HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 177, April 20, 1925No_ 1-7-7. - - - - - - Proceedings ofCity of Paducah---c,.PHiI._Po-TH,-._1ea5.---- 192 At a meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the amity Hall,in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, April the 20th, 1925, President Riglesberger presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Cutts. (12). '.Member Hummel offered motion that the resolution adopted April the 6th, 1925, reducing the donation to the McCracken 1,ounty Fiscal Court for the maintenance of a Donatton Tuberculosis Sanitarium, from $1200.00 to $400.00, be expunged from the minutes. Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesborger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Hold Hummel, Mason and hatts(8). Nays: Johnston, Kerth, Owen and Stewart. (4). On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as corrected. Member Johnston offered motion to receive and file the communication from City Light Ylant. the Mayor in regard to the Insurance Policy on the boilers at the City Light Blant, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). by the Mayor Member Kerth offered motion to approve the appointmentlof the Planning and Planning & ZoningZoning Commission consisting of bliss Ann Baker, 4 years, Ed. Hannin, 3 years, Ed. Commission. Thurman , 2 years, Major 1.7alter S. Fox, one year. Adopted on the call of the roll: `Leas (12). Cor.:murrlation from Same offered motion to receive and file the communication from the i.'ayor 7,.ayor regarding in regard to the increase in salaries of the City Elevator Han Cit Stenographer City Elevator man, Y, City Stenographer Sewer Employess and employees of the Street Department. Adopted on the call of the sewer Employees 'rh1p10yees Street roll: Peas (12). Department. Member Johnston offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the summons Fu -mons served served on the Mayor against the City, of Paducah, and the I. C. R. R. Company by on "a•7or by %K.J. Jones. Z. J. Jones, Administrator of Otto Jones. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas:: (12). of thanks, Same offered motion to receive and Eile the communicationlof Isaac K. Levy, Isaac K.Lovy. General Chairman of the Relief Committee, of Murphysboro, Illinois, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth offered motion that the report of the Treasurer on payments Cashier's Fund. made through the Cashier's Fund in the amount of ;77.67 be allowed. Adopted on F.he call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth offered motion that the pay rolls and claims approved by the Finance Commcittee, b.; allowed and the Clerk authorized to issue proper warrant on the Treamiror charging the respective departments as shown therein: Printinu, postage & supplies 218.78 Ins11r,+n^e 10.20 Payroll anti Bonds of iimplcyees 10.00 claim . City Hall 73.85 City Jail 331.67 Police Department 373.30 Fire Department 723.82 Street Te partment 2094.20 Ne•a construction 54.96 Engineering 53.39 Light riaat 1.00 ,,rite Arcs 14,10.50 "mite :lay 410.00 Market House 114.81 :e:lors 54.25 Hea.Itn Board 82.43 Incinerator 17.96 Pest house 2.00 fiiverside hospital 3133.41 City cai:s 2.16 Oaa Grove 3.53 General Chari.y 18L.00 settle=' !nt ?:ou3e 100.00 Also tie followiaa Day rol13: N... 17.8. 78»Proceedings Proceedings of ___..BoRa OF_.VOuNC-I xigNr .City of Paducah-_Ar~z2-L-20,-.__... _ ___ __ 1925, . Legislative and executive 325.00 City Iiall 57.50 city Jail 100.00 Chain Gange Boss 55.00 Dog catcher 55.00 Police Department 1684.11 Firs Department 1810.00 Engineering 438.80 Maricet House 85.00 Sewer & Plumbing 160.10 Sanitary Inspector 41.66 Pest House 25.00 City Scales 37.50 Park Board 61.50 Riverside Hospital 745.12 Streets 1069.70 Oak Grove 198.90 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth offered motion that the action of the Treasurer in paying .;5000.00 for property at 13th and Trimble Streets, upon execution of deed, be concurred Y. R. Ro'7ertson in, and the Ulerk instructed to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer, charging same property 13th & to contingent fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Tri^ ble . Member Johnston offered motion that the City Solicitor be instructed to create an ordinance in compliance with the act of the Legislature of 1924, fixing the Salyry Police salary of the Police Judge at X53000.00 per year, beginning the first Monday in January, Jud^e. 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE E P. Ferguson EXIMkITION FROM CITY TAKES FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS, OF A NE7JMANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE exempted from Cit;; TO BE ESTABLISHED 3Y E. B. FERGUSON." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). taxes for five :mars. Same offered -notion to receive and file the communication from the Board of Public Norks recommending that the salary of the Street Superintendent and his tr<-r: t Sup=-rinten- foreman be raised not less than '10.00 per month. Adopted on the call of the roll: dont & foreman. Yeas (12). Same read an ordinance entitled"AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF THE CITY TENOGRAPHER OF TH-E' Cl'PY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY" clary On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: City Stenorrapher Rialesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Stewart and •.7att-s. (11). Ngys: Oaen (1). On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance road by title: upon the call of the roll: Yea3: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Jonr,3ton, Kerth, ISason, Stewart and :.atts. (11). Nays: Owen (1). On motion of same, same was given second and final pas3age upon the call. of the roll: Yea3: Rig1,;3berger, CAcnran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Stewart and ',,atts. (11). Nays: Owen (1). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDIti.,NCE FIXING THE SALARY OF ThF `-"I'ary ;�;,EV;,TOR OP',RATOR Oil TH•.' CITY H -IL, IN 'PII'r. CITY Or' PADUC,,H, KE'NT'UCKY." a1,or. On motion same wa3 g,iFen first pa33apo upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Rich aberger, ',ocaran, Crider, Fleming;, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Mason^ Newart, and Watts. (11). Nays: Kerth (1). On'motion of care the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Ri.alesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Huraa(:l, Johnston, Ilasor., Caen, .Stewart and .att3. (11,. Nay3 . :'•ertn (1). On motion of same, same was liven second and final passage upon the earl Of the roll: Yeas: R1 ;z1-3ben,7er, i:0enran, Crider, Fleming;, l?Olt, II'.h"Tel, JOIMS On, Mason, Owen, StF_ya.t and .,att3. (11). Nays: .ertn (1). No._. Proceedings 0f__BWUiD__IF_C.UUMaL1_1;.:N City of Paducah_ uRlL20,. 1925.. __ -_192 Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF Salary THE SEER LABORERS OF TBF, CITY OF PADUCaH KENTUCKY." Sewer Laborers. On motion of sarge, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas:'Riglesborger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Watts. (12). On motion of same the rules were sgspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and watts. (12). On motion of same,srame::was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Natts. (12). Street Laborers. Same read an ordinance entitled "API ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF THE STREET LABORERS OF THE CITY OF A'_u`UCAH, KENTUCKY." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the ro3a: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, r'leming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Watts. (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Watts. (12). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Urider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and '7Jatts. (12) . Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINaNCE FILING THE SALARY salary treet Forr.man.OF THE STREET FORUJAN OF THE CITY OF YADUCaH, KENTUCKY." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Berth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and 'Jatts. (12). On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Jonnaton, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and PJabbs. (12). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, John3ron, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Whtts. (12). .".a lary ame read an ordinance entitled "AIV OR DINANUE FIXING THE: SaL.RY OF Street THP., ;TREEET INSrLCTOR OF Tlgi: CITY OP PdUJC..H, KENTUCKY." Inspector. On motion of s,.me, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Ripl 3berger, Cocnran, Crider, Fleming, Bolt, Hummel, Johnston, Yertn, Mason, Uwen, Stewart and +,atts. (12). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and ordinance reau by t'_iic uron L'ne ca of the roll: Ye" : Rigl�ai.ergcr, Cochran,"rider, Fleming„ Holt; NurEnl, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, :3tewart and 1.7at-ts. (12). On motion of sane, same; was given second and final passage upon tr-e call of the roll: Yeas: Ri..lusberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleeing,, ?lolt, HJ0:n3to::, 'Kerth, Mason, C- en, .teaart and :': arts. (12). Proceedings of BOARD cF-_.c=c3.L*:Ln_ City of Paducah__ _APRIL_20TH-,__ 1--W -192-5. Member Cochran offered motion that the matter of fixing drainage on Fourth Dr:.irarc or: 9th St. Street, between Elizabeth and George Streets, be referred to the Board of IIoalth with btw.Eliz. & Georre Strgo�rer to act. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Vember Stewart offered motion that the Board of Public "corks be instructed Fill on Caldwell to build a fence alone the fill on Caldwell Street, adopted on the call of the roll: St. Yeas (12). Member Mason offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alders:en in allowing Ruby Darnell ;600.00 in full settlement o8d release of the judgement Ruby Darnell of the McCracken Circuit 8ourt for the sum of X800.00, as rendered at the February term of said Circuit Court. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Johnston offered motion to receive and file the communication All time from the Board of Health, requesting the adoption of an ordinance providing for an City health all time City Health Officers, two part time City Physicians, two all time sanitary officer, 2 tart tire inspectors, an all time Live stock Meat and Milk Inspector, and a Plumbing Inspector. Clty Physicians ' 2 All time Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Inp.ete' Tleu:ber Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE All time OFFICE OF AN ALL TIME MEAT AND MILK INSPECTOR IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, Meat & ?:ilk PRESCRIBING THE TERI, OF OFFICE, QUALIFICATIONS .ND COMPENSATION." Insrector. Member Owen offered motion to receive and file same. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas (2). !ways: (10). 1 On motion of Member Hummel, same was tabled to next meeting, upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Nays (2). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Furchase Aldermen in regard to the Police & Fire Committee purchasing 2000 feet of hose for the 2000 feet hose Fire Fire Department. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Dlpart^ent. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen In allowing the Police & Fire -ommittee to purchase a horse, saddle and bridle to be Purchase of horse for uaed in traffic work. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas:(11). Nays: (1). traffic work. Member 8ochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in alloying the Police and Fire Committee to contract with Dalbey Electric Electrical 5th, Traffic Company to f.;rnizh and install traffic siCnals at 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th Streets and Broadway. Adcpted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Cochran, Crider, Fleming„ Holt, Hummel, Johnaton and Owen. (7). Nays: Riglesberger, Korth, Mason, Stewart and '•:att's. (5). Mercer Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of F.Ii. 9r;nr- hurat k Al•lcrc:en ir, r:ferrirg to the Ju1lciary committee, the curnmunication from E. H. BrinFjiurat, Geo. Roc Y. / 'hop �c, asking that the Ceo_ge Rock :hon Company be relieved of paying tho last half of 1923 texts. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member +:,c}:ran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Black k of hl:e—, .cn. Inautt:orizin,? the rayor to make a contract with Black anit Veatch, to make, Vea;bh r.laaa and s-ecifications for relief of Serer Dintrict :7o. 2, for r250.00, as per their lr,tter of :1rri1 the 17th. ;adopted on thn call of the roll: Yeas (12)/ b==crr Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of County slde- en it reconsiderinp the reaclUtiGn paased '.'.y tee la3t: meeting, discontinuing the Anti-Tuber- et:=osis dcna^ton of ,yit0.00 per cont:^. for the Cou Sanitaria^ nty Anti-terculosls 3arlf:arluW, adopted on, the call of t.".e roll: yea (12). ar-e offcre3 mot!an to concur in the actl%r. of the Board of Alderer. County anti-ia a2lo�ing _re danx-lon of 1^ .G ear S Tuberculosis -_ Wo.+t.- for _nP County anti-'u,ercuiosls Sanitarium 3anitariur tote C3^ t! :'.3rJ4. .3YNted C:. _. a call Of v.... rcl_. Yeas (12), No. -181. - -- Proceedings of__W,RD-oF-seaNi,I-LMF,N City of Paducah APRIL 20..1925• - __.192 Member Korth offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Geo.T:.i:atterwohn, Board of Public 'corks in regard to the Contract No. 3, sidewalks, driveways, curbs Jr.C..ontract No. and gutters, be accepted as completed by G. :7. Katterjohn, Jr. Adopted on the call of the roll: Peas (12). Member Korth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE Ordinance ABUTTING PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BURNETT STREET, FROM THE VEST PROPERTY LINE, assessin€ peoperty, OF 10TH STREET TO THE EAST OURS LINE OF 14TH STREET; ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BU'qNETT on Burnett St., etc. STREET, FROM THE FiEST CURB LINE OF 10TH STREET TO A POINT WHERE BURNETT STREET INTERSECTS THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 13TH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROBERTY LINE OF BURNETT STREET TO TIIE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF FAXON STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 13TH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY," On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Rigleaberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Watts. (12). On motion of same, the rules were suspedded and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Watts. (12). On motion of same,.same was given second and final passage upon the call i of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Hummel, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Oven, Stewart and Watts. (12). Member Korth offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the G.rl.Robirson Board of Public Vlorks in eliminating from the G. W. Robinson Contract, curbs Contract and getters on Tennessee Street between Goebel Avenue and 16th Street, in front of the property recently purchased by the I. C. R. R. Co. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Memlar Kerth off eg thO followbng" :;I:A"ff appearing is thha or inancus providing for the construction of " SUER Sanitary Sewers in Zone No. 11 Sub -Division "C", Zone No. 2, Sub -Division "B", Zone 20I{3' ?4'and No. 3, Sub -Division "A" and "3", Zone No. 4, Sub -Division "A" and "B", Zone No. 5, 5. Sub -Division "A", all in Sewer District Pio. 3, in the City of Paducah K y., were adopted prior to the publication of the Resolutions providing, therefor, I now move that said ordinances heretofore adopted b$: this Board on March the 16th, 1925, as the sane appears on the minutes of the proceedings of said Board, be re -adopted. Thereupon, samo read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE PROVIDING OR TI3s CON ST:?UC; Iti,! OF 3,,NITARY SIEWER3 IN SE7,ER ZONE N0. 1, SUB-DIVI3IO1I C, 30..7ER it -.:ER ZONE ' -TRICT NO. 3, IPI THE CITY OF Pi"DUCAH, KENTUCKY7 AT THE COST OF THE: PROPERTY O7.1NL'RS NO. 1. 3":H+==•'!7 P'''JIDING THAT SAID SrYER SHALL 9E CONSTRUCTED UPON THE 10 YEAR PAY - ""IT PL,'21, ,:iD N ".ING THE .^.TRK _": .::"i y:i ALONG? UNDER AND THROUGH l'ifilCH 3:,ID 'QHS H 3 P UCTED, +it!" .: ' ; ; OUT Ill G. Nr.:t:.L TERMS, THE PROPERTY BE:NEFITQ CO.-:' 0!•'so Or notion care was given first passage upon the call of the roll: .e on ^otion of s>c', Lae rales aert Ju3p'7rlded and ordinance road by On n.""10r_ of 3e CG11;1 8 nl t'in:i pas�a ge upon ^e ^: it of .::e roil: Yeas (121. P ^.ra:pon sa-c read an or• i! ;;n e r, enti?ati'1 FOR IE -3 i Ii rix SrFaCT No.•' T. r . .� , N0. 2. qe yy�t� y� x-... .' .No. __ - - _182._ Proceedings of_.BG-,'1D uL 1171 .t l a CIty of Paducah —nPRu_20TH.r 192 5 I PLAN, AND N.._IN: THE STXE!,'"S AND ALLEYS ALONG, UNDt;R AND THROUGH PNHICIl SAID SVIERSA SHaiL BE CONST'+UC^ED nND SETING OUT IN GENERAL TERMS THE PROPERTY Bl?11vXITTED THEREBY, AND 1rJ3Jr,CT Vo :H P:.Yi11,'NT OF THE COST OF 8,;1T:." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas(12). On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12) On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Thereupon:, same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE Sewer =Z1 CONSTRUCTION OF Si,NITARY SE" R3 IN SEVIER ZONE NO. 3, SUB- DIVISION 3"A"AND"B", SEWER Zone No.3. DISTRICT NO . 3, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS I THERr.1IN,' AND PROVIDED THAT SAID SE'.:ER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE 10 YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, AND NAMING THE STREETS AND t1LLEYS ALONG, UNDER AND THROUGH 7.111ICR SAID SEINER SHALT, BE CONSTRUCTED, AND SETTING OUT IN GENERAL TERMS, THE PROPERTY BENEFITTED THEREBY AND SUBJECT TO TiiE PAYt1 NT OF THE CGST OF SASE." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion of same the rules were suaponded and ordinance read by title i upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE Se.^Ter CO;.:TRUCTI0:1 OF 3TOR14 AND SANITARY SEWERS IN SYNER ZONE NO. 4, SUB -DIVISION A AND B, %one No•4• :EVER DI3TRICT 170. 3, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE PROPERTY 0?dTSRS TT]Et: sIN, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID SEtER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE 10 YEAR .' :'L' •.i:: ?',:::;, „tiD NrJSING THE STREETS A1dD ALLEYS ALONG, U]dDER AND THROUGH t7HICH SAID E? _L $ CONST+UCTED, AND SETTING OUT IN GEN'dRAL TERMS THE PROPERTY BENEFITTED 7;! ;,Y, AND ::UBJECT TO THE PAYMENT OF TAE COST OF SME." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion of aarre, sane waa ;iven second and final pasaago upon the cul'_ of the roll: Y-laa (12). ac:e road an orlinnnce entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE 0'r :TOx;,I .d;C '; NITARY 3K]ERS IN 3F7JER ZONE NO. 5, SUB -DIVISION A, SE1,7ER N0. 3, Zt7 PnJ1CAH,KENTUG::'.7, AT Tiii: COST OF fH;i PROPm TY O'iiNER8 ?30'1: Ci N': ':I ,:IS .:...... %0:731'itUCTED UPON THE' TEN YS:�R PAYI•:iti:IT •• • `r %' - `% t:1:' v,..i.'! : .—ONG, UNDER AND THROUGH 'JHIC11 3nID SE'L7.'RS OU f iENERAL f:!•: PROPERTY 13EVE'FITTED THEREBY, ...,_. ,, ,.-,� :ham �.•�. _ �:. .<, o:' ..�..,,a On co:;r,n ;- ;•, s_"-- was ;,iven first paasa;re upon the call of the ^ll: Yeac (1.2). On motion of asWe the rules -aero axspanded and or31nance read by tit:lo unon the call of t're roll: 'does (12). Cr. xotion of s4v, , sa a Was Given seoonl ar.:l final D'aaaai,P. upon tree call of th.e roll: as (12). On motion meeting adja.rne+i. ADOPTFf' 25 A.ErPRdO 7