HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 131, December 15, 1924No.. --
Proceedings of_.Ao-,inn or conrrcirtrEN - City of Paducah.-__D;cLrgr:R 1.1924. _192 -
At a regular meeting of the (hoard of Councilmen held on the Third Floor
of the City Hall in the Cita. of Paducah, Kentucky, December the 15th, 1924, the
Board lafs called to order by President Watts.
Upon the call of tire roll the following answered to their names: Watts,
Bou-eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, fierth, t.;ason, Morrison, Owen, Riggleaberger,
Spicer and Stewart. (12).
On motion the minutes were adopted as read.
Member L°orrison offered motion that the claims, as recommended by the
Joint Finance Committee, be allowed and the Clerk bo instructed to issue proper
warrant on the Treasurer charging the various departments as shown therein:
Legislative & Executive ........ 247.50
City Hall Employees............ 57.50
Police ........................1577.98
Street Dept. (Special)........ 48.60
Pay Poll if " Regular ...........962.75
Chain Gang Boss ............... 53.22
New Construction .............. 512.06
Sewer & Plumbing .............. 156.10
Market House .................. 82.20
PAY -ROLL. Engineering ................... 192.50
CityScales ................... 37.50
Cemetery ...................... 204.30
CityJail.. ........... 100.00
Riverside Hospital............ 808.50
Health Dept. (Auto)........... 25.00
Sanitary Inspector............ 41.66
Pest House Keeper ............. 25.00
Contingent Fund ............... 61.29
Parks ....................... 61.50
CLAIMS. City Hall.. .. ... 60.20
Printing, Postage & Supplies.. 417.68
Police Dept . ................. 326.70
Claire Fire Dept . ................... 265.85
Street 610.19
New construction ..............2266.78
Sewers.. 36.50
LightPlant .................. 103.55
Contract Arcs......... .1361.48
White ,Jay ..................... 410.00
Market House .................. 32.07
Engineering ................... 53.90
City Scales ................... 1.62
CityJail .................... 434.49
Riverside .. ..................2133.12
Health Dept ................... 34.55
Pest House ................... 2.00
Charity ... ................... 18.00
Contingent ................... 25.00
YJater Rentals .................3762.50
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs,
Kerth, t'ason, Horrison, Owen, Rigglesbebger, 3piaer and Stewart. (12).
Member Morrison offered motion that the claims recommended
by the Joint Finance Committee be allowed, and the Clerk ir_structed to issue
Proper warrant on the Treasurer for same, as follows:
Frank Brenner.. . .$4530.55
Kilcoyne hlectricCo...... 146.84
Scanlan -Morse Go ........... 2099.46
+adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
2` -ember tiorrison offered motion tient tho claims of';.C.Seaton
1-_ .Nato~ Circuit Court Clerk, in the cases of Levine Lamb
;..21.30; Thelma Lamb, u26.351
as aPnroved by the City Solicitor, be allowed, iknd the Glerk instructed to is•.uer
proper war* -ant on the Treasurer charging src--e to costs and. suits. Adopted on
the ca -1 of ..:r', roll: yea ; (12).
No. "_l3
Proceedings of.-. City of Paducah--m-qa.oix-ikt,.-,___ --192.4..
Same offered motion that the claims for insurance Premiums, as approved by
the Kayor and Joint Finance Committee, be allowed, and the I'lerk instructed to Jacue
proper warrant on the Treasurer for the following, charging same to the Insurance
Apportionment ..ccount:
Boone, Foreman & Lackey ......... $2194.92
A. R. Steele Insurance Agency... 214.60
Smith & Campbell ................ 336.38
John J. Dorian .................. 2�64.15
Bradshaw & "'oil... 231 74
Halteman Insurance
E. .'i. Cave ......... 176.10
Hunmel Bros ..................... 336.22
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Same offered motion that the account of C. H. Iser-an in the amount of
..3025.75, for contract work on North Side Fire Station, approved by the Fire & Police i
Committee, and -Finance Committee, be allowed and the Cleric instructed to issue proper
,warrant on the Treasurer, charging same to the North Side Fire Station Apportionment.
Adopted on the call of the roll: 'eas (12).
Same offbred motion that the Treasurer be authorized to transfer to the
Ing Fund the Semi-Ahnual payment due as follows:
Citizens'Savings Bank,.Gcn*eral Sinking Fund...,ck'4000.00
First National Bank, 3rd Dist.Sewer Bond
31nking'Fund ................................. 3096.43
Adopted on the call of the roll: 'Yeas (12).
Member Rigglesberger read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING
On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll:
YpaT: 7.attsl Crider, Jacobs, Mason, Owen; Rigglesberiger and Stewart. (a). Nays:
Bougeno, Cochran, Morrison and Spicer (4).
On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon
the call of the roll: Yeas: 11.7atts, Crider, Jacobs, Mason, Owen, RieGlesberger and
;ays.: Bougeno, Cochran, Morrison and Spicer. (4).
On motion of same, same visa given second and final Passage upon the
call Of tne roll: Yeas: Watts, Crider, Jacobs, Mason, Owen, Higglenborger, and
Stewart. (8). Nays: Bougeno, Cochran, Morrison and Spicer. (4).
1!er-bir Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Alden -.en In alloaitig the bill of the Diamond Petroleum Company in the amount of V59.81.
,. Alopted on t- y call of the roll: Yeas (12).
!'e -,ber Jacobs Offered minion that the City Solicitor bring in an
alloaln- "!3h to be :jold on bne bench of
the open end of the Uity Market.
An alrenrLment to the above motion that the
_r: !r!,Cr :1:`1 :"eat W�ld ,''ilk Inpp",tOr conduct an investigation
"Hort f�_ .
'�'; ' I ': fO 1`(, ':0111 On maV;'et. Lost upon Lno call Of
:crt�. :In %^01 - :;PIY3. :attr, TiOurlenO. Cochran, !;rider, Jacobs,
:`:(—hoper, al.,i -_,to-,art;
Motion idonted on the 041, of
roil: yea., (19).
Offere.1 motion that t°'e (;ItY Of v0rlvl;y by
-oy;!, n-' 1rt i-0. 15, il! ii!dock 14, in Oa;, o,ove
.adapted 0.'1 the call of the roll:
*nt r,,q4e.it for (jjl :.I_,1rq-
P!---' h Hoze Ull otnpar7, ne referrd
, 'r e r, e r t h , 0 0 n 0..1, roll: - yta3 : Watts, Bougeno,
(10)- Y
No --133.— .... _... .. _
S�0 > .i� OF 1211
Proceedings of..—�_�— COUNC11"lf City of Paducah .__-_D3cEi.:iit3li�1924.-----192
{ Member Jacobs offered motion that the request for 011 Filling Sbation be
Paducah Home Cil Co, allowed, as made by the Paducah Home Oil Company, except station on F111cox
property at 7th and Madison Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Lember Cochran offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Board
^obi':con & o, of Public 71orks in extending the time of G. l7. Robinson & Company on Contract No.
',ortr'.ct ::0. 1. 1, to June the lst, 1925, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member 1{erth offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Board
:u:cc Johnson of Public Works in extending the time of Yancey & Johnson, Contract No. G, Trading
Contract _.o. o. and graveling, to January the 1st, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(12).
Member Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Special weci.ly Aldermen in allowing the special weekly payroll for new construction on the May -
717 -roll.
:'a-!ficld Aoad. field Road in the amount of 0381.73. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas
Member Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
_ ::,i:atterjo"nn,Jr. Aldermen in regard to /p( G. l?. Katterjohn, Jr., Contract No. 3, being accepted;
,,ontract ''-io. 3.
except that part on Flournoy St.,betwreen 12th and 13th Street. Adopted on the call
of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Porrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
d* -1C6 -y �-4 Aldermen in authorizing the City Solicitor to file suit in the McUracken Circuit
�yY Court for the purpose of testing the validity of the sewer ordinances providing
6r� for the lateral sewers, as adopted by the ordinances of the `'ity of Paducah, Ky.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
action of j
Member Fuson offered motion to concur in the Board of Aldermen in receiv-
egcrt of
Riversi•ie Ing and filing report of the Riverside Hospital for the month of November, 1924.
Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
1.ember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Public wealth Aldermen in donating ?200.00 to the Public Health League. Adopted on the call of
Le a gu.;
the roll: Yeas (12).
Exemption taxes Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen
Paducah ,rffnite in regard to the Paducah Granite,Iiarble & Stone Company, not being granted exemn-
3�arble & Stone
Co. tion from taxation. •Adopt6d on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member !lorrison offered motion that the communication from J.W.Little
7i*t1r regarding lop penalty on City taxes, be referred to the City Solicitor for
investigation. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Oa motion meeting adjourned.
c:w ci::r,c yr�aute�st liutarci of Cunr:cilnur.