HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 154, February 16, 1925Proceedings of ___-City of Paducah- ___ . F113.__16TH.,_---192 5. At a rcgular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., on Febrnur;, the 16th, 1925, President Riglesberger called t'.ie 3oar1 bd order. Upon the call of the roll the following ans^+ered to their names: Riglesbergor, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Johnston, Mason, Owen, Stewart and TJatts. (10). On motion of member Owen the minutes of the meeting of February the 2nd, 1920, were adopted as corrected. Yeas (10). Membar Cochran offered motion to refer to the Hospital, Sewer & Sanitary communiaati000mmittee, the communication from the Mayor in regard to a garbage system for 1925. from •ayor reFardin,g garbage. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Owen offered motion to refer to the Public Improvement Committee, with poser to act, the communication from the Mayor in regard to a Flag Pole being Fla„ Pole. erected over the City Hall. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Johnston offered motion to refer to the Public Improvement Committee, Property Street Committee and Board of Public Lorks, the communication from the Mayor in regard T. A. Clark between to the purchase of property of T. A. Clark between Bronson and Adams Streets. Adopted Bronson & Adwrs St. on the pall of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Reslf7nation Aldermen in receiving and filing communication from the Board of Public 17orks, in J. R. Pulliam regard to receiving the resignation of J.R. Pulliam as Street Inspector, effective . F. Ar. •ie r s on February the 23rd, 1925, and W. F. Anderson being appointed to succeed Mr. Pulliam as Street Inspector, this appointment to take effect February the 23rd, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Kerth came into meeting. Same offered motion to refer to the Board of Public ':corks and City-'ngineeri Slu: ral'r.s Harrison -he petition from citizens asking that sidewalks be placed on both sides of Harrison b:, t . 19th & 21st.Sts. Street between 19th and 21 at Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member a?ason offered motion to refer to the Public Improvement Committee J.A.rossett the communication from J. A. Ddssett asking permission to erect an oil station on his prc-party ut 12th & Kent,icky Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Kgirth offered motion that the allowance of claims and pay rolls,as recommended by the Finance Committee, be made and the Clerk authorized to issue proper Payroll & eiai* warrant, on the Treasurer charting the respective departments as shown therein: Pri.ntin,7, fostape & Supplies 728.06 don is of Enploycea 352.50 Cit-': ;a11 89.89 C1'- :'ail 311.21 P01'. 352.08 CLAIS:S "{ 329.96 379.93 :cLion 61.05 72.77 1.00 1318.43 410.00 33.68 42.57 - 9.00 ar 29.89 2.00 P673.46 2.81 9.67 236.6:; ....... .._ ... 26.50 LrAY ROLL: ve _ z:c:•.ive 325.00 1 of ..0:,n'_fzation 195.00 1nn.00 1.x2.83 150.5.72 . 823.10 187.13 24v)y.7py. iJ No. 155.._ --- Proceedings _Proceedings ofCity of Paducah_ .FLsm'lla_16T11,1925, _192 Pest house 25.00 Riverside iibspital 789/72 City Scales 30.00 Oak Grove 198.90 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion that the Cashier's Fund be -reimbursed in the amount of ;1172.41, and the respective departments charged as shown on Treasurer's report. Cashier's r'und. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion that the Engineer's Estimate for work done during G.P:.Katter,john,Jr. December, 1924, be G. ':.. Katter,john, Jr., on Contract He. 3, be accepted and the Con tract "o.3. Treasurer be authorized to issue improvement warrant in the amount of ;j2017.36, to be dated January the 2nd, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion that the Engineer's Estimate for work done during December, 1924, be G. 1.1. Robinson & Company, on Contract IIo. 3, be accepted and G o.RobinsonContrac & the Treasurer authorized to issue Improvement Warrant in the amount of 819.01 to Co. Contract ;T3. P eu , be dated January the 2nd, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeus (11). Same read an ordinance entitled "ATI ORDINANCE CRATING THE OFFICE OF CHATN GANG BOSS. CHAIN GaNGE BOSS, DEFINING HIS DUTIES, FIXING HIS SALARY AND PROVIDING FOR THE On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: (11). Upon motion the rules were suspended .and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). —a ..-er.. a:^d to C o: .. is r —a . ._• :•... _ _^pet i e, a_ nq w3.0 p•:r lee;: for car fare for the Street '2.^.s^aC :Cr. :d0_3is Or t:.e Call 4f the roll: Yeas (lj) Upon motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read an ordinance entitled "API ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF THE Salary of CHI --F OF POLICE OF 'PHE CITY OF PADUCAH. " Chief Police. Same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Rigiesberger, Crider, Holt, Johnston, Korth, Owen, Steuart and Watts (8). Nays: Cochran, Flaming and ?.iason (3). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Crider, Bolt, Johnston, Korth, Owen, tewart and Watts(8). Nays: Cochran, Fleming and 1.1ason (3). On motion of same, same was given second and final pasaa^o upon the call of the roll: Yeas: RiSlesberger, Crider, Holt, Johnston, Korth, Owen, Stewart and '.atts (8). Nays: Cochran, Fleming and Uason. (3). Member Johnston offered motion that the Board of Public 77orks .tr•!ets be Instructed to have the Streets of the business district washed between midnir•ht vra^ ed. and 7:00 o'clock A. m., and other streets as soon us possible thereafter. Adopted on the call Of trip roll: Yeas (11). Cocinran A'foroJ motion to rufor to the Boar:I of Public Pone?l ;;tract. o:=:s tnc matter o rep:irin;; Po:se11 Street tetweon Clemeni:s and Jarrett Streets. ..icpted on ::v: cull Of tha roll.: Yeas (11). ;'.en'^nr Jo n.r.on offered motion tri.tt the city of raducah contract :ith the Southern ':rails anI 'rlps for a ona full paga"ad" in the month of tlarch :rips. G:13e :'Or '.:: s?:m of '100-00, said lul-le to ba distributed as follows: 5000 to s:sbstr<bers, 50fG-O at t'r:e :'Otos ?e ani 300 aopies for the city of Paducah. Adopted e:: .... Call of t— r(}3l: ` r Jr"'" offerer: "otIOn '.e COrcQ:' :rt t:;°- action of the Board —a ..-er.. a:^d to C o: .. is r —a . ._• :•... _ _^pet i e, a_ nq w3.0 p•:r lee;: for car fare for the Street '2.^.s^aC :Cr. :d0_3is Or t:.e Call 4f the roll: Yeas (lj) -156. Proceedings of _ of Paducah_— F> sRu„xY isT,__192L._ Lie:.bor Owen offered motion tk .'.t L. 0. Brooks to advanced to regular L.O.Brooks. fireman, as recommended by the Police & Fire Committee at their meeting on February the 11th, 1935. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). 1'ember Holt offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in electing A. L. Lindsey as operator at No. 1 Fire Station to fill the A.L.Lindsey vacancy made by the advancing of operator Pace to fireman. Adonted on the call of the. roll: Yeas ]!ember Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of firtra emen Aldermen in ratifying the appointment as extra fireman as follows: Barney Akers, A. Freeman, L. Plumblee, Clifton C. Pace, L. 0. Valentine. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). L'ember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of betition Aldermen in raceivin- and filing petition from citizens asking, that 13th Street be for opening 13th St. opened from Trimble Street to Bernheim Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: from Trimb. Yeas {11)• to Bernheim. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in 6th Street receiving and filing the communication from the Board of Public 1lorks in regard to Bridge. repairing of 6th Street Bridge. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Grading & in _eceiving and filing communication from tl''xe Board of Public ';forks in regard to graveling "C” St. "C" Street being improved by grading and graveling from Guthrie Avenue to Sheeler from Guthrie to Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). :+heeler Aves. Same offered motion to concur in the action of.!the Board of Aldermen Ropin, off in regard to receiving and filing the communication from the Board of Public ""orks 16th t. in regard to roping off 16th Street for a play ground. Adopted on the call of the for play ground, roil: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Enders in regard to cancelling the bond of H. I.I. Enders. Adopted on the call of the roll: bond releas- d. Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Sidewalks in receiving and filing, communication from the Board of Public Works in regard to 19th St. Sway. to sidewalks on both sides of 19th Street from Broadway to Guthrie Avenue. Adopted on Guthrie. the call of the roll: Yeas (11). t'ember :.:ason offered motion to concur in the Board of Aldermen in Electric nuthorizinq the Police and mire Committee to order three electric signals to be placed sin;:als 3ri,4th in the center of intersections at 3rd, 4th and 5th Streets on Broadway. Adopted on th and Son yts, on tn,e call of the roll: Yeas (11). Bway. -acme offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alden -..en in referring to the Public Imorovr_-rent Committee the communication from A. u. Cole Clinton ?o:ld. and Alvie Feltz regarding the chanrina, of old Clinton Road. .'.Jopted on the call of the roil: Yeas (11). :`.ember '-ochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Seagraves lier en !n a1lo;rira :;60^0.00 to the ea ,rave Comc,iny as first paymo nt on 750 gallon Co7p:Ln;- p',:rDer. :`,donted on :::e call of t;:e roll: 'leas (11) Men;ber 4erth o:'-ered motion to concur in the action of the Board of N. Aldermen in aut::orizin- the uo.m_. lttee on '-+C='nittee,^, to employ Frank N. Burns to assist • urn s. the City :elicitor in, n_•eparation of ?e:rer Gr•jinance case before the Courts. Adopted on the call of t:e ro11: leas (11). I No—!572- Proceedings Of—BOARD �V rnfITT� r I Y1101Y -C, it of Paducah.--- BEB3uiiPx--16,-1a25---192 Member Kerth read a resolution authorizing J. 11. Bailey, Mayor,and :1. Rieko, Chairman of the Finance Cortmdttee to employ an �nginecring firm cn,7,inocrtng firm to draw plans to help draw plans for the sewer laterals in the five sanitary sewer zones. Adopted sewer 1,.iterals . on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Mecting recessed at 8:50 to go into Joint Session. Re -convened at 9:15 P. I.I., and on motion meeting adjourned. cl(y Clerk