HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 370, September 22, 1914370 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191, � J4
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The regular meeting that was to be held in the Counp—,l Ch mbar in the City Hall
in the City olkPaducah, Ky., September'21st 1914, and there wastnt rel„.Qoerum
present, the Board adjourned to meet, Septe be hp 1 4. ;.
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At an adjourned meeting of the hoard of Councilmen, held in the Counoil Chamber,
In the City Hall, in tho City of. Paducah, Ky., September 22nd 1914, upon call of the
roll the following answered to their names;-Poreman, Budde, Parley, 0oodman, Banning. ( .' . ,•
Harton, Jacobs, Lsnhard, More, and Watts. (l0) F.
.' On motion the minutes of the psevious meetings were ad opt ad Ike read. �)�
/ I' mob,
On motion by .member T'annin,, the Finance Committees allowance for salaries sto.,
was allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the
respestive amounts, upon call of the.roll by the following, vo+•e;-Yeas Forenan, Budde,
Farley, Goodman, TT&nnin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Bnd Watts. (10)
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On motion by the above, the report of the Financial condition of each Department, +I
pof the City, report made by the Auditor, was received aryl filed. I `I
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�I On motion by the above, a warrent was ordered drawn in favor of O.W.Katterjohn
on the Special Street nand, for work done on Monroe street between 12th h. 17th streets
y for sidewalke, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Farley
Ooorlman, Hannin, Parton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, and Watts. (10)
On motion by the above, the Paducah Base Ball Assn., was allowed $75.00 balance
due from the apportionment for this year, upon call of the roll by the following vote;- �!
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Yeas Foreman, Budde, Farley, Goodman, Hanning Harton, J coha, Lenhard ,idoore, and Wattee. l
)i! On. motion by the above, J.A.Torian was.all1rod 03.00 for. boring test holes for I {4
II -Sewer District #3 upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,.Buade, li
Farley, 0oodman, Hanning Harton, Jacobs, Lenhardi Moore, and Watts. (10)
a On motion b the above G.W.Katter ohn was allowed out of the Special Street Fund I�
t�rT% $285.05 for work done on Harrison streat between 15th h 16th streets, upon call of the
'roll by the following vots;-Yeae Foraman, Budde, .Farley, Goodman, )tannin, Parton, Jac-
: obe, henhard, )doore, and Watts. (10) ( L
/k9v On motion by the above, O.W.Katterjohn was allowed ^,438.70 out of.the Special
.;� 4%'� J Street NnA+, for, work done on Kentucky Avenue Between 19th !� 20th street, upon call of
=r/�o"�'� the toll by the following vote;-Yeeo Foreman, Budde, Farley, Ooodman, Hannin, Rarton, `
CJacobs, Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (10) I
On motion by the above, W.W.Katterjohn was.allowed X09.88 for driveways inter-
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l�j�ir�ra � seettons eto:; on ltonroe street between 12th &'117th atreets, upon ooll .oe the roll by #�
the _following vote;-Yone roremano Budde, Parley] Goodmans, Hanninj Hartong Jacobs, Lon-,
I` I�ardg Moore and Watee. (10)
I�;/•''" On motion by the above# the Mayor and Treasurer ware authorized to borrow. 03000..
! (�to meet present demandeg to charged to the collection* of_ the December half. of tax onllectf
I Atonal upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, RnAAe, Farlayt Aoodman, •I
(I li Hanning Horton, Jacobs, Lenhard,'Moore oWatee. (10) .
On motion by member Lonhard, City Rngineer Washington was given power to act
0� dein regard to the Co.atrruction of a Plank Walk on 6th street between Broad and %ennessee
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Ii streets, >'Ipon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa.Foromnn, Budde, Farley, Hannin,l
1 CdM-mac% �
Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore and Watt -3. (10)
9 :y—. ;• On motion by member Auddej the inspection of work Anne on Cnldwoll street bet;,
I 19th & 12th streets by the Board of'Public Works, was recolvoti and fl.led.
On motion by member.Rudde, the estimate furnished by the City Engineer .of the
I�cost of onnetruction of Caldwell street bet., 9th h 12th streots, was received and Piled,
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On q mon by member Lonhnrd, the City Rnginear wnw-instructed to advertise for
bide and report backs for the Construction of the 6th street Culvert South. of TlushanAs at.l,
On motion by menber Farley, the mattor of calling four horses of the Fire Dept,
imade useless by the addition of the Hotor-'M
.!'ruck, was referred to the Pinnnce mmittee,
it ii
power to act,.
On motion by member, Farley, Mru Vary Pinkard wan given permission to construct
()4�,Jla~"I`/' I concrete sidewalka etc., in front of her property at 421 11onrne street, the above work ...
�I to be Anne cinder the supervision of the City Engineer.
li--�-----------------------On motion the Board. adjo»rued---------------------------------- ---+
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