HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 1, January 7, 1924w
'.''VI.:.?r ,h"1"'Y 7th 19PA.
Ciirit�inssit�rt�rs`c.l�soreedTn q I t`� y of:PadUC �
No. T-
7 _192 y
At a re z.1ar meetinr of the Board of Courcilmen, sail meeting being• the
first re:-ular meeting under the new Couneilmanic Zorm of Government on the 3rd
=door of the Cit; Fall in the Cite of Paducah, '.'entnakv, in the Council Chamber,
i'or.as:' Jr.numy 7th 1924. The Ije:v Board .,.as called to order b;7 i3osc nutter,
cit,- Clerk.
upon call the cell the following ans'aered to their names; Councilm^.n
e7r; Boureno, J. .Cochran, John d.Crider, Georgie Jacobs, 0.A.i:erth, i.'T.i7ason,
:.I.orrison, -i.1:.O.7en, Charles ztiRpr3esberfer, R.:..c3picer, hilus Jteaart� ieor¢e
Councilman 0'.7en made a motion that Councilman George Batts be made
president of the Board of Councilmen.=•dopted unanimously upon call of the roll.
C 0 I: L' I T T 3 is S.
Councilman O'•7en offered the follor7ing motion, that the foi3o,7irR starding
committees be appointed as outlined on printed card board for a period of one
;;ear to -
t tee.•. -vit. <.bove motion unanimously adopted b; oa11 or the roll.
oT. i
C 0 i.: i.: I T L E :i.
3insnce C.%I.I.:orrison, L.H.I.'ason and R.L.3pieer.
Ordirarce - - Charles iP•71esbergor, Goo. O.Jacobs, I.?ilus Gtevart.
Streets - - - 7.i'.O77en, LIilus 3to:7art, Charles Rigplesbor€ser.
Light and 4ater - J. ,.Cochran, John d.Crider, uoo. O.Jaoobs.
i ublic improvemnnts - - I"ilus .3towart, Henry Bourene, J.:7.0_•ider.
Fire and police - - h.: ---ricer, C.-7.Iorrison,
l.icer.•se - - i.Itorrison, Henry Bougor.o, John .7 -Crider.
3ailroad, telephone and 4legreph - - John d-Cri-lor, 0....i:grth, and
Cherles : igFlesberger.
rem BouF•eno, George Jacobs, Ia.lns Stewart.
,;ecot(,r and parks - - Coorge JRcobs, J.-•.,o3hran ani C..s.;:erth.
?oslital, •oaero aid zinitation - - .L�.OJon, Charles Ii.?glesberger nrd
Iwwr'erc, .J.°'.0"len.
J..Ao^::rar, ;o _Sr;'o in -cobs, �. .7ploer.
John •I.Crider, J..;.Ooohrn_n.
a., :`,7eI; P:^_'.lo `f9 fOi lO.7i 7." 1`l:)';I07, to -,1t, j�h^.t �}le fo11o•:^ir9'
"•.. .-. - .-. -'i' ,. •? -'�^'jS'7:.'•.0 7a Or the I:rore•lu'ro of the Board of 3oia.cilr::Ur, ne
form as Ad OI. "I I{' ^. U':7.n 11 %nl+rllar;` 7th a9l0, ^17'i
7:i: inlri �} 1 I�7,a1 h; I'^nrioe .'GIS t7re
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No. I$
CO;�:CE ... .,::Y .::D:?'Cl. I101AA J<..;i,'4."Y 77:. 1924.
Ommissioners' Prwe.edi:nt
..192 '/
:i:cilrar Jacobs ma -le the follo.vinrr motion: 1hr:t on ordinance 'pro -
or the control and marecemont of �itvrsiio Hospital in the Cit of
;'ertucky, acid the appointment of a �uporintendont of said Hospital
ie:.iir.- the passage of aij ordinance providing for the permanent maragoment of sail
hosrital be adorted, and that said Ord inance be recorded in Ord inance Rook, acid
that said Committee as set out in the Ordinance make a report :within GO days from
Jar:uary 7th 1924. ndopted unanimously upon call o'.' the roll. By motion of
Cour.cilmar. 1:erth ar. amerdmer:t was carried relative to the report of the Committee
ithir. 60 days from J"m:ary 7th 1924.
Councilman Jacobs made a motion that the rules be suspended art that
:r erled the Ord inance pertaininx to Kiverside Hospital be rtiven e final passar?e.
les "Jortel unanimousl;: upon. call of the roll.
Courcilrr,an Jacobs made the followinc motion: that an ordinance
creating the office of license Inspector, and assi?rnina additional duties;
rrescribin7 the duties of said officer and fixing his salary, be adopted, arid,
said Ordinance be recorded in Ordinance Book: - <,dop ted unanimously upon call
of the roll.
^,ourcilmar, Jacobs moved that the rules be suspended and that the
ordinance rertaininr to license Inspector be liven a final passage. ndopted
urar. mousl;, upon call of the roll.
Curcilman Rieplesborger made the follo:ring motion.: That an ordi-
:.arse fi7ir7 the salar;: of the auditor of the cite of radncah be adopted.
•i-)l.te3 unanimously upor. call of the roll.
Councilman Riggloaber, ;er moved that the rules be s<ispended. and the
oriiraroo fixirP the salary of the auditor- of the City of raducah be given
its firal pasar_?e. <-dol ted ur.animorrsly upon call ofethe roll.
Councilr.•ar Jacobs made the followin:r motion: That an ordinance
e' %livhin a F:o1=r1 of lublic •7orks consistirc of three mmhors in the
mit:' dncah, ;.er.tnc.:;:; prase.,ibin!r the duties and po-.nrs of said Board
-:r:i Pixir.a the selw;l of its members, be adopted and recorded in the Ordirarce
ur.animousl;7 uF:on call of the roll.
9our.oilr_ar. Jacobs made a "'Otto, to suspend the rule and rive the Roard
of lublic -iof:::; priirar. e its final pas, -Ape. ,dopted unanimously upon call
of the roll.
Or: r:Otior. the Ro.rd ajjo..n.d.