, upon t're order of the "a; -or of Faid Cit;- dul;- paid. i'7 ore_ore, 1 r.•oa more that said order and the ra••mor.t thereof h;- the 2reasu oi' said Cit,, be ratified and approved, and said 2rea Curer is d irooted to charge the same to t}',e �ir.Y.ir:z fund heretofore provided therefor. lotion carried unani-lousl;; on call of roll (12) ;1,r• ^r-T^cinl ..treot . . i'0712 }'ember Liorrison rade the followinR motion: -7horeas the certain inter^.st ;of t're ;It:, of Talucr_h pa; -able on the follo:r}rr bonds: cpocial stroot inprovemart bor'l j o=r.` of '369.76 becarr7 due on the 16th d^;• of Jere^ a + r::, 19.24, . r i in the ab_- i 0 0 c'Dvision for the ro.%,mont thereof b:• the F7aroral eourcil, see :pts upon 1,'l"" 0,r o ' :,n id it: dui; rail. re,7 rn':• role th- raid order an•i the pa—ment t'rereo.f b,•, tho ireasiijer Or'... � t ^fit. ' _` Z � r.; � > and snid-roasuror is 3iroctei to e'rnrr-a the aame ,'il,•i :horefor. ?'otion carrio3 on tally .. Ol .. 1•."}:•a1, ,.. .:.. r;>�•a0 t�:+, r91107:r'- ICO T: 1011: 'iht!r pec Cor taiTG nP' n . 1'. )..l street .1 .•i,'^5... .;e b•7rrY' -� ,. r .. ':r t, cr'i h.7 or flPid. ! 1,o : tl-,�rofore - L t1, ^'1 .."i '. . i r y , t. .. .) •.,1,n ,� to -n nY °T' 1 or:r eel t No. �n ,t. Oummissieaers'.,:Pmaeedings�:�ity uf: Pacluca.h', C Ili 11F, 23 1924. 192 5 :'irriror. a:cle the folio:wir- motion: •Il;(3reas there .7177 he due on :'i4 ox:o 0 -tax or: the fo17o rine bon's: -;1,0(;0.00 et Gi10.40 "r_ 2_:1st Co. ...-. c.; C J':,000.00 at 4,� 2',180.00 rll;�t Go. Jinx: :00.00 at 4,+ 930.00 _ `' OT:d 9 v21,000.00 at 4ia 420.00 "�•'..• ., ..,.::rr. `•.�11 is Bust CO. , • , 690.40 D-; move L':`ct the i_^easurer he mithorized aril 'lirected t0 tr^,r.^._fer such .. .. ... ..... .. ^7 - :;ra t0 the J1Ti }:inR =izrid arra for -mrd to the resrectiv,) haru{s rr .- due on each issue :71h8r due. ?'otiori carried u7.arirgouhl.;' on Call of r I_n _^isox: made the folloaina motion: nier-eas certair: couron Interest pf .. oi,! ;_ _gid+.:e.^.i: r•1;•ab7.a on -:7-eeial street improvement bonds in the amount of 7 , :,r ,61 beoa:ma due on Jaruar;- let, 1924 of 71hich at this date, Jarnlrr.- 21, 1924, •7,219.50 has beer. paid. I therefore, move that the treasurer be authorized and directed to pay, x.l car.:el :•treet i777prove7.ent Hond coupons due s'im-e Jr_nuar,.7 1st 1924 in the o° •,549,31 as they :7111 be presented throul?h the Gitr iTrtional Bar}: for col- _-..'.'cr, ar.i to ira.7 check e¢air.^,t the zipoct�%l Street Irmlrovement =und 1,ccount for sale. .al ri =:1 nr.^x imousl,7 z) -on call of roll (12) .Jacobs offered the follo.7inj�! motion: That the sum of •1200.00 ho ^irrro- fl:r-1 as a cashier's "117'n'j, to be 1;re•j t0 mflfe Ch^7''?e :'.r-1 t0 t � e,•'or Or aC ti.r r, 1';^_;•Or, rmer:*.-:r. c;• hi.71^ t):^_t C^TYOr be -r 9.777.0 eo Tho h^:i beer di.sohnrgo'1 th9^.P n71Y1l7ita, .'7her ^ir-o tea rt i allo':ed b•' the mnor8.1 C011r.C11 •irp to h? Oh'i. t.9'. to the -a'?d the move,-- returned to tho C^s;'r;i ^r' n _ und. 0 _^rad to bo re, or ted b^ the :.u.lit•:r_• to the-ix.anee totior. 0arried ur.ar:imou.;I-. ox: X71 0.� r011. (12) . -.•tr t:•-. ;011071 L'r motion: ^t :'r. _'.iek.e be rets incl a9 r " ''7 _. : _, :•i .r0_ '.'r77. t0 JOir. t firame 00!'!t"i ttee ',.0r ra- rrerrl,7? r ) i "lesber'r ont of rOOr. at Li. s. -.I oz.: =hat t%le Git- 00)1c'itor be di - i . - _ -' ^" ... '+'•. _ ;Y !.r 7. r,r; 9'i hr; of the elevator 01'.era- I: f10 :',ii10r P.7[i .Ltr-7gpj?:. r^er e�.rd t. fPROY t I