HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 43, July 18, 1910i, T •'<t'a fr +y�'l, .l v��''+•1«.J Fti77, K'�Enrx.-r tr^TYr ....i -.; - `I i G •a• , T:r: 'Y: -+v t+; `+.T• :�l,,w r,�+�., 2•.e, � yv. r.te,., ,. , •. #.'COL NCIL PROCEEDINGS, CfIY-OF PADUCAH _ ` /x.'1910 /, J43 Y 1 At •regular mroLln9 of the Board of Councilmen, held In the Council Chamber, ',`N • in.the City Hall In the City of,Paduosh, Kentucky, July 16th, 1910„ Upon call of pho roll " .,� the following answered to their names' Foreman Barnett Budde Duvall Hannan Horton, I�b'i ;=": :• Kreutzer, Lally, Mayer, YoCartly aM Wilson. (11) 1 .i �'• 1. On.motlon the minutes of the previous meetinge,were adopted as reed. On motion by member. Hsyer, a remonstrance against the Improvement of Elizabeth . . 3.4r�/ a.,. u-!•Street.between 3rd, and 4th, street, was received and filed,. •' •• On motion by member Hannln, the Finance Comm ttee"a Alldwance, for salarlaa 6 eta ;. _ '"►s allowed and the Clerk was .ordered to draw a warrant on tee Treseurer for the resp iotdve it amount e, Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foraman, Barnett, Budd@, Duvalll. )' ir_••„•{ H►nn1n, Merton, Kreutzer, tally, Meyer, McCarthy aryl Wilson, (11) i Y.. On motion D the above the acne Y , acceptance or the Fountain Avenue Smpromemant, was ��..•� I,. 1 . ratified. . � ,�•: On motion by the above, Chalrety Club's report, was received and filed, and a vOtd of thanks was entchded to the, ladles, by e, standing vote. I ' 9n motion by the above, Geo ,I. Goodman k Co, was granted a refund of L125,00 '•�,'over paid. fora Quart Liquor License, Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas .7✓ . .. ' Foreman Barnett Budde Duvall HLnnin Horton Kreutzer, lall Mayor, Mooarthy ►M � .. ' r . �� , r � r Yr Y . � Wilson. (11)• _l pp On,motlon by member tally, the City Treasurer was ordered to burn before the . Board of Aldermen at their sleeting thin night July 16th, 1910 the following bonds;- E - One Paducah Tennessee h AIM&ba Railroad 4% bond, lamed on October let, 1890, and due. October let, 1920. This bond has 21 coupons at 4,20,00 each attochad, .or .420, unpaid . coupons that Is retired with the bond. The f►co of Lids bond Is $1000, and its.number 29 L •' - .. Also one itayl-185d end Paducah Gravel Road Bond lamed July let, 1890 aM was due Lha 1' 5 First day of July $910 nor "4'10, at 4% oM Ste numbor 10, ' On m otlon by mm'{.Der Harlgln,'Jas, W. Faker was allowed •Dill for services lalmed , IC rendered during • primary Flection, for $24,00 Upon call of the roll by the; following vot” i Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Rudd s,Heanln„ Hart on,. Kreutzer, t,nily, Mayor HeCnrthy N Wilson.(10) Hays Duvall. (1) On motion by member Lally, the Ordinance for the improvement of Brown Street wan referred to the City Solicltor,aM Engineer, to report bock. m On motion by the above, the WiIII= Bornemen Resolution was referred to the . I City Solloitor and Blnanae Committee. On motion by t,a above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING POR THE CONSTRUCTION OP CONcWPE SIDE WALKS AND GUTTERS, TOGATHM WITH OPtNITE. CURBING AND LLT, NKCF9SAItY MANHOLE$, INTAKESI CATCH BASINS AND SM -FRS, ON BOTH SIDES OP TENTH STREET FROM TRIMBLE STREET TO RURNF.TT MEET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, was given first pseeegn, upon call of thn .rnll by the following, vote;-Ysaa Foreman, Barnett, BuddeDuvall, adermin, Marton,' Kreutzer, .... Lally, Mayer, McCarti:y and Wilson. (11) On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the.above Ordinance, Upon 'I call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas roremsn. Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Hannln, I! Barton, Kreutzer, Lally. Mayer, McCarthy and Vilson, (11) 44� ... COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH —1910 • This apace zae skipped while setting the Machine, by Maurice McIntyre. _ City Clerk, - • On motion by the above, the above Ordinance Baa Piven second and finalpassage D1%, its title, Upon call of the roll by tho.following rote;-Yese Foreman, Barnett, atddee, 'Duvall, Hannin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Mayer, HoCarthy and Wilson: (11) I'(u•' nn �"'"+1 On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE. PROVIDING FOP THE IMFR0VE11EKT-:OF FLOURNOY' STREET IN THE CITY. OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY BY GRADING AND GRAVEbINO SAME FROM TWELETd (12th. j' ' O TO FOURTEENTH (14th.)STREFT.wsa given first paeoage,. upon call of.Lhe.roll by the follov.,:: . ' 'V-'Sn Le;-Foreman` Bernet . t# Buddep Duvall, Rannlnr Fortonr Kreutzerr Loll r Mayor, . v..o "``';-)McCarthy - V and Wilson. ('ll) �. On mL1on by -the above the rules were emapended on the above Ordinance, Upon call• of the roll by the following vote;. -Yeas Foreman, Barnetti, Bddde, Duvall, Hannln, Her ton, . 'A Krsutizer, Lally, Wyer, MoCarthy ,and illi son. (11) _ .,'On'motl on by the above,'the above Ordinance was gluon second and final passage by IS its title, Upon oall of the �oll by.Lhe. followinF; vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Rudd$,' ` � Duvall, Hanndn, Barton, kreutzer, belly, Mayer .;MoCarthy and •Wil son: -(11) •''� • " ' On motion by the'above,AN'ORDINPIICE PROVIDING FOR THE TMPROVFItENT OF FOURTEFSV ip �Lth. �eA^"•-1SmRE6T, street IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY BY GRADING AND GRAVELING, SAME PrOM BURNER.' . C1• NORTH, TO THE REIKF. FAFG1. was given first pea cage, upon call of .the roll by LMe R �following vote;-Yese Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Duvall, 'Hsnnln, Hatton, Krautze^, Lally,. ` •� J(1 Mayerj MoCartFy and Wilson. (11) .'�'�•°j ne.. fa �' On motion by the-above,'the rules wereeV epetded on the above Grdinanos, Upon 'Y call of the roll D the folloxin vote• Yesa Foreman Barnett Budde Duvall Hannin_. r. a ,- r l��•I. '' "'.•`�,�. '•• Harton, •Kroutzer, Lally,, Moyer, and Wilson. (11) '"� 1} .McCarthy On motion by the above, the above Otdlnencs was given second std final passage, d)', �, _ '�•, by Its title, Upon•oall of the roll by the following, vote;�Yeae Foremen, Barnett, Rudde r' n., •,.. villa Hannln, Hatton, Kreutzer, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy std Wilson. (11) 9,J,``'P/!�--�'�'•".= On'motiori by the above, AN -ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE,; �j� ,;.• CITY OF PADUOAH KENTUCKY. AND DEFINING AND FIXING HIS DUTIFS, was given first 1saaage,' pon,oall of *the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,. Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Hannin Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Mayor, McCarthy arid Wilson. (11) ' On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above Ordinanoe, upon ; call of*the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Hsun In, • ;i'p;'`�=b„}. Hatton Kreutzer, belly. Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson. (11) On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given second and final passage by ite'tltle, Upon call of the roll by the following vote;=Yeas Foreman,, Barnett, nudds, - '� / `Duvall, Flennln, Horton, Kreutzer, iwlly,Mayer, McCarthy and .Wilson. (11) .Il.•°,'",1 '' •'On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE BOARD OF HEAHTH'OF THE CITY ' np•'o OF PADUCAH SANITARY AFFAIRS ON SAID CITY.was Svmf3ret •+'•I. g passage, upon 1 of ths•roll by the following rote;-Yesa Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Hannln,- ` Lally, Mayer,' McCarthy' and Wilson. (ID) �Kreutzer, , _?,,On motion by the above, the rules were-suapand ed on the above ordinanos, upon call roll ';by the lollowinS,vote; -Yeas''Poeoman,. Barnett, Budde, Duvall, B►nnin,' Kreutsq. �f.MYt�iV SSi✓IKiaLaYL-7aMiiLwi4'iY�J• Uir.W�..' O.I.Yui':.c•.+Lla1LiYCYM-W13:i�Lf1. r.rwyY.1._.�'!w. 1 k ,• I i FF-- 'F r '"ti' `""Tl�'I'IW'7Ttay:+r t'j tat t+�ra.rrrh p".t -i7'<.'r" ��.'=T•+yi; ii �ti}; �.� ,L A1.� I 1 ..?r te.'- .its, v':-�•y V�:i.� YFrt .y COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS;'CfIY bF PADUCAH 1910 !�5 ,.. . _ T9 �k,•t Lally,. Msyer,'MoCarthy and Wilson; (10) - ..-,11, On notion by the above, the above Ordinsnoa was given second and final naaeage' .�•;�,;;' by 1Ls LSL1s, Upon sell of the roll by the fo11ow1ng'vota;-Yeas Noaemon, Ba,•natt, audd.a, It f( eDuvall, Henning Maeutzer, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson, (10) ' On motion the action of the Upper Board, was conoured-in ,in regard to the Alley of.W,F;Rradohdw, A�7-- 4. ' ' On motion by member Mayer, the new Fire Station floor at #3 was referrod to the Firs h Police!ComAittae, Jdd 1. j ,•� !. On motion by member Hunnin, that Ulna Nunems6ker's aalary'be raised to 060,00 pert. ,,.,,,'• yY i"^ry month, van granted, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Rudds, Duvall, Ilannin, Kreutr,ar, Telly, Meyer, and Wilson, (8) Nays Harnett and McCarthy, 121 . On motion by the above, that tha action taken in regard to the granting of License to Deo Allen to nem u Retail Coffee house, asme.waa reconnldeded, Upon call '.of the.. TIroll by*tlis.following vote;4ons Foramen, Budde, Duvall, Hannln, Kreutzer, telly, Mayor, ` McCarthy and F111aon, (9) Nays Barnott, (1) ttY b On motion that Oeo. Allen he Y the above , granted • I+etall Coffee ilouse at 116 Y Ky Ave.. std the Natl. Surety Co, ae his bondamen, be:&boepted, was lost Upon call, br the " kroll by the following vote; -Yana Nona, Nays Foramen, Barnett, Iludde, Duvall, Ilannln, •1 Krsutter, tally, Meyer, McCarthy and Wilson,'(10) 'On -motion by tho above Geo Allen Was refunded his license money 1#250,00 Upon ' .,� Dom^' ,'• ' p ,,.-�•' ••.call Of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas F'oreman,Baanett,Budde,' Duvall, Hannln, Kraut. I. VAIr 1Y - nor, Lally, Moyer, MnCsrtly and RYlaon, (10) �rrvJM" On mot Ion by member Duvill,'the City Solicitor was tnatruoted:Lo bring, in an C' ` \ �Ordlnanoe, compelling property owners to record thelr (leads, On motion by member lolly, a raquaet for a switch for Railroad purposes forthe iVVV7'`"" fix IT,J,8tah1 Toba, Co, was referred to the Street Committee, I-- On motion the Boanl Adjourned to most Friday night July 22nd, 1910------1 -AL noVFl, ADU AUO 1 1 1010 !//!//1F 9 1(1111 r r p l..i/ ll/ rlr PI�Iidrnl tlruJ y L1>•aNlm.e. t.i t ' wA' I f. I' ' •f! I