HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 60, October 3, 1910FU COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF- PADUCAH- ' bor slslo_191_
ql: :At 'avtr0gular- most inl''Of thi'Board'of Couneilson,'hold ln•the''Counall Chamber, 1m
';'t'.., r<•,-
Lhe:City Hall,..in the.Clty of Padueah Ky.r.Ostober 3rd. 1910, Upon.eall of the roll the
•following man* ad to their neass;-Formad,-Barnett,_Budd•,.Du•nll, Hossain, Hartoy
Kreuthor,,Lally,;Lsigh. _Ysyer, NOCarthy,sad Wilson,. (12)
Oa notion the minutes of the previous muting was adopted as red.
our ,..,
`D• notim_byysmber gamin, the Pinanje allowanse for a61arios.nto., was allow*
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and the. sUrk .wa„ordered to di;ew a warrent on tr.e Treaurer for the 'respeetivs asonts
1 5 ,
upon *all of the roll by the following tot*; -Yea Poreman, Bornett,.Buddo,' Dyvall, 1
Howl a, Barton, Kreutzer, La lly,."19hp Mayer, YOCarty ad Wilson. (12),
Ommotion by the above, the monthly !*port of,the Treasurer and Auditor was
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.roselval.ad filed..,
r..•; , Om•mOtl*n,by the aove,.the %stion of the Board of Fablle works, was ratified by
granting the cont r).oL for the 0onsttuetion of.o ConsreLs-grlYgrt an Goebel Avows
D•two0n the. Illinois Central Railroad and Tennessee Strut, to A,J.Hiller to Hon for
e;.;+'• ,; ,1
•1329.25, a the lowest,ad Dost bid. Upon jell of the roll by the following vote; -Toa :
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.POr•marl, Barnstt, Budd•,"Duvall, Heroin, Harton,,Rroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, YOCartlt' ;•
eaA.Wilson; (12).•:. .. .
On not onDy the aboves.e.poll ,tee was ordered refunded, tole -W. ferry.
,On motion D the above the nation of the ?
Y r Mayor was tetiffed et' allowing L.500:00
• .,
for the murderer of, Yr. YoYwus,. Upon sell .of .the roll by the following vote. -Yea
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Poreman, Barnett„Budd• Duvall gamin Kart RrjUtzer IA11 LaSgb, Yyer,YOCort}q
e 1
ed Wilson. (12)
�� q.
Oa lotion by the above, the City. Engineer "a instruoted.to issue a permit to
Hawkins h Davis for the eenstruction of a frame and sheet Iron building for a flour ,
mill,and grain wltvator on South 2d, street neer C1arb Street, ad an Ordlnsno* orAered, -
• `,
-brought in tsking.said building out of the Piro Limits. .'•
On motion by member Lally, an Ordinsnes for the ezeaptlon-of .the T, J.Stahl rob•,'
Cmpary frog dv61oon taxes, was referred to the Ordinenae Cowlttee.
On notion by the above, the Illinois Control Railroad Company was granted per- .,+•'
mission to eonstruat a sewer on Carlton Streit near the Union Depot, in -so -for me the
City bon the authority. .. .
�•��' 'it "�”
On motion by.mombe! Kreutzer, A( pstltion. from property owners and residents on
(Willln Street for •Street Light, sole was referred to the Board of Wblls Wotti.
On notion by amber Leigh, a eonWution from the Musah Water Co., In regard
to lying Wins on aertain streets, was reael ved ad
On motion D amber!
y Mayor, the monthly report of Chief of Polies Henry Bingo ry
was received ad filed.
On motion by amber Duvall, o transfer was granted R.H.Poll y Comport' for their
Saloon Lison from gal North 9th, street to 908 Boyd street, Upon 0611 of the roll by, ,
the following rote, -Yum Por*msn, Barnett, Budde, Duvall, gamin,. Barton, Rr•utzes, Lalt
Lelghl Ysyer, WCorty od Wilson.
On notion by member Hennlnj •'transfer of a, lot in Oak grove Cmmotery from The ,pr
Mason to JoDm Wat Ors wee referredto the City C1•rk and Cemetery Committee.
t_ ��Yiyr Q + i -t , i /. .•f" x :f': Q r. :1,!',..a +r,rp t '^I.{":iF+'rfa a9Y;r1�� ,t +ry,. ,in°�oy�"'C'^1n:3"t T.M i"• .'.+1 I.
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., n c.."• Li" ? ° Cm Notion by Member Meyer,'tho Monthly report the Most d Milk Iapoetor, •naso
»oiivid and filed. .. ... �.
On Notion by"the above, the City 001101160? was•instmetid to if ter John Jones
$100.00 Musa Red .stats =150.00. ibryear'setato $150.00 far property ordered somdemmed
Lo' open Rusbudo street from <tp; to 6th; streets, ..
On notion by giber Lally; a proposition'frem peopii'Lyaaorssnl, residents on
• '�4t, � f ClAek ittut 19th, to 212t,' and fiem OLekto Mui rtrut, for' a wooden' walk, surwas
— referred to *tie Street Committee.
'on iotton by member Kreutzer( • RP.BOAITION armmting H.p,Bawkine Br;peraiiilon to
t eomatrneL a sonerate sidewalk .loons s Wtlio ulgr e3*e11ding eroM the rut aide of Soulb
pp Beeond strut between Rentusky Avenue and Washington street, to'jhe Cron Alley between
q Buond rdd Third streets. Was given first passage, bpodsoall•Of the roll by the following
" + rote; -Yeas PorsNan,' Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Rannin. Haraon, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer
(McCarthy sal Wilson. (12) "
- i On motion by the abois, tLis rules were sueperdd on the-abou, upon call of the
tl i'
-011 by tne following vote; -Yeas Poromas, Barnott,'Budde, Duvall, Hannin, Beaton, Kreutsnrl;
RLally, Leigh, Mayor, McCarthy and Wilson. (1,2)
on motion by the above, the above Resolution was given second and final passage.
-`•'`y' .4 upon *all of the roll by the following vote; -You Poreman, Barnett, Budde,- Duvsll,Hannin
Barton. Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayeri MoCarthy and' Wilson„ (120 '
On Notion 6y member Leigh, A Resolution eking periission to sonetruet s eon*rate',
�✓�, , , ""-7A 116 r
aide walk on Meyers strut, was referred to the City Engineer.
F —___.On motion the 'Board Adjourned ------
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