HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 277, September 2, 1913. }° i _ s - h•tu-moi rL+r f� ' I berg in the. City Hall, in the City of Psclucahr Ky. rSepterrber 2nd 19139 upon call, of the' .. roll the following answered to their names;-Foremng Barnett, Budde, Farleypf'Ford p Hannin lHartong V. �. t -� '' � d ' .� ri.• s ff .};I 1 .. lit. . r � r }. j ,�tsrwAc.1•R.�ea-call-+�++� On motion by member Hanning•the Finance Comaitteege allowanoeg.for salaried „-. _ . ..� � A j'� n�a�.. s']tY.`.a Lu 7+i':ii"�➢ ••ca i Y <,Lr .k r 4:r=.'ii. f. 1 r�, �^'�i:.-�� ��:��5., a "a -n vt .Tr,�::e .rry 1 r Y'j-'•: 11 v a?!n'7. ;�f i4.�ri'k"'f�� t•n- �:;'L!rt •s .'4'7.. Y -.c..Lri'tt t .:.ka'.:.v,:r �s'�;!;'7r .l7('(``if'Y' . �'-ii. eto.g was allowed and the Clerk was'authorized to drwa a warrent on the'Treasurer'for the ` 1 �! respective amounts;-upon•call of the roll by the following vote;-YdasForeman, '' .COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, Cny:'Ol: PADUCAf!'�'' '_`' "`M f; x''1191 ';` 't 277 . . _' .. '' , - P:l..,'t_�tit• a�alat:: 1:' .,Y. , 4 . r'� l 4.. ? At, a adJourned' meting olf the Doard of Councilmen, held in the Council, Clam ' berg in the. City Hall, in the City of Psclucahr Ky. rSepterrber 2nd 19139 upon call, of the' .. roll the following answered to their names;-Foremng Barnett, Budde, Farleypf'Ford p Hannin lHartong Jacobs r %thews # )layer r Root ant Vogel. (12) • , I �, f; On motion the minutes of tite previous meetings were mopeted as read.,` j ,�tsrwAc.1•R.�ea-call-+�++� On motion by member Hanning•the Finance Comaitteege allowanoeg.for salaried eto.g was allowed and the Clerk was'authorized to drwa a warrent on the'Treasurer'for the ` �! respective amounts;-upon•call of the roll by the following vote;-YdasForeman, '' "Aa)rnaYt.t{, Budder ParleYr Ford, Henning Hartonr Jaoober )lathewsr ?layer, Roof,ancVogel.(12"• .. On motion by the above # the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor,, wss ' S received and filed. On motion by the aboveg a oominication.from the Western Industrial College. - - j was referred to the Finance Connittee. ". On motion by member Mathews, AN ORDINANCP PROVIDING FOR TIM CONSTRUCTION OF + CONCRFTF SIDEWALi , All) GUTTPRS TOGA' 'FM WITH. GRANITE: CURBINGS AILD ALL IECT^)SARY .14ANHOI.I: INTAKN_ CATCH BAS 09-, SFWi.-j2.4 AND DRlVFWAYS, ON BOTH SIDE. OF MADINSON STRF.E.T, FR0 IlAR-,` { RIHAN BOULEVARD TO FOUNTAIN AVMM?, IN THP CITY OF PADUOAH, KRNTUCKY,. was given its first. ►' `' f passage, upon cAll of the roll by the following vote; -Yea$ Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley'' Fordg Hanning Hartong 1•Iathews, Jacobs, Liryer, Roof aryl Vogel. (12) �;. On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on •.he above, upon oa:-1 of. Z L` the roll by, the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnette Budde, Farkey# Ford, Hannin, Har- t �.. tong Jacobsg Mathews, Heyer, Rood and vOgel. (12) �. it On notion by the above, the above Ordinance was 14v an its seoonl anl. final I 3 paosaeog by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa ForenangHarnett'r Buddeg Farley, Ford, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, Mathews, 1(ayer, Roof. and Vogel. (12) , j �s+.�..g.•.�s %%'�-f-�-- On motion bYnember Roofq a reIort from City Pn ineer Washi n6tong in regards. . 01 I,! to the condition of the fill near the Retaining Wall, same was referred to the Street.`.` r } P Committee and City Fngineer. ; 1J4 rev L On motion by the above, the report of the Board of Public•Work&, in,reg, d-* q to the oorarditson.of Harrison strbet from 17th to 19th street, the action of the- Board 'of Public Works, was concured-in. i t, 1 On motion by the above, the City Treasurer was ordered to draw a warrent the Special Street Fuel, in favor of O.W.KatterJohn for work clone on Trimble street..'.: 1 �i�fyLfi ;• 21st to 24th amounting to ^,24(7.1A; upon call of the roll by the Pollowinr: vote; -Yens Foreman, Aarnettg Rudder Farley, Ford, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, itnthews, Mayer, Roof and 7 Vogel. (12) ��� On notion by the above, the City Treasurer wr,e a%,tho*1zed to draw a warrent �s.14_• on the Special Street Rand in favor of Ysneay'h Johnson for work. done on Washington etrostV;;, / 'Agt: from 9th street to the enct of the 1(ie'$ippi Valley Corporation amounting to X40.C,O,upon-:.'.:,a i. pall of the roll by the follows vote; -Yeas Foreman Harnett Budde Farle Ford .�'' Han- mgt . r r r Y r' >f? • - ' nin, Hartong Jacobs, 1-tathews, Heyer, Roof and Vog'rl. (12) -e_ On notion by the above, the City ^reasurer. was c:uthorized to draw a warrent t 4 on the Special Street Fund, in favor of G.W.KiktterJohn amounting to $1259.70 ,for work.. ' �L r , • i � � - fz f.�i _ nT C•kVi. J7 b �•t Y r •ria •T' ,.,";(' . ., ..fir. .._�. 4.. ,..,-p n•».�tlsiu.� t�t, f COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,•CITY OF PADUCAH, S0.7- 1913-191 ' `.`•t7l'•--•a ��5.�:+p f5 on -Guthrie Avenue from Mayfield Road to Jackson streets upon call of the roll by the �•_�; following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hanning Hartong Jacobs, Uxtoi hews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12). y r dtiu,. C�nu�" _ , r On motion by the above, a report from the City Engineer on the condition or N? Ohio treat,' was seosived and filed* �.. On notion by the above, the Tres,urer was authorized to draw a warrent on 'tR .the Special Street Fund,.in favor of G.W.F.atterjohn for work done on 4th street from :-...•,,t•; Kentucky Avenue to Norton street, amounting to (728.00, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Mese Foreman, Barnett, Auddeg Farley,.Ford, Hannin, Harton,.Jacobs, Mathews,.Mayer Roof and Vogel. (12) On notion by the above, a report from the City RrCineer on property on 4th • 7 �_��/ - iireev ane Jones belonging to the Fannon Sisters, was referred to the Street Committee.. On motion by Member Harton,,the matter of purchasing a new wagon for the. City Engineer, was referred to the Street Committee, with power to mat, upon call of the ' Cr roll. by..the` following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Harnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hanning Habtoaf''.:; �w• t. Mathews, Jeooleo Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) On notion by -the above, a report inregerd to the Platform at the Paducah / To e.Comparys plant at lot Broadway, was received and filed. ee :,On motion by member Mayer, a petition in behalf of FaCaptain Glynn at #5 Fire Station, was referred to the Mayor nM Police do Fire Commissioners. P� fN t On notion b nefter, } er the month y lay , monthly report of the Chief of Police, was received and filed. 1 .ar'1dUpOA, �jq�tt.tM�✓a.a� On notionby member Itathews, AN ORDINANCF A.^^.F.^•SING THF ARUTTINr. PROPERTY 'ON, ' AWNFM BOTH SIDES OF HARRrvON STF.EFT FROM 17th to ihh.STRFET. IN THE CITY OF PAMJCAI' X1.7575 PBRFRONT fi00T, was given first pasenge, upon call of the roll by the Following �. l i..,.•.._-:n::J, ;: Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Hartong Jaoobeg 1.tathewe, Mayer_ ,vote;-Ysss -Roof and Vogel. (12) On motion by the above, the rules were eusper)ded on the above, upon call of " •�,7;' ; ,, i;:,• -;the roll lay the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hnrinin, Ha1.6- .:< :"•r -. tong Jaooba, Mathews, }layer, Root and Vogel. (12) rr?'_.y ' ` !!' 0n notion by the above, the above Ordinance was given its secord and final is passage, by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foreman, Barnet' `•, : �' ��: ''...•:; . Buods, Farley, Bord, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer Roof_ aryl Vogel._ (32) On motion by. member Vogel, G.Lashles was granted a transfer of &.Saloon icons* from 400 North 12th to 402 North 12th street, upon ca:.l.of the roll by the fol-. * ` lowing vote; Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs,'M&thews }' 1[ayerI.Rcof snd Vogel. (12) , ' the.aboveg s rordered f , On motion by transfer of a 8aloon•licenes was, to take its, usual :coures .from .it. Calisei 'to. M.R.Nschole ,at ,1100 North 10th street, of a Saloon. Q< , S it'll' J On motion by the above, s tranafarof a Saloon license was granted from 105 ,E. South`. 2nd street' to.120.eovth 2nd streets upori call of, she rollly the following vote;- Poreman, earaett, Budde, Parley, Fords Rannini Horton, Mathewe Mayor, Roof ,Yeas .Jacobs's v - �1, pair-j�!•�4 •1. r1, 1 p, .w J. ,1': r J•>a�.l�•ir1, �t�l �ll.� ✓ , � ,,r.y +t f, 4i - t : o! S 7 � L S � �+�G. 3 � � r-+ P ,_ � , � of 1 ��. F, ,'..'f �.,f, '• r, f f� i yE] rl� Yid � E• } �'�4 �t , ,� S ,r %���j'�r�i fNf �4,,P F'�! `'�N �}�r yl Y '� ,`i t '�, f r J(•;� t t��N ��r ., + 1 � vat ,. V�. � t i Y4 ,3 ", .�1 4 _, 11J;J _'" S.. -.i 1 ,. 11,• •r. S � '1w ,, :f Ait 1 ;Ir h f'J -•� t. ..,1 1 ' i 4 i rl y74i �r•;S w1r !'• ' + 5 '', ,{ 1f _ Il r�. `D �+' h• C. yt .. ;.'i t: .'o +�j t• n , ( t J r .rad t .6 i i-' ` . �SW . .,�. c.... +.111 _ _ . J...vll.,n'e: !YMaf../4n.'t«Y. A'J^/1'1i7:L :'Ja�"A W .wM•! :?'1•t :i4%.•t-.`a... e.. _.....� -.� a. t,.......- .n. _.. ___ _. _ r.e�.:rr:d�w.,...:1.� 1...._... � ..Afar u, ..i+l. e ''�'ff�,1 4-Sa. •••Y 1. ` 1S r,','i -5` r�fv-''y �( •. ••.., '• t. ' ,' ' •. '_ ' i+ ;t 1 1.1, ,tit#1• ` d COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, MY OF PADUCAH._' SEP 2 j 3 4 }� 191 ''' `; 7 ;279 r. uI 4 On motion by the above, a. transfer' was granted of a Saloon license to �Rothrock from W::H:Htbod"'.:rat'* c:+,r,o.. 123 South 2nd street'. upon. call of the rollby the Ijfollowirng vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley' Fora, Hnnnir), 11artonJaoobp, .6tatltel► `:i•.; LNgyer, Roof an! Vol.el. (,2) l On motion by the above, a transfer was granted to J.B.Rothrock from �. j:South 2nd street to 121 South 2nd street, upon call of the roll by the. following votdjl,., ;Ye" Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Rennin' Herten, Jacobs, Hathewe, !Myer, Root r and Vogel. (12) On.notIon by member barnatt, a petition for over assessment .of the -Pitta- 60_" ac / .!burg Coal Company was referred to the Treasurer, Auditor wid Supervisoeu+..: /rfsrs�t� �d (Q4tI(�• •• •- On notion by member ltannin, the following were granted deeds to lots in v Ork yGrove Cemetery;-ttre Alas O.Kreutzer and Charlie Morris. f On motion by the above, a transfer was granted to the North al of ylot #Lj, block 42 in Oak (trove Cemetery from W.H.Gregory to Mrs A.C.Chafters. 6 i Ott �1_'e, �,(� On notion by member Mathews, the Ordinance Committees was. instructed to {_ bring in an Ordinance Amending the Traffic Ordinance. ; On notion by member Mathews, A RESOLUTION FOR THr IMPROVEWNT OF 14th street 7Ko*r►v ,1� from !Monroe to Clay street, by fading argil graveling , was given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, farley, Ford, ftannin, Harton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof ani Vogel. (12) t•j' On motion by the above, therules were suspended on the above, upon call of.b the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foregian, Barnett,, Budde, Farley, Ford, itoaunin, Harton � Jacoba, Mathowa, Hayor� Roof and Vogel. (12) On notion by the above, the above Heeolution was given its second anal final passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yana Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley i Ford, Hanning Harlon, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof ani Vogel. (12) V On motion by the above, A RfSOLIITION for the improvement of Kentucky Avent#e.. ' •' # °from 19th.to 2Jth scree* with concrete oidewalks etc., was given its first peaeage, upon j•''•. , . call of the. roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremn, Barnet*, Rudde, Farley, Ford, Hannijj, Harton, Jacoba, PAthews, Rayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) �. On motion the rules were suspended on thenabove, upon call of the roll by j•, p the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Harton, Jncoba, . Mathews, mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) On notion by the above, the above Resolution was given Oeoond and final �, paosage, upon. call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,. Barnett, Bi#dde, , Kerley, (' N Ford Hannin Harton ltsoobs Maathewe b ar Roof ant Vo 1. 12 j j r r r r ! taY � its ( On motion by the above, A RWOLUTION for the improvement•of.North H%h street;. � ►a# F froom Caepbell to Burnett street, with concrete sidewalks etc., was given first paeange, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley,' Rorrl,, (• ,' { 1tatIIibn, Harton, Mathewe, Jacobs, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) On notion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by'',! I ; following vote; -Yana Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Fahey, Ford, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Hathe* Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) i .t t /3'• iii tr� V_�-111.1 •i4. ,... '".., . ­'.. . I . . I . �-.1--14�'.".""�.11i�"�.,,-,,..,.",��'. ., - . . , �,.".,��,�; � ,,.., 7� . . I ., . I - . I I � I . .. . . 111 I -�' ..�� . , , Z, ,, <- .. , l. ,?., I . t,,. , - t � .I ..i- ., . (.i * . pI.'. • . , , . - - .. r .1 -4, �-, , I " �I � , 1-r.,;.., 1� -,-� - -v '. � -­-�. .,-,:Xl.": . , "", � 11 , , � . . . I I - 1. - - I ,:, . � , . I . . I . . I - . . I I . I .- I , � � . , . - I 1, ­.%-�- . : ­ -. .1. - I I , 1,; .--":�­.�, J­�, .. I . , ; �- ,. ,,;�-,', X... 6 -.-,�,-, --!�.�777 - 777. .­ 1-7.7 77 . . . . , . I . ��� " . �. . . . . . '. . . I . . I'- "0,- . . F 28 Z.-�,,­,, - , , " - .. .. ..- . . ..:%`;,,,--'.",,?., . SU 2- - 19-13 - - ­ .". . I- ��,,,': COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY. OF P . , ".. COUNCIL .1 . . I ADUCAH--�-- 191 . . I — . . ® 11 . I : .... 1. :�:­' � :.- OA411e �-, " " - t I . . " '�­ -On notion by the above, the above,_ RF.901,UTION f was given Its second and Pink -� "1;1 - ' . I .r - *•, '! . go* i, upon, 041 ,L RUdde 9 ParIF "!, . � . " , .t, . ... �. . . I , passa 1- of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Tor.emanp, Barnett . . . . '..... I . 1! , I., I . . :. I I Pord j Hanninp Harlon, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayerp'Roof and Vogel. (12). . . . I . * � ..•I.I., . .. I . .L! . �4-'l ! . :. - '''"I' x%J1 , . On notion by the abovep the ditching in front of the City Parnp was referred; 11� , , . , . . ':t. , * - * - I , �. . 't Cemetery CorvAtteep for recomenrlatione .t � �.. ., . " - !. L, '. . I . : he Comet . : . -�,%. � I . , - ,/. . . , , , XU � . On notion by the above ,'a bill frog Hill & Karnes for brick sold to the 1. I . , * 1�!i . � L -k . . I I , * z (. " . �­, -;-.t,1 . 007 , I . I . . got.. Kentuo Industrial Collogep was referred to -the Finance Committee. I . -r� . , . ,r On notion by the alpovep Resolutions of respect wersordered drawn 'or the . ,­ f--dI ..,..,..,, sident of'Stich.,boardof,tho'Goneral Council, for the late Fire Chief�­,k,.;,,, . . ., , . � .� � . I . .. I -3-16 - . " . ��-" t. ) *: .: j"-4RoodV1`.­6.. I -1 � t -'"!. �"..1 �'.,f.I"'' 1 . % . k� "" � , - '.1'i",I11, "jiI. ',I,,-----..6 �.1I W" ,.I, I - On'wtiori the Board ad Journed-mi- ;-'­',!�':,-'��'!,'1,,iI �... 1"I.I e , .., . I 1.,,,��.-„I ,. , .1 . '* ” . - .. 1) , ,, ",—z"". .-j z;1 .." � .-1, , �t�i.�,11. . . ­. , i 1 - '.F. -Y.,�, " " . v 1�i, 'i?j � . I . J� I . . -1 — - " *,' ..'j ' . , . 1 . ,tj, , . ,,. " ,I....I ,'A330:pm= , ",,,4,��' , -. ,'F 1.. �': . . e- CE -4 L .1T 'o , .--J.: ­.)� , 6 ­") , ,-,-- .,.'A jp p, i q. -. IIll * "1913-, �11. I "'­ ,,.,, ,1 P15; ',,,,,,'�,,!.�,,,!",..,��, , - ';1A,-.`��4"t A '"' 'MMftv;i-'a'40�:,, -Y --A\.7-4-,- .., -,4 " AAjfp , ! " ""'? .-n.ii, I. . ��.�' ,,,�, � 'A. ". � -.�". . , - --��, .- -, -­­ - ­­ I " - I 1. -.. I. � 4 ' 1, 1. ." - - -,- .4 'I W, '. I , � I -1 - -i,,t, I"', 4� I . � . !�j�l ,,� , , , "� ., "i, .­,;, �,-,-, I '. "t!i.. ­, : ,4 ,­ '" .1ij,,:,1-.. . . 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