HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 50, August 15, 1910.r- r:
;AH_ 1910
. ..
At a regular meeting of the BOarCor Councilmen, hole is the Council Chemb.i:-,
In the City Hall 1n the City of jsdueah,.Ky. August 15th. 1910. Upon sall of the rou
the following answered to their swan;-PorenaA, Barnett, Budd*, Duvall, Hanoi-, Hartong'.\,
Lally; Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson. (10) 'L•,
On motion by member Hanning the. action taken In regard to the improvement
Of Broadway from 10th. Street to the I.O.Hospital on the North side' and t0 15th, street
!On the South side, for Sidewalks Curb and Gutters at the previous mc*ting, same was re-.
considered, Upon sell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas. Foreman, Barnett, pudde�
Duvall, Nannie, Norton, Lally, Mayr, McCarthy mad Wilson, (10)
On notion by the above, the minutes or the previous *acting was ordered,.
amended to read as follows; In section One of the Broadway Improvement Ordinance , wul
&nor the word (Kentucky In the last line of said Bastion) =the following words, 'fteept.:'�-`
p the property abutting the property of the Paducah Trastlon Compatq, where the Tracks
the. sidewalk• on the South side of Broadway near Pourtsenth Street.” Sae was
• -
carried by the following vote; -Yea -Foreman, Hannln,Hartan, tally, McCarthy, d Wilson. '
0 0 .
Vale Barnett, .Budde, Duvall and 'Mayer.,
On,*otion by the above; the minutes of Oh* previous meeting was adopted as
9l •.
On motion by the dove, The above Ordinance for the Improvement of proadwer. .•-,-
6tor Sidewalks' QnrD and Gutters, was placed Upon Its first pesage, ata was kllled, upon
call of the roll by,the following vote;rYea Foreman, Duvall, Hannin, Horton, Lally
M*Carthy,aad Wilson- (7)''Naye Barnett, Budde, and Mayer. (3)•
On motion LM m1mlLos of a. Ball meetingAugust aid. 19109 was adopted
On notion by member Nanning the Pinang allowance tor'oalarlem and oLc:,
fwas allowed, Faee pt a�� e.aa.NO for • Spcciel Officer made payable to Hoary Halley, Upon
'y soil Of the roll by the following vote; -Yea POreman, Barnett', Budde,. Duvall Hannln, "
{{III I'
1 •� HarLoa, Lally, Wyor, McCarthy and Wilson. (10).
O n moTlon by the above, the report of the Sinking Pu d Commission wa
resolved, and filed. ..
II ..
On motlom by member Horton, William Bradshaiw Jr, was granted permission t0.-.:'�
•Y Oconacet two Houses on the corner or 16th. and J*Serson Streose to the Sanitary Sswer
�p '
sae carried, -
On motion by the above, the Ordinance Committee, was instructed to bring
• In an Ordinance, granting Dr. Holland permission to purchase Testing Tastruments for the
Testing of Me* L�Itilk k etc.,
•«-• ., �,,,.:. On motion by member Lally, AN ORDINANCE OAANTINO TO THE CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS
,.. •`
'i;a-''.`,•a i,•': r
I(ONROH STREET, IN THE CITY OP PADUCAH, I[Y, was hives first 'passage. Upon coal of the
'a r
roll by the following
vot*;-Vacs Foran, Barnett, Budde, Duvall; Natnin, Horton, Lellyj
� (Y y
� , •,
MarK, McCarthy and Wilson. (30)
:. .., ,: •. '� .: • „ ,
On motion by the above, the rules were. suspended on Ordinance,'
above Oraiaae,'
.i,; (�}{',r
P�ipon Boll of sue rel} h tb� following vote; -Yea: Forane',, Btrnstt,, Budde Duvall
�H■rton, Lt ly,. Meyer, McCarthy meed wilson.'.(10) .
On notion by the above, th@'abova'Ordinsnee wae'gives Its second arms final pave -
4 �.
;' „ • lags by its title', 'Upon call of Lite roll by the following Vote; -Yeas Foremmn, Barnett, .1
Budde,`Duea11,Hannin, Horton, Illy, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson, (10) ..
On action by the above, the Mayor was instructed-tO release the Old City Hospltki,:
n 6Ia.6 i', property on the.resotd in the County Clerks Office at the County Court House, sold to '
r ✓'rt P�" ;J.w.Hoftea and now paid in full, 1 I
�. d�..
: 0a notion by member Barnett, that the ordinance Tor:the improvement o! Ye1eeT,,
t +Ave.,Hys, Ave, Ashbrook Ave, Mtc„ be referred to the Street Coulttes, Sao lost, Upoa
;the Ball of the roll by the following vote; -Mese Bsimett. (1) Mays Pore■an, Bmdde, Duvalj'
.. �Hannin, Horton, Lally, Meyar, Use art y and Wilson, (9)
t; a NAa.F,.ice.� an motion by mgDer�Lally, An* Ordinance me ordered Drought In htgptingA.D.
,.rN ✓tdQ L °' i Dlekerscm Tobacco COatfrom Advaloru■ Texee for Plve Years, cue carried,
Ili ,,/�a.,,.v On motion by'wgbsr Illy, An Ordinance was ordered Drought in for the Improve
��'Q 6" neat or Somali ive,', from Ashbrook Ave„ to Clemente Street.
On motion b somber M► @r the water-
'" i 7, Mayor, Company was Instructed to. extend its Mains'
o n( t
trem 17th, to 18th, street on Monroe Street, and the k/rer Plugs ordered placed on the
v"• /� C.l• - i'ratt l list, '
.'j Jolfe"..-r,_J-, On motion by member Hanaln, the ertcntdon of a Bawer through Oleanwood Addltion
r.. d"_L.•.`~• was referred to the Hospital' Sewer and Sanitary Committee, -
03L motion by member Mayor, the Boatel of Public works was ordered to choke a'
contrast with Hooven, Owgeo Rentsehler Co, of Hamilton Ohio, dor an Eagles for the City
• r,i'e. N��-.' •• �, glestrls Light Pleat at $4,600; we. carried, Upon call of the r011 by the tollowlag vats %
Tea@ Foremen, Barnett, Budde, DuYall, Hannin, darton, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson.(/d) !
On notion by member Barnett, the action of reconsidering the Yelscr, Ashbrook,
are. and Hays Ave., stoat to the Street Committee, same lost, Upon sell of the roll by the
1 r
:following vote; -Yeas Barnett, (1) Mays Poremen, Budd@, Duvall, Hannin,Horton, Lally, -t
,Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson. (9) ..
I' q On motion by member Haanin, Pina se Committee was authorized to purehaee or
eo■ead property on Telmer Ave„ with power to setat same earried, Upon call of the roll. Ir.
Iby the following vote; -Yeas Foremen, Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Hannln, Harton, Lally, Maycy
CM@Carthy and Wilson. (19) IF
On motion by member Lally, the City Engineer was instructed to prepare neI,
estimate for Island Crook Bridge.
On action b member Barnett the Public Improvement Committee was - given power ,t
ter'/t..�.i � a p ,
rto Set l■regard to have:'r City Maps Framed, for the council a Alderson chamber.,
On notion by member Duvall, That the City Employees be granted two weeks iseaLlociu
unneM I.
On notion by the shove, the action of the killing of the Broadway Improvement
,ordsasn s for sidewalks A et@., wa@ reeonsider@d. and eau was placed on Its 'first pees-
� nage,. Mid^carni ed, Upon call or the loll by the following vote, -Yeas Foreiea, Budd* ,', Dina;
11I I I•
1` ;Hsanlns Barton, Lally, msyer, McCarthy and Wilson. (9) Mays Barnett. (1,). •';�: .::'!.;.,• .
u On motion by the shove the rules were suspended on the above. Oedinaditi;;.Upon sal
h •
Sell of the roll' by the tollo_wlag vote;-YeasPoremea, Barnett, Budde, Duv111��Maryylo,,
!'•tt�Vr!'��.1nC��'�j�'yiir;.�".��"r'S3T �C'?'t`iC, Ci!1H`!n� rt'r1' th�iY.t.G�7ii t. i. h % •V„
':. Y` Nu
'1.. 'I
1 l A �
�u 91'a
�H■rton, Lt ly,. Meyer, McCarthy meed wilson.'.(10) .
On notion by the above, th@'abova'Ordinsnee wae'gives Its second arms final pave -
4 �.
;' „ • lags by its title', 'Upon call of Lite roll by the following Vote; -Yeas Foremmn, Barnett, .1
Budde,`Duea11,Hannin, Horton, Illy, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson, (10) ..
On action by the above, the Mayor was instructed-tO release the Old City Hospltki,:
n 6Ia.6 i', property on the.resotd in the County Clerks Office at the County Court House, sold to '
r ✓'rt P�" ;J.w.Hoftea and now paid in full, 1 I
�. d�..
: 0a notion by member Barnett, that the ordinance Tor:the improvement o! Ye1eeT,,
t +Ave.,Hys, Ave, Ashbrook Ave, Mtc„ be referred to the Street Coulttes, Sao lost, Upoa
;the Ball of the roll by the following vote; -Mese Bsimett. (1) Mays Pore■an, Bmdde, Duvalj'
.. �Hannin, Horton, Lally, Meyar, Use art y and Wilson, (9)
t; a NAa.F,.ice.� an motion by mgDer�Lally, An* Ordinance me ordered Drought In htgptingA.D.
,.rN ✓tdQ L °' i Dlekerscm Tobacco COatfrom Advaloru■ Texee for Plve Years, cue carried,
Ili ,,/�a.,,.v On motion by'wgbsr Illy, An Ordinance was ordered Drought in for the Improve
��'Q 6" neat or Somali ive,', from Ashbrook Ave„ to Clemente Street.
On motion b somber M► @r the water-
'" i 7, Mayor, Company was Instructed to. extend its Mains'
o n( t
trem 17th, to 18th, street on Monroe Street, and the k/rer Plugs ordered placed on the
v"• /� C.l• - i'ratt l list, '
.'j Jolfe"..-r,_J-, On motion by member Hanaln, the ertcntdon of a Bawer through Oleanwood Addltion
r.. d"_L.•.`~• was referred to the Hospital' Sewer and Sanitary Committee, -
03L motion by member Mayor, the Boatel of Public works was ordered to choke a'
contrast with Hooven, Owgeo Rentsehler Co, of Hamilton Ohio, dor an Eagles for the City
• r,i'e. N��-.' •• �, glestrls Light Pleat at $4,600; we. carried, Upon call of the r011 by the tollowlag vats %
Tea@ Foremen, Barnett, Budde, DuYall, Hannin, darton, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson.(/d) !
On notion by member Barnett, the action of reconsidering the Yelscr, Ashbrook,
are. and Hays Ave., stoat to the Street Committee, same lost, Upon sell of the roll by the
1 r
:following vote; -Yeas Barnett, (1) Mays Poremen, Budd@, Duvall, Hannin,Horton, Lally, -t
,Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson. (9) ..
I' q On motion by member Haanin, Pina se Committee was authorized to purehaee or
eo■ead property on Telmer Ave„ with power to setat same earried, Upon call of the roll. Ir.
Iby the following vote; -Yeas Foremen, Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Hannln, Harton, Lally, Maycy
CM@Carthy and Wilson. (19) IF
On motion by member Lally, the City Engineer was instructed to prepare neI,
estimate for Island Crook Bridge.
On action b member Barnett the Public Improvement Committee was - given power ,t
ter'/t..�.i � a p ,
rto Set l■regard to have:'r City Maps Framed, for the council a Alderson chamber.,
On notion by member Duvall, That the City Employees be granted two weeks iseaLlociu
unneM I.
On notion by the shove, the action of the killing of the Broadway Improvement
,ordsasn s for sidewalks A et@., wa@ reeonsider@d. and eau was placed on Its 'first pees-
� nage,. Mid^carni ed, Upon call or the loll by the following vote, -Yeas Foreiea, Budd* ,', Dina;
11I I I•
1` ;Hsanlns Barton, Lally, msyer, McCarthy and Wilson. (9) Mays Barnett. (1,). •';�: .::'!.;.,• .
u On motion by the shove the rules were suspended on the above. Oedinaditi;;.Upon sal
h •
Sell of the roll' by the tollo_wlag vote;-YeasPoremea, Barnett, Budde, Duv111��Maryylo,,
' S
191D_ •
'a @Barton, Lolly, Mayer, Me7nrthy. end 1111 eon. (10) .. -
;� •On motion by the abpve, .the above Ordinance aye given second endfinal passage,
I. by lta.tltle, Upon gall Of the roll by the; following rote; -leu Poreman, Budde, Duvall; ;7.! •' !
Harinln,. Harton, Lally, Mayer, Modal and •Neon,. (9) Maya Barnett. (1)
.•,r• .V _« __ «__ _On. motion the Board Adjourned----
5 .1• .. , , ;iii''. , Iw —,' ; % •'
t�DOPTffiI3' EP 0 1010 AP4/ SEPD 1010
+ 1
5a f i
1 - Ata »galea mesLing or the Board of Coundlmen,,hald in the-'Counell Chamber, In
the CltyHall, In the, City of Paducah, Ey.', Beptember.Bth. 1910.Open gall of the roll
the following.enawered,to their rums; -Budde, Heruln, Leigh sld Wilson.. (4),
' As t11a day to a-holliday, the Board Adjour'nsd to meat September 6th. 1910, at if
7.30 .P.Y: + -
-APP VHJ ;,EP S 1910 4 t
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