HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 237, October 19, 1925`,57 . Proceedings of ,0 " <"' GO.UNC1Li1-u City of Paducah oc_rohlat_ 19, 1925._ At a regular meeting of the Board of councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., October the 19th, 1925, President Riglesberger presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Riglesberrer, Cochran, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Y.ason, Owen, Stewart and '::alts. (11). Minutes of the previous meeting Caere adopted as read. Member ttason offered motion to receive and file the report of the Public Improvement Committee and Mayor in regard to not being' advi se able to sell the City c,ca'_es � Lo- City Scales lot, oA South 2nd Street. Rdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). i 1 Member Johnston offered motion to refer to the Judiciary Committee for Ernest Baumr7ard. recommendation, the communication from the 1ayor and Board of Health in regard to discharging i?r. Ernest Baumgard, Plumbing Inspector. Adopted on.the call of the i roll: Yeas (11). Member Kerth offered motion to comply in the request of the Cumberland Cumberland Tel. & Telephone & Telegraph Company to cancel bond of the Home Telephone Company, as Tel. Co. to cancel bond of Komc Tel. recommended by the City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Co. financial 1;1ember Mason offered motion to receive and file the/statement of the Financial "trite- Paducah Railway Company, Inc., ending September the 30th, 1925. Adopted on the ant of :,iuca'n r:,iIL- LJ Co. call of the roll: Yeas (11). ?Sember Hummel offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee, with e;:er bt::+. T�au7. poser to act, the matter of sewer between Broadway and Kentucky Avenue on South &',,,y. : ve . on :'o. 4t'.: .. 4th Street being made larger. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Sewer Sewer at ;9th ..n,l Committee in authorizing the City Engineer to place a new sewer at 19th and .Teff. Jefferson Streets, so as not to approach on the Katterjohn property. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member ::anon offered motion to refor to the City Solicitor the communi- J..Clar cation from I.?rs. J. E. Clark in regard to sustaining injuries by falling into a ditch at 13th & Faxon Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the communication of .'.ade ?arton. 7-'ade Barton., asking for an adjustment of assessed valuation of property at #2221 3ro-,0-.,:ay. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11) :dember Johnston offered motion to concur in the request of citizens ssking Alley ff+oY 3wuy. that an alley ^ r.:,ir.n from Broadtaay to Jefferson Streets, between lith and 174.-11 to Jnffc:rserc t.cen 16th ;tree---, be not paved. Adopted on the. cill of the roll: Yeas (11). l 't'th offered r.,otion to receive and file the report of the `<•'*e'r'% of 'unerintenient ef' 'streets of the amount of gasoline and oil used during the month of :;filing• cif .+.nt,:mter by �2trer;t-epartment. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ofi'rre.i motion to ;re:rt the rr:quoot of the Police Department for ^•-r. „-. -. -. n0:1nital ?@'-,"vire for any 7:3L^. Jer of th,^ injured whllo on :duty. le.3s (11) cffer:l otion that :iny City I.%sployee injured :.,hile on duty, be to be City Ilopital. doptad on the call of the free; _ roll.: offerei Mo•:ion to concur in thft recome:r;n.tation of the City :..%c6o1i:i or 1n e1.'':•- 4 7111 74 - t, ?'rs. Eiwi:- J. ?axton, forr.orly Liss Florence. Jr0"M. Aicc : ; c: gall of tri. :011: Ye: . __SCSi No... ' 1 •.. Proceedings of City of Paducah oc'ro I> R 19, 1925.. Yember or+cn offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, the r,=quest of i Tuc.cr the Tucker Chemical '.;anufact:uring Company for refund of ;55.00, City License paid for C;teT.ical Cc. year 1°04, amopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (lO). Same offered motion to ratify deed from Jewell Stubblefield to Liatilda Allen T'rr<'•' and !•:dr;ar3 Allen, for aest half of Cemetery Lot No. 20, Block No. 4, in Oak Grove Cesetery, Ne.,.' Addition. ,adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). tion- Same offered motion to refer to the Light &- Water Committee to report back, -.,ns a pot! -,Jon from citizens for extension of crater mains on 10th Street from Ellis to ' to Fair. Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to refer to the Light- &:'dater Committee to report back, a petition from citizens for extension of water mains on adams frcm..Third to.Fourth v_. Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). L'ember Humnel offered motion that the payroll and claims be allowed as '1 follows: Payrolls. ....••...6795.36; Claims ........ 10,662.06. Adopted on the call i of the roll: Yeas (10). Sarre offered the following motion: That the Mayor & City Treasurer be 1 authorized to renew note to the Citizens Savings Bank in the amount of $8216.82 for a period of 6 months. Said note renresents money borrowed on the certificate of time deposit from the Ohio Valley Bank & Trust Company to make final settlement with E. R. Harding & Co., upon completion of Sewer District No. 3. Also that allowance for: six months interest be made in the amount of `246.50 and the Clerk Instructed to issue proper warrant on Treasurer charging; same to Sundry Interest. Adopted on the call of tl: roll: Yeas (10). "ember Hummel offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the "ity :,,iditor in allo-:+in? the West Kentucky Automobile Club ;50.00, and referring the bill of the Carrara Paint Company for ;;125.00 for one zone marking machine to them as they v mere to pay nal..rce. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Lombor Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIIIG FOR THE i PROTECTION 07r—IL?.OAD CROSSING OF THE NASHVILLE', CHATTANOOGA & ST. LOUIS RAILM6 Or9ir. ce. CO`"r-:L'I," ";:.':: ':ii:. '27i�-;T CAR LINE CROSSES THE' TRACK OF SAID COLPANY, ON CnLD7E-LL STREi."T, c^,ra,•In^ NEA? THE U=:ION 3T,'rIO'T, III TiI!: CITY OF PADUCaH, KENTUCKY;AND FIXING THE PEIIALTY FOR mss_ is;mil +'NY VIOLATION HEREOF. i. On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10) On motion of+ -me the riles :+ere suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion saute ;+aa iven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: 'lea c (10) . Same offered motion to refer to the street Committee, the matter of cradle:• Brn ileal 3ros., b>>ild1nr-, a platform over the si:ae'aalk ani ,;utter at 922 Madison Street.. Bros. AIopted on the call or the roll: Yean (10) I'e.mbe:' Kerth read ar. ordinance ,nti .led "AN 0� I)I ; O I' I iN1"r `!'it .v Salar-T OF 'tE POLI_ r.:; . 0. 1'.'.' 0: P . ,.,.. Y. i,L.s 1': ;,• Police , _:U... Jud e. I..., ::, _ .... , ._._ Ot. :!:. ... ... :: f P..y 7..Z , *. same ^'='.. 1'. _•. :'i..;i pas^,alae. Cron thin- call of tl:, roll. Yeas;; (9), a. ,: a(1). On motion Cf __.., .ae ^'�1.3 :; :'� i�©F li'� LI anal or!i..ance read by titl(, :Inon t;ie call of tie :'Oil: a^-1 final na93a,^,F; upo:: the call of the rola.. `leas t9). oI'' Proceedings of - - '� " City of Paducah UG,V t]::; 19, .1925. member Johnston offered motion that, the Street Committee and Street st-n-t Supt. inicted to .;•apdrintendent be instructed to talco droner steps to repair the streets that are Repair streets `ori: un putting-•, beim; torn up on account of putting in water meters and se•::er laterals. Adopted in water ..eters se'.,cr on the call of the roll; Yeas (10). lz,terais. Member Hummel offered motion that the Koller Plumbing Company be :;oiler Plum.'it:,; directed to fix a passage tray over any obstructions or excavations made by them, Co. to fix passa.;e .''`,r over especially at 20th to 25th Streets and Trimble. Adopted on the call of the roll: excava.'ions r::L:.ie by tnem, esn. Yeas (10). 2( n to 251-1 & :ri,:ble. Member Fleming offered motion that the Paducah 'dater Company be direct - Paducah •.•stc.• ed to fix streets torn up by them, especially Mill, Meyers and Brown Streets. Co. to fix Adopted on the call of -the roll: Yeas (10). streets torn up by t._m• Member Stewart offered motion that Robert Thornton of the Police Force, be allowed 527.50 for waiting on the Councilmen and Aldermen for the first Robert Thornton. half of the year 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). ':he roll: Yeas (2). (:s;, Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Yancey & Johnston Aldermen in settling the claim of Yancey & Johnston for street improvement against Ella Puryear the FA11A: Puryear estate, as recommended by the City Solicitor. Adopted on the Fstw ;e. call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen & Johnson in settling the claim of Yancey & Johnston for street improvement against G. r:11• .rs. D. G. Murrell, as recommended by the City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to all mater service outside the City Limits being held up rricet( until sufficient time for the Paducah '-later Company to bring a pressure within the - - City Limits up to the required standard. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). ;days (1). '.-ember O -wen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to requests for street lights being; referred to the Board of of Public •+cr'rs. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). I<ember Watts offered motion that the City Engineer be instructed on Cit-. to bran, in an outline for the extension of t•!,e City Limits. Adoptod on,the call of the roll: Yeas (B), hays (2). 'ember Ilur.mel offered motion to refer to the Roard of Public r •: ., . . , n;tition from citizens for a street light at the corner of 4th and Husbands " �treets. (Iopted on the call of tlu; roil: Yeas (10). "(e_ber Perth offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard of 1lerr:!n in authorizing the Paducah ",iter Company to lay the following :•rater Jeffe;:^ser. tre;e,t from rd to 4t,:, metre. is on Clay street £rot'. In th to 21s-,. un, on Jackcon from 19th to 21st •`treets. Adopted on the call of the off(.reri ,:otion that realr:ents on the south si'Ie .11 of -';ills rre: t e<, ;., .:,,+ n--; :::i :�iior, to tap .•tatter rain. Lost upon the call of ':he roll: Yeas (2). (:s;, No.- 2';'' Proceedings of n`''.' hD OF COLI VCIL'!"`' City of Paducahi 10, 1925. Uomber iiummel offered motion to concur in the report of the City Solicitor, irdoe, Arca3e : r;. - : ,. dein rcrar3 to/cinss of aeade Drug Company, alleged to have been broken by the Street Denart,mer.t, Por fuc,ther proof. •adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion meetin:- -ljourned. I a 2-2 oi 1.