HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 214, August 3, 1925Proceedings of " BOA :,, Q:' aonscll I _ ._ ..City of Paducah _Aur u,rr _s ani- _ -. -_._._-_192Z_ „ At a meeting of the Board of Counodlmen field on the T&ind Floor or the City - Hall, in the City of Paducah, K,entueky, on August the 3rd, 1925, Member RiglesberL;oa• presided. Upon t?ze Call of t?ic roll the, following an.9weredlto their names: Ri,?lesborner, CcchI':?n. Crider, Fleming, Johnston, ll,'(�IXi I..ason, Orion, Stewart and '..'acts. (90) . Member Johnston offered motion that the resolution accepting the dedication _,iication of 21st street, from Madison to Clay Street, adopted by the Council July the 20th, 1925, be expunged from the records. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: 2; bays (7). On :action the minutes of the meeting of July the 20th, were adopted as read. b;ember Johnston offered motion that the opening of 21st Street from Clay Street �; to Madison Street, be referred to the Street Committee, Public Improvement Committee, and City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (,9)), Same offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the ISayor in authorizing the Chief of Police, or the Police Committee, to appoint a dog catcher, his salary to be charged to contingent fund, fees collected from the sale of dog license to be turned and into the General Eund, the dog catcher to work under the supervision of the Chief of Police. -,�3opted on the call of the roll: Yeas ($':). Nays (1). ° Same offered motion to receive and file the communication from the Mayor rd7 l in regard to the Fuditor's Semi -Annual Financial Statement pf t4e disbursements of the, City of Paducah. dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (:'9). D;ember Watts offered motion that the Chairman of both upper and lower Board annoint two members each, with power to act, to have plans and specifications drawn and call for bids on heating plant sufficient to take care of City Hall, Fire Station,. Patrol House and City Stable office, bids to he in by august the 17th, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9)). (ember t"anon offered motion to refer to the Light & +ater Committee, 2ter :.Ins petition frcr., citizens, asking for a resolution to be adopted for a new extension -3ey of ;rater pain on I:c,:inlet' Street between 6th & 7th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (:.9). ]:'ember Oren offered motion that the City Solicitor and City Engineer P. and Gt.ie Over_ *h-: Communication from P. and Ottie Overstreet, asking for refund on sidewalk etreet. improvement on 13th Street betas en Ohio and Jackson. Adopted on the call of the roll- t'erber Kerth came into meeting. Member Oren offered motion to refer to the Light & Water Committee, petition on fron.� property o'.-ine!r3 or. damn; Street bet -aeon 3rd & 4th Street asking for new water :itreet' gain. Adoptel or. the ^all of tZ,: roll: Yeas (10). Ee:::ocr Lochran offered motion to refer to thn Li, -ht & ater Committee, the ntr;r netition from p,lrperty owners a3;:in_; for an extension of a..Iter mains on "A" Streot. aSns on St. Adopted o t:^.,- c311 of t:.hc rola. yeas (10). :*.C':.ion to refer to La, +.1 ^.'1': it Sates Urinmittiee, petition from On prcpe:,Ly o.nlr:3 for a ':iat,:r Cain on north loth z:troel, from ::1117 to Palm street. Adopted on %he call of the roll: Yens (1G). L'e.:.lter :'erth offr:red motion to allot; the exnen•liture ma•ic th'rou;, the "L .1 ,• .:OlJTI Of A:onted on the call of the roil: Yeas (10). •• 'am -a offere motionto Concur in `. e request Of :tie Finance Committee 'n the alae.ce of tl. City Iu...Cb.. ci:- .cent, . authority to pwnchase .t y f r....oecsip;::ent .c:° rfl 4i :;I it3393,70r, �03t n.Ot LG exceed 900.00, T.0 to be charged t0 ":r on ,.'.e ,all Of the =1011. Fay rolls and claim. ;euOrt of Vire Lenartrent for month of July. No.._ 215. Proceedings of_. a ;�"�r xiu + :1L City of Paducah. :;ember north offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :Aldermen in allo..in.^, the following: Pay rolls .......;?10431.16; Claims..$,4834.09. .,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Crider offered motion to receive and .file the report of the Fire apartment for the month of July, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the City Jailer ionort of vity Jailer for July, For the month of July, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeao (10). Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the chief of Ronort of chief Police for the month of July, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(10). of rolice for July. member Mason offered motion that the Board of Public •orks be Intersections instructed to put in or authorize the construction of the three intersections :+o. 25th St. in ?hurman's Forest on ;Forth 25th Street in the Thurman Forest Park AdditiorLV cost not to exceed Nark :addition. .,;300.00, same to be charged to contingent fund. Adopted on the call of tin roll: Yeas (10).^ Member Riglesberger left meeting. 14ember Jatts was elected Presadent Pro Tem and presided over the remainder of the meeting. Sixth Street 1•iember Owen offered motion that the Street Committee and City Engineer • Brune. put wood driveway four feet wide in the center, and two feet driveway on each side of Sixth Street Bridge, same to be charged to Street Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Cc-. -or at 9th Same offered motion that the City Engineer and Board of Public '•lorks & CaL3::el:i, oe instructed to repair sewer at 9th & Caldwell,.same to be charged to Sewer Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Fourth Ztreet Member Vochran offered motion that the Board of Public '.,'orks repair PridRe. Fourth Street Bridge. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Fleming offered motion to refer to the Light & 'Nater Committee, t: -e matter of placing a light at the intersection of Eulah & Thurman Street. 3a,. A3opted on ;he call of the roll: Yeas (9). ;:ember Johnston offered motion to refer to the Light & hater Committee, =" petition from citizens requesting a street light at the corner of 7th & Llizabeth 71 treeta. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). t!ember 6rider r:as excused from meeting. 1 -;tint Cnain !.!ember %te-nart offered motion that the assistant Chain Gang Boss be riven dolice po�.;er/i. Adopted on the call ofthe roll: Yeas (8). on 1, on offered motion that mutters on Jackson Street between Third and Fifth .:trnct be cleaned by the Board of Health or Chain Gang. Adopted i,. on the call of tra roll: Yoa3 (8). :a^c Offered motion that the Board of I10alth be notified that an Jackson '`• unhe-'lr,4y con'lition exists on Jackson :>trnct near lath .;tract, or I. C. hollow. A:;",pted on thA call of the roll: Yeas (8). • :i :^,' �r "a3on offered :notion t6 cuncel tar, hill 1:i3 Of P. Green, ?• r%>n. as r"c;t "ity ':elicitor. d+10nr•ed on th,, call of th:: roll: Yea3(8). t!eru•er Johnston offered motion to refer to the Relief Committee, Cr stae s 'c -x :+o• Co.386 of the Crystal Ice Cream +-ompany. Adopted on thr: hall of the, roll: Yeas (8). L°enter ::er ti: of fere•. . ti uu :-,i"',ar -otion 0 r:Y r to the Relief :%or.._.ittee `:ax S " ot0r uall'3 80. !:ill Of 1II3=dwar-'is ,.,Otbr ..?a1_3 • :(;OmG:,'Ji^10 fi p:.i 0n thq call of the rcli:Yeas(8), Proceedings of _. -e----___City of Paducah__-_._aUou.NT 3,__ 2.1ember ,iason offered motion to concur in the recommendatiibn of City ,Assessor to r,. -fund to L. V. it-avelly, taxes paid on lot on Kentucky Avenue between `,taveI1;, . 24th _ind 25th Strects, for t:_o your 1924 and 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Johnston ofCorcd :notion that tine City deed to 011ie Hill,and Ellen �'- n Iiiil Flowers, Cemetery lot No. 27, 3iock 'W', for tilc sum of 637.50. adopted on the call :-1 l: rs. of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Kerth read a resolution entitled "A RESOLTUION PROVIDING FOR THE ILiP OCi`LN^t OF VA33EUR _,W'_ lJE 9Y GRADING AND GR;iVELING SaLiI: IN ACCORDA1IC15 '...aTH THE PLANS 'Resolution. Vasseur ;eve. AND SY CIFICATIONS FWiNISHCD BY Ilrs CITY ENGINEER, FROM BRIDGE STREET (NE -AR THE JONES COLD 3TOF.r,GZ PL.,NT) TO THE: LI?BITS 00 THE CITY OF PrRDUC:IH, OR AT CENTER OF THE CONCRETE BRIDGE NO:i CO'rNaP:iUCTisD ACROSS THE BOUNDARY LINE OF &ID CITY, IN 'PIPE CITY OF PADUCAH, K&;1TUQ Y, nT THE COST OF 'THd O':INERS OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH COST '":.Y BE P:iID UNDER THE PNOVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PaYTIENT PLAN," On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: CochPan, Fle ink, Johnston, Berth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and 'watts. (8). On motion the rules were suspended and ned0lubionread by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cochran, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and 1[at1-ts•(8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll': _ens: Cochran, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Osten, Stewart and 1,11atts. (8). 1'ember Kerth readra.resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE i ResolutioD, I1,1: `i0':'-:" ii'T OF FLORA STREET, FROM THE .TEST PROPERTY LINE OF BRIDGE STREET TO TIIE EAST Z^.rrov. Flora Wit.& PROPERT LI�NE OF "r.RTON STRL;T; AND HENDRICKS STREET, FROM THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF FLORA Henlrirks STR-IE c0 THE SOUTIi PROPERTY LINE OF HU33ANDS -iND JARRETT OR NAUHEII.1 ADDITION, IN TIL 0 r,iJv•i j Kt.NaTUCKY, BY GRADING AND GRAVELING S:lI.1E IN ACCORDkNCE 1.7ITI1 THE PL1113 t:ra'IFIC..TIUFS FURNISHED BY THE CITY r'TGINEER, AT THE COST OF TIL!1 ABUTTING PROPERTY 0:':'•: °� AN;D YNIAJSSDIN;G Tif-T Ti:A S_.T..:s ILLY BE PAID UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cochran, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, Liason, Oweby Stewart and 77atts. (8). On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance road by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cochran, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart un%I • atts. (8). On motion name was 7ivon second and final passar*,e upon the call of the roil: Yeas: Cochran, Fl;min-, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Wabts, (8), Member Johnston offered motion to receive and file the communication from =' the >.ayor rngarlinq tar, 10,E raijc on the assessed valuation of property in the City of Vall,:aticn Paiacsh, Ky., for the year 1925. doptod on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). r' "' '_'-rbrr t:asen offered rnotion to concur, in the action of the Board of Alden.,.nn in r=-^.ri _o :in^_ '',ity r-nginPer being instructed to get doacript.ion of eroperty �Cr. i01]th OY j:i l i g •�tr,:.'�,, OCCuriiei f;,J thr. Paducah Lumber 'Iolnp.,ny, '.lith the intention of _.. into City Adopted on ',he Pall of thr roll: Ycics (8). i.e':�'er (;rchran off,' re'i motion to conc'iir in the action of the iloar+l of Aldermen in referrin- to the Jufhiciarj Gc-^r:ittee, trio communication of J. D, 1'ocquot, Atrorney� for the estate of o ao^ Ella Pu '/' ar t a_:;porticnnent •:ar-ar- ur•xirst said er _;`ate. Aropted on t e cal: of Poli: yeas {8}, N=erber Oven o1':err•,:1 c ion in ,o concur in the action of the Board of Al:lermen ;nut�:orizin�r _h� ..a� ,- _ - ;cz >_i•a�iucaa .;lertric t'ara3n7fu:r, fo:' eleottical ene. zy 'cr -r I oi, i; co.-Lrol si;znti s at 3rd, 6th, 5th:, GtCI 7t^ •.tree t3 and ro :3rc: r. ;once - o: '_:e Ball of the :roll: Yeas (8), No..217/- -- Proceedings of___`_.t ity of Paducah—kuwT_,.1s25_�_._---_192.._, Same offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen ctriciil traffic in allor:in^ X372.45 for t>>e digging of trenches to install cables for electrical si-nals. traffic sirnals, charging same to contingent fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of nldensmen ewer Laterals in eliminuting sc;aer laterals on Baumer alley,-Smithland Avenue, l."ashington on 3aumcr .alley, ; S.it!•lar.d :LVc. W<=c, Goebel avenue and Tennessee Street, in Sewer lone Do. 3. Adopted on the •'.ashington ..vc., f;oc-bel .,ve and call of the roll: Yeas (8). Ienn. St. Jeerer Zone ICo• 3. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in authOrining the Public Improvement Committee and the Mayor to provide plans Reatinr, Plant for City Hall and specifications for a heating plant in the City Hall Building. Adopted on the Building. call of the roll: Ydas (8). Member Rerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ter Fount-insAldermen in referring to the Relief Committee the communication from the BoaLrd Ea. of Public '•7orks regarding the public water fountains of the City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). ?tannin, Carter Same offered motion to concuP in the action of the Board of Aldermen r DruCO. Plate glass in referring; to the Fire & Police Committee, the matter of a plate glass window raindo'a. being broken in the Manning & Carter Drug Store at 5th & Broad ay. Adopted i on the call of the roll: Yeas Member Omen offered mdtion that the Mayor be instructed to call a Call i'eeting• r.:eeting Thursday night, August the Gth, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). 'lays (1). I On motion meeting adjourned. - �C/_��/✓ ' .PYnt�'r..1.xJ L':^Vr3 of (�asx-13n, �,• C I