HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 350, July 6, 1914Uif Z`F} it ` !' t � •,'r• '.[rF +. 4r. `'. ` '
�/'✓�'�'�L'"� ; On motion by the above' the Women's Club was exempted from
municipal Taxation
In-oltding the Settlement House on.Third street.
On motion by the above; a"petition for over assessment from the Eureka Coal Co..,;
;Was referred to the Treasurer, Auditor. and Assessor.
,( On motion by the above, a petition from A. Kirk for ovei asteesment, was received -
and flied. j
Ii On motion by the abova, a petition from T.N.Letsher for over assessment, was recti
and filed.
On motion by member Hannin, A transfer was granted from A.L.Robartson to Prank
West the South!
V o lot 472 block 32 in oak (trove Cemetery. ( ,
On motion by the above, a deed was granted to Alice Davis to lot 47 block 1 in L
C•�- Oak Grove Cemetery.
On motion by the above, a transfer was granted from Geo P. Weller to Mrs Katie i
%IkG ®C ,Smith a lot in oak Grove Cemetery lot.18 block 41.
D� On motion by member Hnnnin, the oontrao for the laying of water pipe on Weil II
f(/ X�is>rrf/ i
�rn�e Avenue and Porteous Avenue In Oak Grove Cemetery to M.M.Coulson amounting to 434'.85,upon
nail of the roti by the rollawinp, vote; -Yom Poreman,Butler, Parley, Goodman, Hannin, Hart''
Jaoobst Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (10)
On motion by the above, the opinion of the City Solicitor of the opening of a
Street•leading, to the Moselieum In Oak Grove Cemetery, was conoured-in and received and
_ filed.
On motion by the above, a petition against a Private Cemetery being made of the i
Rieke Perm, was received and filed.
j' On motion by the above, the report of the Treasurer and Auditors was received
I'u .and Piled.
/a- .i, On motion by member Parley, the Mayor was instructed to sell the House recently
( < !� -�'purohasod from Henry.Kameleiter to the best biddbt.with instructions to remove same within
Thirty Days.
On motion by the above, the Board of Public Works were instructed to odrer the
Alley running from South 4th street on the West side of the property belonging to C.H.Sherr� ,
,111 & others near the Sherrill King Cc mill, open up at moa, said Alley having recently. ?
�j been fenced up by Sherrill King Lumber Company.
CJ j p� On motion by member Hanning the Building Inspector was instructed to grant per-
mission to the Presbyterian Church, by approving the plans of said building, if the same
come within the provisions of the amendment.
On motion b the above the Wharf Mae er.wae t i
•�'� Y s t Instructed oted to notify the owners of •. i ..
U the old Perry Dock to remove deme at once, to provide for the new owner of the Prano hie*.
----On.notion the Aoard adjourned --------------------
. .
------------------_.. ..Q�
17�.Y.:.�....... i'7f.5i•d e n.. ,''Ir,[r rd rrr` / 1•rur rll m rri. i
At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen. held in the Council Chamberp ins';
the City Hall, in the City of•Paducah,.Ky.,July 6th 1914p upon call of the roll the .
following answered to their namee;-Foreairin'j`,ftutlerp Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartong•
• Jacobs, Lenhardp Moorep Smith and Watts. (11)
%t•AC. r The resignation of Member L.L.Roof of the Fourth Wardp as Counoilmant was read
and accepted. and The appointment of A.•..Budde from the same ward by the Mayor, was „
accepted, to take effeot• at once.
On motion by member Hannin, the Finance Committeete allowance for. salaries eta.#
was allowed and the Clerk w,�s authorized to dt w a warrant on the Treasurer for the
Iirespective amountep•upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremen, Budde,
Butler, Farley, Goodman, Rannin, Hsrton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (12)
On motion by the above, the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, was
!rece.lved and filed.
^,• On motion by the above' the Rules were suspended on a Resolution for improvement- _•�„
of North 2nd street from Jefferson to Monroe street, with concrete sidewalks etc. up-
�J� ter• on call of the roll by,the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Buddep Butler, Farleyp Good-
. ��yJTr,•it-rte - -
Imarip Hannin, Harton, Jacob op Lenhard, Moorep Smith and Watts. (12)
On motion by the above, the abo`e, Resolution was given its first passage, upon
}` Icall of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremanp Buddep Butlerp Goodman, Ranninp
Farleyp Harton, Jacobsp Ledhard, Moorep Smith end Witte. (12)
On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the abovep upon tali of the
roll byv the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farleyp Goodman, Hannin, Har
ton, Jacobs, Lenhard, MoorepaSmith and Watts. (12?
On motion by the above, the above Reeulution was given second and final passage
Aby its titlep upon call of tits roil by the following vote; -Yens Foremanp nudde, Butler,
Parley, Goodman, Rennin, Hartonp Jacobep Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts.. (12)
�aOn motion by the above, a refund was granted to J.C.& Carrie Tapp -an over access
��1� • H
ment on property, 63'.50.
On motion b the above a refund amount
nn �✓ �� �� � Y � Ing to 03950 to J.B.Hsll for over assess-
ment, on property.
On motion by the above, a bill of W.F.Wheeler for opening and closing ewer con -
notions at different losational was referred to the Finance Committee, withpower to
On motion by the above, Charles Robertson at 5th snd Monroe street, was granted
`permission to construct concrete sidewalks. eta. under the supervision of the hoard of
_ Public Works and City Engineer. �JO
On motion by the above, a petition from Prof Rose to conteeot with the sewer at
),or near lath & Monroe streetep was granted.
,�-D•�1 On motion by the above, the Southern Textile Company was grahted exemption from
_���•.�,6,. municipal taxationp conditions eat out, for five years.
On motion by the above, the Aro Light on Caldwell street near 4th etredtp was,
ordered moved to the intersection of Ah do Caldwell streets.
On notion by the above, the.City employees at the City Sleptrio LigM piaut were
granted a
eke vaostion withpay.
All. Z4,041 On motion by member Laniard# the proposition made by Chas 6 Mable Rieke in regard -
L�t*^'1 to. a ivate Cemete
II Dw► 0: pr rY° same was tabled.
�i On motion D the above the
1. /p- °j:.r!j 8�• Y ° Building Ordinance was referred to, the City Solicitor
()�"' to send out copies.
i.On motion by member Budde, a warrent was ordered drawn'in favor of'Yancey and
Johnson for work done on 5th street .between Jefferson & Clay street&# amounting to 0259.25
k'upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman# nudde# Butler° Farley# Goodman.'
Hannin# Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard# Moore# Smith and Watts. (12)
On motion by the above# a warrent was ordered drawn in favor of G.W.Katterjohn I
I .
for work done on Harrison street bet 15th do 16th streets,ampunting'to $316.16 upon cell of
the roil b
y the following vote; -Yens Foreman# Budde, Huller# Farley#'Goodman, Iiannin# Nay-'
ton# •Jacobs, Lennard, Hoors, Smith aryl Watts. (12) .
li/x �Ct9 On notion by the above# a warrent was ordered drawn in favor of O.W.Katterjohn
1 ! for work done on Kentucky Avenue bet 19th & 20th streets#amounting to 5306.25 upon call
of the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa Foreman, Hutler# Budde# Farley, Goodman# Hannin# i.
fc Horton, Jacobs# Lenhard# Hoore/ Rmith and Watts. (12)
iiGJ7uw.f i On oton by menbor Jacobe# the matter of removing the dirt on South 6th street 1•d-
04,,,71k,��.�• Aw th the Street Department# name was referred to the City Engineer# to get bide for same.
II pp i; On motion by member nmldde# a Resolution making a Street 30 feet wide from'Bridge
street to Palmer Street and to the property recently conveyed by John Herzog to Paducah
Board of Trade, as shown by deed of.record in deed book 104 page 467 in County Court Clerk
i. /Orl.• office' herein a strip'.of ground thirty feet in width lying along said Y11a:Gentrol Rail
road Comparyr right-of-way to also dedicated .for street purposee#be,` wu1'they are hereby
11 accepted for the use and benifit of the Travel I
I'• f, ing Public and the ad�aoent property owners
i 1
was given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman# Budde#.
�! Butler# Farley# Goodman, Rannin# Marton# Jacobs, Lenhard' Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) I
On motion the rules were suspended on the aboveip upon oall of the roll by the.
• i. I
„following vote; -Yea& Foreman, Budde# Butler# Farley# Goodman# Rannin# Harton# Lenhard#
Jacobs# Hoore# Smith and Watts. (12) f
On motion by the above# the above Resoution was given its second and final pass-!.
1i. r age# upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler# Farley#
I, Goodman, Rannin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard# Moore# Smith and Watts. (12) I
j . On motion by member Farleyl the monthly report of the
received and filed.
�u On motion by the above, a cominication in regard to the Automobile of the Chief �.
of Police# was received.and filed.
On motion by member Jaoobe, a transfer of a Saloon license wasgranted from W.C.
.0 Gray to Cecil Reed Amr# at 107 South 4th street# was granted and bond accepted, upon call t
e• uf'v(' of the roll b the follows vote; -Yeas Foreman Budde Butler Farle Goodman Hannin
i Y n8Y# # #
Ij f. Hartdn, Jacobs, Lenhard# Moore# Smith and Watts. (12)
• `/ �� On motionby the above, o transfer of a saloon license was granted from George I
j Clen.r.�
Kodinaky At 213 PouW, 2na':street to Vineyard Brothers to 434 Norton street# and bond T
accepted, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae.Foreman, Budde, Rutler# Farley .
h Goodman, Hannin, Marton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and:Watts. (12) I r;.
'~"1'''';,`• On motion by the above' that all Retail Coffee House applications for License be
read, and if there ie 'hot'any ob�ectiona that the fall
� owing be granted and bonds aooepti
,4J it,` i l.
��J.J.Ioaily 1501 South 4th Bond Rational Surety Coot 8t L
hPalrior Rotel Co 5th to Aroar'••�syr
r` A.T.Bohannan 111 South 3rd
i}Oscar Danker: 432. North 12th
Hotel belvedere 201 Broadway
Clem Pranceola
212 Kentucky Avenue
r ,� t4l.ii a Wathen a 134 South4hElliott Ccmpaz.
•.e .
Elrod & Hite 111 South 2nd
, Kennie Hurray " 115 North 4th
`•�h, .
James. Bolden 704 Adams. ,s
Oecar Dommick 1735 South nth I`
W.M.Mitchell 1000 North 10th street
W.H.Mitheell 908 Boyd stroet
Sam C. Smith � 120 South 2nd street
J.B.Schnite 701 South 7th street
J.H.Petter & Co 116 South 4th street
';G.W:,Edwards Eat 117 South 3rd street
James J. 1:SoAuphati 1134 Jonea
j C e
!•Jam®s Ward 1100 South 11th street,,,��
f L.L.Nelson �! ;' 407 South.3rd street
14.B.Rothrock 121 South'2nd street
ti Abe Marcoffeky 134 South 2nd street .•I
Theo'Peter 1045 Ky Ave
�c (
s:F:3.Durton Ky
310 Ave
`G.W.Shephord 200 Ky Ave
John Dye 1729 South 4th
,-{ 4Z.H.Willioma41,•: 1100 North 10th:etrest
F.S.Johneon 1034 South 10th
iW.L.Cntea 126 South 2nd street
+: Aiatt9ahfiIDb4ar 706 isnbboArdi a"tut
Chao Denker . ^ 90; Washington
L.B.Ragan 115 South 4th street
Hol Billingsley •; ; 833 Caldwell "
E.H.Pell 737 North Sth street
;Ben td.Allen 100 North let
} •. street
R.L.Peacher h Co 101 South 2nd street I
,.C.T.Graham 135 South 9th street
Lq.II:Gpllagher - 829 Trimble Equitable Surety Co :.
R E.L.Hoahell. 109 North 4th
,,•,r:v.. �C.b:.ltiller 1167 North 12th
i //I,,
J.T.Dunn `;., 107.North 4th street
Alfred Strauss 114 Ky Ave
J.L.Potter 800 Harris street
;W.E.Ham 936 North 10th
S.B.Gott 119 North lith
Merry h Mitchell '•`• 900 Washington street
G.R.Willow 113 South 4th
W.C.Gray 107 South 4th
I /�'•
-Tuck Lowe B25 Washington
Frank till Wagner 110 South 2nd -
John Ward 134 Ky Ave
Geo W. Taylor 301 South 7th
F.M.Matlock 1132 South 10th
H.S.Keiley 1039 Ky Ave
E.Yarbro 116 Ky Ave
Bolger 1615 South 4th
;Vineyard Brothers 434 Nortbn
G.Lashlee 402 North 12th
J.H.Clendenon 1138outh 2nd
O.W.Kelly 119 Broadway
Elliott h Campbell 100 Broadway
Aiken h Cc 125 South 2nd
B.A.Turner 922. Finloyr
Jae T. Quarles Fast of I,C.Paasenger Depot
Scott Furgerson 701 Trimble
W.C.Stanford 129 South 2rid
Dan Galvin 934 South 5th
Tienry Gauoe .432 South 7th.
.:Sloan Brothers: 13th h Monroe
Claude Porter 106 South 3rd Fidelity & Deposit Cc
Geo Schulte 701 Jackson
/2 •same was granted, upon call of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman, Buddetnutlal
i `o•
Farleyl Goodmans Rennin' Hartong Jacobap Lenhard' Moore# Smith and Watts. (12)
II i On motion by member Hanning a remonstrance was read against the Riekopf Dist Co,
On motion b member Jacobs that Reiko f Dist C
Y � p ompany be .granted a Retail Coffee
House license and bond seceptedt same carriedp upon call. of the roll by the following
woke; -Yeas Foramens Huddep .Butlers arieyt Hsanino Harton# J"obsp Lenhardi Yooraf8edeh ,r '
..__ ." .• ._ .: .P ... � tt•11V>.•P9'A!"+ttYt►',1KgfP' •(•r4lM'1`w'aKr.^al'•; sir•ry.iae,•>,r'•w'Y•!�r. ;•srp
•, .,;,+ , . ,.; r,., .'• .•. ..' - °1 353
�: • : • . 191-•� .
and Watts.. (11) Nays Goodman. ,(1)
On motion by member Jacobs# a tfensfer•wss granted of s Saloon license from J.T.
+ Duna at 107 Horth 4th street to S.A.Womble at the ewe location, and bond accepted, upon
I.' ! call of the roll b the follow voto'-Y as F
d% Y Ina ► e oreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodaan�
Henning Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Hooreo Smith and Watts. (12),•
On motion by the above, a transfer was granted J.L.Potter of•'hie.Saloon license.
from 800 Harris street to 8th h Bo atreet u on call of the roll b the follow •.
d sss--���'���""^"'' � • Yd � -upon q ing !Ota;-,,
e; , .
Yese Poreman, Butler, Budde, Farleyp Goodman, Hannin, Hartonp Jacobs, Lenhard, Mooren
�I' Smith and' Watts. (12). ..
G I� On motion by the above, a transfer of a Saloon license was granted from Aiken 6
Company to J.F.Bales at 125 South 2nd street and bond accepted, upon call of the roll by i
the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Fprley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartons Jacobs.,
Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (12)
f' I
On motion by member Butler, a refund was granted the Masonic & Odd Fellows Build*
iVV/�,t R 9—
jQ,� Ing Company on a double assessment on the Register Building amounting to 0159.95 upon call
of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman., Buddeo Butlers Parley, annin, Horton, ;•.
Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and watts. (12) i
On motion by the above' a petition for over assessment from W.R.Nagle was referr�
• � � to the Board of Supervisors. •�
1 On motion by member Hannin, s transfer of half of lot 66 block 5 in Oak Grove
/ N `
• "jrnw, p��,.,Cf,, Ceaiery from Jae Co Scott to lira s.K.Bonds.
On motion by the above, deeds were granted to S.B.Lever lot 50 block 1 New Add•'
/49r•" and. Mrs Maude Sullivan to lot 58 block 1 New Addition.
i On motion by the above, a petition for water in the New Addition of the Oak
Grove Cemetery, was referred to the Cemetery Committee, power to sot.
On motion by member Harton, a petition for water on Kentucky Ave from 12th to 15h
street#was referred to the ,Paducah Water Company to lay Maine and the Fire Plugs ordered
placed on the Rental list.
On cbtion by the above, Henry E. Sohrote was granted permission to construct
oonbrete sidewalks eta. at
, 13th and Monroe streets under the supervision of theCity ,
On notion by member Farley, the Public Improvement Committee was instructed to
" get bids for the Soseening of the Third floor of the City Hallo and to purchase two 16'
Inch Electric Fane for the Council Chamber, same.carriedo upon call.of the roll by the
'1,B t !t -s a-.+ � it
following vote; -Yeas Poreman, Rutler, Buddeo Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hatton, Jaoobeo.Len-6.
�; hard, Hoore, Smith and Watts. (1?) j .:
On F tion by member Smith, that the Chair appoint a committee to take up charges,;.
of Mr Doswell Jones regarding, Dairies, The Chair appointed Meatier Smith, Butler 8c Moora..� y
4n i%.tion by member Budde o the license committee was instructed to take up pet-
In regard license License for August 8th .
On motion by member Lenhard, the Paducah Water Company was instructed to ldy ^
(.2, �,., ✓ R4.; Water.mains on Brown street as previously ordered. i
On tion D member Smith a Resolution rant!
�, nb Y , granting permission to the west Kentucky;: '
Mauoolem Cc the right to make two openings through the hedge fOno* -that separates the
cemetery property from that of the West Kentucky Mausoleum Coy each to be about ten feet,
was given first pasaogeg upon call •of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Huble;r_•
Parlay, Goodmang Hartong Jaccbsg Moore and Smith. (7) Nays Foremang Budder Hanning Lon -
hard and Watts. (8) .,
On aption by the •above9 that, the rules be euspendedy-same lostg upon call of the -roll by
the follcwi • vote'-Yeao Butlerv.Parleyp Goodmang' Horton Jacobs moors atd Smith. �) . • ,
e1' '�'.• ..
Nags Poremany.'Buddey Harming Lenhard and ,watts. (Si)
%,tion the Board adjourned,
• AP�'t?Q -1 JUL � 01914
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