HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 310, January 19, 1914' 31 �� COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY `OF. PADUCAH ' 1.9 1 IJ i J.. A AL a regular meeting of the Board of Councilman, held in the Council Chamber in '. 'n•1 u„ �., ..; .I , .-� y.. f y i Yf,, rY 9t 9 fupon.-call the..cit Hall "in the 01t of Paducah i K, Janus 1 h 1 14 of the' roll tb ^` (• VillIthe following answered to their names;-Fore6an Butler farley, Goodman Haanin Hart on ' u � Aacobe Lehnard Moore .roof ' Smith end We b. 12 {� i1 On motion the minutes of V4 prAVioue meeting.were adopted ae_read; �! t t1' 1 �•,�.,.���:.. ' . On motion by member Hannin,, tNe Finance Committee's allowance for Salaries tit c. � '• �� °�%I'� 1 ��.,.►�r.4 was allowed and the .Clerk 'was authorized to draws warrent on the Treasurer.for the ..'= •r. ;, r;.'` ;.. respective, amounts, •upon call of the Toll by the following vote ;-Yeae'Foreman, Butl 9 r y,74,7i�. Farley,''hannin, Hart,on, Jacobs, Goodman, Lennard., FSoore, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12) On motion by the above,;G.W.Katterjohn was':allowed 994.34'out of the Scial '.; 1: Street Fund, for work done: on Harrison .street between' Fountain Avenue and Harrihan Blvd..:.. 1:7 u on.call of the roll by the follows �.. '/�•' ; P ng vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman,- i�'. CSF. Hannin, Hart.on, Jacobs,, Lenhard, pore, Roof, Smith, and Watts. ('1e) p-; -On motion by the above, Yancey h Jolmson was allowed 0102.00out of the Special`'. Street Find for work done on Madison street between Harrihan Blvd to Fountain Avemie �✓:i 7 `F upon call of.*.he roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butlers Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Parton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Roof, -Smith and Watte..(12) .'':'! on motion by the above, W.L.Yancey was refunded $2.62 over assessment: �. On. mot ion.by the above, C.Fritz was refunded 02.79 for over. assessment. ` w , On motion by the above,Raootve, That the salary of the Police Court -Stenographer I� be made Fort Dollars (�'j40.00) per month; Provided it ehall.'be opLionary with the Judge . of the Paducah Poli'ce'Court to appoint a stenoprapher or render such services himself, ' o; .• �' r in the latter event, such compensation for such stenographer to be paid.to said Jude {. I lAJ('4'♦•,•.fA-,, of the. Paducah Police. Court, was given firstpassape,:upon call'o,f the roll by.the / �l'following,vote;-Yeas Foreman, ButletFarley, Goodman, .Hannin, Horton, Jacobe, Lenhard.,,: Moore, Roof,.Smith and Watts. (12) r ' On motion by the above, the rules.were snspended,'on the above, upon .call of the ,roll by following vote; -Yeas Foreman,. Butler., Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartong. ah f J�` •. 111 < � Jaoobo, Lennard, Moore, Roof, Smith and. Watts.' (12) { On motion by the abo%e, the above Bud&lutios was given its second and finals pees•..!. I f T. j age, upon cnll of the roll by the following vote;-Yeno ForehSno.Butler, Farleyp Good 2. 1 I {'man, Hannin,..Harton, Jacobs, Lennard, Moore, Roof,. Smith and Watts."(12) ;. { On. motion by the above, the Contract made with'Jae 'Chambers. Col.,t.o run the City U`` y Farmr reenmei'ended by the Finance Committees was concured-in. ,... • ' On motion by.the 'above, the Paducah Hosiery Company was exempted ht from taxion -114 f for a period of five years, -.conditions eat out. G''.` c-�. •'. t; On motion by the' above,; the construction of#3 $ewreage system was referred to the. Joint Finance Hospital Sewer Sanitary. Committees'. i.I i'••':4 On motion b the above the woodwork and l/ Y , painting the interior and exterior, C,4 y 11 i.wae f re erred to the Public 4mprove.ment Committee to-get.bide also .be., given power to. purchase floor' the City.Hall. ; L ►, I r� �+� ' On motion•bv the above, the -City Jailer was instructed to furnish the City Parket" ; E Master with two prisioners each day.to,clean the Market House: *' b- v.+• Y ;'f'I hhlwawt9i'sbMt'1— _ _ '.'fY f fF9MMMf v.rbTf. PI YCp ^ �/ i � .'. r 1.1'1 1 � rr` Y; ♦/. J. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ' CITY • QF PADUCAH ', { r' ' ' I P � .->.,� 191..,- On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCR FIXING• THE APPORTIONMENTr OF Tim iPUBLIC {FUNDS + ! OF.THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY FOR THE :YEAR 1914• was given first' passage I' upon Dell ,of �/X ' ,t he.roll by the following "vote: Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hanning Harton,•Jao- ; _ obss.lenhard, Moore. Roofs Smith and Watts. (12)' I ;� On motion by member Roofs the matter of closing'tha Market .House' ori the North• and. ; South endas where came is now unprotected from the bad weathers same was referred to'.the { Board'of.Public Works, to get bids and report backs to the General Council.,: On motion by the above, that three mulea of the Street Departments now unfit for {r J % C/ services and the purchase of these more for the same departments was..referred'to the Finan- :ce Committee. r.:; t•: On motion by tho above, s RESOLUTION for the improvembnt of Brunson Avenues by, grading and gravels same from 10th to 11th street under the ten ng , year 'payment plans was .ai: v. /Oto given first passages upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Farley,' ! B++tlerf Hanning Goodmans Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Roofs Smith and Watts. (12) ^� On motion the rule a were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, farley, Goodmang harming Hartong d.acobs,,Lenhard, MMoore, Roof, Smith and watts. (12) On motion by the above, the above resolution was given its second and final, pace..,';';' agog upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, B•-itler,'Farley, Goodman,; ! Hanning Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Roof, Smith, anD Watts. (12) On motion by the above, s petition from Market House prodicers, was referred to:. V the Ordinance Committeeg to,bring in an amended ordinance.` , On.motion by member Hartong a petition from the Pittsburg Coal Co.afor over ass- esoment was referred to the Board of Supervisors. r%' f; On motion by member Jacobag a teansfer of a saloon license of Vineyard Brothers !' to George 1!odisnaky at 117 North 4th street and offered as hie bond the Equitable Surety Co A of St Louis, was ordered to take its usual course. On motion by the above,.the.Fquitable Surety Cc was released off of the bond + {. !of Ben H.Allen and the Fidelity & Deposit of M.D.was substituted instead. On motion by the above, a petition from Hucksters was referred to the license' V%� {Committee. On motion•by member Moore, several petitions for a Viaduct at the'Illinoio centra J .• -ma y tracks at Tennessee street crossing, was referred to the Railroad, Telephone.& Telegraph (j C1 :f Committee.. ; ;i CLI. On motion by member Lenhard, a comunication from Sewer Inspector Franke, in re-`'.'; Bard to the condition of a leaky Fire Plug, was referred to the Paducah &ter.Comparwo ''. !i ..On,motion by member Hanning a deed was granted to J.W.Obrian to a lot in'Oak }i.! Grove Cemetery. 4 On motion by member Farley, the Fire & Police Committee, was given power,to sot' r. in receiving bids and letting contract for painting the several Fire Sbbtione, upon _call- of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butlerg arley, Goodman, Hanning Hartong.'.' 1 ..A Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and watts. (12) ! tin 1 ..312•• COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF PADUCAH R i On motion by member Farley, that thetriple combination motor truck for the Fire Dspa rtmen tp is 'referred to the Police & Fire and the Finance Committeev po wer to acts in getting bids. and the purchase .of same',was.granted, upon call of the roll by the follw"',.? .'iing vote; -Yeas Foreman-, Butler, Farl.syp•Ooodmang Hannin'.Harton, Jacobs9 Lenhard, Moore ":."• Roofq Smith and Watts. (12)"( ( On motion by member Smith, the obdinance Committee) was instructed to bring in is • O"� an rdinanceprobhibiting roller skating on the Strestsg butnot including the pavements, k . On motion b member Henning a Resolution allowing the u y � ng Mayor to 'appoint Will ; -Wheolis keeper of the Pest 'House at n oala 'of Sixty DOilArs p ry. per month payable semi- .1'' • t Imonthly, was given first passage, upon call ofthe roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Parley,. -Goodman, Hanning Hartong. Jacobs ,.Lenhard"Hoore, Smith, Roof, .•"{ . and Watts. On motion the rules were.suspended on the above resolutions upon call of the rol ti Iiby the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butlerp Farley, Hannin, Hartong Goodmant Jacobs I i t Moore p.Smith, Roof and 'Watts. If r On motion by'the above, the above Resolution.was given second and final paeonE:9 ;upon call of the 'roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butletp Farley, Boodmany (Hanning Hartong Jacobs( Lenha.rd, Moore, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12) f On motion by tyre above, a resolution granting the permission to" -ed- ed-ploy:a ploy :-ajanitor for the City Hall, was placed on its first, passage and was killed, upon'" .� .., lcall of tho roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Farley, Henning Lenhard and Jacobo(4 Butlers Goodman, Hartong Moores Roofs Smith and Watte..(7) :.".I ,;Nays On motion by'the"above, that the roe id onto aril property owners be notified thro- h the Newa-Papere beginning February lot 1914 for 15th days by notice, to petition ` U the General Cc noil.for all improvements in the -way of sidewalks etc..same carried•. , .�. I • . On motion by member, Goodman, the matter of testing cows f.or"Tuberculosis,aias .� Ireferredto the Health Officer and Meat t.- Milk rnepector.411 " On motion "by member Farley, a petition from'.Fred Kameletter:in regard toa lot .on Csidwell' Streets was referred.to the Street Committee.. i"• " ("' `"''" On motion by aember. Smith, that "the Mayor hear, the Committee from the Commission ', ! .. Form' Gov erment :Longue j.bef.ore sending recomeridationd to Frankfort.cano carried.. r....~"•i'-----, -s1,� ------ --------On motion she. Board" adjourned—. -------------- f' ;.'?ADOPTFJD L� ; • ,��{��' A.PZOV D.�"Lli - icil4 city. P.. cera of ab.wMLwNa.: f A. - • 1 Y w � = ,. rr ��a L' b:tf