HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 241, November 2, 1925Proceedings of v.•3n of coas:,;:w;
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City of Paducah Iiov. 2, 1925,
t a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third
Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, November the 2nd, .1925,
President Rlrlcsbe.•;;er presided, and upon the call of thn roll the. following
ans::ered to their names: Higlesberger, Cochran, Fleming, Hummel, Johnston, berth,
ason, O'acn, Stewart and '.:atts. (10).
I.,inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as road.
1',mber Fleming excused from meeting.
Eember i(erth offered motion to refer to the, City Solicitor and Ordinance
Committee, communication from the Eayor recommending a now ordinance governing
the Sewer & Plumbing Inspector. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
fdember 111Lmic:el offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the
";acie 3arto:. City Solicitor, to reduce the assessed valuation of the property of '':ade Barton,
at 2221 Broadway, from ;-"2750.00 to ,?1705.00. Adopted on the call of'the roll:
Yeas (9).
Came offered motion to refer to the Light ";ter Committee, to
p.titdon from citizens for eater mains along Claric ;tract, from
lonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
of;'e,red motion to concur in tic action of the Boar;! of .%l icm.en
n Licca . ••a.ee Cormittee, the report of the Pa,binah :'rater Comnary,
: lsld from Jentert;cr the 26th to October the 28th, 19;15. adopted
irr-e1 o!'ferod motion to receive and file taro report of
of i' S. 1^r. C: _' '.or tPvP month of 00%0 ,er 19 tl
?. r. :,domed on to call of the
ofl-�r,-d motion to r c..ivn ani fii3 re'nort of t:,,. City
:,:i=•r :;, •,r, 1.725. to-, ed an •.i'le cal'1 of t -+in roll: Yeae
rai ,:c ;inn to con^.:+ar 1:. tnP ac-.icn of ^.i.Rna.,d of
to void tax hid 4fl. pled on ,:re call.
deet to
... ... n•: n� �'i7. air.
L:ember ,'atts offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the
City Solicitor in allowing Mrs. J. -1: Clark, $100.00 for personal injuries on
Yrs. J. E. Clar:-.
account of an accident on October the 10th, 1925, while crossing bridge at 13th
ani Faxon Streets. Also physician's bill for 'j12.50, same to he charged to costs
and suits. Adopted on the call of the roll:- Yeas (9).
I.lember tlason offered motion to refer to the. City Solicitor, the
communication from Jacobs and Fox, in regard to overcharge on Tan Bill No. 5665.
'a' 'ill .5665'
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
(ember Hummel offered motion that the following payroll and claims
�ayrcll an'i
be allowed: Pay roll ...;9612.43; Claims ........?129.53; Bills payable ;;>70,000.(P.
Adopted on the c:all of the roll: Yeas (9).
Same offered motion that claims paid through the Cashier's Fund in
the amount of ,;81.83 be allowed. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'leas (9).
t`.erber Johnston offered motion to refer to the Light & later Commit-
-.o report back, petition from citizens for crater mains along Coxey Street,
from Lincoln. ?.venue to Cleveland Street. Adopted on the call of theroll: Yeas
Came offered motion to refer to the Light ";ter Committee, to
p.titdon from citizens for eater mains along Claric ;tract, from
lonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
of;'e,red motion to concur in tic action of the Boar;! of .%l icm.en
n Licca . ••a.ee Cormittee, the report of the Pa,binah :'rater Comnary,
: lsld from Jentert;cr the 26th to October the 28th, 19;15. adopted
irr-e1 o!'ferod motion to receive and file taro report of
of i' S. 1^r. C: _' '.or tPvP month of 00%0 ,er 19 tl
?. r. :,domed on to call of the
ofl-�r,-d motion to r c..ivn ani fii3 re'nort of t:,,. City
:,:i=•r :;, •,r, 1.725. to-, ed an •.i'le cal'1 of t -+in roll: Yeae
rai ,:c ;inn to con^.:+ar 1:. tnP ac-.icn of ^.i.Rna.,d of
to void tax hid 4fl. pled on ,:re call.
deet to
... ... n•: n� �'i7. air.
Proceedings of
- --- - - I -
City of Paducah
`o: -'.ler Johnston offered motion to ratify deed from Stuart Craig to Beauley
%. ,ble and Ganite Company, for the 11. E. half of Lot "No. 14, Section 48, in 081:
Grove Ce-cetery. :adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
'.ember 0 -.nen offered motion to concur in the action of the Boarrl of ildexmnn
cn in accepting the resignation of Ernest J. Baumgard, as soler and plumbing inspector.
..domed on the call of the roll: Ycas (9).
_ 1
I.:ember Hur.:mel offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
in not rebating George Flock's Shoe Company on 1925 City.Taxes, as recommended by the
Judiciary Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
!ex,ber Hummel offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen;
in regard to City Officials, Police Lepartment and Fire Department participating in
::he parade of the tunerican Legion on Armistice Day, lloveryber the 11th, 1925. Adopted
on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
ldemher Hummel offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
c of
r" of in receiving and filing the report of the Chief of the Fire '�epartment for the month
Fire :.^nt.
of October, 1925. Adopted on .he call of the roll: Yeas (9).
?-'ember Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
r' �1•iermen in alloying Ardice Bradley {$300.00 in settlement. of a damage suit against j
the City of Paducah, for ;32650.00. ndopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
:e::ber 1--ason offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
e.11o:rinq 31ack & Veatch sp1675.00,. sar_e to be paid from money deposited by Kohler
Plumbing Company. :ndopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9).
'nrineerls !ember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
;ohI-r in receivin:; and filing Engineerls hst:imate for work done on serer laterals by Kohler. �
.'lumbinr_, Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). i
'!ember Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
In •.!Pontin^, the resolution instructing the Paducah hater Company to lay water mains
on Horth 10th street from a point 360 feet west of Burnett -itreot to L11is Street;
10th ;trAet from Alis to Palm Street, and Adams ,Street from 3rd to 4th Streets,
in the City of Paducah, Xentu-ky. Adopted on the call of the roll: ve,.c fql_
L:ember 1„3son off.^.red motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
1Snr In rnferrinr to the City Engineer the communication from the Isla
� ,dor repardin” the gradin;;
an•1 =-r:.,relin:� of 24th :street bet.veen Jefferson and Monroe Streets. .dopted on the ru11
roll: yeas (9).
1!c. beg %te_:art offered motion tgat the Strect Lepartmcnt be instructed to
at cinders on Jsckscn .;trcet frog± 19th to 25t -h :streets. Adopted on the call of the
Yeaa (9).
Gn :.-,,ion mectir•. adJoul'ned.