HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 379, November 2, 1914•inti .•r .. ...r' .. 1 1 r ., CITY OF PADUCAH. _'' ' ! COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, j f _I91 At a regular meeting,of•the Board of Councilmen, heldin the'Council Chamber, In the City Hall, in the City of Paducah,'Ky., November 2nd'19141 upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; -Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farlsy, Goodman, Hanning Hamot Jacobs, Lenhard, Moores Smith and Watts. (12) 1 j� On.motion the minutes of the previous meet!ng was adopted as read. � ` On motion by member Henning the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries etc.g of CA. JJJJJJ� ! was allowed and the clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer fsr'ths respect ive amounts, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Forename Budde, Butlers. I� Farlsyg Hanning Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, and Watts. (11) Nays Smith. (1). On motion b the above the to � Y , aygr and Treasurer were authorized to borrow D •-_-I,� 810,400.00 to meet current expenses, to be deducted from the December collections of Taxes upon call of the roll by the f'ollowirw vote; -Yeas Foreman, Audde, Butler, Farley, Goodman; Hanning Hartong Jacobs,.Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (11) Nays Smith. (1) w' 41 motion by the above, Yancey & Johnson were allowed 832.66 work done for the City of an Alley on Ky Ave between 9th & 10th streets, to be paid out of na the Contiuent ,frd ( . * �o funds upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Rudde, Butlers Farley, it Goodman Henning Hart on Jacobs Lenhard Moore .and Watts. 11 Nae Smith. 1 g � r" � � r ( ) Y O I• �! On motion by the above, G.W.Katterjohn was allowed 0397.95 The School Board Estimate for sidewalks et o. g on South 6th street, and 5.03 City eftimate for Kolb Pork 1 to be paud out of the Continguent Find, upon call of the roll,'by the following vots;-Ysas1 . e� Fore."=, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhardo Moore and Wetts.04 7. Nays Smith. (1) �j 4t motion by the above, G.W.Kattsrjohn was allowed $165.9'2 out of the Special G �(/ Street Fund collections on property on South 6th street between Tennessee and Broid at '! G upo8 eall of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Hudoe, Butler,Ferleyg 0oodrranp Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, !(oore,and Watts. (11) Nays Smith,(1) On motion by the abovey G.W.Katterjohn was allowed out of.the Special Street Fund $1504.25 from property owners on Caldwell street from 9th to 10th streets, for the 9 �05 /0 coneiruotion of sidewalks ate. upon call of the roll D the following vote; -Yes V Y P, , s oreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, <=oodman, Hanning Hartong Jacobs,.Lenha d, Hoore,8mith and Watts. On motion by the aboveg the report. of the Auditor of the Apportionments for the Year 1914, was received and filed. f.. On motion b the above the Paducah Marine Was Comcredit CY g y pony was given for I( $350.00 on over assessment for the years 1911 and 1912, on their Lazes for the year 1914 j ;upon sell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman,' Hanning Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) On motion.by the above, the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, was . received and filed. 1 sHSNBffi`LE HAWAN ORDINANCE ASSES SING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OVNF.RS ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH 1h street M1VTHF _SOUT&.LINE OF BROAD STREET TO THE NORTH END OF f ISFI.A14D CRF.F7C CONCRF.TP. BRIDGE. AND FR41 THESOUTH ENA OF BRIDGE TO THE N (RTFi LINK OF PARLEY PLACE IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF $1.64 PER FRONT FOOT, was given Eitel !' �,., passage, upon'call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butlerg.Farleyg ' aced ! Ro COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,. CITY OF PADUCAH 191_ �}'::yi•� f ;,� •'Honnin, Hartong Jaooba, Lenhard, Mooren Smith and 'Watts: (12) 41 9 tion the'rulee were.euepended on the aboveg-upon.call of the .roll by the folio-ing vote; -Yeas Foremang.Budde, Butlerg Parley, Goodman, Henning Hartong•Jecobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and .Wbtts. (12) It motion by the abo*.eg trio aboveo-rdinanoe was given its second andfinal passage. . by,its -title♦, upo n vall of the roll by.the.following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budder Butler < ' Parlayg•Goodman, Henning Hartong Jecobsg.Lenhard9 Moors, Smith and Watts. (12) .Oh motion member Smith was excuses. ale, Member Hannin. On muton by.the above, .AN owrNANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PRdPERTY Q1 BOTH � BIDFB OF. CAT.DWRLL STREET ,PROM 9t'h jo 12th STREET IN THE CAY * PADUCAH KY THE SUM OF 01.73396 per front foot, concrete side walks etc., was given first passageg upon cell of the roll -by the.following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodmang .. n H rt Jaco be Leah "A M re W ** (10) oo kngz Lion by the above g the rules were suspended on the aboveg upon call of the 1 roll by the following.vots;-Yeas, Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hartong Jacob Lanhard, Moore and Watts. (10) h rb•tion by the above, the above Ordinance was given its so% nd andfinsl passage byhits title, upon call of the roll by.the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butlerr_ Parle Goodman Hartong Jacobs Lennard Moore and Watts. 10 Yr r r r r ( 1 On m tion by .the aboveg the estimates furnished by the City Engineer of the work G.R.I./ dons on 4th street between Broad street and Ieeland Creek Bridge oto, also 6th street Broad to Tennessee S rests, were received and filed. motion by the .aboveg AN ORDINANCE ASSF38INO THF. ABUiAhNG PROPERTY OWNERS ON eA BOTHSIDFS OF Qth Street fFam Broad to Tennessee streetg except the fill portion thereof ; IIfI in the City of Paducah, Ky the aum of ;1.57604 per front foot for concrete side walks GB+ eta., was given giret passageg upon call of the roll by the following•.vots;-Yeas'Fare— mang Budde, Butler, Farleyr Goodman, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (10) th �m tion the rules were suspended on the aboveg upon Call of.the roll by the f-ol-lowing vote; -Yeas Foramang Budde, Butler, Farleyr Goodman, Hartong Jacobo g Lenhard r Moore and Watts. (10) m t;on by the above, the above, ordinance was given second and final passage • If . �V! by its title, upon Call of the roil by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budder Butler �i Farley, Hart.on, Goodman, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (10) j On -potion by the abovsi A.S AN ORDINANCE SFSSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS ON u` BOTH SIDHS OF YONR08 STREET FROM ]2�h to 17th streets in the Cif of PAducuh Ky the 'Y • r stun of 01.68614 per front foot, for sidewalks .etc., was given first passage, upon call or the roll b the follow vote; -Yeas Foreman Budde Butler Parle Goodman Hart Y 1� r r r r Yr r c*.: I( Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, and Watt e. (10) II. On motlpn the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Parley, Goodnang Hartong Jacob . (, „ Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (10) . i 6a motion by the.aboveg yhe above.ordinanos was -given its second andfinsl passage. y.its title, upon..oall of the roll by the following.vote;-Yeae.Foremenr Baddir Butler, �'` r: 1.ir r Earls Goodman He►rbn� .Jaoobk ;Lsahsrd,. Moore end Ilatts. (10) 1 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ,r`M Y OF PADUCAM_ ' 191 38 06 Lotion by, the above, an estimatefurnished. by. the City -Engineer of Kentucky 1 :q Avenue from 9th.to.10th strest,.was.received and filed.. {� Am ;notion by member Parlay,. the monthly report,of the Chief of police, wee / p Uli-- CAP received and filed. On potion by member Jacobs, .the Equitable -Surety Company of Si Louie Mo was (�y(a-tel released off of the following bonds, J.F.Hales4.John Sinnottle Saloon.licenses. . do motion by member Farley, the Transfer of a Saloon lioense.from Vineyard Rroe� i, to: R.Callisei was deferred.until the next meeting. .�� F---•---�----r_--�-----dn metionthe Hoard --------- ' ��, :' � •A1`70:n'2�:Eir ' r`�•J�---1 (i ISI . V/�"�, � NOV 1611,��.. ................................... I lreairlent /Innrrb of Cnlulri.l.rrJ.nn. , ' ip 4 i .. Vii. - _ .. .. •- /, rl �� ,) �' (. r t- s. •t. _ 1�^ i .. ��•t ( . �iY t �.� Y. `' it i, i *. t' nn 1�( r. .. 1 . t � � C', �' • e � 't CI t. � . c y M1 f 1 li f ` -d';4.;, i)• ° t °, .i 4 1.' ` 1 .) a t rr� _ '�, t Q t }. .°7. jL Si g ;f)+ ^1..4 i �1 .'t1S ! .]f, F).i, Ci. ..1 f�?' 4 ,+- _ 4' •• 1 .f.� , �. "7 '1• 41 ICI: ' r.F', ,i+-'+ Y r J ,•; ,t= F t' .i.:( t i•(` 14L F t 1• r +.r ,, ¢ r!•Fr ) �c ! i j ' 1 _ I� t.. -' t .!. 44, )t r9 +(1 S tE 'f �. f 1. i r \ .. 'ir ( ttY sl r � 1 iC'•J �t .4" i' , -<-"i Y q �' 7 r ., C Y }. �• C x � + i ,q Y '.,r t � 1 { ! 11, ' ,1- � '''J ':1' }• i 1 J 11 •, .( r f`r' 11. +. i. I•t f�{J. h..� rY It ; .1 t, Vit; 1 t.rt c t 1 t! -• t. tr jv^!'.11 ,1 ,} ,, �. 1 ,.A�'. ( ' ; f-7 c 'r c ., 11 �.'� 0 4 Y ' {t ++ j, 4. ,y(1 0, r..d 1 ( •�• .. .. ..