HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 158, March 2, 1925---__--- Proceedings of Report of Board of E,ualizstion for 1925. Petition for erten:lin; Adams St. Pay roll and claims. Orlinance F.merccncy or extra patrol - Mon. K r` Q..?L3� of Paducah192_5. At a mceting of the Board•of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall in the City of Paducah, March the 2nd, 1925, President Riglesberger presided. Upon the call of the roll the following answcred to their names: Riglesberger, Cochran., Crider, Fleming, Holt, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart, and-•atts. (11). On Notion the minutes' -of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Member Omen offered motion to receive and .file the report of the Board of Equalization for the year 1925. _.,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Sane offered motion to refer to the Board of Public 17orks a petition from citinens asking the City to purchase lots necessary to extend Adams Street from South i 17th to South 19th Streets. Adopted on the call of1the roll: Yeas (11). Member Kerth offered motion that the pay roll and claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and the Clerk authorized to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer charting the respective departments as shown therein: PAY -ROLL . Legislative & Executive ..... _ ........Fi.971.00 Assessor & Assistant// .................. 115.00 Board of Equalization ................... 98.58 CityHall Employees.. ................ 57.50 CityJail .............................. 100.00 Fire....................................1532.50 Police. .. ...........................1692.18 Chair. Gang Boss.. ................... 43.20 Police Judge & Clerk .................... 225.00 CityAttorney ................... 60,00 Board of Public iorks................... 24.99 Street Department ....................... 828.00 Engineering ............................. 246.13 Few Construction ........................ 112.50 Sewer & Plumbing ....................... 148.90 Yurket House ............................ 85.00 ".1arf.........s .... ................. 8.33 Health Officer&Auto//................. 275.00 Public Nurse .. .........................105.00 Sanitary Inspector ...................... 41.66 tF.ilk & ::eat Inspector ................... 70.00 Incinerator ............................. 45.00 Pest House Keeper ....................... 25.00 Riverside ............................... 748.01 City Scales ............................. 37.50 Oak Grove ............................... 177.30 Parks ................................... 61.50 Library ................................. 625.00 Charity ................................. 475.00 CLAIE S. Riverside hospital ...................... 148.32 City hall ............................... 55.00 CityJail ............................... 9.00 Streets ................................. 1.56 Enqineerinq ............................. 4.00 Police .................................. .44 Fire... 300.00 Garbage•Disposal.............'...... .. 158.33 •'• Adopters on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read an ordinance entitled "All ORDIli::PdCE PROVIDING FOR THE LUPLOYMENT ?: ?,,Y OF _i'S: nG,_S'CY 0'.CTJRA P .T OU-n1l. r On Potion same :Pas riven third passage upon the call of the roll: `leas: Hi:-lesber,,er, Crider, I71n�inr;, Holt, Johnston, Kerth, Owen, Stewart and '.:atts. (9). Plays: Coch!,an and VasoP. (2). On motion of jar.. -.e tae rj:les were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of t e roll: Yeas: Riglesberrer, Crider, b'leTzinq, Holt, Johnston, Forth, Liven, Stewart and •+att3. (9). Nay3: COcrran. and IMason (2). On motion of sa-•:e, tamp vras priven fourth and final passage upon the call of t :e roll: Yeas: Ric•lesbehaer, Griner, '.,le nin , Solt, Johns -.on, Kerth, Owen, Stewart and• Co c_;rz.n arr? ;anon. (2). W I E - -'s No-1Fz9_. _. Proceedings voll ssn_:il City of Paducah ttr1C?OIi_2ItD.__igz&.__.__192 Member rierth read a.rosoluti.6 entitled "A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CON - Resolution STRUCTION OF STO'3I.11, .7ATER SK-JERS IId ZONES A AND B ItEREINAFTER PARTICUL,,RLY DESCRIBDD Ston:-. cater Sewers in Dist. No. 1. IN SaN-TTARY Sll i R DI37IUT 140. 1, IN THE? CITY OF Pi,DUC,rH, KENTUCKY, TO BE A NECESSITY :SND SETTING OUT IN GEAsR=.L T6RIdS THE PROPERTY SUBJ_,�CT TO THE PAYLI NT OF fHd CO3T OF a'alh." On motion of same, same was given first passarc upon tco call ov tre roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming„ Holt, Johnston, Kerth, 7.1ason, Owen, Stewart and ::atts. (11). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Johnston, Kerth, I,Iason, Owen, Stewart and 1,4atts. (11). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Johnston, Kept]; Liaton, Owen, Stewart and ',;atts. (11). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECL:+RING THE CONSTRUCTION OF S.INITARY SE'.'ERS IN SL".'IER ZONE NO. 1, IN SUB -DIVISION "C", SE:''JER DISTRICT NO. 3, Resolution TO BE A N:CESSITY, AND SETTING OUT IN GENERzL THMIS, THE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE Sanitary sewers in e"aer Zone PAYMENT OF THE COST OF SAIM." No. 1. On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). i On motion of same the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call i of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE. COMTRUCTION Resolution OF i:NIT..RY Sa'ERS IN S.'.;c3 ZONE I10. 2 IN SUB -DIVISION "B" S 7 DIJTRICT NO. 3, Sanitary sewers -',ER in Sewer Zone TO BE :: NECESSITY, AND SETTING OUT IN GENERaL TEM.'S, ?IIE PROPERTY 3UBJ_CT TO THE No. B. P• -'r: •.:'; OF Ttin'' COST OF Sal:E. " On motion of same,same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: "teas (11). On motion of same the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read a reaolutior. entitled "A TIE30LUTIOIT Dc;CL RING THE CONFT?UCTION ZUN3 IIO. 3, IN SUB -DIVISION "A" .:ND "B", 3E`:ER M.TRICT unitary ae:rers Ce rer Zone 3. I:U. 3'� , :'v aG .. ::!.C._: : ...I:. „�r::, UU'P IN riR rE?rlrL Tu3i"3, THE PROPERTY SUBJECT 0 ... .. ... .... . On r o*.ion of same, sun -4 war -iven firwt passage upon the 0111 of the roll: 'Seas (11). Or. ,:: r, t' acme the r,,703 were suspended rind re301ution read by title upon the call o:' roll: ?eq_, (11) ")n mo-'Ior. of s:, sac.e was niven Second r_nd final vassapp upon the call of to rol_. Yeas (ll) \u, .I I (: Proceedings o ' T -.—City of Paducah-_ ___192. a resolution entitled "A R3 SOLUTION DECLAHITIG THE CONSTRUCTION OF l a 3:::I:.+iY Ss`"ieRS ITf Se;`,i•.R Z011'r: 110. 4, IN 3UB-DIVI3I011 "A" AND "B", 3E'IER Resolution.. Sanitary = - 3, TO BI., A i::iC;.., a'if .ND &,,TING OUT IN GiINE L,L TEPM, THit PROPERTY SU3JECT :ewers in Sewer one u No. y, On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion of some the rules were suspended and resolution read by title , upon the call or the roll: Yeas (11). On motion of s.. -mc, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CONSTRUCTION OF ;;(.•;:11 T:D SA11ITaRY Sf;";3R3 IN SE71ER ZON-d NO. 5, IN SUB -DIVISION "A", Smai DISTRICT Resolution. Sanitary NO. 3, TO BE A NECESSITY iMD SETTING OUT IN GENER,kL TER1.1S, THE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO sewers in Sener Zone : i_- r::z1.7i1,T Oc ME COST OF No. 5. On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion of same the rules Were suspended and resolution read by title i upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call i of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINQTCE CLOSING THE OLD CLINTON ROAD i 110M :. POINT .,"HERS THE S11 E INTERSECTS THE EAST LINE OF THE PROPERTY OF A. E. COLE AND r Ordinance Closing T LINE OF THE P?OPER'PY OF ALVIE FELTZ, TO THE LINE OF AN ALL3Y AND SAID ROAD, 01d Clinton Road, ."%?.:'" IO 'i'HE LI11F 0"r' ?7INi:.TEENTH STREET I11 PriWCAH, KENTUCKY, AND ACCEPTING THE 11 3Y A. E. COLE: OF ,: T'. ENTY FOOT ROAD;:,:Y E7tTENDING EASTIIARDLY FROM NINETEENTH ` i :C =i1_` LIME On T3:d OLD CLI. T011 ROAD. i On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: *leas (11). On notion of same, the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon tae call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion of sar:e, same was given second and final pa33age upon the call o^ the roll: '_'eac (11), City .:,me offered motion that the City solicitor be instructed to secure Court Solici*.or ins,-uctld of ^.1a decision on thy: '<.:,er Lateral Ordinances. Adopted on the call of the roll: to securo §court of (a-(11). ,a•}ecc is_ons "•;Wx;r :..,t.OrT. "' ,�r -,n of:'ered 'notion to refer to the Public Improvement Committee., Repairin;• " coasminicntion fr,,-. .3..i e K. :;all in regard to repairing Police Court Room. ?police on c'_ Yeas i notion to receive and file the report of the City City Ja.lr:. ":O" of , 1i?25. {:dCintCxi on tar: call of the roll: Yeas (11). 7:0t1on ':G r;C^. 7 'irl :T f11.. '.:lr: rr:,,nrt Of tae unief of Police Ranort of .:'7" .. .. _ of F.9 nrl. fir lra:: �. ., i - � ;, p 1 ° 1 of r "011 Cr+as (11). Chi�P of Police. 3a.:..e O:L c,f"or; ...r. ..... ".7'.i ... iil,i Sa 170 ft'nry rale ° on Cap en ^7nloy}' C'. r.rr r• r.j 7' 3:i i f. t. . (11) . boni '. t'.'?. «. C':C:• :-^= :11 C" : ,re:'T :-:Oti Or, t:n:,t '.he matter of cloying exprass Wagons from 1iSrr" .�yAvenue .'_', ".r:ut. r^9'Plt(:#:i:-':3`r)G 1•'ir? (iO.:.moi`. t9@, a71r1 LG aC ._.....'1 On ... .', .'L Of 1:,^.t+, roll: YCGi (11). cf'�-"A aticn .. in Ga of .:e Roar: of'kiden"- in - i Fi: ....., s. •' - •%CL', ..-....... Oi' inar-:a3ini; the salary of firemen CaCrcl:t 7: C _._6nt9 .C,:J n3:^ ,.On'.u:. ::dOpz„':1 salary. - .. ._ _.. _ ._. e - No_ 161., Proceedings o City of Paducah- -192 llember Holt orrerod motion that the City of Paducah convoy by Quit-Claim Dood to l4ra. 1..cd to firs. Eva Sanders for the sum Of 00.00, Lot 1,10. 12, in Block '11411, Oak Eva Sanders for lot in Val: Grove Cemetery. Grove Cemetery, and the Clerk be authorized to make entry of said deed in Uo-metery Deed Book. Adopted on tine call of the roll: Yeas: (11). Member Kerth offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Cancelling garbage contract Aldermen in referring to the Hospital, Server & Sanitation Committee, the matter of with Henry Y.artin. cancelling the garbage contract with Henry Martin. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: (11). Member 1.1ason offered motion to refer to the Light & Viater Committee the Light on "C" petition from citizens asking that a light be placed at 110 Street and 1.1heeler St. and ".heeler Avenue. Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11.). Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of J.,%. Dossett oil station Aldermen in refusing to allow J. A. Dossett to build an oil station on his property 12th & Ky-Ave. at 12th & Kentucky Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Be and of Aldennnn T. ji. CLARK In receiving and filing the communication from the Mayor in regard to purchase of property betty. Bvonson & Adams property between Bronson and Adams Streets, belonging to T. A. Clark. Adopted on Sts. the call of the roll: Yeas (11). member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Light 12th & Jackson. Aldermen in having a light placed at 12th & Jackson Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Johnston, Kerth, Eason, Stewart and Vlatts. (19). Nays: Owens (1). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in Report of receiving and filing the report of the Chief of the Fire -Department for the month Chief of Fire Department. of February, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Fire hazard Aldermen in empowering the Fire Hazard Inspector to berAssistant Building and Inspector to be j-.sst.Build- Electrical Inspector, as requested by the Chief of the Fire Department. Adopted ing & hlectrical Inspector. on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Y.ember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in ratifying the action of the Po lice & Fire Committee in employing the Extra men in Police Dept.follo,.,iing * as extra men in the Police Department: Joe Shellman, H. R. Hill, Chas. Block, Joe Cook, J. 13. Jackson, Carl Tinsley, W. A. Drew, Thomas King, J. E. Hankins, T. 13. Smith. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). clays (1) Member Yaaon offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Transfer to =li,!tn:en in 1.ncf.,iietinrr the L'Iayor and City Cleric to transfer to the Park Board Park Board ground betty. of the pity of Paducah, one parcel of ground between 12th and 10th Streets, and & lotr, flour12th :3urnett —Lo"'noy L"'I'l :?llrylctt -Street to be used for Park purposes. Adopted on the call of for rark purpoee!a. roil:yeas (11). 1'e,7.bev I-iolt 01%7e!Ifld notion to concur in the action of the Bo,:rd Of Faise _It_lputy .'-I'lennen in receiving anil filin-, t a cormqunication frrr.q the city Jailer in rej!ard Jailer. to r,,icin- _­,bury of Zpn"Ity Jailer anJ beinp allowed a cook. Adopted on the Cook for City Jail. the Yeas 0 !:z 3 em e :-ertn an 0""nance entitled "All 0"J1U­R;E A BOARD Ordinance. 7 Board of U -.'H; f FT Planning &Y :honing. Gommis- .,.T T; 0?T.PE siorers. Lost f'r3t 7assaze upon the all of the roles;1ye :gin, n a.-d 'atts.(4). flays. fri-jer, i"Olt, Jo"inornon, Korth, Mason, Owen ani-.tewart. (7)' Proceedings of. =o.:.: u , Y LI:1_.a.i —_City of Paducah__ il ARCII-211D___ 192 :ierth oi'L'cred motion that the foregoing ordinance be amended to read "appointr:cnt to be n:adc by the L:ayor and General Council." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Openin.- of 1'omber .1.1ason offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Flournoy referring, to the Street Committee, Board of Public '•-orks and City Engineer, the matter 5:. betty. 10th 5 12th.of opening Flournoy Street from 10th to 12th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Chief of in instructing Chief of Police Nelson to bring suit on all replevin bonds for fines Police in- etructed to in Police Court that are past due, at a cost not to exceed 150. Adopted on the call brin,c suit on replevin of the roll: Yeas (11). bonds for past due fines. itember Ogen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in referring to the Street Committee, Board of Public 71orks and City Engineer, the Opening H. 11th -it. matter of opening North 11th Street from Burnett to Palm Street. Adopted on the call from Burnett to Palm St. of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion meeting adjourned. 1'rcaiderOt bo d of C:ourui?�;: City Clerk (/