HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 32, May 16, 191032COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH_W, �6tb. 1910_ At regular meetiNg of the Board -of Councllmen,'• held In the Connell Chamb4 In the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky„ Myr 16th. 1910„ Upon call of the roll ,•�� l�I the fallowing answered to their names;-Foroman, Bower, Budde, Duvall, HarQ nin,ve'tW.... 7 Lally, Iwlgh, Mayor, McCarthy and Wllera. (11) • ,„,�: •, On motion the mim,tes of the previous me sting was adopted a red. , , �' i, �, �„ On motion Dy .member Bawer, A Resolution granting Itrs. Y, B, Austin permission ;, to,eonnegt her promises d 1600 ,)efferson street with the 12 sewer Dist. conditions '-rl':'_ 'i •'_ . set out in Resolution, as Sven first - ,' , t ��•. B p+seagn, Upon call 'of -the roll by LM follow-_ I, t;, ,Ing vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bower, Budde, Duvall, Bening Kreutter, Lally, Leigh, Mayor, r•'jr, •.,r..,, 1s" McCarthy and Wilson. (11) .. iL_..) ..ir .' ,f , i On action by the above, the rules.were suspended on.the above Resolution I >` Upon call of :the roll by the following vote;-Yess Porepsan, Rower,. Budde, Duvall, . _ Hannln,. Kreutzer,. Lally,. Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy and Wileon,.(11) •" 1 '�� _ ,On motion by the above, the above Resolution vas given second and finaloah , age, by Its tltls, Upon call of the rol by the following vote; -Yeas Porenan, Rower,....•, Budd*, Duvall,. Kreutzer, Hannin,'Lally, Leigh, Wyer, McCarthy and Wilson, (11) ,_ I Y ��`��• � ' ' On notion by comber Ngnm,ln, a transfer of •lot Sn.Oak Orove Cemetery belong Ing Lo, Sardis Moes, roue referred to the Committee. Colttes, .Horton some ln.' � •,7. .. , - On notion by the above, the Finance allowance for salaries 6 eta., Wasi, �4� allowed and the Clerk was authorised to draw a'warrent on the Treasurer for chs •�'"''� ,{o respective amounts, Upein.nall of the roll by the following vote; -Yoga Foremen, Bower, /n) Budde,. Duvall, Rennin, Horton, Kreutzer, Lally, Iwlgh, Mayor, McCarthy and Wilson. (12�e d� ' On motion by the above, The Finance Committee was instructed to Investigate 1 and. bring in • recommendation for the employment or. assi4snts in the:Offiess of the. (. 1• t.,. Olty Treasurer and Auditor. ' .�.� •r' �„ On notion by the shovel .a comuniastion from Miss Kate Yunenaaher for an `1 ,.• , , increase In salary, same me received and filed. " On notion by the above, the bid of the Dean System of Fire ard Pollee .j Flashlight g signal phone& Doses and the maintenance of each system by the Home ,:• t Telephome.Comparyrr Bids were ratified nd the contract as ordered s goed by 0b1 .. ,:,l;L,• `, '�",.; •,, ;,'�`� Mayor, Upon call of the roll by the following vote;-YeoA Foreman, Bower, Budde, Duve11.�+ ' '/ ••_`• 'Hannln, Hartong Krwtter, Lally, Leigh, Wyer, MaCArthy_end Wilson. (12) •'�I� 1 On notion by member bower, the Mayor ae suthorlted to sontrect with the /f0`�^+- property owners on South 10th; street from Kentucky Ave• to Jackson Street for the•, purohfse of property to.wlden said Tenth street.to 100 fest,upon call.of the roll W4 , \` the following •ot ;-Laas Poreman, Bower, Budde, Duvall, Hennln, Hartong Kreutzer, �� } �TI Lally. Leigh, Mayor. McCarthy and Wilson. (12) On Motion by member lnlly, An Ordinance regulating the sale of Pare worke • \ � ' In the.01t of Paducah R as given first .. Y . Y•, 61 Pansgw.r upon nil : or Lhe roll yr the d "••�' „ (� following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bower, Budde, Duvall,. Hannln,gartons Kreutzer, Lolly, L , �,i- �7;y rk4�}''• Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson. (12) . On notion by the above, ths.rules were suspended on the above Ordinance Up-; L`+'yll, ftr+511 'ea call of the roll 7byvthe following rot,r, -Yeas Ppresuu,, Bower, Budder DavallrHeanln, .. - ; :, . ,.,, �W � 1� , x� Yi�i71 ��?'�Rfer.'2 4Tmfk?�+�•y!+•"^,m^��sR'—Mr •n -,. t. 4 - . t ir: :1... 4 ,`•"i...�� r. li .. 'f 1',•YI*`r�°.'a'm a 8�,t.�1 - r.,� r.r+} 7^Lr r �y/I . ,:COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 33 X11. pAarta, Kroutter, Lally, Lelghg Mayor, YoCorthy and Wilson. (12) . •'�'A,.t.,r f On motion by the above, the nm 106 were suepsnded on the above Ordinanoe, upon �• .,:;f��/,-,. sall,of, the roll by the fol -owing vote;-Ye►a Porman, Bose-, Budde, Duvall, Hannin, _.•„ Horton, Kreutzer, Lally, Lolgh,,May*r, McCarthy and Wilson. .' • 1 ;,'.•.qr.,� �;, On uOI by the above, the above Ordinance was giten second and final pu Bags' t ,`• .•, by Its titl., Upon 00-11 of the roll by the following '=',•�+ ' ng rote; -Yeas Foreman, Bowerg nudds i .I . ( .t .. Jo D�uvall, Hannin, Hartong Kreutter, Lallyg Lel8 r W Yer, McCarthy and Wilson. (12) . 1 4.('I un motion by member Bower, the City Solicitor was instruoted to bring In oand- i- `I0=&tion proceedings to open up an Alley from 16th, to arou Alley running from Broodwsy IA (f .,, ,,to Jefferson Strost between i6th,647th',:streets In Paducah ky,Upoh *all of the roll by ! the following rote; -Yeas Poresan, Bowser, Budde, Duvall, Hannin, Hart on, KreuLtar, Lally, i. �•,;;. �.` iLelgh, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson. (12) On motion by member Leigh, a oomunio►tion from the Paducah Water Co„ top the r,'if1,,.J���,//.,,..,.r '^'-•�*rtenLloh of water mains On 12th, street between Mb Lon and Harrison Streets, was recelvW I. ,o d filed and the Water 'Plugs ordered pla*W on the'rehttl list. Upon call of the roll by �• ,. the following rots;-Y*as'Poremang Bower, Budde, Duvall, Hannin, Harton, Kreutter,-Lally, L81gh, Mayr, McCarthy &M Wilson, (12) - Q.0 r ) ,On motion by ,amber Duvall, The Emplr* Stats Surety Co„ Iowa released from Lie - cu tl '. ((bond of A.J,6lorms at 1042 kentucky Ara, and the National- Surety 00.,..00-•-fr X+ .(••:. 4 On motion by member Hannin, a Deed was granted to lot 51 block A,A, In Oak Grove j i Castrry to C,W.Balth. Y the above On motion a That a transfer be ,� granted to part of ►lot in Oak Oeov* .i. e� .N.nv✓, (Cemetery from Ben Maynard to J.H.Turner, same was referred to the Cemetery Committee, yyean On motion by member Bower, That the City Solicitor,and the Hospital Sower and. f Sanitary Committee to gather with tl'.e Health' Oftisare being in M Ordinance requiring.the , ! . n socks Waltere in Hotels and House Servants and Wash women fdrn'ieh a Physicans oertifact . � that the are not 0ufforing from 04W contagious deosase, same carried, ' Cn motion by umber Mayer, The City Soliottor was instructed to bring in pond- .I,. r UL.'mnatlon proosedings against property hearted for the purpose of opening Husbands street ' .'frem 4th, to 6th, street, motion the Board Adjourned--- . 'A v JUN 1010 AP/P�IJUN S 1010 • 1 t. � ., V • irNW11 � 0� LYw�C{IIpM. ^ _ ,'+ , erg ..•' � '' 1 t B 'IC .: y.• �If'l1 YlJ..I ,, l:` f 1I1 . t (� IM`c.•.ur'Yi 1�F�W +r bl ... '.w} ..�, �- _. .. �.-. ).r•-....], r. w. r .r .. --.: �: - .1