HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 310, January 19, 1914' 31 �� COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY `OF. PADUCAH ' 1.9 1 IJ
i J.. A
AL a regular meeting of the Board of Councilman, held in the Council Chamber in '.
'n•1 u„ �., ..; .I , .-� y.. f y i Yf,, rY 9t 9 fupon.-call
the..cit Hall "in the 01t of Paducah i K, Janus 1 h 1 14 of the' roll tb ^` (•
VillIthe following answered to their names;-Fore6an Butler farley, Goodman Haanin Hart on '
� Aacobe Lehnard Moore .roof ' Smith end We b. 12 {�
On motion the minutes of V4 prAVioue meeting.were adopted ae_read; �!
t1' 1 �•,�.,.���:.. ' . On motion by member Hannin,, tNe Finance Committee's allowance for Salaries tit c. � '• �� °�%I'�
��.,.►�r.4 was allowed and the .Clerk 'was authorized to draws warrent on the Treasurer.for the
..'= •r. ;, r;.'` ;.. respective, amounts, •upon call of the Toll by the following vote ;-Yeae'Foreman, Butl 9
r y,74,7i�.
Farley,''hannin, Hart,on, Jacobs, Goodman, Lennard., FSoore, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12)
On motion by the above,;G.W.Katterjohn was':allowed 994.34'out of the Scial
Street Fund, for work done: on Harrison .street between' Fountain Avenue and Harrihan Blvd..:..
u on.call of the roll by the follows �.. '/�•'
; P ng vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman,-
i�'. CSF.
Hannin, Hart.on, Jacobs,, Lenhard, pore, Roof, Smith, and Watts. ('1e)
p-; -On motion by the above, Yancey h Jolmson was allowed 0102.00out of the Special`'.
Street Find for work done on Madison street between Harrihan Blvd to Fountain Avemie
�✓:i 7 `F upon call of.*.he roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butlers Farley, Goodman,
Hannin, Parton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Roof, -Smith and Watte..(12) .'':'!
on motion by the above, W.L.Yancey was refunded $2.62 over assessment:
�. On. mot ion.by the above, C.Fritz was refunded 02.79 for over. assessment. `
w ,
On motion by the above,Raootve, That the salary of the Police Court -Stenographer
I� be made Fort Dollars (�'j40.00) per month; Provided it ehall.'be opLionary with the Judge .
of the Paducah Poli'ce'Court to appoint a stenoprapher or render such services himself,
' o; .• �'
in the latter event, such compensation for such stenographer to be paid.to said Jude {.
I lAJ('4'♦•,•.fA-,, of the. Paducah Police. Court, was given firstpassape,:upon call'o,f the roll by.the /
�l'following,vote;-Yeas Foreman, ButletFarley, Goodman, .Hannin, Horton, Jacobe, Lenhard.,,:
Moore, Roof,.Smith and Watts. (12)
r '
On motion by the above, the rules.were snspended,'on the above, upon .call of the
,roll by following vote; -Yeas Foreman,. Butler., Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartong. ah
f J�`
•. 111
< � Jaoobo, Lennard, Moore, Roof, Smith and. Watts.' (12)
{ On motion by the abo%e, the above Bud&lutios was given its second and finals pees•..!. I
j age, upon cnll of the roll by the following vote;-Yeno ForehSno.Butler, Farleyp Good
1 I
{'man, Hannin,..Harton, Jacobs, Lennard, Moore, Roof,. Smith and Watts."(12)
;. {
On. motion by the above, the Contract made with'Jae 'Chambers. Col.,t.o run the City
U`` y Farmr reenmei'ended by the Finance Committees was concured-in.
,... • '
On motion by.the 'above, the Paducah Hosiery Company was exempted ht
from taxion
-114 f for a period of five years, -.conditions eat out. G''.`
c-�. •'. t; On motion by the' above,; the construction of#3 $ewreage system was referred to
the. Joint Finance Hospital Sewer Sanitary. Committees'. i.I i'••':4
On motion b the above the woodwork and l/
Y , painting the interior and exterior, C,4
11 i.wae f
re erred to the Public 4mprove.ment Committee to-get.bide also .be., given power to.
purchase floor' the City.Hall. ; L
►, I
r� �+� ' On motion•bv the above, the -City Jailer was instructed to furnish the City Parket" ; E
Master with two prisioners each day.to,clean the Market House:
*' b- v.+• Y ;'f'I hhlwawt9i'sbMt'1—
_ _ '.'fY f fF9MMMf v.rbTf. PI YCp ^
�/ i � .'. r 1.1'1 1 � rr` Y; ♦/.
� .->.,� 191..,-
OF.THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY FOR THE :YEAR 1914• was given first' passage I' upon Dell ,of
�/X ' ,t he.roll by the following "vote: Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hanning Harton,•Jao- ;
_ obss.lenhard, Moore. Roofs Smith and Watts. (12)' I ;�
On motion by member Roofs the matter of closing'tha Market .House' ori the North• and. ;
South endas where came is now unprotected from the bad weathers same was referred to'.the {
Board'of.Public Works, to get bids and report backs to the General Council.,:
On motion by the above, that three mulea of the Street Departments now unfit for
{r J % C/ services and the purchase of these more for the same departments was..referred'to the Finan-
:ce Committee. r.:; t•:
On motion by tho above, s RESOLUTION for the improvembnt of Brunson Avenues by,
grading and gravels same from 10th to 11th street under the ten
ng , year 'payment plans was
.ai: v. /Oto
given first passages upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Farley,'
! B++tlerf Hanning Goodmans Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Roofs Smith and Watts. (12) ^�
On motion the rule
a were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the
following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, farley, Goodmang harming Hartong d.acobs,,Lenhard,
MMoore, Roof, Smith and watts. (12)
On motion by the above, the above resolution was given its second and final, pace..,';';'
agog upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, B•-itler,'Farley, Goodman,;
! Hanning Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Roof, Smith, anD Watts. (12)
On motion by the above, s petition from Market House prodicers, was referred to:.
V the Ordinance Committeeg to,bring in an amended ordinance.` ,
On.motion by member Hartong a petition from the Pittsburg Coal Co.afor over ass-
esoment was referred to the Board of Supervisors.
r%' f; On motion by member Jacobag a teansfer of a saloon license of Vineyard Brothers
!' to George 1!odisnaky at 117 North 4th street and offered as hie bond the Equitable Surety Co
of St Louis, was ordered to take its usual course.
On motion by the above,.the.Fquitable Surety Cc was released off of the bond +
{. !of Ben H.Allen and the Fidelity & Deposit of M.D.was substituted instead.
On motion by the above, a petition from Hucksters was referred to the license'
V%� {Committee.
On motion•by member Moore, several petitions for a Viaduct at the'Illinoio centra
J .• -ma y tracks at Tennessee street crossing, was referred to the Railroad, Telephone.& Telegraph
(j C1
Committee.. ;
;i CLI. On motion by member Lenhard, a comunication from Sewer Inspector Franke, in re-`'.';
Bard to the condition of a leaky Fire Plug, was referred to the Paducah &ter.Comparwo ''.
!i ..On,motion by member Hanning a deed was granted to J.W.Obrian to a lot in'Oak }i.!
Grove Cemetery. 4
On motion by member Farley, the Fire & Police Committee, was given power,to sot' r.
in receiving bids and letting contract for painting the several Fire Sbbtione, upon _call-
of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butlerg arley, Goodman, Hanning Hartong.'.'
1 ..A
Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and watts. (12)
1 ..312••
On motion by member Farley, that thetriple combination motor truck for the Fire
Dspa rtmen tp is 'referred to the Police & Fire and the Finance Committeev po wer to acts
in getting bids. and the purchase .of same',was.granted, upon call of the roll by the follw"',.?
vote; -Yeas Foreman-, Butler, Farl.syp•Ooodmang Hannin'.Harton, Jacobs9 Lenhard, Moore ":."•
Roofq Smith and Watts. (12)"(
On motion by member Smith, the obdinance Committee) was instructed to bring in
an rdinanceprobhibiting roller skating on the Strestsg butnot including the pavements, k
On motion b member Henning a Resolution allowing the u
y � ng Mayor to 'appoint Will
-Wheolis keeper of the Pest 'House at n oala 'of Sixty DOilArs
p ry. per month payable semi- .1''
was given first passage, upon call ofthe roll by the following vote; -Yeas
Foreman, Butler, Parley,. -Goodman, Hanning Hartong. Jacobs ,.Lenhard"Hoore, Smith, Roof,
.•"{ .
and Watts.
On motion the rules were.suspended on the above resolutions upon call of the rol
Iiby the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butlerp Farley, Hannin, Hartong Goodmant Jacobs I
Moore p.Smith, Roof and 'Watts. If
On motion by'the above, the above Resolution.was given second and final paeonE:9
;upon call of the 'roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butletp Farley, Boodmany
(Hanning Hartong Jacobs( Lenha.rd, Moore, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12)
On motion by tyre above, a resolution granting the permission to" -ed-
ploy :-ajanitor for the City Hall, was placed on its first, passage and was killed, upon'" .�
lcall of tho roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Farley, Henning Lenhard and Jacobo(4
Butlers Goodman, Hartong Moores Roofs Smith and Watte..(7) :.".I
On motion by'the"above, that the roe id onto aril property owners be notified thro-
h the Newa-Papere beginning February lot 1914 for 15th days by notice, to petition
` U the General Cc noil.for all improvements in the -way of sidewalks etc..same carried•. , .�.
I • .
On motion by member, Goodman, the matter of testing cows f.or"Tuberculosis,aias .�
Ireferredto the Health Officer and Meat t.- Milk rnepector.411
" On motion "by member Farley, a petition from'.Fred Kameletter:in regard toa lot .on
Csidwell' Streets was referred.to the Street Committee.. i"•
" ("' `"''"
On motion by aember. Smith, that "the Mayor hear, the Committee from the Commission ', !
.. Form' Gov erment :Longue j.bef.ore sending recomeridationd to Frankfort.cano carried..
------ --------On motion she. Board" adjourned—. --------------
;.'?ADOPTFJD L� ; • ,��{��' A.PZOV D.�"Lli - icil4
city. P.. cera of ab.wMLwNa.: f
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