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Minutes Book 17, Page 102, October 6, 1924
tio.._ 103. Proceedings of--soAa; ity of Paducah- _9cT03 a3.6_ 1924 At a regular meeting of the Board of Uouncilmen held on the Third Floor ,.' O?in - :0Ce %toren on _ur, is Pay -roll. Claims. ;. Robinson Cb. of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., October the 6th, 1924, the meeting was I called to order by President 17atts. Upon the call of the roll the following answered l to t:iair nacres: 7.*atts, Sougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, !.'soon, I.".orrison, Owen Riglesberger and Stewart. (11). i On motion the minutes of the meetinr; of September the 15th ..'ere adopted as read. b'ember Jacobs offered motion to receive and file the communication from the police and Fire Committee in regard to the closing of all grocer* stores on Suhday. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth,i;ason, Owen, Rigglesberger and Stewart (10). Plays: Morrison (1). l:ember 1.11orrison offered motion that the following allowances be made as reco::.mended by the Joint Finance Committee, and the Ulerk authmrized to issue proper warrant on Treasurer charging the respective departments as shown therein: Legislative and executive..... 1410/50 Police Department.............1706.83 Fire Department.. .........1532.50 P'.Y-ROLL( Board of Public V;orks......... 49.98 Street Department ............. 946.23 " " .1/2 Sept.LcCage.. 47.67 New construction .............. 633.45 Sewer & Plumbing .............. 156.10 E.arket House .................. 85.00 'nngineerifig ...................124.84 Park Board.. ........ 61.50 Mhar£ :..aster.(2.tios.)......... 16.66 City Scales ................... 37.50 Oak Grove ..................... 320.90 City Jail ........... 100.00 Riverside Hospital............ 722.97 Health Officer ................ 250.00 it Nurse ............. 105.00 Sanitary Inspector............ 41.67 !.'ilk & !,.eat Inspector......... 70.00 Incineerator.................. 45.00 Pest House.. ... 25.00 Special Street Oiling Acet.... 149.06 =ssessor(s Assistant.......... 40.00 ( -.. ) Library.. .............. 625.00 ( Horne of Friendless............ 300.00 Settlement House .............. 25.00 L'other's Club. ...... 25.00 Colored Home of Friendless.... 25.00 I:cCracken County Court........ 100.00 Post Office 5000 stamped env.. 118.10 Caron Directory Company....... 56.00 I.C.R.R.CO.,freight.on oil.... 887.29 Dr. J. E. Fox.(.'auto).......... 25.00 ndonted on the call of tae roll: Yeas (11). Sarre offered notion that the monthly estimate of work done during the month of Septei.ber, 1924, on Contract No. 1, for sidewalks, driveways, curbs and gutters be approved and that the City Treasurer be authorized and instructed to issue improve- ment war,,ant to G. Robinson & Company, Contractors, for the sum of 2312,238.76, sane due bf;inr, 65,; of t :c total amount for :ork done, as provided by law. Adopted on the call of the roll: e! an (11). Sa.:,e offered motion that the monthly estimate for .'lork done durinr, the mond of ::epten-)or, 1924, on Contract ::o. 2, sider;alk s an -i clriv-mays, be approved, an:: t::at the Cit;. Treasurer be auti;orized and iratruct^.i to issue improvement warrant to :Rouse & -.1r ittemore, Contractor.", for tits sum of ;2714.92, same beim; 65'/of tae total amount of work 'One. .4op` .'d On t! � CEI.1 of tnp I'011: Y0aa (11). Proceedings City of Paducah__.___oi;so3Ea_s, 19. 24, -192-- Same offered motion thalh, the monthly estimate for the work dome September 1924, on Contract No. 5, for sidewalks, driveway, curb and gutter, be approved and the , City Treasurer be authorized and instructdd to issue improvement warrant to 0. 7!. IisttevJ0h:r, Jr. Katterjohn, Jr.,Contractor, for the sum of ;?1491.15, same being 65 of the total amount done, as provided by lata. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). !.!ember l.orrison offered motion to receive and file financial report of the City of Paducah, for the months of i•:ay, June, July and August, 1924. .adopted on the Financial report of City. call of the roll: Yeas (11). !.!ember Uwen offered motion to receive and file the summons served on the Uity Summons served on by :._cCracxen Qounty Circuit Court through the Mayor, Dr. J. N. BqLiley. :adopted on !._aycr. the call of tae roll; Yeas (11). -ember Rigglesberger read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE UO1I3THUC`1'IOil OF SIWITARY SEiiERS IN SX.IER 'ZOITE NUMBER ONE, IN SUBDIVISION C, SE7,ER Reso. Sanitary DISTRICT 1111.IBER THR75E, TO BE A NECESSITY AND SETTING OUT IN GENERAL TERNS THE PROPERTY, sewers, Sewer ?ones`Fl, 2 and 3. SUBJECT TO THE PAYMENT OF 'III--' COST OF 311E." On motion same ,was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, aerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger •nd Stewart -(11). i On motion the rules were suspended and resolution was read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas : Vatts, Bougeno, Cochra, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Lorrison, 0:•wens, Eigglesberger and Stewart. (11). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: '.7atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Llason, Lorrison, Owens, and Rigglesberger, atewart (11). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE C011STRUCTION OF S_NIT.RY S; . . i RS IN SEATER ZONE NUMBER 2, SUB -DIVISION B, SEWER DE TRICT NUMBER 3, TO BE . NECESSITY .:i'ID SETTING OUT IN GEA,''R;:L TaRiiS THE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE PIGMENT OF TiftMJ COST OF On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: '7atts, Bougeno.; Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, mason, Liorrison, Owen, Ri,,,glesbermAr and Stewart. (11). On motion the rules were suspended and the reso�ution read by titley{ upon the call of the roll: Yeas: 17atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, idason, I:orri3on, Owens, Rigglesberger and Stewart (11). On motion same was liven second and final passage upon the call of the I roll: Yeas: 7.7att3, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owens, Ri,"rzlesberger arid Stewart. (11) . I bember Rigglesberger read a resolution entitled "s, H?:,SOLUTION DECLARING .}1.. a n! I'tUU Or' S:II`t' 't`t SL'.+L;iS EII Sn:nil ZONE 1iU1:3:;R '1'ILRdE, I17 SUB -DIVISIONS :.0 S, 3_-:.:_!1Z U�::i'a;:T iiU'ti3aR 'f iiSi._�, TO 3i r i1:iC1;SST'i''i, iWiD SEl'I`I::G OUT, III GENERAL j P. Ti::,,'rAu? TTY ;11:-iJnCT " ':, liiri ir`%.:'sii^1 Ob' T �0 `Z:iCUSP Ot'' On notion same was give.. first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: I Watts , Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Eason, Liorrison, O,-len, Rigglesberger I and Stewart.(11). On motion tte rules :werfw 3u3pcnded and the resolution read by title upon ti:e call of t e roll: Yeas; '.a?; 3 P �� . , �OUf,f n0, i:GCilran, Crider, JaCpb3, Korth i:A30n, , :_orrison, Owens, :ti^;resberger anti Stewart. (11). On Motion surae ,was given second anci final pas3age upon the cull of the roll: Ye -s: .Etta, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Liacon, Lorrison, Owens , ;Higglesbercer and Ste,,art. (11). Same read a roealution dntitled "A R ---SOLUTION DELCARING THE CONST1WUTIOII OF Ste.::�!iS III S ;iER ZONE i.'UIIIBER FOUR, IN SUB -DIVISIONS A AND C. , SE�:1ER DI3TRIUT ;eso. `ani t'+r.: ;i::. ;_,; , TO BE A :ISGi SSITY, AND SETTING OUT, IN GE I6IZ'iL TERMS, THE PRJP'r,RTY dower;. Secrer :,ones SUBJECT TO i.I FAYI-M:T OF TH_', COST OF 4 and 5. Upon motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: ':;atts, Bou-,eno, Uochran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, :.:uson, L:orrison, Ocron, Rigglesberger, and Stecrart.(11). On :notion the::rules aero suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: 'Leas: '.'.'atts, Bougeno, Uochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, I:orrison, Oren, Riglcsberger and Stewart.(11). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll by the follocrin- vote: Yeas: '::atta, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, iason, I.:orrison, Owen, `tigp,lesberger and Stecrart.(11). Same road a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECL31.1ING THE CONSTRUCTION Or S, III .- RY SE':.ER3 IN SE'.7.4,R ZONE: NUIMBER FIVE, IN SUB -DIVISION A, SEI, -,ER DISTRICT j i<iI::BER T _3 :, TO BE A NECESSITY, AND BETTING OUT, IN G761IERAL TERES, TIME rP.OPERTY t SUBJECT -70 i P::Yi-E::T OF THE COST OF SA14L." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll by the i following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, :.'orrison, Oaen, Rigglesberger and Stewart -(11). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution ready by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: '.'iatts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jaco'as, Kerth, Mason, i I. :orrison, 0:•ren, Rigglesberger and Stewart. (11). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the i roll by the following vote: Yeas: 17atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, Yason, :.:orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger and Stevrart•(11). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONST}?UCTION i OY COIICRLT SIDr.":.1�i:S, CURBS AIM GUTTERS INCLUDING ALL INTERSECTIONS NOT HERETOFORE CONS!'.?UGTLD; AS SH0:11: BY THE PLANS OF THE CITY B17GINE:ER PROVIDED THEREFOR, TOGETHER jI! .;IM ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, IIIT..ICES, CATCH BASINS, CAST IRO I DRi.IN PIPESaIlD SE i 'R GOi;Ia'CTIONS Gii BOTH SID'S OF J.,01 SON STRrET FROM THE i:3ST PROPERTY LINT: OF 10TH oon .tet. STREET TO A POINT ABO -T 235 FE-rT :.:IST OF Tiin '76ST PROPEli Y LIIIE OF 13TH. STREET, IN 10th to 13t;: ;:ts. THE CITY OF PADUC::I1, f.'I;,TUGi:Y; IN ACCO'?DANUE ':;I'M THE PL,>NS A111) SPEC IFI 0,M0143 14 FUt?i.1S.,!nD BY TH.-" i;I1"1 ::GIi1 i,R ..T THi:, COST OF THL <'�.BUTi'ING PROPERTY O.;NERS, AND PROVIDING ui..T TH' 3....... i..a B;i ?sill FOR UPON THc TEN Y�--'iR P,.YI.1EiIT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ':attn, Bougeno, �jocnran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, i'ason, I:iorrison, Ovren, Rigglesberger and Stuaart.(11). On notion th. rules .rare suspended and ordinances read by title.upon the call of the roll: Yeas: '::atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Urider, Jacobs, Berth, :..Soil, :'orrison, Us:en, -Hirslesberrer and Stewart. (11). On notion Same Waa liven second and final passa:;e upon the call of the roll: Yeas: :acts, 30u:, --ono, 'oc:.ran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, Eason, 1:orri on, Owcn, Ri,,7, .tesber, r an -I. Stewart• (11) . Proceedings of- _r" '.'-s -1. —_City of Paducah.-._ o-(;ToER--6,.__ . _-_—___ 192_4. Same read a roealution dntitled "A R ---SOLUTION DELCARING THE CONST1WUTIOII OF Ste.::�!iS III S ;iER ZONE i.'UIIIBER FOUR, IN SUB -DIVISIONS A AND C. , SE�:1ER DI3TRIUT ;eso. `ani t'+r.: ;i::. ;_,; , TO BE A :ISGi SSITY, AND SETTING OUT, IN GE I6IZ'iL TERMS, THE PRJP'r,RTY dower;. Secrer :,ones SUBJECT TO i.I FAYI-M:T OF TH_', COST OF 4 and 5. Upon motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: ':;atts, Bou-,eno, Uochran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, :.:uson, L:orrison, Ocron, Rigglesberger, and Stecrart.(11). On :notion the::rules aero suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: 'Leas: '.'.'atts, Bougeno, Uochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, I:orrison, Oren, Riglcsberger and Stewart.(11). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll by the follocrin- vote: Yeas: '::atta, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, iason, I.:orrison, Owen, `tigp,lesberger and Stecrart.(11). Same road a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECL31.1ING THE CONSTRUCTION Or S, III .- RY SE':.ER3 IN SE'.7.4,R ZONE: NUIMBER FIVE, IN SUB -DIVISION A, SEI, -,ER DISTRICT j i<iI::BER T _3 :, TO BE A NECESSITY, AND BETTING OUT, IN G761IERAL TERES, TIME rP.OPERTY t SUBJECT -70 i P::Yi-E::T OF THE COST OF SA14L." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll by the i following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, :.'orrison, Oaen, Rigglesberger and Stewart -(11). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution ready by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: '.'iatts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jaco'as, Kerth, Mason, i I. :orrison, 0:•ren, Rigglesberger and Stewart. (11). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the i roll by the following vote: Yeas: 17atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, Yason, :.:orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger and Stevrart•(11). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONST}?UCTION i OY COIICRLT SIDr.":.1�i:S, CURBS AIM GUTTERS INCLUDING ALL INTERSECTIONS NOT HERETOFORE CONS!'.?UGTLD; AS SH0:11: BY THE PLANS OF THE CITY B17GINE:ER PROVIDED THEREFOR, TOGETHER jI! .;IM ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, IIIT..ICES, CATCH BASINS, CAST IRO I DRi.IN PIPESaIlD SE i 'R GOi;Ia'CTIONS Gii BOTH SID'S OF J.,01 SON STRrET FROM THE i:3ST PROPERTY LINT: OF 10TH oon .tet. STREET TO A POINT ABO -T 235 FE-rT :.:IST OF Tiin '76ST PROPEli Y LIIIE OF 13TH. STREET, IN 10th to 13t;: ;:ts. THE CITY OF PADUC::I1, f.'I;,TUGi:Y; IN ACCO'?DANUE ':;I'M THE PL,>NS A111) SPEC IFI 0,M0143 14 FUt?i.1S.,!nD BY TH.-" i;I1"1 ::GIi1 i,R ..T THi:, COST OF THL <'�.BUTi'ING PROPERTY O.;NERS, AND PROVIDING ui..T TH' 3....... i..a B;i ?sill FOR UPON THc TEN Y�--'iR P,.YI.1EiIT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ':attn, Bougeno, �jocnran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, i'ason, I:iorrison, Ovren, Rigglesberger and Stuaart.(11). On notion th. rules .rare suspended and ordinances read by title.upon the call of the roll: Yeas: '::atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Urider, Jacobs, Berth, :..Soil, :'orrison, Us:en, -Hirslesberrer and Stewart. (11). On notion Same Waa liven second and final passa:;e upon the call of the roll: Yeas: :acts, 30u:, --ono, 'oc:.ran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, Eason, 1:orri on, Owcn, Ri,,7, .tesber, r an -I. Stewart• (11) . No. --105. 14"04#.W Proceedings of�lo_,,n �I a,u1Ic1L ::.:: _,_City of Paducah_ 0°'1°131'` -, 1�Ja.4. -_ _ 192 F Same read an ordinance entitled "AIT ORDIILINCE ASSESSING '!TIE ABUTTING ON BOTH SID'LS OF THE HERuIN.,,FPsR 11,C-181) STRESTS, III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Ciling .asossa_eta Ordinance. "" ;; Uk;HY IN THE SUM OF FIFTEEN CENTS PER ABUTTING FOOT FOR THE' SPRINKLING OR SPREAD - ' ING OF S;U.:L; „Ifh OIL, IH ACCORNANCIE ':ITH THE PROVISIONS OF AN ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY Pd -L -POR, TO -1.71'e: FOURTH S'1RE-,T FROM CLAIM ST' -`.T TO HUSB,�NDS STREET; FOURTH STREET Fii0E1 M4J)ISON STHEtiT TO TRIi1BLE STREET; FIFTH STR: ET FROE. CL.:RK STREET TO C,;LD':ELL STRr.ET; !FIFTH STRsliT FROI.: 11ADISON STREET TO THII.iBLr.' STREET; SIXTH STREET FROI.i ::SDISON STRc:c_ TO TRII!31,,S STRL�3T; SIXTH STREET FROiI 1.7ASriI,TGTON STREET TO BROAD STRLET; SEV-ii Si STREET FRO1.1 I.:ADISON STREET TO TRII.IBui STREET; SEVENTH STRi-,ET FROM 1 '....S;iI:TGTO1i TO CL: RK ST.Rn,E'T; EIGHTH STREET FROM 11.,DISON STRLET TO HARRISON STREET; 1.Ii'IH STREET FROM CL_Y TO TRI:iBLE STREET; NINTH STRrZT FROM KENTUCKY nVENUE TO 'L5U ESStE STREET; ELEVENTH STREET FROM I,-ADISON STREET TO C.i,:+Y STREET; T:.:i.FTH STREET ?::0:.: u_::Y STHr,--T 'PO BtSHidI1 IRs AViriCUE ; 1.1,0ISON STREET FRO!.' THIRD S'iRc.cT TO SEVE3]TEE:]TH I i STR_' T; MONROd STREET FROM T';:,;LFTH STREi;T TO SEVENTEENTH STREET; HARRISON STRErP FROM FOURTH STRr:ET TO SEVENTEENTH STREET; CLAY STREET FROM THIRD STREET TO T1!,ELFTH ' I S`.CR-,ST; TRI.:BLE S^iRN._T FRvi ;:IIITH STRE&T TO SEVENTEENTH STREET; HAR'LkiAId BOULVE- i :3D FROM JEFFI!;RS0i1 STRB5^1 TO CL„Y STREET; CLARE'. STREET FROM FOURTH STREET TO TENTH STREET; C;:LJ:,sLL STREET FROI.1 FOURTH STREET TO FIFTH STREET; CLEEENTS STREET FRO1,1 i IZEYE'RS ST�{.rsT TO BRIDGE STREET; BROAD STREET FROI7 FOURTH STR:•:_ T TO BRIDGE. STREET; BHIDGii S'TRLET FROM BROAD STREET TO MILL STREET; :7ASHINGTOI'd STRisET F?i01.: SIXTH STREET � TO SEVENTH STRis~;T; MEYERS STREET FRO!.! BRO.:D TO CLL1.1Si:TS STREET; SHORT STREET FROIiI F. -,3L_ -.Y STRE T TO CLr,'1.;L71'P i STR.,�:T; F sRLEY STREET FROI. i.;EYERS STRcET TO SHORT STREt,T; I T_ii :,`-S3vST R isT FROM THIRD STREET TO TaNTU STREET; TENNESSEE STREET FROM T17ELFTH STRE;T TO THIRTEENTH STRrr^t; SOUTH SEVEN'TEEIdTH STREET FROM BROAUD v TO GUTHRIE :_%7:.A”; THIRTEEIITH STRzLT FROM JEFFERSON STREET i'0 TRI'. BLE STREET; THIRTEENTH '!' FRO;.; BUiCIE^tT STR.ss;T TO FaXON STREET; JEF'r'EHSOId STH' liT b'HOid SEVENTEENTH .T '20 1]I11zTEENTH STREET; FOUNT„IN AVEIiUE FRO;,] BHO,,0.".AY TO JEFFERSON STREET; � FOE:.. _'..I:] ._V_i.Uc; FROL H2,RRISOiJ STREET TO CLAY STREET; BERNHE'II'I :'tVEDUE FROM T':7LLFTH .2 TO THIRT: BI]TH STRr;sT, ,S SHOI.'.N BY TH CITY ::NGINEERrS ESTIE.ATE OF $.4i:E, AND r:;(7 DI1;G I'ii.:T S:.ID ASSESSj..,Ea:T SH,.LL BE P.LYABLiE '.!!THIN THIR17 DAYS FRO1.: THE rASSAGE i PU3LIC:_"iI01•T HER'::Ob'." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the { roll: Yeus: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran,Crider, Jacobs, _ierth, i.iason, i!orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger and Stewart. On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title aeon I the call of the roll: Yeas: '.:atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, 1_ason, i ,:orrlson, Ogen, Ri.^,,;lcsberger and Ste::art. (11). !I� On notion same was given second and final passage upon the call of t::,: roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, COehran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, :.;ason, i!orrison, � 4.+en, ni;;r.,lesbert er and Ste -„art. (11) . . !'ember Jacobs offered motion to refer to the Street Corr.:ittee and Board of ;ublic ::ora for inuesti;:ation, the co:rn:unication from. property ovncrs of So. 531 P1,Cpert-, D.:n<;rs :10. 5th :,t. asking* to be Street as::ing to be relic_• , f r• , n, � �-d of ,rr�;rin„ or street oilierAdopted on the call of relic,=ved or t roll: =ean Pavi.r.:”! for st. Dili:: *.1.or: i r`r .,,, . ,, b't1l o_�o-, ed moz,ion that tYie mutter of creek across 11ayfiel d oad be ref-rrea ro t::e pit, _n:-ineer :.iLh ins,ructions to report vahv:t is to be done Creek across 1,!ayfielel -•oa:i,'o put szic.e in first ci•_o: condition and nrobable cost of ::.e. ;,dopted on the cell I i i! Of tae roll: Yeas (11). i I ::ember Bougeno offered motion that Tax Bill -„o. 3360 of Ed Seamon, be II referred to the Cit;; Solicitor. ::donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). I "d. 'eanolhIlton Tax �i1.1. I ember Goc:^.ran offered motion that the claim of iian! Furniture Compan in the amount of ::.203.71, be referred to the City Solicitor with porter to act.=-dopted! is art :l t, on1 Furn.Go. on the call of the roll: .-CELS (11). Sarre offered motion to concur in the recommendation of City Solicitor I Clara s. in ~cfusing to allow; refund on Tax Bill IIo. 749, of Clara B. Cosgrove. Adopted on the I Cos^rove Tax 'sill. call of the roll: Yeas (11). "r -tuber r:erth offered motion to concur in the recommendation of City :olici.tor in rrar.tin,! relief by deducting; from the tax bill of C. L. Bryan and wife, C, 1. Br':'an Tax Sill. 300. CO,asses:,ed value of an old wagon, rr:ici: should have been omitted. adopted on the call cf t.,, roil: `:'ras V Mpnbcr :'ason offered motion t ::t the a35e:.3T-;Ont of property of ',':arren :^ars n Peery, o Gut*: .ve a^, be reduced to ;,x1100.00 by a;reo•.rent, talc otuer pPoper•ty to Peers. stand as as esse i. on t.:c- cal..1_ o: t._eroll: Yeas (11). ?'ember ?:erth offered notion to concur in the resp:;:r.ecndation of the Citi; Solicitor "hat Tax ?il_1 ::o. 21,1 , be cancelled and voided and that t::o June half .ars. ula j ::eake paid thereon b;, I:rs. Lula Lea•:e, be refunded, The other Tax Bill ::o. 3918, beim a duplicate. 1.dopted On tiie CL. -Il of S.e roll: 'Yeas (11) . s Proceedings of-_--�`-'�-`=``�L'. -- -City of Paducah— °0T0'l='-� Ern, 192 Orrcn offered motion that the Street Inspector be instructed to place j !:etcher necessary gravel on i:orton Street, near Fifth Street, and to put same in proper repair. :•erten s.t. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas ':iatts, Bou,1e110, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, ne 5th t•3 IIa , rs: Korth and I..orrison (2). i,-„lesbergor and Stewart(9). L:ason Owen Lember Stee:art offered motion that the proposition of IN. L. Beasley be accepted acrd the matter of dedication of corner at Caldwell Avenue and Caldwell Street, be referred to the City Solicitor to prepare deed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). I?ember 'wason offered notion to receive and file the September report of the Chief of the Fire Department. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Sept. report Fire Lepabt. Same offered Motion to receive and file the September report of the Chief Sept.report of Police. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Chief of Polis.,P . _.:e„her ::ertir offered motion that the Police Department be instructed to placel policeman at Tilghman High School each day at noon, and on each Saturday when games I Polices•:an held in athletic field, to protect students and control traffic. Adopted on the Tilr=.ran are Liir,h -'.clool. call of t^e roll: Yeas (11). Sarre offered motion that the attention of the Police Department be called j II to and careless driving, especially on h:urrell Blvd. also failure to have { Traffic speeding officers ath and 5th Streets on Broadira on Saturda as traffic officers on duty at 3rd, y, y 3rd, 4th and 5th previously instructed. Adopted on the cal; of the roll: Yeas (11). j on Bwa*. !.'.ember Owen offered motion that Frank Brenner, Contractor, be allowed � y1000.00 on contract for permanent improvement at Riverside HoDpital, and the Clerk j Frank ` Brenner.Treasurer Riverside Hospital permanent authorized to issue proper •.•rarrant on char in. g g P improvements with same. i";dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). !!ember Kason offered motion that the petition from citizens living near 25th and :entucky ._venue, asking for a street light, to be placed at 25th and Kentucky lightavenue, be referred to the LiIrnt eorniittee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas li�iht 25th Z: i:,. :.ve. ::ember Bougeno offered motion that Tax Bill -„o. 3360 of Ed Seamon, be II referred to the Cit;; Solicitor. ::donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). I "d. 'eanolhIlton Tax �i1.1. I ember Goc:^.ran offered motion that the claim of iian! Furniture Compan in the amount of ::.203.71, be referred to the City Solicitor with porter to act.=-dopted! is art :l t, on1 Furn.Go. on the call of the roll: .-CELS (11). Sarre offered motion to concur in the recommendation of City Solicitor I Clara s. in ~cfusing to allow; refund on Tax Bill IIo. 749, of Clara B. Cosgrove. Adopted on the I Cos^rove Tax 'sill. call of the roll: Yeas (11). "r -tuber r:erth offered motion to concur in the recommendation of City :olici.tor in rrar.tin,! relief by deducting; from the tax bill of C. L. Bryan and wife, C, 1. Br':'an Tax Sill. 300. CO,asses:,ed value of an old wagon, rr:ici: should have been omitted. adopted on the call cf t.,, roil: `:'ras V Mpnbcr :'ason offered motion t ::t the a35e:.3T-;Ont of property of ',':arren :^ars n Peery, o Gut*: .ve a^, be reduced to ;,x1100.00 by a;reo•.rent, talc otuer pPoper•ty to Peers. stand as as esse i. on t.:c- cal..1_ o: t._eroll: Yeas (11). ?'ember ?:erth offered notion to concur in the resp:;:r.ecndation of the Citi; Solicitor "hat Tax ?il_1 ::o. 21,1 , be cancelled and voided and that t::o June half .ars. ula j ::eake paid thereon b;, I:rs. Lula Lea•:e, be refunded, The other Tax Bill ::o. 3918, beim a duplicate. 1.dopted On tiie CL. -Il of S.e roll: 'Yeas (11) . s Proceedings of_— ='z City of Paducah_._____ oLT._6_Y1924____.._.192. - ;,somber uochran offered motion to concuf in the recommendation of the City Solicitor in the raattcr of the Dark Tobacco Growers .association being refund - Dark Tobacco Growers i •sso• ed ;55.32, paid by said Association to cover June half of City Taxes on tobacco in its hands. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). L7ember a:erth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen in regard to the s:ngineering Department- of the City being instructed to Culvert apfi•ld have the culvert on the Layfield Road longthed, as per request of the Board of :toad. Public 7.orks, and charged to new construction. !:dopted on the call of the roll: Illinois Central Hospitul, as recommedded by the City Auditor and City Solicitor, stage Central Honpitai being a duplicate assessment. !_dopted on the dall of the roll: leas (11). ansessnont cancelled. :.:ember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ldermen in allowing the expenditure of the Cashier's Fund in the amount of Casilic'r' s i'u:;d. u100.08. .dopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (11) . Member Morrison offered notion to receive and file communication ,:r4,..r:::r froom ::rt:ur E. Laird, Zecretary of the Lion's Club. Addpted on the call of the;..._kai rd. roll: Yeas (11). Een.ber Coo --ran offered motion to concur in the action of the =nitary se;rcrs Hoard of :-lder; en in regi:'d to the Engineering ;epartrr,ent of the City connecting connecting the anitary .:G'. ers at the corner of 19th ural Jefferson, and the sanitary setter 19th &Teff. and 9a::].'.:ar", on Broadway between 17th and 18th Street n, as per recouar:endation of thc; Board se'.;err on '.7 a and of Public ':oris urn 3oa., oi' ::ealth. :.dopted on the call oi- the roll: Yeas (11). :':e: -,bar /erth offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard of :1demer. inrecei.in; :i fit- I.. t o cccecunication from the Board of Public of 1ub1 .:or;:s in regard to r%-o'any ciange of rades or -.. os' iub�.ic .� r� �; lines. rdopted on the call �., 7 o: t: e 1011: _,eus (=z ). __ 09 Yeas (11). name offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard'to the Purchasing Agent ordering 4000 auto tags at not over 9� each. .:uto tags. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Ilember i,:orrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen in allowing coupon interest on Paducah, Tennessee and Alabama Railroad pa'_iuca,:, Tenn. & Ala. R. R. Bonds, ;?1950.00, and the Treasurer authorized to transfer same to national City Bonds. Bank, Ilcw -'ork, for payment. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). IZember Kerth offered motion to receive and file communication from J. T. Bass and J. E. Torian. tdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). J.T.Bass J. E. Torian. Liember Ovien offered motion to refer to the Light Committee and Board of Public •,orks, petition from citizens requesting that a street light be placed Strcet lirht on the corner of 10th and Bachman. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(ll). 10th &. Bachman. Same offered motion to refer to the Police and Fire Committee comaruniation from Ira C. Byerly, Post Easter. +:dopted on the call of the roll: CoT.munication Ira ;. Byerly. Yeas (11). 14ember Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of I:ldermen in regard to the City Garbage Company being allowed their regular monthly Cit ta>arbare payment of u158.33. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Co. Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to allowing Yancey and Johnson 516257.79. Also unpaid bills Yancey & Johnson. in the amount of {x3052.99, being turned over to Contractors as required by later. ==dopted on t^e call of the roll: Yeas (11). Eenber Cochran offered motion to cancel assessment on Illinois Illinois Central Hospitul, as recommedded by the City Auditor and City Solicitor, stage Central Honpitai being a duplicate assessment. !_dopted on the dall of the roll: leas (11). ansessnont cancelled. :.:ember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ldermen in allowing the expenditure of the Cashier's Fund in the amount of Casilic'r' s i'u:;d. u100.08. .dopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (11) . Member Morrison offered notion to receive and file communication ,:r4,..r:::r froom ::rt:ur E. Laird, Zecretary of the Lion's Club. Addpted on the call of the;..._kai rd. roll: Yeas (11). Een.ber Coo --ran offered motion to concur in the action of the =nitary se;rcrs Hoard of :-lder; en in regi:'d to the Engineering ;epartrr,ent of the City connecting connecting the anitary .:G'. ers at the corner of 19th ural Jefferson, and the sanitary setter 19th &Teff. and 9a::].'.:ar", on Broadway between 17th and 18th Street n, as per recouar:endation of thc; Board se'.;err on '.7 a and of Public ':oris urn 3oa., oi' ::ealth. :.dopted on the call oi- the roll: Yeas (11). :':e: -,bar /erth offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard of :1demer. inrecei.in; :i fit- I.. t o cccecunication from the Board of Public of 1ub1 .:or;:s in regard to r%-o'any ciange of rades or -.. os' iub�.ic .� r� �; lines. rdopted on the call �., 7 o: t: e 1011: _,eus (=z ). __ 09 No. 108. Proceedings of--BO:-."—,)Lii`ir:CILla-iii City of Paducah._ 2c TBP)R Ai�h,_`__192.0 Member Jacobs offered motion that the City of Paducah convoy by 4juit- Claim Deed to :olia i:. Diggs, lot 110. 30, Blocl: 4, Oak Grove Cemetery, Ilea addition, Lelia ".. Dig,701. Cerc:t.rl; for the sm': of .;37.50, and the Clork be authorized to sign said deed and make proper lbt. entr,- in Cemotcr;; feed Book. adopted on the call o: the roll: Yeas (11). i;emb'.-r mason offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder --en in referrlbg the complaint of i.lrs. L. L. Leake to City Solicitor. -dopted xs.�.�.Leal:con the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ::ember Jacobs offered motion to receive and file the comJrunication of L. Rica. L. Rice. :adopted on the call of tine roll; Yeas (11). :"ember Rigglesberner read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDIN-NCE FIXING CH_.RGES FOR :iiE ':'=IG1IING OF -HOGS, C_.TTLE, SHEEP IIID HORSES ON THE CITH MiLfsS, A14D Ordinance rFr E City Scales. R:iP .:LIIIG f:. i OiiDSN.:I1C,_, OR REGi1L..3I0IiS Ii! CONFLICT HERE",I1H, IN lila CI'Ty OF PrDU{:IH, 'r: �:: •� li Ci:Y. � On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Ye L.s . ':.'atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Llason, Morrison, Ovren, Rig.;lesberger and Steuart (11). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of tine roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Eason, :.:orrison, Oaen, Higglesberger and Stevrart.(11). On notion same was given second and final passage upon the call of t', -.e roll: Yeas: F,'atts, Bougeno:; Cochran, Crider, Jacoos, Kerth, Eason, iorriaon, Oaen, Rilesberger and Stewart (11). I Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen in instructing the Paducah Electric Company to place a street ligan on i Li. -,t on the corner of 16th and Clark Streets, the cost of installation $120.05. Adopted on corner 16th ix the call of the roll: Yeas (11). 01%ori: �_'•ts. Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the -Board of Bill for Aldermen in regard to the City auditor rendering a bill to the i,'. C. & St. L. R. R. arc light Company for,;180.00 for an are lig on 't. ht on the Company's property for the ,year 1922, i:...& 1-R.K.601s. 1923 and 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Iroperty. Eember ';ochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board •street li^lit of Aldei-nen in disapproving the placing of a light on I.icyers Street opposite the :.cyers treetfing 1:ill and Lu_rber Company. adopted on the call of the roll: 'Yeas (11). opo. Aing '111 ?: Lbr. L:enber b.ason offered motion to defer action until next meeting Co. in regard to the matter of tiie light at 12th and Harrison Streets. Adopted on the call ,tw.c t livdlt at of the roll: Yeas (11). 12th �-. Harrison -'t j. L;enber Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of upplu s ;ldeie:en in re;;ard to the City purchasing the supply of pipe left by the E. R. -larding, pipe of company, as per prices made by the lock joint pipe cor,pany. ::otion lost upon the call ' {.iia PSI i!'i oT Co, of t, -.e roll: cas: Cochran and Jacobs.(2). lays: ,atts, Bou«onoiy Cridor,gwen, !Ii^r-lesberger and ;te71art(6), Berth, L:'ason and 1.!orrison, not votini;. "ember ::anon offered Lotion that the Eilk Ordinance be reconsidered. • 1 s � lotion lost upon the call of the roll: ilYear: alae, Bougeno and ;iorrison (3). a,p�`-."ancr anr"1 ;'©-C Oil3i do I`e:jllays: Jacobs, i_erti:, v.:en, l{ir ~1:; 3be n."e: r1:;', F';:a2't (5), Cochran, Crider, :..a0Un not voting. I:e.mber Vocnran Offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ••ldar::er. in rel a -i to expressin- to 3euslr't �a the t tanks of the City of ,.L .Beasley F&:Ch .olla, for :lis renerozity in dedicating to t.e City, property at {;aldwell eivenue dedication. and Caldwell :,treeti .•dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). } No.__ 109,__... ---- Proceedings of Paducah._._ ._ oro,}., -_192._192 L;omber Korth offered motion to concur in tiro action of the Board of Aldermen .in disapproving a light being placed at tine corner of 12th and Palm Streets. ?:otion Street lioi:t lost upon tine call of the roll: !days: (11). 12th ;.: ialm 'ts, on Clark Strect, L?ember,Stovart offered motion that the hole in Lir. John Arts' lot^bo filled free of charge.=.dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11) . John :arts. !!ember Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in instructing the Engineer's Department to have the pond on Clark Street, Pond on Clark. between 19th and 20th Street, filled with dirt, excavated on Clark Street, and that Street. btvi. 19th & 20th. John Arts be charged 205� per yard for the dirt to fill said pond. ;:otion lost upon the call of the roll: Nays: (11). Recessed at 10:30 Y. E., to go into joint session with sipper Board. Re -convened and on motion meetin7 adjourned. �cf �o��q�� ..