HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 254, January 4, 1926Proceedings of.._ios_:3D 04 COUNCILM!", .
City of Paducah j,mloiiRY 4, 1926.
At a regular meeting of the. Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor:
of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, January 4th, 1926, the Clerk called
the meeting to order.
Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names:
Brumm..ett, Crider, Fleming, Jacobs, Johnston, Y.erth, Owen, Stewart, Vogt, Watson and
The Clerk announced the election of a President of the Board is now in
:ember Owen nominated Member Johnston as President of the Board of
President Councilmen for a period of one year. Member Johnston visa elected upon the call of the,
Board of
Councilmen roll: Yeas (10). Member Johnston not voting.
On motion minutes of the call meeting of December the 30th, 1925, wero,
adopted as read.
of Emmett Holt. hember Ogren offered motion to receive and file the resignation of
Jas. Doherty Esr-ett L. Holi;,as Councilman of the First :lard, and to ratify the appointment of M
James Doherty to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Emmett L. Holt. adopted
on the call of the roll: Yeas (11).
Same offered motion to receive and file election certificate of
Election Ray H. Jacobs, Councilman of the Fifth ':lard. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(12).
Ray H.Jacobs. ;:ember '•:atts offered motion to ratify the action of the Mayor in
st^nina contract with Black & Veatch for engineering work on the relief sewer in
Black &
Veatch, District No. 2, and the re -location of sewer on Island Creek, adopted on the call of
the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Owen offered motion to refer to the Light u Yater committee,
Street ani Pcard of Public %orks, petition from citizens living on :Pest Clay Street requesting
light at
20th & 21st street light at 20th and 21st streets and 61ay; water main from 19th to 21st streets;
Sts. and
Clay. opening 21st street from Jefferson Street to Hinkleville Road; and grade streets below;
eater °'ain
19thito*, 21st -19t -i street. donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Op:. `
Grade sts'
below 19th. Member Kerth offered motion that the communication from the Mayor
in regard to hydrants being allowed to run, causing ice to form on the sidewalks, be
nrohibited referred t;, the City Solicitor to draw ordinance prohibiting same. adopted on the call';
from running_,.
of the roll: Yeas (12).
rT.ort of 1'er_her Ewen offered motion to receive and file the assessment report
Cl ty +33e33or,
Of the City AsSescor. i:dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Isembsr =,erth offered motion that the Board of Equalization be requested
Board of
Bquolizuti.on`'•' jnv"3tirat`•' personal nropert•r a30esnment, as reported by the City assessor, ntth a
to lnve3ti-
ra':e per3on-view of 1nrr,;a_-1nn sur...n, n.Ionted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
el. nr^Darty.
llemr;r =: <:rrart offered motion to receive and file the renort of the Chief
?-port of o" 9r: `ire rAnSrt"9nt fol• the month of December, 1925. Adopted or i:'ln call of the roll:
G�� i?f o£ � P • ,
Ftrc Dept. Yetis (12).
bier,=.r "7att offtired motion to receive and file the
report of the Chief
Chief of
of the
Police foil the mon`.: of ceml:er 1925. -loptc-1 on --he call
of thf, roil: Ye+za
"'ember C•.ven offered motion to roceive an -3 f'.lr- the
report of the City
T,ep03 t
`zi ar
.... i,
for c of 192>.Icp;e i ot;� call of tho
roll: Yeas (1n
k'Fm'.er ::-nth offer ! ...oticn %hat *if, President of
the Co)mcil appoint
do clnl
COMMitfee to meet with tie Library Board :o ad,juat matters
of Finance requested.
on .:`z� call of the; roll: Yea3 (12) .
Presi?er`: Johnston appctnte•i '`e folio:•rin,- members
as Committee: Verth,
to meet ;;ith
ru• Met: an! '..Betts.
Board. ..
Proceedings of BOAR, _CF _CovtiCIU• -EEP
No. 255.
City of Paducah Jat;r,;;, tr 47. 1, 1926.
Member Vogt offered motion to allow the fcl.loeiing:13ay roll -----%p9740.03;
Pay rolls and claims,. y20.20. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12),
Same offered motion that the claim of Black & Veatch for tho amount of
Suit of Josep-,ine Aldermen in authorizing the City Solicitor to enter into the suit of Josephine
F.Post and
Diamond Petroleum F. Post and the Diamond Petroleum Company vs: J. 1:1. Slaughter, Fire Chief, requir-
Co. vs. J. i:i• Ing a permit for building a gasoline station at 13th and Jefferson Streets. Adopt
ed on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
,950.00, approved by tho Finance Committee, be allowed, same to be paid out of
Black & Veatch.
Aldermen in allowing the American Legion $1CO.00 to be paid in ,25.00 monthly
Special Sewer Lateral Funds, adopted on the call of the roll: Yean (12).
Same offered motion that the report of the Treasurer of Coupons paid
in the amount of -$2.82, be allowed from the Special Street Improvenc:nt Fund.
Special Street
fl-:em.en in regard to tars./Caldwell being requested to execute a deed of dedication
Improvement Bond
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Adopted On the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
1.1ember Owen offered motion to refer to the City ?olicitor, with nower
to act, refund of 51.50 Poll Tax on Tax Bill 2060, of A. C. Jones, Sioux Falls,
A. C. Jones,
r+,kit of way for extension of Kentucky Avenue+ Adopted on the call of the roll:
Tax refund.
S.D. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
J. A. Dossett.
Member lierth offered motion that deeds for lots in Oak Grove Cemetery,
Cemetery heed
be g^anted as follows: Clara Park Miller, Lot 12, Block 45; Robert T. Caldwell,
Clara Park Miller,
. erncn in r.ef,,rrirr to the i* CitSolicitor, Fin+anne Committic- and Flavor, the
Robert T. Caldwell
Lot No. 26, Block 4; B. E. McKinzie, E. one-half of Lot 16, Block 14. P_dopted on
B. E.McKin7ic
of !:1'-*1,nr? necessary steps to nrf:nary: bonrls votod by t -he City. Adopted on
the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
'.9me offered motion to concur in the netio.h of till) Boitrd Of Aldermen
epi-%'•nnut:l interest
Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the Paducah
Report of
;later Cor puny, under date of December 24th, 1925, of water mains laid. Adopted on
Paducah :':afar Co.
46 27.50. ,'.30pted O: -1:. call of the roti. Yeas (12),
the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
1?e�bcr^'.%1Pr cffererl mo.±on to concur in the action of the Board
Member Uwen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
of Lidermen in al]orting sA i -annual interest on Third District ^ewer
ldermen in ratifying the appointment of George M. OehlschlaeEer, as Cit, Auditor,
Geo. M.Oehlschlaeger
made by the Mayor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
]:ember t7atts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Suit of Josep-,ine Aldermen in authorizing the City Solicitor to enter into the suit of Josephine
F.Post and
Diamond Petroleum F. Post and the Diamond Petroleum Company vs: J. 1:1. Slaughter, Fire Chief, requir-
Co. vs. J. i:i• Ing a permit for building a gasoline station at 13th and Jefferson Streets. Adopt
ed on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
American Legion.
Aldermen in allowing the American Legion $1CO.00 to be paid in ,25.00 monthly
installments. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Addie L.
Beed i' dedica_
fl-:em.en in regard to tars./Caldwell being requested to execute a deed of dedication
tion from !'rs.
Addie Caldwell
iOr the extension of Coxey Avenue, in accordance with her previous agreement.
for extension of
Coxey A-emle.
Adopted On the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member l7atto offered motion that the Presi,.lent of the Boa.rd appoint
a 7<.nrrittee of three to meet with J. A. Dossett for the purpose of acquiring a
J. A. Dosaett.
r+,kit of way for extension of Kentucky Avenue+ Adopted on the call of the roll:
Committee to meet
Yea:, (12). COs:r:"stee appointed: Owen, Stewart and '�latt:s..
J. A. Dossett.
beam:• Kerth offered :notion to concur in the action of tihe Poard of
. erncn in r.ef,,rrirr to the i* CitSolicitor, Fin+anne Committic- and Flavor, the
Bonds prepure:i.
� '
of !:1'-*1,nr? necessary steps to nrf:nary: bonrls votod by t -he City. Adopted on
call Of thy' rcil: Yeas (12).
'.9me offered motion to concur in the netio.h of till) Boitrd Of Aldermen
epi-%'•nnut:l interest
School Improvement
1:1 elirwin� seri-annual on 9rhool Imnroven:ent BAnds in th,r amount
Bon is.
46 27.50. ,'.30pted O: -1:. call of the roti. Yeas (12),
Semi -Annual int.
1?e�bcr^'.%1Pr cffererl mo.±on to concur in the action of the Board
on '.nir3 Bistrict
of Lidermen in al]orting sA i -annual interest on Third District ^ewer
Sewer Bons.
Bonds in the
IInc,unit of i=iop-el on the call of the roll. Yees (12) 1
No. 256. _---__._.
Proceedings of n,,:. <"' <,;''r City of Paducah JaNU:1P.Y. 4TH, 1926.
Membar ticrth Pcad a resolution entLtled "A R_.•:10:11i'IOI7 AUTHORI'sIHG .11:P
ResolutionT . "0" AND Tii� CITY T`3;?A6URER 01'' THE CITY OF FA DUCAH K,.iJTU(;KY TO
Treasurer to ,
clue;,•. B0 �'•� ;..�„ _'S aGG5eGATING T:Iu? °IR.I OF THE SV.".
100,000.00,, 95 THE MAY BE RE'ZUIRL:D TO
Upon motion :::.n:e rias given first passage upon the call of the roll:
Yeas (12).
On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon
the call of the roll: `teas (12).
On motion same was riven second and final passage upon the call of the i
roll: Yeas
Yember r.'atts offered motion that the City Cleric be instructed to buy a
Book for
filing water Took suitable for filing viater works reports, as they come in for future reference.
-corks report.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
I' -Triter Kerth offered motion that the City Solicitor be instructed to
Taring out -
of town investigate and raport legality of taxing or licensing automobiles running or parking
cars parking
regularly regularly on City streets, which are o•nned by persons residing out of City Limits.
in City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
President Johnston appointed as Finance Committee, Members Kerth, Vlatts
Committee ani Brummett.
Member Owens offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of +
Appropria- Ailemen in appropriating $400.00 to student nurses, of Riverside Hospital., to hell
tion to
student replace part of their personal effect�,lost in recent fire. Adopted on the call of
nurses of
RiversI1e the ro- : Yeas (12).
:!ember ':Jatts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alde-men
in corcurin,7 in the reccrmen:?ation of the Board of Public i+grks, in awarding holler j
Plumbinn Co. Plumhinr Company, contract for relief sewer in District iio. 2, and re -locating setter
for relief along Island Creek. Adopted -on the Pall of the roll: Yeas (12).
sewer, etc.
1`.ember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
7.033 of Allermen in authorizing the L;ayor to receive from Insurance Companies, the suit of
on Rivev3ide .??1.36.50, as loss on equipment of Riverside hospital Nurses' Home. Also the sum .of
Hoorne. Also ;%5000.00 for loss on Nursesr Home. :adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
1033 Of
Nu ries' " m?er Crilcr offered rctton to concur in the action of the BoHrd of
Hom e .
l:errin in irrantine no.rcr to the Hospital Committee to ask for bids for the repairing.
131,13 for
repairing of Nur3on' ?Tome. Adopt:Pd on t: -o call of the roll: Yees (12).
home. 3.nre cffcred L:o':ion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
2ewe,, In instructin Ordinrrnc(- ^.ommittee to report on Ordinance governing the position
of .ie tar In3rset:c:•. on :,hP cet11 of the roll: Yeas (12).
""'' .'•'• �• "�: C"r_'•;?•C:I motion to Ponctir in Inn, action of the Board of
t".C.-if 711T.v.
R. R. Co., Al3er:*en in rFca:. .� Ii. C. 3t. L. n. ,'.. Go., being permitter) to 3:akc temporary
cor.nPcticns e:i« , .:; :.r:c-• in :eater District No. 1, H.: reeomr.en•ied by the 'Boar^i of it
^..�. !opted cn .^a C 0t' the roil: Yren;3 (12).
offpreJ :..otion to carn%r in `hfC a^,tion of tn.e Boar' -i of
Obstructions rll`ie^men in res;ari t0 n� tnor!. in^ O'ur'. of PLhl-P .'.0.. 3 an'i `St rP,Ct In..nCC tOr•
•nr: 1 PLhl n,� n
in Lir�ie .
St. Letn•.
C oil :0 hllv-� all Obstr',llt{Ong i.7 :.izae .,.. 3q„ "' ntl r.a n " removed.
.ewr, & .:�+��e r: ::0•:7 a . I3 id1;e , trerts
,Ionon c' t
,ed 'he cai. ':~e rc_1:: t
Proceedings of o , ui c,)w t n, ::11 City of Paducah
4, 1926. ".
Member Ovien offered motion to conear in tilt, ttetion of the Board of
Aldezr:cn in regard to receiving and filing the report of the Board of Public
17. F. Anderson.
Street Inspector.
.orks in renar,i to re -appointing :. F. Anderson, Street Superintendent for year
1920. Adopted on the, call of the roll: 'teas (12).
Same cffered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
in receiving and riling the Enuineer's istimate /of Black Fc Veatch for r:ork _lone
Black & Veatch
Engineer Est.No.4.
by holler Plumbing Company on Sewers in Zone Nos. 1,4 and 5, durin, the month of
December, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
.'ember berth o^fered notion to concur in the action of the Board of
r.1dermen in referring to the Board of Public '-+orks, with power to act, the matter
Standpipe for
filling sprinkler
of locatin, suitable stand pipe for the wagons.use of filling sprinkler wagons. Adopted
on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
1.:ember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Aldermen in regard to the Mayor being instructed to place proper insurance on
personal property of the Nurses of Riverside Hospital. Adopted on the call of the
roll: Yeas (12).
Board recessed at 9:20 o'clock P . 1d., to go into Joint Session.
He -convened at 9:40 o'clock P. M., and on motion adjourned.