HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 68, November 21, 1910NCIL PROCEEDINGS.,CFY OF PADUCAH1910 I� At o regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chambor, In �" I the OSLy Hall, In the City of Paducah, Ky., November 212t, 1910, upon *ell of the roll' .,. tM following answered to their names; -Foreman, Barnes, Budd*, Duvall, MernSn, Horton,•,, j Kreutmar,.Lally, Leigh,, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson, (12) On -motion the minutes of the previous meetings, were adopted ee is R� u On motion by member Hsnnln, the Finance allowance foe selerels ato,g was....a11owW;r Gc.f.P an/nri.;and the .Clerk was authorised to drew a warrent on the Tress,rer for the roepective:. i ` •amount a; Upon sell of the roll by the following vote;-Yesa Portman, gernea, Budde, ' Duv(d L, Henning Hsrton,'.Kreutcer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy end Wilson. (12) 01 I '�`•` m on by the above, a petition frm.the West Ky„ Industrial College, was ;.-`,�:.. 'r r PoA_C/L.'-• '.referred to the City Sollaltor; Mayor, and Finance Committee. deo Oehlochlseger.Jr, •, - i7/cr.fu%✓o On hatlon by member Lally, a oomunlostion from the Mutual Wheel Co,, for exexgft-':', � �« w�14y. - J7 ; _ Will H. Parley.. „ .. '. Son from munionpisl taxes, some was referred to the City Solicitor to bring in on py,�.�1• Al M. Poreman, . p ,f..•a r9 1-�;; O, P. Leigh, On motion by member Mayer, s building at 106 Broadway was referred tothePire.•y`., '•� ordinanoe.st the next meeting, ,; ,•. }- A' �.��. Chl*fp as being in a dangerlous eondit0on, '• �ti On motion by the above, Them Clayton and Finley Wade were grer7LM refunds for y' ' f IS �•�' te. �. i..w l + X is bond accepted st'934 South 5th. fittest, tl rill ofthi•'boll b the toll ., Pon 7 owing wN '' I 1lt Poll Tues, not due the City,�Y`'/ r f1 On motion. by the above, a oomunlostlon from the Federal Crate 6 Basket Co., for exemption for municipal Taxes, ■m* was referred to the Ordinance Committee, •i :, q' . On motion by member Barnes, the following report of the Spatial Committee 1n roger& to plans for s bridge over Island .Creek, also to confer with the Traction .Paducah I ' Cmpsny,tRe:sotion of the Committee was concured In;- Cmesal Council,, '. Oentlemen;- ,.;,,�; We your Special Committee, appointed at a called meeting,on November 14t h. � to look over plane for s bridge over Island Creek, also to confer with The Paducah )�r ." .Traction Companyy', In regard to crossing and laying their pert of the cost of conitruot• .. "_�'•/' - • Son of ame, beg leave to submit the following reoprt;-After consulting our City Rn61n-.� ser and Special Fhglneer, employed to make plane for tho bridge, your Committee come to ;+P, •'. (, ..'-/' •'7the conclusion that It would be inexpedient WO unwise to enter into any ooslition with The Paducah Traction Company In the construction of this bridge, t I `�, .�!/�•'�, The committee believes such an arrangement would t'nterially effect the country use of the bridge and mi R'It involve the City in extended and useless litigation, 1n ' ! . 11 . { the event of accidents and would entail an additional expenditure not commensurate with ': �•'• the bensflt')d*rlved, �.,1 If �' The Committee onlled upon the Traction Company, me Snetruated by you and went Into the matter with them 1n detail and finally prevailed upon them to make the exten- I &ion Into Meahen oehurg over their own bridge, to which thep agreed, provided the City''' .would give them s 20 year frenohise in Mechanicsburg and an extension of 6 years on their franohiee, I:�� •, present which hes 14 years yet to run, making t'hedreentire franchise '• ;;, expire at the came time. CI -, In making this extension they wish to change the route of 2 of their lines, To '�; •. run the. Union Station Car on 9th, Street .line from Mancet House to Jackson and oackern to lltb, up 11th, t000nect with the present Union Station Line at Termesees Street, The Union Station present Line on 8th. Street they wish to extend from Tenn* ssee'•_ Street to Fishervilla, for all of whtoh they agree to have bridge built and oars qat- , • �''nY'�' . sting on same through Mechanicsburg to the City limits inside of 9 months, 'r•'. .7 y(y,_'_, •.'.E3. Atter • yorough consideration of both natters, we would respectfully recommend •'I I .'� that you proceed With the building of the bridge over Inland Creek at 4th street wne - �• the Special Engineer, Mr, Watson, be instructed to proceed vlth his plena, { We further recommend that the Traction Companybei; granted the extanum; above 1 . ' referred to emd Lhet Lha CSt 8011 It I '�`•` y o or a ineLrueted to prepare `he 20 year trmahles. -�.. .In s000rdanoe herewith. ;.-`,�:.. 'r r Respectfully submitted, deo Oehlochlseger.Jr, •, - t .' Ernest Lackey. •• w�14y. - J7 ; _ Will H. Parley.. „ .. '. _ George Hennln. py,�.�1• Al M. Poreman, . p ,f..•a r9 1-�;; O, P. Leigh, On motion by member Mayer, s building at 106 Broadway was referred tothePire.•y`., �.��. Chl*fp as being in a dangerlous eondit0on, '• �ti 'On motion by member Duvall, Le* Walston was granted s Retail Coffee House License '•. - r y' ' f IS �•�' te. �. i..w l + X is bond accepted st'934 South 5th. fittest, tl rill ofthi•'boll b the toll ., Pon 7 owing wN '' I 1lt r f1 Ie W' �.l lr ^i'i� '^, r-�"i CtC�F�, 9-M• F!'i'fi` 77 ' I } rt d,.•t ..-.,I _lYv �'. TM. .+.. t..(w.ya.><ye"`^ '.•�•, .ytr...r T -)^F^• ' t COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 1 191 0 ;6.3 ;Yeas, Foreman,Barnes Budde, Duvall,,Hannin, Harton,,Kreutter, Lally, Le1gh, Maysi, McCarthy @14.71l on (12) " IiJp �• ',,; On motion -by umber Bonn In. Mrs Ruby BawlOnd and Yrs Una Hulin Nere:grant ed . 1 ,• J deals to loLg in, Oak Grove Ceastery, ., . I -• .. ., .. ,.; - i , . ISI m.�•_• - Ge On motion by member Budde, a 001ouniaetion from hays medicine Co.; was referred ithe •�. to Ordlnence Committee, .. . ... .. On motion by member Leigh, estimates tram the City Engineer for Pe:on.Avenue . ,� •" and Clay Street, was received and filed, . ti f r.�a'•'V U. •--�� y ,.. On motion by member Lally, AN ORDINANCE AMIN0 AN OBDINANC B • F]ffITLID IN IJORDINANCE REIATINO TO THE PUBLIC WdARP AND THE WHARF MASTER IIP THP! CITY OF PADUCAH KY, �APPROVED BY THE MAYOR APRIL 25Lh,1909,was P . N I\\Y Olven first passage, p pease a upon pall of the roll by .I j.the following vote; -Yeas Por Wan, Barnes, " t Budde, Duvall, Hannin, Barton, Kreutzer, Lally, .,,ILe►gh, Mayer, Mocertly and Nilson, 112) , Ob motion by the aboYe,the rules were suspended on the above Ordinance, Upon V sell of the roll by the following vote; -Yam Poremm, Barnes, Budde, Duvall, Benin, 'tiomton, . S �Kreutter, . j Lally, Leigh, Meyer, MoCertly and Nilson, f12) I i On motion by the above, the move Oadinenoe was Elven second and final Passage,! Iby title, )te Upon call of the roll by the following vote, -Yana Foreman, Barnes, Rtdds, D I� ( .. �Dunll, FT►min, Hart on, A»utzse, [ally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy end Wilson, (12), I: t, On motion by member Lally, the removing of gravel from •Be Street to other Street - I (/ i. lid, �.,� • . t .In the City, sma wsr referred to the Board of Pub11C. Work „ t p s frS On motion Dy member ,tannin, the condition of Oosbal Ave, to I,C,Rallroed vas'. .' ( referred to the Street Committee. On notion by the ..bove, the City Treasurer was ordered to turn over all slaime .l collected for A.J,9111er A Son,to them, Upon Call Of Lhe roll by the following rote; -Yeas f Foreman, Barnes,,Budde, Duvall, Hennln, Hartong Kreutzer, Lally, Ia1gh, Meyer, McCarthy . and Wllson,(L2) 1t//��C 4 '�•7-@ On motion by the above, the Board of Public Works ware ordered to place a ! til... _.i.-.� cinder walk on Flournoy street from 12th, to 13th, street to relieve the oonditions that ,.. were caused by the Cemetery Sewer, . 5 (.L�i'o�• i �%�'�1. t .: On action b Lite above s ( Y , proposStlon from W, R,6 T,A,Jones In regard Strsete t , In Yaohmloaburg, wee referred to tate CSty.Sollcltor, •� ''I' V Cl/r'C�I On motion by member Lally, a complaint from the City F}uglnasr Into the, •, sondltlon of Hays Avenue, eme was referred to the Street COmmiLtae, :I i__________________________ I On motion the Board Adjpurned----------______ - Al�-p�0 . 6 1910 id.N'B d g, F1( F City Clor 1 1 ,pis }LS..t m?W to „ , 1)ii• *,..'✓(sfe,,, �.. :..�. rl l.t ,u 17.0—. .� _t .. .. .•