HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 223, September 8, 1925ProceedingsOf BOARD OF COUNCILM);N.- _ City Of Paducah SEPTEMBER 8, 1925. At an ad$ourned meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on Tuesday, September the 8th, 1925, the Clerk called the meeting to order, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, ,Mason, Owen, Stewart and "iatts. (10). In the absence of President Riglesberger, Member `.:'acts was elected President Pro Tem of the Board. The minutes of the previous meeting were 4dopted as read. Member Owen offered motion to receive and file notice served on the Mayor 3o}_:r:;<_•ai: o ItaIp. in the case of the City of Paducah vs: Government of Italy• Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). to refer , Member Mason offered motion to the Finance and Judiciary Committees, with po::er to act, the communication from the Mayor in regard to funds for the Board Funds for 3•,' •-' i of sublic -.o^1cs. Public ':forks to maintain the streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10) Same offered motion that the Mayor be allowed to appoint a Committee of two to attend the Ohio Valley Improvement Association 6onvention to be held ._s:;p ;; ;r. •7 S.e.: os": :'• at Cincinnati, Ohio, the 6th, 7th and Sth of October, 1925. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cochran and Mason (2). Nays: Crider, Fleming, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Owen, Stewart and 17atts. (8). Member Crider offered motion to refer to the Fire & Police Committee, for John „en investigation, charges preferred against Captain John 1:;cFadden of Fire Station No. 4. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the request of the Mayor :llrr sro in Authorizing him to enter into contract with Bradley Bros., to supply coal for .. the City as per their bid. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Hummel offered motion to allow the following payroll and claims: ,...rolI ani Pay-rolls....N10,691.16; Claims ...... ' .12,963.46. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10:). 1`:ember Kerth offered motion to receive and file the report of the Finance Committee regarding tb the reduction of $225.00 per month in the City pay roll. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Kerth offered motion Co concur in the recommendation of the Finance Conmittee, in laying over until next year, the matter of employing an Engineering firm to fix the value of property for taxation in the City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Sare offered motion to conc,ar in the action of the Board of Aldermen in referrin; to the ',tater Committoo, with porter to act, the matter of allowing citizens along Mill .h reet, to tap the :rater main. Adopted on the call of the rail: Yeas (10). ','e=ber Kerth read a resolution entl tlod"1; REROLUTION AUTNIOI?I'I,IiiG ',HE H V ZOhI",^ 1;D PLAIIIIlG CG'?i I IOIi, THE BOARD OP P -RK C019-:;IONER3, Alli) Till: PUBLIC L :+ CG""ITTES', TOG -=H..? '"ITh THE,' CITY I:;,GlliE R, 1110 CO ' ilDi;l? 'iND DETE'R.VINE X_'.N:'ION 01" T.I CITY LI.'ITS, AND THE A:1N1--Y.ATION OF 2UCH ADi;ITI011::L THRRITORY ;,S PUi3L!C IIaCESSITY RctiiUIP!{ , AND TO C;:U.^:E A ;TU-Wj.-Y OF S::b;;5 TO I31i 1;u Di; BY S;IID CI "t _.: INj ER FO1( C0112I^aR=1';'Z 011 PY Tile Gi'.;i%PAL COUNCIL." On action of sane, was given first passage upon `ho call of the roll: Ye s Ccc::rar., Cr—. , Fle:^in.-, Johnston, ::erth Mason Owen, to°:%art and Proceedings of BOARD_ OF COUNCILMEN City of Paducah SEPTEMBER 8, 1925. On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Coebran,•Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and 7.atts. (9). Nays: Hummel (1)., On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and .`atts. (9). Nay: Hummel (1). Member Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC -- THE USE OF STREETS BY VEHICLES, STREET CARS AND PEDESTRIANS; CREATING A CENTRAL TRAFFIC AND BUSINESS DISTRICT; ESTABLISHING BOULEVARDS, SAFETY ZONES, AND AUTHORIZING THF MAKING OF CROSSWALKS OR ANY ZONES HEREIN PROVIDED FOR, AND THE ERECTION OF SIGNS AND SIGNALS; REGULaTING PARKING AND DESCRIBING THE STREETS OR PORTIONS OF STREETS T?iAT MAY HE USED FOR PARKING, AND THE MANNER OF UTILIZING SAME; IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; AND FIXING A PENALTY FOR ;+NY VIOLATION HEREOF." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen and Watts. (5). Nays: Cochran, Fleming, Hummel and Stewart (4). Member Crider not voting. On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen and Watts (7). Nays: Cochran, Hummel.and Stewart. (3). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen and Watts. (7), Nays: Cochran, Hummel.and Stewart. (3). Same offered motion to receive and file the communicatinn from colored expressman protesting against the passage of Articlei'Niimber 13 of the Traffic Ordinance. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). the title of 1 Same read/an ordinance entitled "Ail ORDINANCE DEFINING "MILK" AND CERTAIN) MILK FRODU.TS," "MILK FRODUCER", PASTEURI%ATIOiI," ETC., PROHIBITING THE STILE OF ADULT.'E94TED AND I.'T 3?A.1 ED�iSILK i , MIL ODUCTS, REQUIRING PERMITS FOR THE SALE OF MII K AND MILK PU i C , I�Ff GULF IG • INSPECTION OF DAIRY FARIIS, MILK PLANTS, THE T .".TING, Gr-??, O, ' nBB�'?� dG� P CA G, PASTEURIZATION, REGARDING, DISTRIBUTION, SALT AND DENATUR G 11 A1lD:'1LK CTS, PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLISHING OF MILK GRADE" TRI: CONST %j; G' 0' ' FUTURE DAIRIES A"iD MILK PLAIDS, THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ORDINAilC1s, A?7D THF; FIAiNG F PEIiALTIES." Member Hummel offered motion that further consideration of Milk Ordinance be indefinitely postponed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member berth read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OF Al,' ALL%Y 15 FEET :TIDE, EFT:4:7DING FROT" THIS SOUTH LINK. OF HUSBANDS STREET BFT'iEEN 3RD ND 4TH STRnETS, III A 30trfHERLY DIRECTION, A DISTt?NCE OF 250 FEET." On motion of same, same wus given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: (10). On motion the rules :Teri suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion of sa:::e, arj-;;e was given second and final paaaagc upon the call of the roil: Yeas (10). Eember Cochran offered motion that the Board of Public .Yorks be instructed to have a pipe of sufficient size laid across Yeiser Avenue between Hays and Ashcraft Avenues, so that the access dirt from the sewers can be u3ed on the fill, sa,.e to be charged to Sewer Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). No._225.. . _ - _ Proceedings of BOARD OF COUNCILMEN City of Paducah SEPTEMBER 8, 1925. Member Johnston offered the following motions That the Mayor be authorizdd to sign the supplementary contract with the Paducah Electric Company for additional raiucah 6lectrie street lights, the same to be erected by the light Company with no expense to City, Cc. the City to pay for the maintenance, the same as original agreement of March the 18th, 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion that the Lip & Water Committee have power to act s s_.„,• in regard to placing of tha 14 street lights, as per requests. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Korth offered motion that the Fire Chief be insgructed to test all Fire plu,;s. fire plugs at once, reporting his findings to the General Council and the Paducah Water Company, and requiring them to supply proper pressure at all plugs, this inspection to be made monthly hereafter. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Chair. Gan- Bess toSame offered motion that Chain Gang Boss be instructed to clean gutters on clan =utt'ors. Hays Avenue and other places necessary in Mechanicsburg. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Hummel offered motion to receive and file the report of the ,cart Of chief Chief of Police for the month of August, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: of Police for •n” 19x5. Yeas (10). Same offered motion to receive and file the monthlg Deport of the City Jailer for August, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). same offered motion to receive and file the report of Vie Chief of the Fire Department for the month of August, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: _:. Yeas (10). Same offered motion to receive and file the communication from the Chief of the Fire Department in regard to the new Traffic Ordinance. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Bomber Korth offered motion to concur in the request of the Chief of f; the Fire Department to be allowed to run a notice in the daily papers for a few dais notifying people not to call on the phone when they hear the Fire Department answering on alarm. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea3 (10). Same offered motion to receive and file the communication from the :Chief of the Fire Department regarding the lack of pres3ure on the afternoon of September the 5th, at the fire which occurred on North 12th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas (10). Member Hu.,mell offered motion that foreman of all motor vehicles of the City other than Fire and Police Department, furnish monthly to the General Council, list of all oil and gasoline conarnned• Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas (10) W.er'beer Korth offerers motion that the Police Department investigate violation ant enforce ordinance creating, akating on 3idewalks. Adopted on the call Of til,, rrl1: Yea3 He::ber Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the: Board of Alderman i. regard to doiau xurr in the Mausoleum Adrlition to Oak crovo Cemotery, as re cc :.an±. by the ConatSr. committers, under date of ^.optemher tho 7th, 1925. !:i':pzed cn ...z call of -e ro11: Yeaa oticn ti:at the CitY olicltor be instructed to draw up n—ce3nary aienature3 for water mwini eater.slons, ns cer reGues` of Pai:ea "st.ur Compa:,y. Alopted on t^a call of the roll: Yeas (10). &'e7.t^r C"."•^r>a cfferel notion to ratify the action of the L'ayor In s:.>^,:!r9 c:n:r44t, '61v the Pa'i'.:rah Electric Co for-raffic ^Pan,; to f:arnish electrical energy •:ro: + 3^n.,';3. -Sac -i - .. to 0.. `: call Of .nr, roi:. Yeas (10). No. -226.. Proceedings of-_BOA9D of COUNC1LM0 City of Paducah _ SEPTEMBER 8TH; 1925. Same offered motion to ratify the action of the Mayor in signing contract ; - .ith Ed. D. Hannan for the .furnishing and installation of steam heatin,,, plant foo• the• ' _ 1xil,Fire Station No. 1 and the Patrol House. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to ratify the action of the Mayor in signing contract with J. 71. Lockwood Company for the construction of a furnace room for the City Hall, Fire Station No. 1 and Patrol House. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). VEVSER Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to requesting the Board of Public Works to place surplus dirt from Serer 'Lone No. 5 between Burnett and Flournoy Streets, where 11th Street runs through Park property and North Sixth Street between Campbell and Boyd Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member 4 -rider offered motion tbaconeur::in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to necessary expense for further operation of the Engineering Department to be paid out of the Contingent Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Cochran,' Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Watts. (8). Xx3xz Member Hummel and Kerth not voting. Member Hummel offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in receiving and filing the communication of the Board of Public Works in regard to an. ordinance providing for sidewalkp,curbs and gutters on both sides of Flournoy Street, from the East property line of 13th Street to the lVest property line of 12th Street, that was vetoed by the Mayor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in concurirg in the recommendation of the Board of Public I'lorks in the opening of the East side of 10th Street between Broadway and Kentucky Avenue- Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member north offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen* in regard to Geo. '.+. Katterjohn, Sr., being given grades to construct a sidewalk abtxtting 'ohn his property on the ''est side of 19th Street, as recommended by the Board of Public Sr. Works. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Mason offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen In ku:hcrizing, condemnation proceedings for the opening of Ky. Avenue from the old virc,,ar factory to 12th. Street, in accordance -slth the plans provided by the City F.ncineer, as recommended by the Board of Public .'.orks. Lost. .upon the call of the roll: Yea:,: Crider, Maaen, Owen and •%atts. (4). Nays: Cochran, Fleming, Kerth and Stewart.(4). I'eshcrs Humrel and Johnston not voting,. !ember Y,erth offered r.otion that the City solicitor be, and he is hereby !n5tr,icted to -rine In an ordinance nrovliing, for the nuia:lssion to the voters of Paducah, of the nooist!cn Of la uing school lmprove-.ent; bonds, in-ccordance with the ri,aolut.ion of tr:•:, Soars of Ei,:ration of rhe City of Paducah. Adopted on rho call of Cho roll: Yras d.,). lAem'tc•r t(ancn cf;'c:rcd ++etiento corcur In the motion of the Board of Aldurmen In corcurri:,.. ir, the r=:c,-+:n":atlon Of the roard of Pablic '. orkc in accepting the rl P_,t Of o, Y']. Avr.., froze lei to to 17 tf, ::LAoeta, and that an order te made aute.cr'_zSna Condor::;a•.Irn prr;cc•:dir.::,a aralnst the properny pwners that have not .. .. e. _ 71aCa C :' Sig hdGp LE'l^.'n !'.:. .: i- :l Of :nh roll: Yens: Cridrr, Yl.:c:int,, Mason, Ower., 'tewart an.i .:arts. (n;, ?;cgs: Co Cf:rr,r, and Yerth(2). Mem,ter H,lmme° and Johnston no, voting. Proceedings of BOARD 0i' COUNCILI,9FII City of Paducah- SF.PTF.Id9FR 8, 1925.. ?.".ember berth offered motion that the Police & Fire Committee be instructed to investigate and if possible plade in more visible position the "No Left Turn!' sif-ns. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10).. On motion meeting adjourned.