HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 369, September 21, 1914OLNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF OADUCAH 369
'� A bring in condemnation pro-
4► np tion by member Parley, that the City Soileitor
�� ,S� b �yosedinga against the Paducah Cooperage Co end RoDt NoDls for 35 feet on the South
aid* of
the I.C.R.R.Tipple from South 4th street to Yeiser Avenus, recommended Dy the Finance Com-
mittoe, same was a-,nourod-in..
On motion by member Jacobs, that the Board of Public Works instr»ct the Street
Inspector to repair Caldwell street bet 4th & 5th street carried.
On option by member Audde, the request of 1't ^Kolb to lay 17 foot aide walk abuttf
Ink his property on Broad street, was referred to the Street Committee, City Fjw.ineer and
City Solicitor power to act.
{� On ap+,ion by member Parley, the Park Commissioners be granted permission to re-
move certain sections of the sidewalks and substitute therefor memorial tablets, same was
j granted, provided it In done under the supsrvision of the City Fngineer.
On tption by member Smith, that a oomunication from Mrs Wary Frank in regard to
, �„�• the City reaiing the grAdeon 4th•strest near the Concrete Bridge, same was table.
On apltion by member Smith, that the Auditor notify each Department not to over
draw their account, same carried.
1 »�--------»-----------'-----On %,tion the Board adjourned -------------------_..-
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' The regular meeting that was to be held in the City Rall, in the Council Chamber,
September 2391, 1914, and as there waa'nt a Qurom present, owing to the Election between
the 1/M AND DRYS, toe Board adjourned to meet September 22nd 1914.
1 Adjourned»-»»»»_,_».._»»»---_.... ------------ --
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The regular meeting that was to be held in the Coun 1 Oh•mber in the City Hs11
• in the City or Paducah, Ry., September 21st 1914, and there Waslnt se;7 49erus
present, ths. Board adjourned to mestg Septa bar 1 4.
1 I
•At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Charberg
• in the City Rall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., September 22nd 1914, upon call of the re
roll the following answered to their names; -Foremen, Budde, Farley, noodman, Hanning
Horton, Jacobs, Lenhard, ltonre, and Watts. (�0)
p On motion the minutes of the psavious meetings were adopted as react.
On motion by member Fannin, the rinanee Committee's allowance for salaries sto.g
'wee allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the
*beg Lenhard, Moore, and Wetts. (10)
J��71,%1k�,+. On motion by the above, n.W.Katterjohn was allowed �r438.7n out of the Special
,f "'" Street Fmut, for work done on Kentucky Avenue Between 19th h 20th street,, upon call of
,nd'r '44"-gthe toll by the following vo*•e;-Ysao roreman, BuAdep Farley, Ooodmsng Hanning Barton,
Jacobs, Lenhard, )doors and Watts. (10)
On motion by the above, W.W.Katterjohn was allowed "0309.88 for driveways inter-
yea /2` sections eto., on Monroe street between 12th &,17th streets, upon call off the foil by
�^ the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, barley, Goodman, Hanning Hart.on, Jacobs, Len-
respeetive amounts, upon call of the roll by the following vo*•e;-Yeas Foreman, Budde,
Farley, noodman, !tannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, ignore, and Watts. (10)
On motion by the above, the report of the Financial condition of each Department
of the City, report made by the Auditor, was received and filed.
On motion by the above, a warrant was ordered drawn in favor of G.W.Katterjohn
on the Special Street Fund, for work done on ttonroe street between 12th h 17th streets
for sidewalks, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Farley
Goodman, Hanning Barton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Hoore, and Watts. (10) ,
On motion by the above, the Paducah Base Ball Assn., was allowed �J5.00 balance
due from -the apportionment for this year, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -
Yens Foreman, Budde, Farley, 0oodmon, Henning Parton, Jacobs, Lenhard, tdoore, and Watte•
On motion by the above, J.A.Tortan was allowed 93.00 for boring test holes for
Sewer District #3 Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, SuMe,
Farley, noodman, Hannin, Barton, Jacobs, Lenhnrdo ttoore, and 'Watts. (10)
On motion by the above, n.W.Katterjohn was allowed out of the Special Street Fund
J$78_'5.05 for work done on Harrison streat between 15th & 16th streete, upon call of the
roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremen, Budde, Farley, 0oodmang Fannin, Barton, Jac -
*beg Lenhard, Moore, and Wetts. (10)
J��71,%1k�,+. On motion by the above, n.W.Katterjohn was allowed �r438.7n out of the Special
,f "'" Street Fmut, for work done on Kentucky Avenue Between 19th h 20th street,, upon call of
,nd'r '44"-gthe toll by the following vo*•e;-Ysao roreman, BuAdep Farley, Ooodmsng Hanning Barton,
Jacobs, Lenhard, )doors and Watts. (10)
On motion by the above, W.W.Katterjohn was allowed "0309.88 for driveways inter-
yea /2` sections eto., on Monroe street between 12th &,17th streets, upon call off the foil by
�^ the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, barley, Goodman, Hanning Hart.on, Jacobs, Len-