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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 127, December 1, 1924No.. 127. - - - -
Proceedings of BOARD OF COUNCIII.]Eti City of Paducah_ --- PEQz:aEi3_l,_1924_,_192
At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen hold on the Third Fl&or
of the City Hall, in the City of,Paducah, Kentucky, December the 1st, 1924, the
Board visa called to order by President Watts.
Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Watts,
Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Riglesberger,
• :ipicer and Stewart. ( 12)
Upon motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
Faember i.;orrison offered the following motion: That the report of the
Finance Committee be accepted and allowances made as recommended and the clerk
Pay -;toll. authorized to issuo proper warrant on Treasurer char.-ing the respective departments
as shown therein:
Legislative & Executive ...... 1262.00
Assessor. ... 75.00
License Inspector ............. 62.50
Cit;! Hall Employees........... 57.50
Police Deoartment ............ 1699.53
Dire Department ..............1523.50
Board of Public l'lorks........ 24.99
Street Dept,,,,,,,,,,,, ,927.33
Chain Gang Boss .............. 55.00
New Construction ..............582.65
Sewer & Plumbing ............. 148.90
Market House........... 85.00
Engineering .................. 127.50
Parks ........................ 61.50
:7harf Master............8.33
City Scales............ .... 37.50
Oak Grove................201.60
City Jail...... .......... 100.00
Riverside hospital........... 802.00
Health , Nurse ... Officer...250.00
y .......... 105.00
Sanitary Inspector........... 41.67
Meat & Milk Inspector........ 70.00
Incinerator .................. 45.00
Pest House ................... 25.00
: CLAnj S:
Home of Friendless........... 300.00
McCracken County Court.......
Hother's Club................ 25.00
Settlement House.. ....... 25.00
Col. iiome
of Friendless..25.00
Library.. ....... 625.00
Volunteers of America
........ 130.00
Garbage Disposal........18.33
Contingent ...................
A'lopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs,
Korth, I::a3on, ';orriaon, Owen, P.igglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12�,
;.:ember Morrison offered motion that the monthly estimate of work
G. •1. 7:obinson 'moo.
dcry during November on contract No. 1, G. 7.. Robinson & Co., contractors
Contnert No. 1,
accept^d and rhN Treasurer
authorized to isaue improvement Warrant to said
trt,ctOr3 in the amount Of 8196.13, same being 65o of the total
work clone, which is
ar-oriin^ to law. Adopted on the call of the roll: ye a3 (12).
Same offered the follovling motion: That tine
. ...
Geo. ::atteriohn,
monthly estimate
of .rcr'r. .ler. i:rine; Nove-i,ber on Contract iio. 3 Geo. :,.
Jr. Contract ;<3.
, Katterj°itn J„ con;;ractor,
be accer:ted and the irCa3ure:'
8u-._ +
u,..or_zed to issue Improvement !7arrs.nt to said
Contractor in the a:aount of 5717.33, same reins; 65 of the
total workworkdon. which
is accordl:il to law.
Adontfc; os; e call of ...i: :Olj: Yea-" (12).
2a=•C Offered t' -f, f011 O;712.j? Motion: That tre,;hly e3tjraY,e
Yancey .- Johnson.
Cf ;70r'. done 11;ring! I70verbCr on Coa.ract fi, lance;; " John
Ont:act I. u".
--on, Contractors, be
accented and the Treasurer
aut..orized tc i3n:e lrrro✓exert tosaid
COn;:`•:=Ct -rs i.^_'•,�, arO41nL 1Ci6?y.l,y
r °- the total work done, which is
jail. Ado ntcd or., t"' -E: Cal -s of tpoll:
.:ze : 'lFa3 (12).
No._1E8.--------- ---
Proceedings of . _. 139: '0_O"' C01ONCILM0 City of Paducah--2-�L"_'i'11
._l,_ _ ____. ..192-_`4•
!'er;ber rorriaon offered motion that the Treasurer be nuthorized to pay
to Contractor G. "!. Nutt.erjohn, Jr., the sun: of ;;988.48, the amount rruid it: by property
Kat ter,jo it, e^..'hers on E.ontract No. 5, Caldwell Street sidewalks, slid to have printed, executed, anti
Cr'tract 5. sold, bonds in the amount of $1,226.20, covering the 10 year agreements signed and on
file, also to make final settlement with contractor upon sale of said bonds, by turning
over the proceeds thereof and unclaimed bills in the amount of N82.77. Adopted on the
call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Same offered motion that the Treasurer be authorized to pay to Contractors
Yancey S Yancey & Johnson, t.'r_e sum of $887.83, which is the amount paid 1n by property owners
Contract on Contract Vo. 4, known as Rock Alley. It Also being the total amount of Estimate,
No. 4.
all property owners having paid cash. The Treasurer authorized to make final
settlement with said Contractors. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Rigglesberger read an ordinance entitled "API ORDINAIICE REGULATING
Ordinance A 30ARD OF E:CA1EX
regul%tlnoofrboilersation ?MAL -1Y FOR -jr-f VIOL,'.TION H'r.'REOF."
and s uur,
enrinee, Upon motion or same, same wras given first passage upon the call of the
etc. roll by the following vote: Yeas: '.'Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, i
Eason, :!orrison, Owen, Riglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12).
Upoh motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title
upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth,
".asorr; t-'orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12).
Upon motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the
call of the roll: Yeas: :'Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason,
I!orrison, O,rer., Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12).
Member Jacobs offered motion that the communication from A. R. Steele, j
Co^_m,xni- Chief of Police, regarding the laying off of 3 extra police be referred back to the
cstioneflea: Police L: Fire Committee with instructions to lay off three men out of the last six
laying off men employed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
3 volicezen.
Member Korth offered motion that the Police and fire uon;mittee and
Crag for Chief of Police be irs%ructod not to transfer men from one department to another and
of men from a, salary out of contingent fund without
one dept pay J permission of the General Council. Adopted
to unci:.rr. on the call of the roll: Yeas: Yiatt's, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jadobs, Ke:th, Mason,
Oven, Rirglesbgr'ger and 2tewart.(10).. Nays: Morrison and Spicer (2).
Member ;picer offered motion to receive and file the report of the
of Po11co for the month of November 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll:
_�.k.0 (12).
M -•tuber Jacobs bffered motion that one delegate be sent to ;';ashington,
.. C.,
to the Rivera ant i!arbOra Cen/;r•-ss and the City pay tite expenses of Railroad
fra:•e and hotel mill. ivioptel on t're crll of the roll: Yeas (12).
V,ember Kert"a offered notion to concur in the roco:rn,en,iatIon of the
R-, ! of Public .:ar: s in regard to extenlina the time thirty riaya on G. Robinson
:.. Comrr:ny 9i'iP.7iS:. , rrlrl' ani con.tra^.t. A,1 -opted on the Call of the roll: Yeus (12).
lle.: ter Kerth ro` Won, to concur In the rcaw,r( nda tion o2 t11O
,.as::-._ or:ri of Public '.r)!,/s, in r¢r>ar3 to t10 City as :unin:• the expense for putting in the
,3i'lewalk, C-1rL an: orji;r nFtt "r..rc.�. In, fpr'nt Of '.e tAt.^.f: C4, „nri
..:C Of t a Cost Of construction M-W-rUCtlon fund. i loptr:d on the call of
e 'i,icn!_ :e roi'_: yeas
Sa.e o fered cot.icn to cor:eTlr In the ro:ce=..enlation of t:.e Board of
Public corks In _epard to exte +ir. .he time or, `.., sidewilk curb and
Ge' '« p_.utter Contracts
Kfitt�rjoii::, !'O6. 3 ani, 7„ Seo. "'- fatterjCS:II� J.^., .',; ^, '.iTSril JY2nC the ?3t, 1925. ndopted
tiP�d on t o Can OI' t::C ro:.l: Yea3 (il;• ~
No.. 1,29. _. - _
Proceedings City of Paducah _>§cErlMR 11 1924._ 192
Member Jacobs offered motion to receive and file the communication
Paducah Granite from tine Paducah Granite Marble & Stone Company asking for exemption from taxation
i'arble fi Stone .'o.
for a period of five years.
?'ember Kerth offered an amendment to the above motion to refer same to
the Relief Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Norrison offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the
;'.rs.Lou ealte•Cit•y Solicitor in regard to no refund being granted on the tax bill No. 2145 of
I::rs. Lou L. Leake. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the
':esley Flowers.City Solicitor in regard to cc,ncelling Tax Bill No. 1165 against Wesley Flowers,
and making new bill aSainst E. C. Eaker. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas
I,:ember Spicer offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the
H. Flowers. City Solicitor that Tax Bill No. 1160 against IV. H. Flowers, be voided, and a
new tax bill made out covering one lot 50 X 160 at the assessed value given. Adopted
on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the
City Solicitor in regard to Tax Bill No. 4201, against I.irs. Nick Yopp being can -
celled, as this assessment was also assessed to Mrs. Il.argaret Yopp, making a
duplicate assessment. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Ilember Spicer offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the
City Solicitor that the tax bill of H. P. L1cElrath be cancelled, and that he be
notified. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board
Lars. V. ""a?non. ,
of Aldermen that Lirs. V. 1i. Tagnon be relieved of the 10% penalty on the October
half of her City taxes on account of her absence from the 'jity, amounting to u4.42,
she to nay the cost of advertising amounting to X4.00. Adopted on the call of the
roll: Yeas: 7.7atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Morrison Owen,. ,
'i,g lesberger and Stewart. (10). Nays:I,iason and Spicer, (2).
Member Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
31 ai ,ineerin7 Co. Aldermen in regard to the Elrod Engineering Company of Dallas, Texas, being, allowed
Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Three and 59100 Dollars on account: of
contract fcr cervices for making franchise with the Paducah 'Mater Company, same to
be c.r:arr;ed to contingent fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: 7.atts,
Bou;keno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, !'.anon, T'orrison, Owen, Riglesberger, Spicer and
3tcwart. (11). flays: Forth (1).
I:ember Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the
Board of Aldermen that the expenditures, as shown as made throu[h the Cashiers
F%ind,be allowed arvi tY(J ulerk be authorized to issue proper warrant on Treasurer,
in he maouni: of ;,94 57
charr,ina L -:^_e r�:sp,ctive departments as s :ov+n Lhoi,eon, Acdopt0 on the cal oi' the
real: yeas (12).
''er..ber Crider offered .Notion to concur in the actionf the he Roard
of Aldermin that th(.; clai^ of 'jr. Henry A. Petter in Lilo amount of ',;24.£38, be
Claim of
:_enz,y A. tetter allozred and `..^.e Clerk authorized to draw proper warrant or. the Treasurer chaIging
in -l_`.ount of y24.89.
sere to "he c;ontlnVent 'lnd. l-dopted on t: -.e call '�i the roll: Yeas (12).
Proceedings of__BOARD OF COUNCILMEN City of Paducah D eLr.IB>_a 1, _ _192��
('.ember Spicer offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
+'epprt of Al:ier_,n to receive and file report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month
Fire Deet.
of November, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
i.ember north offered motion to concur in the action of toe Board of
Repiirin; P.ltier en in regard to referrinn to the Public Improvement Committee, with power to
& pnintinE
Fire Stat. -act, the matter of uainting and repairing Fire Station ;o. 5. Adopted on the call of
the roll: Yeas (12).
Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Bottrd of
?` cu' racken
County Aldermen in regard to referring to the Finance Comn;ittee, the request of the IdcCracken
Leacue County Health League for a donation of $200.00. Adopted on the call of the roll:
request for
nna`ion Yeas (12).
o '200.00
Saxe offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in
the Ordinance Committee being instructed to bring in an ordinance prohibiting anyone
:..eeping or
raisins of from keeping or raising honey bees in the City of Paducah, Ky. Adopted on the call of
honey bees.
the roll: Yeas (11). mays (1).
Member Cochran offered'@ motion to concur in the action of the Board of
':rcasurerinAldermen in regard to approving the report of the Treasurer relative to the weekly
report. and special 6treet Improvement Bonds in Atha Lo?�o ont 0f $327.12.
payroll, p , d p' ci the call of the roll: Yeas
Policeman Member Cochran offered motion t1mt the Chief of Police send a policemen
for n
d+a t;! in "ito Mee anicsburg for night duty. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).
b r,,•. aics-
bu Member Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of
Aldermen in regard to the application for oil filling stations be published provided
`oo:a0i1 the Home 011 Company pays the cost of publication. Adopted on the call of the roll.
9eaa: (12).
On ?notion the meeting adjourned.
4 -
? resident Board of Cour Ulan en .