HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 207, July 20, 1925"ayor to have a committee appointed to investigate at what price sufficient ;round 1uy' ':vrin' Pan be purchased from Lloyd Geurin to extend Clark Street from 21st to 24th Streets. G fro: - 'i 24th .,t,. :_domed on ,he call of the roll: Yeas (11). lame offered motion to refer to the Board of Public 7orks the order by the Board of Ee,lth served on the I.ayor/ordering* weeds out on property on 19th Street between Broadway !s r7 19th ;t, t::cP n :iroa,L ug ani J•:fferson-atreet3. Adopted on tl e call of the roll: Yeas (11) . ?r. Jeffcr3on. No. 207. Proceedings of_cit_Q_0j T(awlzImo-_-!City of Paducah_.__suLY__zo}_i9 _s_,_._____ 192 offered motion to receive and file the *irnishe: at a regular meeting of the Board of Couneilmon held on the Third Floor of 3e:.v„d on the City ]call, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, July the 20th, 1925, President folciiP Butle:•. Adapted on the call of th+: roll: ,Pas Riglesberger called the meeting to order, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Hummel, Johnston, rierth, Mason, 0,. -;en, Stewart and Vatts. (11). The minutes of the meeting of July the 6th, 1925, were adopted as read. of_rered motion to co; cur iii Mpe recommendation of the Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the communication from the Dog iatcher Mayor recommending that a dog catcher be put back on duty in order to carry out the internot in :he nruount of :;;3690.,E0, divr August the lot, instructions of the Board of Health to see that all dogs are licensed, muzzled and 192,5. !,don':avi vaccinated, or kept off of the streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: of ".!:e rod_: Yens (11). Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming;, Hummel, Johnston, Korth, ISason and Watts.(9) Nays: Owen and Stewart (2). c:'fere 1 motion to concur in +i ­:r: recoTM•:^ndation of Same offered motion to refer to the Mater Committee with power to act, Leaky rlur:.binF in the communication from the Mayor regarding leaky plumbing in City buildings. Adopt City Buildings. G.'.*.gattor ?o1nn,Jr• ed on the call of the roll: Yeas (11), laember Owen offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Chief Slaughter to is or in designating Fire Chief Slaughter with authority to locate fire plugs y locate fire plugs j or. nor: ;tater main. on mains being constructed by the Water Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: .'at: Yeas (11). .of-Ansor w' Co., Same offered motion to refer to the Board of Bublic Works and City � 1, •„79.45{ Adopted on t -int call of the roll: Yeas Engineer,fith porter to act, the communication from the liayor in the matter of securing pipe for drainage ditch across Elizabeth Street at, 5th Street. Adopted on .:tch i✓lizabeth at 5th tet. tine Pall of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to receive and file the communication from the ;'ayor in regard to providing funds to carry out the improvements of streets and side,.-,,alks, as per construction ordinances passed. Adopted on the call of the roll: t of Yeas (11). Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the recomr:endation of the Mayor in authorizing the purchase of a First Aid Kit to be kept in the Fire Chief's First Aid Kit. t�, be kept on Fire ca*-,. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea 3:Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Flemigl _".,f's car. Hummel, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Stewart and Natts. (10). flays: Ovren (1). Member Korth offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the "ayor to have a committee appointed to investigate at what price sufficient ;round 1uy' ':vrin' Pan be purchased from Lloyd Geurin to extend Clark Street from 21st to 24th Streets. G fro: - 'i 24th .,t,. :_domed on ,he call of the roll: Yeas (11). lame offered motion to refer to the Board of Public 7orks the order by the Board of Ee,lth served on the I.ayor/ordering* weeds out on property on 19th Street between Broadway !s r7 19th ;t, t::cP n :iroa,L ug ani J•:fferson-atreet3. Adopted on tl e call of the roll: Yeas (11) . ?r. Jeffcr3on. 1`.embar Cochran offered motion to receive and file the *irnishe: 3e:.v„d on a ,a; or !37,tin3t folciiP Butle:•. Adapted on the call of th+: roll: ,Pas of_rered motion to co; cur iii Mpe recommendation of the Bon-', ...- :st. Treasurnr in alit.... :on,l internot in :he nruount of :;;3690.,E0, divr August the lot, 192,5. !,don':avi on t.^.a call of ".!:e rod_: Yens (11). ;;amr. ei c:'fere 1 motion to concur in +i ­:r: recoTM•:^ndation of Yancey :John,:Itor the punter and City solicitor in allo;.,in; tat follo,.ir.^ c1 iTs: Yancey & Johnston G.'.*.gattor ?o1nn,Jr• G. nC'' S0 ,O.^^. `. rsc G, ;�7.�,5; �r. to r jo1rn Jr., Contract Uo. 7, y}10.22; G. �. .'at: .of-Ansor w' Co., 'vontract ::c•. 1, •„79.45{ Adopted on t -int call of the roll: Yeas (11). Sa:re offered motion to receive and file the report of the City Auditor of the cost c£ operating the street are li.hts for the past year under the contract with .azli'cr's .t. Vq,iacah Electric Company, as compared with the cost of operating them aith the rer; rt on c°st o= c:unicipal liret plant for the past five yearn. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (1.1). tract 11r;zts• Same offered motion that the pay rolls and claims, apnrovod by the Finance Comnittee, be alloraed and the Clerk authorized to issue proper warrant on Treasurer for 'ray rolls sa*mej Claims ...... 411234.43; Pay rolls ....... a7820.58, less weekly pay roll of Street and claims enurtment for labor on Traffic Sir,nals, .,372.45. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesbef er, Cochr:m, Fleming, Hummel, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Stewart and Naas. (9). i:ays: Oren (1). Crider not voting. ,".emoer Hummel offered :motion that item of (3372.45, not allocaed in regular; ay roll referred nay roll, be referred back to Finance Committee. Adopted on the cikll of the roll: to Finance CC7=Atte0. Yep+s (11). Glember north offered motion that a committee be appointed to investigate ani report feasibility of instilling gasoline tank with a view of cutting down the r.o11 _'ank. use an± price of sate. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). I'+ I'ember Hummel read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND :YOR :iiTD ME CITY THE.tSURER OF THE CITY OF PDUCAH, KENTUCKY? TO BOR11017 Borrora .,p _;_ TING THE SUIT OF $100,000.00 AS THE S-1ME MAY BE REQUIRED TO MEET THE money. C:TY, FRO11 ANY BATIK OR BANKS I1: SAID CITY, AND TO EXECUTE NOTE OR NOTES i ' 0:: ..:.F OF &: ID CITY." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). !"cmber Johnston offered motion to refer to the Fire & Police Committee, :o -ct, the matter of the Fire Chief's car being used for Fire purposes only. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11).. ..e;Aber !worth offered motion that Charity"Food Supply':Slips "-be issued to -be redeemecl by: one certain gfocer selected by, Relief Committee.,andcwithlthe Understanding J}:Ari ty Fco�l un-Ij that zc_:e :rill be approved for necessities only. Adopted on the call of the roll: dins. Yeas (11). Same r -ad an ordinance entitled "All CRDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LOCATION OF CI_Y ROI;F.i;:> tiY THE CITY BOARD OF HE..LTH AND PROIIIBITING TIIE DUMPING OF Lf 1 HE CITY OF PADUCAR, KEN_UCI{Y; AND PRESCRIBING A HEREOF." On :oticn ::#,..e :ras given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: lliriesberr­r, Ccc/.ran, Cri'ler, Fler.:in?, Johnstcn,ISason, Owen, Stewart and 'Matta. (9). Days: Hu:-Ttl onf Kirth (2). On reaction of _e t"e rules sere suspended and ordinance read by title 'aeon call of the roll: ?e=c: :ilesberrer, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Hummel, JGhn:; Gon, '.A: .^., 1 3JG , 0a ->n ..t'=::art a.n1 ::a' ,-P. ;r. eot.ion of s,,me, ;: .e :,, s -filen secon•l and final pasnar7e upon the Call of .i:'. rola: 'Jw:i, Ri �l^.3I7^. ..^^^, Crahran, Cri'ler, Fle?mLyir•,, Johnston, Mason, wiruart ynl 'at:s. (8). 1:�; ,i.-. �1, Kerrh, an'1 Ouen (:>j ya•-• .n. r='? G` n., .._'.1r.1 �..i .. .. ...� .. '.,IJ' ..r, . TI!:'. nG"'(D OP PUT,;!,TC Stalls In ,!G:i .:, ."OR FRUIT t OR eIl:: .:ull Of tho roll: Ye a3: •;a etp ', ., _.. ', _ ... ', ...-.-. ., 'GC:n 7'.UP., 1: r. z•LrY, lla.ion, •We':N�tr, an -1 'atts. ', In ;:. fila;,•; '. . �. . .f -.:'^ 3.:7 pp�.irl 9n'I er'iii:h.^.0^. read Cy^'.i tlf` upon ti. -3. cni: Johnston, Y.ePti!, a pow ,: . _•'. all of the roll: r'es.. .: Pao,- a n Rrt�':, IISCn, '.teaert and Proceedings of Paducah___ =zuls__2o,-_ ls.2s. -- 192 _ Sa:re offered motion to receive and file the report of the City Auditor of the cost c£ operating the street are li.hts for the past year under the contract with .azli'cr's .t. Vq,iacah Electric Company, as compared with the cost of operating them aith the rer; rt on c°st o= c:unicipal liret plant for the past five yearn. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (1.1). tract 11r;zts• Same offered motion that the pay rolls and claims, apnrovod by the Finance Comnittee, be alloraed and the Clerk authorized to issue proper warrant on Treasurer for 'ray rolls sa*mej Claims ...... 411234.43; Pay rolls ....... a7820.58, less weekly pay roll of Street and claims enurtment for labor on Traffic Sir,nals, .,372.45. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesbef er, Cochr:m, Fleming, Hummel, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Stewart and Naas. (9). i:ays: Oren (1). Crider not voting. ,".emoer Hummel offered :motion that item of (3372.45, not allocaed in regular; ay roll referred nay roll, be referred back to Finance Committee. Adopted on the cikll of the roll: to Finance CC7=Atte0. Yep+s (11). Glember north offered motion that a committee be appointed to investigate ani report feasibility of instilling gasoline tank with a view of cutting down the r.o11 _'ank. use an± price of sate. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). I'+ I'ember Hummel read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND :YOR :iiTD ME CITY THE.tSURER OF THE CITY OF PDUCAH, KENTUCKY? TO BOR11017 Borrora .,p _;_ TING THE SUIT OF $100,000.00 AS THE S-1ME MAY BE REQUIRED TO MEET THE money. C:TY, FRO11 ANY BATIK OR BANKS I1: SAID CITY, AND TO EXECUTE NOTE OR NOTES i ' 0:: ..:.F OF &: ID CITY." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). !"cmber Johnston offered motion to refer to the Fire & Police Committee, :o -ct, the matter of the Fire Chief's car being used for Fire purposes only. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11).. ..e;Aber !worth offered motion that Charity"Food Supply':Slips "-be issued to -be redeemecl by: one certain gfocer selected by, Relief Committee.,andcwithlthe Understanding J}:Ari ty Fco�l un-Ij that zc_:e :rill be approved for necessities only. Adopted on the call of the roll: dins. Yeas (11). Same r -ad an ordinance entitled "All CRDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LOCATION OF CI_Y ROI;F.i;:> tiY THE CITY BOARD OF HE..LTH AND PROIIIBITING TIIE DUMPING OF Lf 1 HE CITY OF PADUCAR, KEN_UCI{Y; AND PRESCRIBING A HEREOF." On :oticn ::#,..e :ras given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: lliriesberr­r, Ccc/.ran, Cri'ler, Fler.:in?, Johnstcn,ISason, Owen, Stewart and 'Matta. (9). Days: Hu:-Ttl onf Kirth (2). On reaction of _e t"e rules sere suspended and ordinance read by title 'aeon call of the roll: ?e=c: :ilesberrer, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Hummel, JGhn:; Gon, '.A: .^., 1 3JG , 0a ->n ..t'=::art a.n1 ::a' ,-P. ;r. eot.ion of s,,me, ;: .e :,, s -filen secon•l and final pasnar7e upon the Call of .i:'. rola: 'Jw:i, Ri �l^.3I7^. ..^^^, Crahran, Cri'ler, Fle?mLyir•,, Johnston, Mason, wiruart ynl 'at:s. (8). 1:�; ,i.-. �1, Kerrh, an'1 Ouen (:>j ya•-• .n. r='? G` n., .._'.1r.1 �..i .. .. ...� .. '.,IJ' ..r, . TI!:'. nG"'(D OP PUT,;!,TC Stalls In ,!G:i .:, ."OR FRUIT t OR eIl:: .:ull Of tho roll: Ye a3: •;a etp ', ., _.. ', _ ... ', ...-.-. ., 'GC:n 7'.UP., 1: r. z•LrY, lla.ion, •We':N�tr, an -1 'atts. ', In ;:. fila;,•; '. . �. . .f -.:'^ 3.:7 pp�.irl 9n'I er'iii:h.^.0^. read Cy^'.i tlf` upon ti. -3. cni: Johnston, Y.ePti!, a pow ,: . _•'. all of the roll: r'es.. .: Pao,- a n Rrt�':, IISCn, '.teaert and No. - 209. Proceedings of —imorT IT i0j --City of 192.. Same read an ordinance entitled "All ORDIMME P1?OVIDING FOR THE CONSPwUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEMALKS, CURBS AND GUTTER,-,, TOGETHER 17IT11 ALL NEGESSARY Ordinance Concrete side- IYANHOLE':3, IVT-ZES, C,,TCH BASINS, DRIVE-7AYS AND SEVER PIPE CONNECTIONS ON BOTH vvi I k a Ietc On Flournoy Jt, SIDE -3 OF FLWiNOY ST13FI&'T, FROM THE _1A3T PROPE;M LINE OF 13TII STREET TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, K!-%:!T11(3KYJ IN ACCO11DAT,7CE ,-.,ITFT TEE PLANS AND PROVIMD THEIC'FOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY AT T1i_ COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 071NERS, AND PROVIDING TH.,T SUCH COST 1.1.0BE PAID FOR UNDER THE TEN YEAR PAYMI,,NT PLAN." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the CA11 01 the roll- Yeas (11). Ordinance. Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE Elinination of ELIMINATION OF Sg-.;ER LATERAL LINES ON BAUMER ALLEY, SMITH AVENUE, WORTEN AVENUE, sever lateral lines on Bsumer GOEBEL AVENUE AND TENNESSEE STREET, IN SErTET? ZONE NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, May, Smith five_ .,orten -'.'ve. I GoebelKENTUCKY, AND DIRECTING THAT SAID SE77ER LINES BE NOT CONSTRUCTED." Tenn. St. cr Zone #3. Member Hummel offered motion to pos-'pone action On the above, awaiting the report of the Sevier Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONST-iUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDE'.7ALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER 17IT11 ALL NECESSARY Ordinance Concrete sides:,lks .!A1,'HOLES, INT,,KBS, CATCH BASINS, DRIVE1.7AYS AND SE',MR PIPE CONNECTIONS ON BOTH SIDES e -c., on -veer venue OF GREER AVENUE, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF 11TH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY XNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCK lc.. YAY BE PAID FOR UNDER THE PROV13ION3 OF THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yea3 (11). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of th^ roll: Yea3 Member Johnston Offered motion that the deed for south half of Lot ;to. ?, Block 47, in Oak Grove Cemetery, from Herman Ackerman, Administrator, F.e t 7 1 e r, Lot 9. for Clara B. KrOO2sj to F. H. 1.!Otzl^.rj be ratified. AdoDted on the call of L-.je roll: yeas (11). 3a!n! offered motion that d,!!nd for west half of Lot No. 29, _-11"": 14, Oak Grove Ce-,21--terY, Nei: Addition, from Arthur L. Dunn to Chas. L. Flowers, be vablflo!d. "dOntefl Or. *111 cell of the roll. Yeas (11) 'a7 .e Offered motion -,o receive kkij filo the report of the 0"Civ""In)ve -�e"te-ry, POr _,i`e 2zile Of lot3 for the first x si -onthn of 1925. On trte cal! 0, .•same offPr'3-i MO -Ion to ^90PtVA an'l file t%e rpnort of the Rivepsi.Ie FosrJtLj Per _.-e of ."are, 1925. AdOnte'lon tal for .lure. thi�� call of the roll: 'A (11). No. CIO. .. Proceedings of Bo,.,d Oz' C9ULCliL.1,—_ City of Paducah—auLY 2e,_igaa- _....-192 I Same offered notion to refer to the Light & 17ater Committee, petition from citizens for light to be placed on North 10th Street, at the corner of Ellis, Fern, ot. Olive or Palm. Adolted on t've call of the roll: ":r.:; (11). Member Hummel offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee the i natter of creating a fund known as the Sewer Lateral Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Cochran offered motion that the City Solicitor bring in a resolution to grade and gravel Flora Street from Bridge Street to Morten Street; Hendricks Street from Flora Street to the east line of Husbands and Jarrett addition. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). l.iember Korth offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the "ity Alvin Solicitor in refunding to Alvia Caldwell $1.50 poll tax on Tax Bill No. 4558. Adopted. CaLlwelI on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the recommendation of A. Y. Martin, City Zolicitor, in correcting Tax Bill Pio. 2840 of A. C. Nanny by reducing assessed valuation to ;,:400.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Mason offered motion to concur in the recommendation of Arthdr i Y. Martin, City Solicitor, to reduce the assessment on the Tax Bill of A. G. Edwards i from ;•3500.00 to $1000.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Nays (1). Member Korth offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor Tax Bill 886, of Crystal Ice Crearr. Company. Adoyted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Hummel offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor Tax Bill No. Awry 1533, of Avery Green. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Green. Same offered motion to refer to the Board of Public Works, communication! `ova i., fro- Nova L. Buckley, regarding condition of North 6th Street. Adopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (11). !'.ember Korth offered motion to refer to the Board of Public 77orks the politic: from citizens living on Moyers, Farley &Clements Streets, asking for from streets. -ens 01' relief from dust./ Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Yey ..- -. , etc'." Eember Humxel offered motion that the Board of Public Viorks be requested "'cods en to instruct s..r; Chain Gan to cut weeds from all Cit ate G y property, as recommended by the Board of '!ealth. Adopted on the Call of the roll: Year (11). Member Mason offered -motion to receive and file the communication from the Boar!! of Health, rercarding the enforcement of dog muzzling ordinance. Adopted on the all of the roll: 'lens (11). :campy tiember 3unmel of"«;red motion to refer to the Sevier Committee, cormnulication ` ri�ons cr froc the Bcar:i of Ii^.alth repa.-Itnq the 1017 :,:raspy places in the vicinity of Jefferson, ;.Y. nvt+nue and Broaduay ;et•nee:: 17t1 and 25ttl ,.treOta, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yo%:7 (:1). t ,e - te):cr C„•• vffnr^d notion to rwfer to the Board of Public 7-'orks the r.c t'” ^ct;.tivn fres: ^lsi:?r.r on Sous:: 4t'rl 'street, a3kinn, for relief from duat on streets. Alcpttd on tee ^all of :•011: 7eria (11}, i.ier_i:«•r .... .. offered cosier, aa. -;he 'OaPA of Public :or'r.a arl City Cale,= '."sn lneer a.t•r__ i ride cn s t advice rnl0 treets WIt.^. It vie," of p1G!: i.n!' or streets at' r:e. t•a owners :r :en b• r�qur.stc,i J Chea:. A'cpt.c;1 on tC:e cal_ c.^ .e i'ember Crae : ,tre: .a _ f• :C' C ._.._ .. s0 arrnr in ta•: ac,tr.,; 0t ..-:e 3oard of fird •:i!SbY •• a: -•- •..._.. .^.a Li Grt f:, Drs. L. ._... ,{ Fa%On Faxon. recarrdir..- le re: nyf 1 c_ cera_. C' year a,: F,. «30p"ed In- .11I IL of roll: Yeas (11). h•. 1 Proceedings of__.Bo:kka of coT4L,;L City of Paducah._._JuLY-zo,_192a,__.__.192 Member Bu=iel offered !,Otion to concur in the action of the Board of =S._ Of acs Councilmen in accepting the bid of Alex 3torrie, to reset 130 feet of curb and . crrie• reconstruct 400 square feet of sidesalk on the levy front, as recommended by the Board of Public :'ior;cs. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board 'ler of Aldermen in granting the request of E. L. Mallory to grade 24th Street from Jefferson to Monroe Street, as recommended by the Board of Public 1.7orits, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Cochran offered motion to concuP in the action of the Board of Aldermen in refunding ;)11.80 to Sam Rosenfield on erroneous assessment of a •lar.: 4osen- �itcphens automobile, as recommended by the City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in disapproving the refund of $11.85 to S. Rosenfield, City taxes paid in 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Ifason offered motion to concur in the action of the Board .''icharacon• of Aldermen in cancelling tax bill No. 3297 of U. E. Richardson, as recommended by the City Solicitor. :adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Ida _core. Aldermen in cancelling Tax Bill No. 3769 of Ida Moore, as recommended by the City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of tate Board of Aldermen in receiving and filing the communication of James E. Wilholm regarding the assessed valuation of property at 209 N. 5th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the for Board of Aldermen in referring to the Purchasing Agent, With power to act, the or cror's request of J. Iles Troutman for a typewriter and a steel filing cabinet for the City Assessor's office. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Johnston read a resolution entitled "A TiSOLUTION iUF.1,'.lhG ":I. BO ;RD OF N::: d,TIi OF TILE CITY OF P;1DUt;Aii, TO E'I:IPLOY A CLERK AT A -`.Y NOT TO E)CCEFD $65.00 PER 11ONT11. Adopted on the call of the, roll: Yoas (9). Member Kerth read a resolution entitled "A R—r:30LUTIC:: 21:" ".TI?i: i!? FROM CLAY STREET TO MADISON STRLi,0 IN TILE CITY OF fU`OliE .Ee,'N L;,ID OUT AND OPENED FOR USE A-3 A STREET, AND ''Hv: 1'U31,IC FOR LORE THAN FIVE YEARS LAST PA3Tj AND i'.DiC1dI0J7 Tit:-:'. iGi' Br', :10 ACCL"TED BY THE CITY OY P,IWCaiJ3." AlOpted on the call of the roll: Yeas Ie:L1:er Oren Offered motlon to concur in the action of the '•�5 Orai'l Of +.l'SCI':::•:P. in rceeivin anti filing co -z. unication frmm the Board of Public securing of 31:1r:s fell the streets :+tier. ing name anti number. +, i+:n'.a'1, cr. :411 of the poll: Y lember Cochran of:'r•red I::Ot.ior. to ce:icur in the action of the °.- of ..1 .: X!i':L in "fer nl n. t0 r:+'.. C .:,ittee •J + - . f - •• OI"i An .•Oar'L Of alit 11c :oras, Of ?u, !I,' ..r_n rer;ur+Jin;! t!':e ;'iator Fourtainain ... City. c +:onr. ;r in L :w ac*ten Of the Pearl of i a on of th^ . 30ar'J Ot' Y :elle ^ to have 1 CI.... ...s ra iai an:,' ^led. Proceedings of City of Paducah JULY 20, ____ 192.5, Member Owen offered motion to concur in the actmon of the Board of Aldermen 3inley Jr. receivinn anti filing the communication from the Board of Public ',forks regarding the complaint of property owners on Finley Street between 10th and llth Streets. Adopted on the call of tine roll: Yeas (11). member Uochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in adopting a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION EXEMPTING THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD ;cesc'_utlon CO„iPANY FROM THE PAYi:'�-NT OF BUILDING TAX AND BUILDING LICENSE ON NE.7 SHOP BUILDING CO. TO BE FRECTL-D IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY.” Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen .. in obtaining bids for the installation of .heating; plant at the Nurses' Home at 524 11. 4th. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ?:ember Johnston offered motion to concur fon the action of the Board of Aldermen in instructing the City Engineer to leave out Sewer Laterals, as specified ;•Co,ir.le`.ter from 0. T. Dunn, Asaisttnt Engineer, of the I. C R. R. Company, under date: of July the 6th, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran; Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Stewart and 17atts. (7). Nays: Owen (1). Hummel, Kerth and ?`anon not voting. ?;ember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen ever yin the matter of comdemnation proceedings being started at once to obtain right of way on Ky. Avenue between 17th and 18th Streets to be used for street purposes. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). °ember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Bidn to repair Alder -en in the matter of bids being obtained to repair boiler.at Riverside Hospital. boiler at :iversifie Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). liosnit',1. Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of & ::t 19th 0th �.:F_wa^. Aldermen in the matter of the contractor on se:^ger at 18th and Broadway and 19th and 19th t Jeff,,�rson being instructed to do that work first as it will help to Iceep Bradshaw .iefferson.. Creek. drained. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). insur."ce F.'ember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of on City call •'—'eve-- Aldermen in the matter of obtaining accident insurance policies on the City Hall for and 'iive"!;i'ie Elevator and Riverside Hospital Elevator. :Jo1. eleva :or. 'Se.r..ber Kerth offered amendment that the insurance on the City Hall Elev:xtor be eliminated. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hummel, Kerth and Ma2on.(3). Nays: Riylesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Owen, Stewart and ":iattn. (B). The original motion was adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas: (9). ::ays (2). Member Coc'r.ran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of P1,^:t o Aldermen in arpointinH. the City 6olicitor, City Engineer, and President of the Board of :rav for seer Puolic •:orks, as a Committee of .t4ree, to obtain right of way for all sewor laterals laterals r,n,: grater and water mains roa to :e placed in the v.it-r. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yean (11). magi.^.s. Sage of#'Aged notion to concur in the action of the Barri of Aldermen ON Limit a City in the matter of rels_evina the City Engineer from surveying a new city limits line - -ine• until nexte_ir• Adopted on the call all of the roll: Yeas (11). ----- Proceedings of__F'_';n OF cour.czLr eta .City of Paducah192 Street Li,i!t member Satts offered notion to refer to the Light & `dater Committee, the 24th ,4 Lina c;;. matter of placing; a light at 24th & Lindsey Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Kerth offered motion that thecrossing plank at 8th & Husbands Crossin- tlank Sth f:--unbands St-.. Streets, be repaired by the 3oard of Public Works. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On mrotion meeting; adjourned. r6 -.'""''v•<-�-•z n., Prer+.*...tan.:. .i,.,. �- t