HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 58, September 19, 1910N EEDINGS, CITY OF COUNCIL PROC PA , r DUCAH At - &,regular meeting 9f:the Board. of Counoilmon, hold in the Counall Member, In the City Hall, In the City Of Paduesi, Ky., September 19th, igio, upon call or the roll sho,roilawrivig answered to their names; -Foremen, Barnett, Budde, Duv&llt Hannin, Harton.' Kratutor, Lally, Leigh, Mayerg MoCarthy and Wilson, (12) On notion'the minutes or the: previous meeting was reconsidered, In regard to the Ak44J� purchase of Flurnitire for R6vort8lds Hospital, by referring am* to the Hospital Board ) with power to act, UPO'n a" Al or the roll by the following vote; -Yea& Oarsmen, Barnett, X�j Budd*, Duvall, Hannin, Harton, Kerutt*r, Lally, Leigh, Mayer MoCartby, and Wilson, (12) On action by the above, at RIvsrsIdo the Purnitur a that Is claimed to be needed Hospital, was referred to the Hospital Bosh .with piwer to seti Upon coal or the roll by i the following vote, -Yeas Poreman, Barnett, Budd*, Duvall, Hannin, Horton, Kroutzer, j Lally, Leigh, Moyer, McCarthy and Wilson, (IR) On notion the minutes were adopted as sorrested. On notion by the-abovep the PInonee allowarsev for salaries Eta., was allowed and the Clerk me ordered to draw a warrent On the Treasurer for the respective amounts, up&^ 6-1. the OM -11 Of. the roll by the following vote; -Tess Perlman, Barnett, Budd@, Duvall, Son - min, Hartan, Knoutzor, Lally, Leigh, Mayor, XeCarthy and Wilson. (12) On motion by the above; B.M.Phllloy was made the authorized collector for all 902A 6000unts Of the River Bid* Howpltal.. Y that On motion by the ob Ovo,,thA Park Commisslonerop Vbf.r authorized to Park South IQ Street, Game was referred 'to the Street Committee cad Pinance Committee. -Olk action by the above, a bondp known an #15 Raw Orleans & Ohio River R. I R. Co.@ I wast ordered to be burned before the Board or-Aldermea, at their meeting to -night. �r ' On Notion by member belly, An Ordinance for the laprovenent of Powell Street 'A'4hVrOOlt Ave., Ote.,.wao reforred.to the Street Committee. On motion by the above, that all Scavengers is compelled to slogn @least@ ets.p between 6 A.M.ar4 6 P.M.was referred to the Ordinance Committee. On notion by the above, that a Weak be constructed from Pipet Street to the Land t"* Ing.Of the Perry Boat G.W.Robertson at the foot Of Kentucky Ave., some was referred to the Ordinance Committee, to bring In am Ordinance. On,motion by member Hannin, the motion Of the Board of Public Works, In regard t . a, EM improvement of Moshamlesburg, by awarding . the Contract for some, was ratified. Ujou man of the roll by the following vete;-Ysos Parisian, Barnwtts Budde, Duvall, Rani., Rartono Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor, McCarthy and Wilson. (12) On motion by *=bar Lally, the property owners an Jefforsonood Broadway . Streets for sewer VOhhsOtIOn in the allay near 16th. street, were granted permission, conditions 00% cut In notion or Resolution. :i On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SWEEPING OR W ASEIIN . 0 Op CERTAIN SIDEWALKS BETWEEN CERTAIN HOURS, ITColwas given first passage, u pon.0611 Or %hce roll by the following vote; -Yeas Porgam, Barnett, Bud4@9 Duvall, Hannin, Hartonj Kreu%r,, &or. Lally, Leigh, May or McCarthy and Wilson. (12 On'uotion by the abovap tho*rul*a were suspended.an the &boy , a Ordlenseg upon son Or the roll by the following vOtq;-y@".POr an=, Barnett, Budds, Davall, Hoanim, Haft=,' Proutmer.. 10,11Y, Leigh; Mayer, UeCcr thy and Wilson. (12) 1 n- 7- J ' 4 to • r r _ Y. ; f I „COUNCIL PROCEEDINCS,'CnY OF'PADUCAa 9 o' Dn mOLlea by the above, the Above 'Cedlnaneo was given second and. Final paas►ge t7 Its title, Upon•eall of the roll by the following vote; -baso Foreman, Barnett �, RudAe,.. .I " "• Duvall, Wnnln, Barton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson .(12) .II � pi'•V. i On action by member Barnett, the improveaent of Sowell Ave., between Ashbrook Ave' NO Clements street, was.resolved sad filed. an motion by member Duvall, a trondfer was granted Sea 0. Smith for his Retail %`•' �s,,.,.. G.n✓�"'"" COTtas Roue lSaemee, from 129 Boutb 2nd, etre! to 105 South 2nd, street, Upon call or ` ;' .. the roll by the following vote; -Tess Poreman, Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Hannin, Barton, •o`er""'". " .. y -. KreuLser, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, WCart by and Wilson. (12) I On notion by member Mayer, Miss Virgle. Greer me granted a refund for Saxes for .' over assessment. Upon cell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Poreman, Barnett, ' Budde, Duvall, Hannin, Harton, Kerutser, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, MOCorthy and Wilson. (12) , On motion by the above, a peyition from J.W.Beasley for over assessment, was a referred t6 the Board of Wpervleors. ' On motion member Hannln w.W.Houser was by , granted =100.00 an *-lot In Oak Orove Cemetery, after he had made a mistake In the purchase of a lot In said Cemetery. Upon � Ball of the roll by the following rots; -Yeas Portman, Barnett, Budde, Duvall, N►rinin;�I' y Btrton, 'Xorutter, Lally, Leig9, Mayer, MoOarthy and Wilson. (12) �yYr1,I C On motion by membsr-.Hannln, that a bridge be built a the font of South 4th. at., and Mayers Street, with a bridge Engineer employed ets;,.aaae was tabled, ' I Qn ry/ c On notion by the above, that a retaining Wall be built by bringing In an Ord1n- . ante, stab ws tabled. On motion by the above, Prank Dunn v'aa allowed.J15.00 for an asale,-taut during �nV his illi.nses, for ten days service on the Elevator. ` -On motion the Board Adjourned ----r---7 --- 1 :. ..ADOPTED OCT leln APPROVE .f, 8.. ,IMP z city Glorz. 7 ii ,�'Lv jI Iq•. .Jit, v. f.1 f n':,i , } I . • ", 11x71 _. tti 1,7 f. 4 t 1�.' `_. .. 11x1 �L .' 71. f 1. \ SY`�• ,, ( \ ' 1 ..'L.