HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 274, August 13, 1913t
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At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilman, held 1n the Council ChW*
er, tri the City Hall in the City of Paducah' Ky, Auguet 18th 1913p upon call of the
(roll the , followir►g ons-ered to tehri names l; Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde' Farley, Fe! • `.'�`
S� Ford, Fird,. Hannin,. Harton, Jacobs, Mathews, ldayer, Roof and Vogel. *(12) i
On notion the minutes of the previous neeting was adopted, as read. 4
Oj On motion by member Hannin' the Finance 8omaitteo$a ^13owanoe, for salaries {,•
e.7•�tieafved � c,,'i. �'
ect.p was allowed and the Clerk was authorised tor.draw a warrent on the Treasurer for "
the respeotivep amotintap.upon call of the roll bygt)de following votes; Yeas Foreman, _
Barnett# BiAdep Parley# Ford$ Hanni4p Harton, Jacobsp Mathews, Mwer, Roof and Vogel.(/4-+
On motion by the abovep a bill from the Orether Fire Fquitment Co.p of
Ilbeyton Ohio, was referred to the Fise h Police Cora^iittee.
4n notion by the above, the Treasurer was ruthorizod So draw a warrent, on
mad the Special Street fund in favor, on Ynncey k Jehnoon for the sum of,1129-34 work done I'
in front of the property of We Susani W. Hodge,paud into the furl, by the Said Mrs
Hocdgep.upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budder a.
Parlay, Ford Iiannin Harton Jacobs Mhthewsp Itayer, Roof and Vogel. 12)
On motion by the above,The Treasurer was authorized to drama warrent on the :` JY':•, �"
SYie0t81e8treet Fcirdp in favor of Yancey h Johnson, for work clone Brown street, for the + ""
F balance# anounting top 'q*-)l2.66colldc+edp upon call o" the roll by the following vote;-
Yeas Foreman, DarnettI Buddep Farley, Fordp Hannin, Hartong Jaeobsp Mathews# ]layer;.
?�` I Roof and Vogel. (12)
AlOn motion by the above, the Treasurer was authorized to draw a warrent on.
the Special Street Fuad, in favor of Gardner h Katterjohn for tho sum of .ar5.21 for �•
i "-Tg`
work donep'on tenth Street between Clay h trirtble Streets# upon call of the -roll by
! the followinb vote; -Yens Foreman, Barnett, Budde# Parleyp Fordp Hannin, Hartong Jacobs
Mnthews# Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (1.2)
~ On motion by the above Louis Bacon, was refunadd 5`1.50 for poll tax.
' •' ;��,',�;>; On motion by the above, dndaaLrial.Co21e e
• was receivedancd filed.
«= a On motion by member )Mathews, AN ORDINANCE, ASUZOING THE PROPM- TY OWNED, OR � ' , { .kl
BOTH SIDFN OF FINIXY STRRI:T Bi:TWI-E l 9th & 10th streets the sum of .425 cents per front } �;
foot# and providing that:eaid assessments my be paid in ten equal paynente# by instals A
- ;. V•',
mental ons each year, was given its first passal;e# upon call of the roll by the follow. ! t'
i vote'—Yeas Foreman Barnett Budde Earle+r Ford Hannin Harton JaaAbe Hathews
Ing c # s p . s ► # # #' #
Mayer p Roof and Vogel. (12)
On motion by the above# the sbies above, upon call of E
`'<" ° •' the roll by the 'following vote; -Yeas ForemoA# Barnett, Budde g Parlay# Ford, Rahnin#
Hartong Jaoobs, Mathews# )46.verp Roof kid Vogel. (12}
jj On motion by the above; tile. above, Ordinance was given its second and final
aesage# by its title# upon call of,the roll by the following vote; -Yeas. Porennn#
Berhettt Budcd9p Parleyp Ford, Bnnnint Harton; Jacobs# Mathews, ]layer, Roof WTI Vaaol.i/� i 6C.
On motion bythe ab("9, the OrdinanceCommittee# was inetruotedlto'brinain
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`i rj Ord inanoe ieaulating the salary'oP the Market Haster.
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On motion by member Farley, 4 peyition from residents etc, Por light in
I. Lang Park, was referred to the Park Commissioners.
V I i
�ptr On notion by momber Marton, a report from the Board of Public Works, sae
vl -received. and Piled.
On notion by the above, a'petition for a walk from lath street to Plunket `
11111, was referred to the Board of Public Works, with instruction to rebuild same, upon I•
-call of to roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,.Barnett, Br Ods, Farley, Ford, Hannin,I'
' Marton, Jacobs, 11ethews, 1;ager, Roof r.nl Vogel..(12) I
On motion by the above the. notion of the Board of' Pnblio Viprkel vets oon
cured in, in regard awarding tho contract to Yancey de Johnson, for � .j construction of a
' Leveqn betty on Broadway & Kontueky Avenue;
- On motion by nenber VoCel, license was Brantfad to Sam Bryartt a%O1 South
7th street, and the Fidelity k Deposit Co.., as his bonrlemeng after taking its usual Course
! upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Babnett, Buckie, Farley, Fordo ,-
Hanning Hartong Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof anti Vogel. (12)
On motion by the above, a transfer Of' -a Saloon license from J.H.Rlrod to",
.&,.�.B.Rothrock at 125 South 2W streat, was orclerecl to bake its usual courses
f � On Motion b; the above, a transfer of a Saloon license was granted from
�3an R. Calhoun to R. Callissi, at,1100 North 10th street, in ooncuring in the action of
1 the License Com-ittee.
Q.w+./ On motion by t1te above, a transfor was granted to Bon Allen of his saloon.
-llcense'Pron 105 Broadway to 100 North let street, upon call of the roll by the following i
vote;-Yecs Foreman Barnett Budde Fa e ( •`
a . g g g rl yg Ford, Hanning Hartong Jacobs, Matheweg 1ltwer, . I
Roof and Vogol. (12) �•
C?�i,.. On notion by member Mayer, a report fr♦om the Fire da Polios Comaitteo, in
o�8-egard to certain charges perferredg agninst certain Members of the Firemen avl'PoldoOman
and others, was received a r1 filed.
!o ma �'`• On notion by mentor Harton, the report of the Public Inprovenent Committee•
In regard to the Market Master, was received and filed.
On motion by member Hanning deeds wen granted to the following to lots in
9 "t~ mak Grove Cemetery; L.Rapp and Thos P. Moore. {
1 On motion by the above, the Treasurer was authorized to draw a.wnrrent on ,
�U. Special Street Furdt in favor 'of Yancey h Johnaong for work done on lAcrrell Blvd., for
the sum of t244.27 upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yoas Forofffang.Barnott,
•. Buddeg Farleyg Ford, 11anning.Harton, Jr,cobs, 1lnthews, llr; or, Roof and Vogel. (12),-
12) On motion by ne:mbor Mathews,'Hember Harvrin, was excused.alAl .
On motion by member Roof, a petition from Christ Rulp, was referred to the
Street Committee.
On motion by the above, a comuniontion from the Board of Public Workeg in f
regard to.Mules & Wagons, was referred to the Street Committee to investigate.
On notion by the aboveg a petition from residents on Ohio Strawt'in roaard
to the bad condition of the pavement, was referred to the Board of Public Works, to inforce _
imsdeiate repairer.
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�i• �� On motion by the above, o�cossunication from W.C.Obrian in regard to Ilronn •,F }
7 I Streot g same was oonourod—in, the action of the upper Board, in the' appointment of
bor Van Haterto represent the City. :\
On motion by momber:Hartong a petition from Citizens oto. in regard to VICE.-,'.-
il Mo., in the llorth Side of the Cityg was referred to the Piro & Police Coimmittee purl ..'.
����••Ilthe Chief of Polioe. � � � :,' "; . � ► �' •
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Its '� On motion by member Harley, a report from the Paducah water Cog in regard to
laying mains for Water, oft Bridge Street from Ashbrooli Ave to the South line ' on the f
i c. ual Wheel Cog Baume was received and filed.
--4n motion the Board Adjourned-------
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RMPV4 of tbcnrtTs'm
= Septemlbbr ,let 1913,' being a National ,Holiday, tAe Clerk. called the roll anri }
thero, not being a Corum, the meeting was ad journed 0 until Tuesday Night September 2M
<,x'ti '.iNfi 19]31 at 7.30 P'.M. 'the usual -houri,'
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