HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 345, June 1, 19141 1 a At a regular meet" of the Board of Councilmen, held .in ti* Co4oil Chambers. ! x `•° in the City Hall, in the City. of Paducah, Ky., June let 1914p upon.a4.1 of the roll the : r• i'following answered .to their names; -Fevemanp Butlers Parlays Goodman* Hanninp Hartong Jacobep 'Lenhardl Moores Smith and Watts. (11) 4 iiOn motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted.se read. I. ��,,. u,•' �� On motion by member Hanning, the Finance Committee's allowance for solarise sto.., was allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on the, Treasurer for the respect- I f'iv a amounts upon call of the roll by the following vote?; -Yeas Foreman, Buthers Parlays E :Goodman s. Hanning. Barton, Jacobs LenhardMoores Smith and Watts. (11) i On motion by the obovep the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, was.. ;received and filed. On motion by the above, W.T.Graves was refunded $4.20 on over assessment on prop arty. f. On motion by the above, the Mayor and Treasurer were authorized to borrow f. a ; .,.c. y • 412g500.00 payable out of the June half of collections of taxes, upon call of the roll Dy th 'f: Q 'the following.vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Harming Hartong Jaoobe, Lenhard I' z �1Moores Smith and Watts. (11) , On motion by the abovei a bill from the Eureka Coal Co was referred to the Pinance Committee. On motion by the above, /a petition from H.Ackerman for over asseesment, was re^ ferred to the Treasurer, Auditor and City Solicitor. ��vv�+• On motion by the above, a petition from the Paducah Fair Association for the i .usus -allowance of t250.00 was referred to the Finance Committee. riga-On motion by the above, s recomendation from the Finance Committee was cone ured I Q d � in whereby the Paducah Base Ball Asan, was allowed 0300.00 out of the Coatinguent.Pund,M, payable June let 19141, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler,. Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) A,, et On motion by member Lenhard, the rules were suspended on the interlination on j AN ORDINANCE CRF.ATING.ANA PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF A FRANCHISE OR PRIVELEGE TO ESTABLISH MAINTANIN AND OPERATE A STEAM OR GASOLINE. FERRY BFTWFM.THE CITY OF PADUCAH.AND THE STATE OF ' ILLINOIS AND LIVINGSTON COUNTY KY, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremag • Butler, Farleyp Doodman, Hanning Horton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by the above, .the abbva werogivep a'Ee:lipat_.pge8agep upon call of they i I. roll by the foll•ming vote;-Yeas.Foroman.g, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hwmino Harton, J ecobs,i Lrnhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) ! On motion by the above, theraler -Tere 4uspended on'the Abovei!.tc:give second !passage by its title, upon call of the roll by 'the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, .Butler, Par,.+ ley, Goodman, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, Lenhardp Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) 'j On motion by the abovep the above, was given its ascend and final passag ap.by •' '' 'Its titles upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farleyp Oood- i aan, Hannin, Hartong, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moores Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by member Butler# the action of the Board of Public Works was ratified .•. in awarding the following bide;-Yanoey h Johnson 5th street from Jefferson to Clay streets h ' rt I. _ .,R,_ _ ,.n,.. ,....- ....r.:,,�,a-•..•. ...•..�,•.i„••:-r.- — .•i..e•••:•'= - _ 1rK� ...r. ��gNgai`,�t. i 4C COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191 41y ✓�� -,-,with concrete sidewalks etc.' G.W.Katterjohn being the lowest and best bidder on the _following strebte,,wes awarded the following contracts; -Kentucky Ave from 19th to 20th '` street, Sixth streed from Tennessee to Broad street, Harrison street 15th to 16th st. g ' , C` �:Dq �Monroe from 12th to 17th street and .Caldwell street from 9th to 12th streets all ot•' i 1r � z1f the above is concrete sidewalks eto.j was ratified. i On motion by the above, the action of the Board of Public Works was ratified in { .awarding the following contracts for grading and graveling of streets;-Bocmen from l i .�f4/618th to 10th streets Bronson Ave 10th to 11th strtiots and Grading and Hecadsaiaiag ` ;Caldwell street from 4th to 5th street, meosdan & crushed rook to be 31 feet widegall 1'f; of the above contracts awards* to Yancey and Johnson they being the only bidders. On motion by member Hanning the matter of a driveway for the Moselieum near the LIZ -.611' ,(it0ak Grove Cemetery, was referred to the Cemetery Committee. ! ! On motion b member Hartong a r I y sport from the Paducah Water Company .in regard to ` • ' G�i, I .1 eying mains sto.' on 6th street Broad to Bridge, was received and filed. On motion by member Watteg.a comunication from H.C.Kafage in regard to repairing. the City fllock*.wes referred to the Public improvement Committee. On motion.b member Paris the monthly :..f , Y q, hiq report of .the Chief of Polios, was rsoe� dived and filed. }} I On motion by member Jsoobe, a transfer of a saloon license of Z.H.Williams from j ;!105 Broadway to 1100 North 10th street, was granted, upon call of the ro1T by the fol- P lowing vote; -Yeas Foreman, -Butler, Parley, Goodman, Hanning Hartong Jecobag Lenhard9 �joore, Smithesd Watts. (11) I On motion by member Butlers a correction was ordered made -in the assessment of. ISam C. Smith and a refund granted on 02000.00 the assessment to be $1000.00 instead o!' `` !:#;000600 upon call of the roll by the following rote; -Yeas Poremang Butler, Parley, l � _ i'Goodmang Hanning Hartong Jacobs,.Lenhardg Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) �i On motion by the above, a petition from the Colored Masonic Lodge for over asees- ` : �• .smentg was received and filed. ` I On motion by member Hannin, a deed was granted.B.O.Grubbs to lot 19 block l in ;the New Addition in Oak Grove cemetery. �. On motion by member Smith, the City Solicitor was ordered to bring in opinion on • �jauthority of Cemetery Committee to act on Moslem and driveway. I On motion by member IIamning copies .were ordered sent out of the Private Cemetery f l�y ordinance. �. On mation by the above, the matter of piecing water mains oII Weil Aveme in Oak � ,l` Days. ,I , • '! 14rove -Cemetery*' was referred to the Cemetery Committee power to sot. On motion by the above, s petition from the Pair Assn for $250.00 wes_referred b G �,to the Pinance Committee power to sot* upon call of the roll by the following vote;- Yeas_Poremen,'Butlerg.Parleyg Goodmang Banning Hartong Jacobsg lenhardg Moores Smith hand W,.tts. (11) On motion member Hamin was appointed a member of a Committee to investigate the Western kentuoky Industrial College. On motion by member Hartong thU monthly .report of the Building Inspectorf-was irecelved snd-.filed. ."Mama 347, . .;. ...' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,- CITY OF PADUCAH -77 77 19 �;' --r. On motion by member Parlay, petition trom'.resIdents &W property owners on �..Powell street for waters same was referred to. 'thi'Peducath Water'Company to.lay mains, wA ;,the Water Plugs were ordered'placed on the Rental list* 1A On motion by the abovel the matter of repairing the'6th street sulvertto. Vaeuer' Avenue was referred to the Street Committee power to &at# upon call or the rail by the ,following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler$ Parleyp'Goodmang Hanning Harton, Jacobs j Lenhardp Moores Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by member Lenhardp A Franks Sewerage Inspector was Instructed not to pair the Fountain at 10th &44entuoky-Avenits. On motion by member Hann1nj the Band for Concerts this Summer, was referred to the Pinence Committee. n motion the Board Adjotirned---------------- � V2, 1 7 ."Mama 347, . .;. ...' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,- CITY OF PADUCAH -77 77 19 �;' --r. On motion by member Parlay, petition trom'.resIdents &W property owners on �..Powell street for waters same was referred to. 'thi'Peducath Water'Company to.lay mains, wA ;,the Water Plugs were ordered'placed on the Rental list* 1. Tibit On motion by the abovel the matter of repairing the'6th street sulvertto. Vaeuer' Avenue was referred to the Street Committee power to &at# upon call or the rail by the ,following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler$ Parleyp'Goodmang Hanning Harton, Jacobs j Lenhardp Moores Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by member Lenhardp A Franks Sewerage Inspector was Instructed not to pair the Fountain at 10th &44entuoky-Avenits. On motion by member Hann1nj the Band for Concerts this Summer, was referred to the Pinence Committee. n motion the Board Adjotirned---------------- _r0='3nn0V_jW- YJ -r\1 15 1'914