HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 88, March 6, 1911i.
At a regular meeting of the Board'of Councilmen, held .in the Council Chalpber, in,s.
,.�the'.City Hall in the City df;.Pgduoah, Kentucky, March 6th: 1911, Upon call of the roll
the -following answered to their names;—Foremnn, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Hann
Rreuteer, L'slly, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (11)
On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as read.
On motion by member Hannin, the m64hly report of the City Treasurer and Auditor
',was. received and .filed..
l .
On notion by the above,.the monthly allowance .of.the Finance Committee,.ror
alariea & oto.,was allowed and the Clerk wn.a authorized to'drnw a warrent on the City
ITreasureri for the respective amounts, Upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yoas
(Foreman, Barons, Broailfoot, Divall, Farley, Hanning Kreutzer, Lolly, Leigh, I[ayer, and
II On motion by the above, the recomendation of the Board of Public Works,`in regar4
urchase of a New Street
!,to theP Flushing Machine and the repairing of the old Machine,
'at the coat of $1135:00 freight paid by the Factory to and from St. Louis, was oonoured,,.."�
sIng Upon call of the roll by the following vote;' -Yeas Foreman, Bernos, Broadfoot, Duvall'
'Farley, Hanning Harton,,Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12} y :.
z:;7 On motion by the above, the'ereoomendation.from the Park Commisaionerain regard"
7 _ z to the:purahase.of property on 10th'. Shreet between Waahlagton and Adams Streete,of
V6 the followingro ert t
p p y; -Mrs J.R.Puryear $2000.00 for paoperty, Mrs Jae Lone $1850.00 for: +' �.' •:'.
n ouse.and lot Mrs Mary Palner 01500.00 for property and Mrs Lillie 0roenholgh $1500:.00 (`
�Ieame carried' Upon oall' of the roll by the.following vote;—Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broad—
. � �.�-.. ..
,'Illffoot_"Duvall, Harley, Hannin, Hnrton, Kreutzarg Lally, Leigh, Moor and Roof. (12)
..0n.motion by the above, the estimate of work done in Mechanicsburg by George W, /• i.
C Kater ohn for P payment', paid y '
jj26BG 95 as. art eat some uvea ordered ��b a Treasurer's warrent.-,
('Upon call of the roll by the -following voto;—Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfootg Duvall,
"Farley, Hanning Hartong Kreutzer,.Lally,.•Leigh,'.Mayer and Roof. (12)
On motion by -the above','& request from Mrs.Oraff for a refund.of.a polltax due .. o
€E her from her''husbands death, same was referred to the Finance Committee. ''
On motion by the above,; the action of the Upper Board was concured in, in .regard
being ,90 a Resolution in allows
8 brou t gh ng `the Woet Kentucky Indciatrial. College $50.00 .
' On motion by the --"above-, a Resomution donating $350.00 to the We at Kentucky Indus
I�trial College�kyree:given first passage, Vpon call of .the roll by the following -,oto;—Yea
Fo' r'eman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Parleys Hannin rHartong Kreutzer,_Lnl ►Leigh,
�dWe r and Roof.(12) !
On motion the�rulea were suspended on the above Resolution, Upon gall of the
by the,following vote;—Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley,.Hannin, Hatton,`., .:
�• H
Kreutzer,.Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof.''(12) a
:1 On motion by.the above, the above Resolution was given second and final passage,...,
° on call of the roll b the follo + r'•
I y' wing. vote; ;Yeas Foreman, Bornea,.Broadfoot,/Duvall, Fs'.: r
Farley,. Hannin, Horton,.Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12)
On motion by member Lally -,'An Ordinance regulating the Storage of Oils eto.�,and,
Ordinaaoe ,regulat.ing Automobiles Garages 'wee referred to she •Ordina:►ce Committee, t !I
ommi tee, i
°i'•,i�iLia`::Yrii` "' " v;v,�,i acut+�ectos. _ .xwti.l•s:,r..a::»:�iz.uu._'.t• d'�. 1.. -...
'A' V,st` f� ... F w. .'"1 l• e�,�gYt�54( s
1. ��'!-ted` ! 31.. Yr /•1 f` I ,
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r •,:^M::-'oa"..fr:"�t :.n''.A.$'-"r, �•:.n,?,r•t,+ �rc.2•:;ry:' :.R.!• .r S'r'. ,?�'
�.. 1 8y,
On motion by member Lally, A Resolution for the improvement of the following f I."•
1 streets, by grading and graveling; Pgwell street from Jarrett Ave., to Clements street, "
Yeieer•Ave., from Ashbrook Ave., to Hayea Ave., Sowell -Ave., from Aehorafti Ave., to bill
�f� ��+✓ Street; Powell St. from I.C.Railroad to Mill street, Thurman street from Powell Street t`
to Sowell Ave., Ashoraft Ave from Powell to Bridge street, Eula street from Thurman to.'
I.C.Railroad V Flora street from Clements 1000 feet towards Cross Creek all of.the.ab.ovd ,(,e� � •, JI
��.to be -done under the Ten Year payment plan, was given first passago,, Upon call of the^
roll•by the following vote;—Yoas Foromanj Barnes, Broadfoot,'Duvall,.Parley, Hannin,
Harton, Kreutzer, Lolly, Leigh, }.layer and Roof. (120
On motion the rules were 'suspended on the above Resolw'tion,,upon call of,6 )
J {j roll by the following vote;—Yeas'Foreman, Barnee, Broadfoot, Duvall, Hannin, Farley,
^f Hniton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12)
On motionlby the above, the above Resolution was given second awl final passage, ;
upon call of the roll by.the following vote;—Yens Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Diwsll, i.
yA.Farloy, Hannin, Harton, Kreubzor, Lally, Loigh, Mayor and Roof. (12)
�p1�L On motion by member Lally, a Resolution in regard to spying concrete sidewalks'
� Ir IA",with granite curb and concrete gutters on 23rd. street from Broadway to Jefferson street!.' f
�"�"�""was given first paesaget upon call of the roll by the following vote;—Yons Foreman,
Barneeg Broadfoot Duvall Parley,Hnnnin llarton Kroutzeb Loll Leigh Mayor and I
I' Roof, (12)'
• i.
On motion the ruloa }yore suspended on the above Resolution, Upon call of the r
i roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broatlfoot, Duvall, Farley,'Hannin,
Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor and Roof. (12) i {
�' ;•.f"� On motion by the above, the Aove Resolution was given second and final passepe�
upon call of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Poreman, B!,rnos, Broadfoot, Duvall,
Farley,.Hannin, liarton, Kreutzer, Lally, Loigh, Mayer and Roof. (12)
On motion by the above, &.Resolution for the improvement of 25th. street from
r. u ,
Broadway to Jefferson street 1 1
4y by' ay >i6 concrete sidewalks with granite curb and oonorase
gutters, all of the above to be done under the Ten Year payment plan, wns given first
pneenge, Upon call of the roll by the following vote,—Yoas Foroman, Barnee, Broadfoot,
Duvall, Farley, Hfuvtin,•Harton, Kreutzor, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12) '.
On motion t•ho rujas wore suspenrlod,on the above Resolution, Upon call of the
l•,�F roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bnrnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Hannnin,'
N Horton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor, and Roof. (12) ;.
?.:•k On motion by the above, the above Rosolution.was given second and final 'passage L
r Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall$ ( ,
'`• -• Hannin, Parlojr, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12) .':
t On motion by the above, a.Resolution for the improvement of 24th. street from
Droadway to Jefferson street, by grading and gravoling, matorial to be used, the same t
f Py, , geavol usually paeacribed,by the Board of public Works, also improve both sides with.
t ooncbete sidewalks, with granite curb and concrete gutters, work to be done under the,',
((` Ten Year payment plan,.was given Eirst,passage, upon.call Sf the roll by the following!,r�;�;"r
' vote;—Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall,.Farley, llannin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lallyy:,•;;;.'
1' -Leigh a _AndRo.of.._( )..
a, cq 4-
On motion the rules weresuspended on the abover Resolution, Upon call of the rm
f ' X'I
^_Troll by'tho•following vote; -Yeas Foremani.Barnosi Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Hnnnin, Heb+' i
r•;tonj Kreutzeri Lally,'Leighi Mayor and Roof: (12) "
i On motion by the above, The above Resolution ,was given second and final passaFp ..`
jupon call of the roil by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot', Farley %i::. I
-.'•.Duvall, Hanning Hartong Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Meyer, and Roof. (12) ...
On motion by the above, a Resolution for the improvement of let. street from ff'
the North By line of Broadway to the North curb line of Jefferson street y be ;.'
improved by paving with bitrifiel brick paving blocks and granite curbing where it.ie r `l
ipoesibbe,•also Jefferson street from the east,property line of second street"to the West
!curb line of First street, all of said work to be done under the Ten ear `
- Y Payme�.,.plon
was given
first g p Y g '
gi passe o Upon call of the roll b, the following vote; -Yeas Foreman Darner n
Droadfoot Duvall Farley, Hannin Hartong Kreutzer Lal Leigh, M or and Roofer 12 I �%
On motion the rules were suspended, Upon call of the roll by the following votet !:
r r.
t > hIYeae Foreman, -Barnes, Broadfoot., Duvall, Farley,"Hannin,-Barton, Kreutzer, Lally,.:Leigh,
Uayer and Roof. (12)
'On motion•by the above, the above Resolution"was given second and final passage, I'
I�', I IUpon.call of�the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, I ":
Farleyt.Hannin, Hartong Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh', Mayer. and Hoof. ('12)' Ir
II On motion,by the above,,a resolution for the improvement of the following
-I -, 10 both aidee� thereon,.00ncrote,sidewalks with granite curb and conctere gutters, on t
South 5th.'etreet.from Jackson street to Broadway all of said work to be done on the
Ten Year payment plan, was given first passage, .Upon call. of, roll by. the following
,vote; -Yeas Foreman Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall,.Farloy, Hannin,.Harton, Kreutzer, Lally,. ,. !
Leigh Mayer • and- Roof: (32) '
Ij On motion 'the "rules were suspended on the above, Resolution Upon call of the
roll -by `(, ,• Ij Y the following vote;=Yeas Foremoni Barnes, Droadfoot, Duvall, Porley,.Hannln, Heb.
I`ton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12)
On motion by the above the. Above Rosolution was given second and final passages.` ,
yupon call .of the roll by•the following vote;-Yeas.Poreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall
(Farley, Hanning Hartong Krsutzer,.Lally, Leighp Moyerj.and Roof. (12) I
!, a ��r• On'motion by member Barnes, the City Engineer give
�i •�j� �!- g grade on Washington street•ti3O nn
&,.,A /74d Clark• street from 17th: street East to the hollow bock: of the Railroad Shops, was'" ...I .'
grant od
ow.�w''• (' On motion by'member'Leigh, the Publie.Improvement Committee] was given mobs
in. the, Building of the BrIage across Cross Creek. `v
On motion by. member Mayers the Monthlt report of Chief,of Police Henry gingery.'''
vi woe received and !lied:'
On motion by member Duvall,.that Scott Purgerson be granted a Retail Coffee '•':I'(
r� �.,:,:• � • � : ' it
House License and Bond.a000pted at•1300 Clay Stroet, same was B111ed,'Upon oall.of the..
roll by the'following vote; Yeas Barnes and-Farley(2) Nays•Foreman,.,Broadfoot, Duvall,'
ro a >(r Hannini Horton, (Kreutzer, •Lallys Leigh, Mayer and Roof., (10) f
..On motion by the, above,;,& remonstrance against Scott Purgerson• to oonduct •
s 1-Coffee'House at- 00 C1 street.. was'reoeived and filed.
""*,at�#.6.'S ''^' o.w,:Ci.�.:i.:�;Iki Jr3►ia"1wo�O'-�isrx-u_,.,,.:+a-...}•,�c�6. ticCtiOauw.Wc+..nu+.. - "`�` '
Yikir. tl{✓.iiS.-NLtI'.1•:TJ�.1 Rf�f.��ii/�W ::i'7wf
ail.( r a ::` r{., ��i •.y .(,,. 1• - - �,-Ih4
11 a
VE, , . ( * , *� , .; , . -1. . . ., . .. . . . . ! , t(
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7 7
ji'.,.On motion by the above, Scott.Purgerson was granted r a
a refund of. his.Lioans
I 'lee
call of tho'z
money at 1300 Clay street after being rejected
.a Saloon License
1, , Upon a
fby the following vote; -Yeas Foreman Barnes, B�roadfoot, Duvall, Hannin,-*Harton, kroutzer,
Lally, Leigh, Mayor and Roof. 12)
On motion by member Harton, .& comunichtion from the Board or Health in regard
.;!to property ownors.00noct�ng their premises with Sewer Distj #1 the Ordinance Committo
.,1;was Instructed to bring In an Ordinance;
On motion by the above, the Monthly report of the Meat.
and Milk Inspootor*0me
resolved and filed.
it On motion by member HafinIn, Deeds wore granted the .foliowing.;MrOLSusan Holt',
Lot. 11 Block 42; Mrs Mollie Guthrie Lot 10 Block 45; and Mrs B.H.Soott to Lot 8 bl I obk45
In Oak Grove Cemetery.
J On motion by the Above, Mr Fred Roth was granted arefund of $4.00 as an error
was made In a pormit.for Nathan Brandon.
On motion by the above a request from Chas Emery that a lot In Oak Grov4 Comets
cry be tranerared from Alex.Forealghts to himself, same was referred to -the C..-tmetery I.
On motion by member Parley, a Resolution for the Improvement by grading and
dl4 graveling Powell street from Clements to.I.C.R.R. said work to be done under the -Ten
Year payment plan, anrl the Board of Public Works be inatruoted to put street in condition
1,to receive gravol.was given first passage, -Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -
11 Yens Foreruva, Barnes, Broadf cot, Duvall, Parley, Hannin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Le
7, Mayor and Roof. (12)
On motion the rules were su5panded.on the above Resolution, Upon.call of the
roll by the following vote; Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Hannin-
Hart on, Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (32)
On motion by the.above the above Resolution was given second aril final pas'as
upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barneo,.Broad foot, Duvall,
11 Parley, Hannin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, 11ityar and Roof. (12) d:
On motion by the above, the Mayor and City Solicitor -were instructed -to secure
t. the consent of the X.C.Railroad for the grading and graveling over their' -right of way.,
for the fo llowing.streets Powell Street am] Sowell Ave;
On motion by the above, &.Resolution for the improvement of the following street
III Irby lasting thereon concrete. sidewalks with granite curb and concrete gutters,Sduth 6th.,
street to,N.line of Franklin School, said work to be done under the Ton Year payment plan
was given first passage, Upon call of the roll by the followinE vote;-Yoas Poroman,,Barns
Broadfoot, duvall, Hannin, Parley., Harton, Kreutzer, Lally,.Lelgh, Mayor and Roof. (12)'
(E r
On motion the rules wore suspended on the above Resolution, Upon callofthe
roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broax1foot, Duvall, Farley, Hannin.,a!� ..
Horton, Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor and Roof. (12)
On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given second and final passage
upon call of the roll V b the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot4. Duvall,
Parleyl Hannin, Harton, Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor and Roof. (32)
.. } -.�Y; .41'.4•, ..C..: 1.... -
' I On motion by the above, a Resolution for the improvement of Brohd street from
rFourth street .to the approach,of the New Bridge across Cross Street be improved;by lays: .�...
+ Ing thereon concrete sidewalks with granite curb and c6norete gutters, said work to be {
done under the, Ton Year pa3mont plan, Was givon first passage, Upon call of the'roll by;••
the following vote; Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Duvall,.Parley,-Hannin, Horton, Lally and {
V A Leigh. (8) Naye Broadfooti Kreutzer' Mayer and Roof. (4) '
On motion by.tho.obove the rules arerel>atipanded.on the above Reaalution, Upon
t '01, call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas Foreman Barnes I�
Brofulfoot, Duvallf Parley f ,
Hannin Harton Kreutxer Lal VV {
+ .. ► . >, �y, Lei
gh. Mayer and Roof. ('12
On motion by the above the above Resolution was.given second and final passe e
g . ,. .
upon call of- the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Duvall, Barle)(y.
Hanning Hartoni Lally and Leigh. (8) NVa' Broad foot, Kreutzer, Mayer and Roofs (4) t+
I ' On motion b member M r'ct'
y Byer, the opening of Husbands fdtreet was referred
;to ;Lha •d'
Joint Street Committee.
On motion by member Lally, the Board of Public Works was instructed to install
/0rr a Street Light at 10th: Street and Terrell Street. L: "
r /;
On motion.by the above, the improvement of the following under the Ten Year pays {
ment plan, South 4th. street from Broad to George street, Elizabeth street from 3rd'to''..: }.
5th, street with concrete gutters and granite curbs and concrete sidewalke;wae given }
-first passage, Upon call of the roll by the followirig,vote;-Yeas Foreman, Barneap,,Di4al �' f
Farley' Hannin, Horton,.Lally and Leigh. (8)' Nays Broadfoot, Kreutzer, Myer and Roof. j' !�15
1e1� a` On motion
'the rules were suspended on the above, Upon call of.the roll by the fo.�T
w fo2lowing.vote;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Parley, Hannin, Hayton, Kreuter
zer, Lally,'Leigh, Mayer and Roof.,(12) 1
t On -motion by the above, the .above Resolution was given second and final pnasa�e Vit.
Upon call of tho roll by the following vote; -Yeas' Poremon, Barnes', Duvall, Parley.j,`t'
Honain Horton Lnl end Lei
,' ly gh (8) Nays Broadfoot, Kreutzer, Mayer and Roof. (4) t
l •, n motion the Board Adjourned
S tiP ' /yMA�R� 2�0 1911
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