HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 82, February 6, 19114+ •r�l•tri i.Ytt ;.COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY, PADUCA 191 L t R.= At a regular mooting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council ChamWr in the City Hall, in the City of.Paducah,ly.,Februarq 6th. 1932, Upon call of the roll' a' •the following answered to their names; -Foreman, Barnes Broadfoot, Dwall,'17arley, Han- nin, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor, do Roof,'(11) f On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted -as read. On motion by member Hannin, the monthly report -of -the Treasurer and Auditor was ... received and filed. I •On motion by the.abova, the Finance Allowance for salaries oto., waa allowed and It jthe clerk was authorized to draw a warront OA the Treasurer for the res ective.amounte Upon call of the rill gby the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes,.-Broadfoot, Duvall, ,'• Farley, Hannin, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (11) l On motion by member W6131-, the.salary in full for the month of January for . ! $40.00 was allowed Frank Dunn as elevator operator, as he was unable to attend to his duties: ' On'motion by member Hannini'.the Colored Industrial School was donated v0350�00' to .;. f. 65�i� I assist in builds ng • School in Rowland Town, Upon -call of the rloll by. the follow-- .j Ing vote; -Yeas Foriman Barnes BroadfooL Duvall Hannin Kreutzer Lal.Iy,, Leigh, Mayor. i and Roof. (10) Nays Farley. (1) K /eei On motion by, the above , the following extraallowances were allowed; -Fairbanks Marce Co.. $145.00 J.W.Lockwood $28..04 ,W.A.Blackburn suits $105.55 and M.W.Clark 06a25,. .. iUpon cell of the roll by the following vote;-Yiae Foreman, Barnoe" Broadfoot, Duvall, 1 Farley, Hannin, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (11) On motion b, the above Joe Wood was employed at 100.00 3'per month for two -months - / to assist the City Assessor, ett , in g lag out the Block Map, Upon Coll of the roll by the 1: _ following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Hannin, Kreutzer,'Lally ILeigh, Mayer and Roof. (11). ------------------ On motion by the above,,the City Clerk was:authorized to pnrohsse'a Book Machine 'ata cost of.8155.00 with &'credit of $27.50 ae'a rebate on the old machine, Upon. call: lof the roll by the following vote;-Yeis Foreman,'Bornee, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley,; �•Hinnin, Kreutzer, Lally, Leight Thayer and Roof. (11) Hartott came in. � On motion by the above, The Finance Committee togather with.the Mayor were' „ l i authorized.to sell all ground not in use at Jaokeon Hill Cemetery, Upon call of the roll:;: �'� ''• j- by the following vote;-Yoae Foreman, Barnesq, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Hannin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12). JJ On motion by member .Lally, .AN ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR THE SALE. OF. A :FRANCHISF. AND. '::°.:..:' IIPRIVILEOES FOR THE PURPOSE OF'E1 ECTINO, OPERATING.AND MAINTAINING AN E.LECTRICT STREET .' i.RAILWAY.OVER CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY* wne.givon its first pies-:• �y R +.`y i.•. 1 agei:Upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yoae. Foreman, Barnes,•Broadfoot,,Duval`.'• Berle Hannln Harton Kreutzer' Lal IY Y! s s , Lally, Leigh, Mayor Roof. (12) „ i On. motion• the rules were suspended on the above Ordinance, Upon call of the roll b the following ,- r Y wing vote' Yoae F roman,' Barnes,.Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Rannin, Hartong r 'f t,��, ,IKreutze Y rp Lally, Leigh, Mayer.and Roof..(12') Ott'motion by the above,,the above Ordinance was given second and'final passage i s' t it ' r , by '�"KaT' p�7j,yili,l.;tp:HiAaW.'s.S>isWy;,aqt�,msuafuera�s•+i+nro.•..r+-,.,.ua.unw; 0 ,the f01 o vote eaa Foreman Barnes Broad. ' wri'Dri .:IhYWric•Y'w.ulrs..+r' •m,+.erw w•a ct.':.,esasva/a.www..... .. .....,_w................� 'r. kyr • -r - �q.+Vifi 1o- .. neer ,A.er• v 1 ,.. `x#�i1w KiF ;j' r{d��ft `' 1!�e rY�x•„ y r rz s - i � 'i'.t �F 1 ?h' 'xsr 7 M.ta,i,� p i 1 � » Z x{r • t f a. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY QF PADUCAI 91.1_ 3 foots Duvall, Parlay, Hannin,•Hartont-.Kreutzer,-Lally,:Leigh, Mayer and-Roof, (12)`; On motion by the above AN ORDINANCE CHANGING .THF NAME OF OILSON STREI,T.IN THR I,CITY OF PADUCAH,'KF.NTUCKY ,FROM GILSON BTRFF.T. TO POWFLL STREET, was given first passage upon ci4l.of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall,. For ley . H&,hnIn Harton Kreutzor, mlly, Lei Mr er and Roof. 12 ! 'On motion the .rules. were suspended on the above Ordinance, Upon call oftha roll! �! by the following vote;-Yoas Foreman, Barnes, Brondfoot, Dtivall, Parlay, }Tannin, Harton, ( i,'•: Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12). ! ?'u1 r •! � rtE On''motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given second. and fihal p!seage, y j'by its title; Upon call of the roll by the followin vote;-Yoas Forenam'i BarneaBroadf.00t� , Duvall • �! , Farley, H annin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally,, Leigh, Meyer and Roof. (12).. On tion member Hannin was excused for the balance of.tho meeting, j On motion by member Barnes, a Rosolution for the L:Iproveing of the following' i IJP •'{��ov1o� atreeta� by grading and graveling material to used the same gravel usually prescribed by the Board of Public Works Powell street from Clements ( + p 1 � , Lo I.C.R.R. or Tiple track, end i 1• �,ti II grading and graveling Powell- street from I.C.R.R.or Tiple track to Mill atreet,; Yeisor ). Q � Oyu. Ave.,from Ashbrook to Hays Ave;, Sowell from Ashoraft to Mill Street; Thurman'froX.Ppwall 4) to 30gD11;:En24 3Tomu-Thurmanr to I.C.RR or. Tipla track ;Flora from Bridge 1000 feet i • I toward Cross. Creek, Powell from Jarrett to Clemente and Aahcraft from Powell to Bridge Streets, and the Board of Public Works were instructed to put Powell Street in, condition i, k to receive graval.was given first passage, Upon call of the roll by the following vote; j! Yams Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Barton, Kreutzar,.Lally, Leigh, Mayer Wand Roof. (11) r :i 4i On motion the rules were suspended ,on the above Resolution , Upon call of, the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, liroadfact, Duvall, Farley,. Harton, Kret uzor, Lally, Leigh, Mayer,'end Roof. (11) On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given second and final passage } �, by Ito titlei Upon call of the roll by the followings vote;-Yeas Foroman, Barnee, groadfbo� ! Duvall, Parley', Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (11) t t �? On motion by the above, the Lucae Land and Lumber Co., was granted exomtion from j, Q municipal Ad Valorem taxes for a period of five years, upon call of the roll by ths.follo�; Ting vote;-Yeas Foreman, Barnee ,' Broadfootr Duvall, FarleYr Harton, Kreutzer, LallY� Leigh •.. i ; Q Mayer and R6of.(11)1 �r On motion by member Mayer, the monthly.report of the Chief of Police was receiv-1 ad end filed. ,; 5 On-motion by the above, The Board of Polios and Fire Commissioners were author.ie- od to employ One more man at i/5. Fire Station, Upon call of the roll by the following vote♦ f lyc^•^� pp i. 't P Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Harton, Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer I r•1� and Roof. (11) 0On motion by member Duvall♦ J.T.Huteon was granted a Retail Coffee Houao'Lieons tt I. e: "t and the Fidelity h Deposit Co. Of Maryland was accepted as hie bondsmen, at 1201 South Hth' street Upon call of the roll b the following vete'-Yore Foreman Barnes,`' P Y Q . , , 1 Duvall, Farley, Hgten, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor," Roof.(11) f • •: Rei>•,��r COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF.PADUCA �-�, ' a^,�- —191L . On motion by member Marton' the monthly Ply report of the Meat and'Milk Inspector .. .r.+�- wee received and filed. ,d�,�;,,1 On motion by member Roof, a refund of poll was ,granted J.D.Obryan for J.B.Fdwards.',..,. �,l� ,�(� • On motion by the above, William Simmonds was granted.& refund and the. penaltyameunting',,'�� { On motion by the above the Southern Express Co. was ! . P ! granted &'refund on over.. f° laeseeement amounting to $26.21Upon:oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeae Poreman, !Barnes, BroadfootI Duvall, Barton! Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor and Roof. it On motion by the above, John Bite was granted a refund-9 f $3.00 and Archie JordonaAA �Q1:80 on over charge on License. N An motion by member Duvall, a deed to a lot -in Oak Grove Cemetery from J.M. ... Mitchell to.Sam Bryantq was referred to the Cemetery Committee.- 96ti—oz On motion by the above a transfer was !' granted from Jerry M. Porter to J.L.Webb to a lot-in Oak 'Grove Cemotery.. On motion by the above, the City Clerk was authorized to enter the name of A.T. lButherland as the.owner'of the.8auth'' of lot 62 block B. in oak Grove Cemetery ,the `former Clerk Authur Cole failing to enter same.on.ths Cemetery Record book, Date Deod f�.. Z74was granted is September 15th. 1897; r r-z I I On motion by the above a tranefer.wae granted from R.O.Terrellto Chia 1. and .;; '.. ••'. !Luther A.Grahamto lot #38 Block C. in Oak Grove Cemetery, I� On motion by the above the Clerk was authorized to ch T,r f ' ! change the name ant by, �imistake Mre -Lilly May Kyle to William A.Kyle in the Oak Grove Cemetery record lot 32 it pr pf Qj I�-block 42: On motion'by member Barton, that the City Solicitor be empowered to act ! in the J� employing' of. Legal''Aseietanoe and be furnished the necessary Finonoes, fighting the { tasoof the City via the East Tennessee Telephone Company, was killed, Upon call of the .• (roll by the following vote;—Yeae.BroadfooL Barton Lal ay (. ) eys Foreman ! Lally and Mayer. 4 i N ! •, Barnes, Duvall, Parley, Kroutzer.� Leigh and Roof.(7) 'On.'motion by member Barnes, A Resolution for the improvement of the following iatreete, by 'laying concrete eidowalks with gutters town;— t� granite curb and. concrete. ., ;tz Broad,streot, from Fourth street to the Bridge to be erected over Cross Creakp and on :•b IBouth Sizth.street from Broad street to the North line of the Pranklin school and from r•: Bookman. to Tennessoe Street! all the said work to be done under the Ten Year,peyment, }..'°y,.- • '_t;, ',� Plain was' was' given first passa{,e, Upon call of the roll by. the following. vote; Yeae Por" �Barnee Broad Duvall Fa.rle Barton Krwt$er Lal ` ! ! ! y! , , Lally, Leigh! Mayer and Roof.(11) s f l n On motion the rules were suspended.on the above Resolution, upon.call of the roll'.'r ' .r• ; y the following voto; Yoae Poreman Barnes Broadfoot Duvall Parl Barton Kreutaer �. iLallyj Leigh, 'Mayer,' and Roof..(11). On,motion by the above, the above Resolution was given second and final passage > I ,`1 •. t . ,;:':p -'• by its title, Upon'ooll'of the roll by.the following vote;-Yeas POreman, Barnes, Broad- 1 foot,,,Duvallo Parley, Barton, Kroutzerp Lally, Leigh, Mayar and Roof. (11). d,r ar, On motion .by member Broidfoct, that Captain Prank Harlan be released from his { A�:t+bond with the United States Pidelity.� Guaranty Co of Baltimore, same was referred to �46,;U• 0a� , `r'V+Ji" r.6w'w.iv�.'.n.u„a •.l.i"• r.: s•.:?:,^ :, t. - i tit' b41.•i r i " F' - .^ .ff ., ., #�-.:. -�`' �4 .'M1I� '�.-�r "K• ��.-..' t�n•Ye�,,-.i .";7.r �'4' r � t�..::Fs��. Wil'-:'+�:•t. r.t"l�:.f r•x� --7s . 1..•�n.5?v„`sac..K�r��'�.. p• _ + COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, .CITY OF PADUCAH'-_'� 91 i �. On motion by member Broadfoot� that Street Lights be pla0ed an Elizabeth BLreet,, was referred to the Board of Public Work5o 9150 3rd. and Oeorge,Clemente, and Meyers Step'' Aehoraft and Sowbll and Jarrett between Powell and Bridge etreets,•with the recommendat—. 7 . vkaJ ion that they be erected,'Upon call of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman ' '1 } + it Barnes, Breadfoot, Duvall, Farley Harton Kreutzer Lally _Lelgh Mayor and Roof; (11).'. Z On motion by member Lally, a potition for a Streot Light at 12th. and S'a1Dem• Ave:', �was referred to the Board of Public Works. '. On motion by the above, the City Solicitor was instructed to bring in an Ordin— i`• i''.: 1 O. anoe regulating the Storage of Oils in the City of Paducah.' On motion by the above, a petition from residents and proporty owners on Broad St ;. ,for a grade, made by the City Engineer, was roferred to the Street Committee; f On motion by member Barnes' the Street Committee was.inatructed to purchase a 35''.; G3"'""”" I ;. foot lot from Mrs Brame on Yeiser Ave., at a cost not to'exceed 0600.00, Upon call. of the (/ roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman Barnes Broadfoot, Duvall Fafley, Hartong.,': ,,�•,`•' I' Kreutzer Lall Lei Ma or and Roof. 11 li Y, P1►, Y I ) �. ` On motion by member Duvall, the City Solicitor was instructed to take the proper �.�. steps to clear the Alley Between Washington eP y ngton and 10th. de 11th. wnrl Kentucky Ave, so a, i spur track can be constructed. ' On motion by,member Barnes, &:Resolution instructing the City Solicitor to at Ortonoe bring condemnation proceedings against the property owners to open Ashbro6k Ave. to.Clementa street in line with Sowell street extended and to make said street 50 feet wide, was given first passage, Upon call of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Fcremany 1 Ij Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Hartong Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof.(11) i On motion by•the above] the rules were suspended, on the above Resolution, upon 4':. t �. . call of the roll by the following vote;—Yeaa Foreman, Barnee, Broadfoot, Duvalli Farley Horton, Kreutzer, Lolly, Leigh, M-yer and'Roof. (11) h On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given -second and final passage.' by its title, Upon call of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broad— foot, Duvall, Fc:.rley, Horton, Kreutzer,'Lilly, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (11) a ,. 1 C�" on motion the Board Adjourned r ff ' a FEB 20 1911 $PP�?iQV�n FE.B'20 1911 �,. Proddrnl Board of �. l t F r 7 ' r - ' r r r r - •,' � F . er,i i�} ,+~ t•. r t, �F , t � t I •i �y rY �r�,"� ����.i✓N'o"Yif,Y.-'�vl.>ti�•.w'.�• �"d; Y. „��ti•Y. '� l.F.f i..r:a{.Ja..+3.•,,y C,.+'::•:?xi.iA',:�7•:d:.a7 :.� .i.cr. �.:.'-ea•t ...- rJr. .t•...+. .... ..v-- - _ • , •, r- e