HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 384, December 7, 1914'3R4.,
At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmonp hold in tho'Council Chamber, In
the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky.; December 7th 1914, upon call of the roll tb
following answered to their names;-Poremanp Huddep Butlert Parley, Hannin, Goodman,
Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith anrl Watts. (11)
On motion by'member Hanninp the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries etc'
was allowed and the Clark was authorized to draw a warrent, on the Treasurer for the
respective amcninto; upon call of the roll by the following, vote; -Yens Foiemanp Buddep
Butlery Parley, Goodman, Harming Jnoobop L6nhardp ?(core# Wid: Watt a... (10) .Naye "Smith. (1)-
0- On motion by -the above, the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor# was
]received and filed.
On motion by . the aba.v 6 j the Mayor* and Treasurer vire authorized to borrow 64v000.00
to meet the current expenseopto be de6cted from the collection's of the december half
of the Taxesp upon cell. of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremang Buddep Butlerf
Parley, Goodmanp Hannin, Jacobsp Lenhard, Moore, AM Watts. (10) Nays Smith. (1)
On motion by the above, 45O.DO was..alloxod.dd the usual allowance for RED Cross
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,Stampop upon call of the roll by the following voke;-yoga Foreman, BuddellhTtlerg Farley
Goodmen, Harming Jacobsp Lenhardp and Watts. (9) Nays Moore and Smith. (2)
On motion by the above, a request from the Mayor In regard to establishing a
local Soup Houset was referred to the Finance Committee and The Mayorp with power to.
;act, same carriedp upon call or the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Budde;-Ilarloyp
I!Hannin, Jacobof Lenhard, and Watts. (6) Nays Poremailp Butler't Goodman, Moore, and . SmI40
On mo+,Ion. by the abovep the McCracken County Real Estate am) Mortgage Co., wee
A2 FallowedW.68 on property over aeoeseedp upon call of the roll by the following vote;-
]Yeas Foremang Buddep Butler, Parley, Goio'dmanj Harming Jacobs, Lenhardp Moore and Watts q4
62 motion by the above, the monthly report of the Building, Inspector, was received &W
Il filed.
On motion by the above, Yancey h Johnson was allowed 0996.47 forsidewalkseta.,.-
both endo of the Iseland Crook Bridgep upon call of the roll by the following vote; -
P 1yeso Foreman, Bumet nutiert Parleyq Goodman, Hanninj Jacobs, Lenhardg Hoore, Smith
hand Watts. (11)
On motion by,the nbove, a petition from B.H.Wisdom estate via Yancey & Johnson
1!was referred to the Pianance Committee.
On motion by the above, J.W.Lockwood was allowed ;10.03 for raising the Floor at
!;Mrs Mary PrwWs buildingon Meyers street between Iseland Crook Bridge Parley
On motion by the above, a bill from the Eureka Coal Co., was allowed for 02e.60
for conlp Ripon call of the roll by the following, vote; -Yeas Foremen, Rudde, Butlert
Parley, Goodriang HHnnIn, Jacobeg Lenhard, Moorep Smith and Watts. (11)'
On motion by the above, G.W.Katterjohn was allowed 81771.21. collections on work
done on fth'et"eet To—oss-a to Broad streets to be char -ed to the S-ecial Street Pn"A-
!upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butlerg.Parleyg.
�;Goodman, Harming Jecobeg Lenhnrd, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11)
On, motion by the aboveg `#01tion from J.H.Skipworth for '025.00 was referred to
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ithe Finance Committee.
On notion by the above, Yancey kJohnson was allowed 4527.11 for collections on'
wesidewalks eto.0 on Kentucky Avenue b6tween 9th & 10th' street to be paid out of the Special,
A, le (Street Fundy upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler,
4arley, Goodman, Hannin, Jacobap Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11)
On motion by the above, ki;potIU6n.b�:Uts!Hiirdlioli�lof 09.00 for over assessment
on poll tax, for. Six;.,. years, was referred to the Finance Committee.
On notion by the above, the report, of the Auditor on'the Apportionments for 1914
was received end filed.
On motion by member Smith, that the above, be amended, and the Auditor be in-
listructed to correct the account of the Street Culvert and that each amount expanded on
-ii other Street work be charged to its proper accotuit.
On motion by member 11annin, the bill of County Jailer Whittemore arul Ex -Jailer
t-CV_tomV/,.,'!;nouaer, was referred to the Finance Committee.
l �-
On motion by member Hannin, the matter of ralsing.Ula License for'the-year 1915
by ohwWIng the License Ordinance, was raferred to the License Committee, City 'Solicitor
and Incoming. Commissioners.
11 On motion by member Budde, the acceptance of the Board of Public Works of. the
j!grading and graveling, of Sowell street from the Fill to Thirman-street; Thurman Prom Bow-
i all to Powell street; Asheraft from Sowell to Powell street aril Eulah street from Thurman
i,to I.C.R.R.propertylinep same was received aril filed and concured-In.
On motion by member Tarleyj the report of the .Chief of Polioep was received and
On notion -by member Jacobsp a transfer of a Saloon license from W.Calliisl to
i O.L.Bryant p was ordered to take Its usual coarse.
On motion by me6ber Butlerl a petition from the Paducah. Marine Ways Companylfor
over assessment, was referred to the City Solicitor, Auditor and Treasurer.
On motion by member Pannin, the following, deeds were granted to lots In Oak
Grove Cemetery;-T.O.Thozaa and Wifelot #51 block I and Mrs carrie Cimningham lots 49--64
Pblock I in Oak Grove Cemetery.
-- --- ----------On mo'!on the Board adjourned---------- ------ !
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