HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 228, September 21, 1925- Proceedings of_ 50 .f:D OF COUNC, L1; .N City of Paducah 5EP"!ti "RER 21, 1925. At W re,,ular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of raducah, Ky., Beptember the 21st, 1925, President Riglesberger presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Riglesber,ger, Cochran, -rider, Fleming, Hummel, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and iatts. (10). r Minutes of September 7th, 1925, sere adopted as read. Member Johnston offered motion that the action of the Board in undertaking -to postpone indefinitely consideration of the Milk Ordinance, be rescinded and expunged "s• from the records. .,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Nays (3). L:inutes of the meeting of September the 8th, 1925, were adopted as cor- rected- Yeas (9). Nays (1). Member Aerth offered motion to cefer to the eity Solicitor summons served ='•n on the L%ayor in the case of Cecil Reed, Guardian, vs: City of raducah• Adopted on the I of call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee, communication from City Assessor requesting the purchase of a typewriter and desk for his'office. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). ?;:ember Rummel offered motion that the following be allowed: Claims...... 6306.77; Pay roll ....... �7237.77. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea8010). Pa rolls ar.l claims. Same offered motion that the Cashier's fund be allowed in the amount of 146.74. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to allow Roy Holeman, ;33.33 for serving as Judge :'. rro Tem of the Police Court, for 8 days. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion that allowance of >a1950.00 be made to pay interest "ann due October 1st, 1925, on bond issue known as Paducah, Tennessee & Alabama Railroad Company. :c. Icni. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Idember Johnston came into meeting. Member Aerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE DEI•'INING "?BILK" AND CER^+_AIN "?'.ILK F90DUCTS", "MILK'PRODUCER", PASTEURIZATION," FTC., PROHIBITING THE SALE OF ALULT_,R? T3D AND MISBRxND3D ?BILK AND MILK PRODUCTS, RFgUSRING PERMITS FOR THE- &LE OF MILK :01D MILK F'?OD'?CTS, REGULATING THE INS?ECTION OF DAIRY FARMS, MILK PLAII'PS, TSE Tr. TIBC, r,RRDING, L.,83LING, PLF:CnRDING, PASTEURIZATION, REGRADING, DISTRIBUTION, 'u1 D f,5:" -.'TURING OF '.'.ILK ill u b9ILK PRO DUCTS, PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLISHING OF L:ILK :" 'U T1Ui1 0? FU RUI?TE DAIRIES aND MILK PL�ti1TS, THE ENFORCELih'NT OF THIS FIAING OF Member Mason offered motion tket the Milk Ordinance be laid over until r:•:r.t rc:-vlar mer' -tint". Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cochran, Hummel, and ': dtts. (4). ?1aya: Riclesberger, Crider, Flemin;;, Johnston, Kerth, Owen and Stewart. (7;. On motion the above ordinance was ,riven first pas:aane upon the call of the roll: ye! z. Ri;les-;epger, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Ksorth, Omen, Stewart and "Says: Cochrun, Hump^.el a"', Lfason (3). On motion of same, , r11l's3 :.ere suspended and ordinance read by title open the call o:' the roll: Yeas: 31t+1eshe�.,r,r, Crider, r'leming, Johnston, Kerth, Qser:, 3t,,' art and 71atts. (8)• Nays: Cochran, ;:am:r,•.1 ;tnl °Anson• (3). On =otion Ss=0 seas given second and final pass•ige upon the call of the roll: Y.?as: ^i�zlesberg r, C ilei, Flemin^, •Tojuj3toA, {C rtl'1, Owen, :*, •_:lrl"'t ani 7:att:3.(S). tisys: Cochran, Hu^*el and L'sso. (3), m Proceedings of t3a.:iD or- coulrcl Uj),N City of Paducah nnrToin 5u•.R 21, 16.23._ i.:ember berth read an ordinunco entitled " AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR An ELECTION SY 'CH'•; WU.+LIFIED FLXCTORS OF '"-:E CITY OF P::DUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO BE HELD ON THE REGULAR ELECTION DAY, NOVEJJBEH 3RD- 1925, TO DETEIJ9INP. THE QUi?S PIOII "'-IRTHER TflE CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL ISSUE AND SELL THE BOPIDS OF S:1ID CITY TO THII, EXTENT Oil T":0 '�on:I ' '• HUNDRED THOUS +TID ('200,000.00) DOLT: ±RS FOR THE PUHPO'3E OF PTiOVI7ING FOR THE COSTS OF INTRRSECTIONS P0ID OTHER NECESSARY COSTS INCIDENT TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF HARD SURFACE STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ARD TO PROVIDE, FOiI THE PAYi1ENT ; i OF INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND TO CREATE A SINKING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS AT i .iTUHITY." Member Hummel offered motion to change Section 2 of this Ordinance to read "Payable twenty years after date" instead of thirty ,years after date. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cochran and Hummel (2). Nays: Rialesberger, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Owen, Stewart and �iatts.(7). Members Kerth and Mason not voting. On motion the above ordinance was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: RiglesbePger, Cochran,'Crider, Fleming, Johnston, I•Iason, Oren, Steuart and 1.7atts..(9). Ilays: Hummel and Kerth (2). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title tYpon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesbegger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Mason, Owen, Stewart and 17atts. (9). Nays: Hummel and Kerth. (2). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochram, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, ':anon, Owen, 6tewart and natts. (9). Nays: Hummel and Kerth (2). Member Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN zl,ECTION IN THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OIt VOTERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO BE HELD ON THE REGULAR ELECTION DAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1925, IN THE CITY OF RkDUCAH, Kentucky, TO DET-.RYINE THE QUESTION 7'ETHER THE CITY OF PAD(JCAH SHALL IS SUE AND School Bond Issue. SELL BONDS OF :AID CITY TO THE EXTENT OF ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVF. THOUSAND 0175,000.00) DOLLtiRS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND REPAVING SCHOOL PRO- PERTIES ACQUIRED AND TO BE ACQUIRED, FOR THE SCHOOLS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Kr.:Ii C'l•.Y, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYIAENT OF INTEREST ON S,II'D BONDS AND TO CREATE A SI?:KING FUND FOR THE P:','(LiEi:T OF SAID BONDS AT MATURITY." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title &pon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion of same, same- was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yoas (11). Same read an oriinance entitled "All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR Sill ELECTION '! 7`E' �41,11 IFIED 'v' i-CTOi43 OF "iHi: ^ITY OF Ri EUCA'I, KI-04TUCKY, TO BE ?IELD ON THE 7:i.aC`PIOII I::Y, IO'/1�219E 3-iD, 1925, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO LSE:OF PADIJC:iH Sft,iLL 13%1)E AND GSLL RONDS OF Pond �seur- fcr :Y .(I -=! . ). :R Y .;I(jII ..ND 090,000.00) DOLL+.RS, FO'I 'PHM PURPO",E 6th trees GR"': -4, ill:,ii? ::IX'TII 2P11.65:T AND THE BENTON ROFp IN ... Gi' I'.._1'..:Ii,rE: FOi? P,YI!.,,,I, OF INiE'x,,,.l.t:^.,.;T ON T.. _ ... r . ... .. :, v ti ...... .. ._!.:_::, . 'J F'0'ri ` OF .", .IO I3PN )i AT ",1T{IQ ly n On ::otion aa-4ne ;as *i :ea first pa03aa upon the call of the roll by the fcilc::=.. -... Yeas: (,,I). On ee:ion the rules el—i suspended and ordinance read by title upon `•.'..^.e Call of the rc-j . Yea3 (11). No. c,•-. Proceedings of _Bt :; ;_ of City of Paducah ° PT :1.I IF:R _21, 1923.. On motion same Was Riven second and final passage upon tho call of the roll: Yeas (11). Sane read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE FOR All ELECTION BY THE LIb'IiD :LECTORS OF .iii CITY OF P:,3DUc-11, KENTUCKY, TO RE HRLD Oil Tll',' 'iEGULAR ELFCTIoil Y !'0VEMRER THE 3RD, 1925, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY TO DE'U ti 1 ._,., , , R1.lINE THE QUESTION dITY OF PADUCAH SHALL ISSUE AND SELL BONDS OF &'.ID CITY TO TFIEEXUE'1!T OF ';D (;50,000.00) DOLLARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A SEINER TO TAKE OVERFLO'. OF SEWER DISTRICT NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND TO J; 'PHS Pi,YI.7F13T OF INT3REST Oil SnID BONDS, AND TO CREATE A SINKING FUND FOR CF SnID BONDS AT MATURITY." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: 3lglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, :erth, Mason, Owen, Stewart ' and ':efts. (lO). Nays. Hummel (1). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, urider, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, 1'ason, Owen, Stewart and :latts. (10). Nays: Hummel (1). i On motion some was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, "rider, Fleming, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Ogen, Stewart and Watts. (10). Nays: Hummel (1). ' Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ::'srCTION BY THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO BE HELD ON THE GJL':R ELECTIOTI DAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1925, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO DETERI:1I11L 71.3 @O:i,TION ",HETHER THE CI'Y OF PADUCAH SHALL IS'1UE AND SELL THE BONDS OF SAID CITY TO. TWEXTRNT OF ONE. HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND (^$150,000.00) DOLLARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF 0^8inance PROVIDING STORM 7.ATER S3:7ERS IN ALL OF THAT PORTION OF SANITARY SE:1BR DISTRICT NO. 1, "torn wn ` se:terI?i Tar, CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, NOT NO', SERVED BY STORM "LATER SFI:'IsHS, AND TO PROVII)E U:' IN'RRr:ST ON S;;IJ BO IDS, AND TO CREATE A SINKING FUND FOR TFIE PAYMAFIT OF On motion same was given first pas3age upon the call of the roll: Yeas: R_',llesberrer, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and ..atts. (10). Nags: Hummel (1). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the cal;, of tnc• roll: Yeas: Rial•sber,^_cr, vochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, 'erth, '.!ason, Gwen, ':te':esrt and ..atts. (10). Nays: Hummel (1). On lotion at^re ,as aiven second and final passage upon the call of eh^_ roll.: Yeas: R1^iesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fie.cing, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, 5t R:arr, an"1 "efts. (10). Na ;3 (1). ya : Flamm'31 Sable real an ordinance entitl,rl ",?N 0kDI11,:NCE PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION rr( TYE V!Al, T'''_' =. ''"''�'' ".', TO 88 HELD ON ^,il:•: .i?�:ULAR 1325 INTO dFI .',iF,a.:. :....: .:• ;....:. 'x:lPlD9' OF '.;,ID CI.':. .. ..� 1•.:e . t,, 'v Si 6 .SPG J' .1i T' S "C", FOR ?f? P'i'Pf,".. 0V ;T }V., 17 JOOC 't ..., A 110,111i" FUND F''0;` :IR: urcn .:;e: cu_1 . of ',hc roll: _ r ., .. , ___.� :', .. .. _... •i, ....., ,., t:ert$r �a:3Gn, $tz'slU:`: Jim dotes ":ale scale No. 231. Proceedings of HOARD OF COUNCILME City of Paducah s;,PT ::.'BER_21, 1225. On motion of some, same erns given second and final DaSSago upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglosberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Flummal, Johnston, Kerth, .Cason, Stewart and 1.atts. (10). plays: Owen (1). "ember Stewart offered motion that the "hief of Police be authorized to buy a marker for L -he purpose of mar'..1ng streets in accordance with the provisions of the Traffic Ordinance, at a cost not -to exceed u50.00, same to be charged to Police Department. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Rigleaborger, Crider, i Johnston,'Owen and Stewart. (5). Nays: Cochran, Fleming, Huwrnel and Mason (4). Korth and :';atts not voting. Member Crider offered motion that the license of Jim Botes for pool room etc., at #113 S. 2nd Street, be revoked. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Kerth not voting. Member Hummel offered motion to adopt the following: "MEREAS, various construction companies and those engaged in the employment of labor, for the i public and private enterprises in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, have established a scale of wages, carrying a wage of 25¢ per hour for common labor, and it has been commonly reported that such sago scale was established as a result of advise and request from representatives of local business people; N017, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL OF THL CITY OF PADUCAII, KENTUCKY: I SECTION 1. That we deplore the fact that those engaged in public and private construction work in this City have seen fit to establish and }bay a wage of only 25y per hour for common labor in such work; and, We further deplore the fact that there has been circulated a report which undertakes to justify such wage by claiming that local contractors and representa- tives of our business neople have advised and requested the same. If such report is true, we feel that the sentiment and wishes of local business interest have been misrepresented, and such action, deserves public con- demnation, for the reason that under present conditions of living such a wage is nbt sufficient to provide a livelihood to laborers engaged in such work, and further- more the contract price for construction work has not been based upon such a wage scale. Therefore we earnestly urge those who are responsible for the establish- ment of Such wage in this City to undertake to remedy the matter promptly, for the Interest Of all concerned." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offored motion that the City of Paducah deed to Mary Hendon, Lot No. 21, Block No. 4, in Oak Grove Cemetery, for the Sum of 337.50. Adopted on the e4111 Of tnc roll: Yeas (11). offered notion to ratify the deed of the west half of the South half o" ;,-t No. 51, ';fiction 4, in Oak Grove Cemetery, from E. 0. ileucham and :die ::eacham to .7. Adonted on th,' call of the roll: yoan ( 11 1 _ 3amn offered motion to ratify deal of the eaut }vilf of the south half Of 31Oef 51, .ec`Ion 4, in Oa'.; GP07e ^. ::tfry from E. 0. i'eucham and 1'.aggle to J. rwna. ndor,ted on call of the 1,011: Yeas ^lc.•: off :1,P:.:., ;s. r, re :.1?1; in f': ie the co; -:;,ideation from the L ' r:: tc L : ..... •: th y con iition cx.inr, , l.i,; at the e;nd of Jackson or tf: r,a'1 of 'tlrv. roll: !1,:,n &c cion Of tn,'. Bcai '-1 Of .. R1r.1 ,.! of n:n.ic ••orr.a b<:Sn? 1,o- T's.�a 1,:i C6 aeeuri nil atr0e ,`, rip -11t a� "1,•J.. .sacr;an or 1iZa:iet:; .stree,a. No. . n32. Proceedings of LO.iRD OF 00=1L7iEN City of Paducah til, 1925. I imber thrimmel offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, Tax Bill T. nrs. E. J. Paxton. .,dented on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen in granting the request of John Doyle and Mary ".eille to construct a ie sidewalk on S:onroe Street between 9th and 10th Streets, as recommended by the Board or'•n•• of Public �orlcs. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). `.'ember Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Bo,{rd of iocrc.Aidercen in revoking the police power conferred upon James Poore. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Yember Cochran offered motion to concur in the lotion of the Board of Aldermen in conferring Police power to C. A. Russell, Merchants' Police. Adopted on C... aaccll the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of i Aldermen in adbpting the report of the Finance and Judiciary Committee, in regard to the funds for the Board of Public forks. ..dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: -oar i of -i R13lcsberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and :'!alts. (10). Hummel not voting. Member Hummel offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in dispersing of the dog catcher October the 1st, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). i Member Hummel offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in receiving and filing the report of the Police and Fire Committee of charges preferred against Captain John McFadden of the Fire Department, for the violation. of Civil Service Rule No. 6. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). :'ember Johnston offered motion to concur In the action of the Board of $t. t Aller—men in referring to the Light & Water Committee, to Investigate and.report back ^ep in regard to the placing of fourteen street lights. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas Member Hummel offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to the Layor signing contract with the Paducah Electric Company for additional street lights. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (11). Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of h13er.er. in sup,:-.r'_t•^ the Yclice and i1ire Committee to purchase a Motorcycle not to exceed a3CO.001 ant to sell horse now ouned by the Police Department for the sum of y12i.Of. :'•flonte.1 on thv Ball of the roll: Yeas (9). Nays (2). On r.otlon mceting ad•)eurned.