HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 265, July 21, 19131 rl 3J.= �,•, � r� >�1 � t yiYAy ..� at j 'R;, .;' �rT 3, �,` - ' a •' rim` H .� F:1 ' I..� c..�,r ,rr.."II 7 G ,., � F q �''"X•�•'A+Vp?fzTr`K'? -r.. .,. '"r' ^"* r - + i'c"`,a- +'•>•v.=a••,, ` ,;.n t .t •n 4 . •. °'e•`•. < .!'ism `�i•'S'_ ���'�.. � : r.�^(frt. ,.. •`�i•`«�i10 ,�I•.t. vs x"G, ',7f�,�,. .,'» tiv +t 52 h +.'L �;�••'-,zC � � 'a',. �Y' 'f.•. •�:�; 't3' '�'":';S .. 7r 'fit':, a y^ i• �:-� 1�,, i. 4.nif"^�.. t., rf �.`. j :t• ., '4 � 4.r. '' r ''' {4 •� �.� t '� -�1.•,j•: f`t `a .. COUNCIL: PROCEEDINGS, CI•TY,OF PADUCAH J411.. 21 '19.13 ;' =1191' 'f 26.5 j , t At a regular Beating of the Board of Counbilmen:, held in the Council Cha-ibarl in the Cit Hall"in the City of Patluoeh ly - I y , Ky. ,Ju 21st 1913 # upon pall od the roll the., t following answered to their nanes;- ForenAm' Barnett, ilndde, Farlev, Ford, Hantin, Harton,i, ' Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vdgel. (11) • On notion by member Hannin, the mimutes of the previous meet",* was adopted Las corrected, by changing the word ri Anded to deferred, in the motion made, in-raeard to' f ..lithe Board of Public Works, and Paducah Ioe 06mpKny, moving a platform at their plant, on u I t first street, between Jefferson street and Brordwag. On motion by the above, the Finance allowance, for salaries etc., was allow w n ed and the Clerk was ,.uthorizecl to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the 'respective, , .CD amounts, upon call of t -he roll by the-followingvote;-Yeas Foremut Harnett Bucdde Farle n Ford, Hannin, Harton, Hitthews, Idryer, Roof and Vogel. (11) On notion by Lire above, a warrent was ordered drawn on the Special Street Fu :!•' Fund, in favor of Yancey & Johnson, for work done, on Brown Street by grading awl grf:v}elr i. f n....... $h/o�- �i inf h upon All or the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Forenarr, Barnett, Buckle, Farley, ; Ford HannW Parton Mathews 1layar, Roof an! Vo -el. (11) , � to � , , , L On motion by the above, a warrent wru+ ordered drawn of the Special Street Fund in favor of Gardner &,Katterjohn, for work clone, 10th street from Clay to. Trimble'`• i t! street., amounting to •yj4'].OS upon call of the roll by the Following vote; -Yeas Foremrui,-•• f� Barnett, Buuide, Farley, Ford,; (tannin, Harton, Mathews, Mayer, Roof awl Vo(;el. (11) , On motion by. the above, a warrent was ordered drawn on the ;lpeotal I;treat . +t Fund in favor of Yancey & Johnson for work done on Brown street bpountina to 0242.46 upon �• ccall of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,. Barnett, Budde, Farley,, Ford, Han- ! `! nin, Hartong Mathews, Mayer, Roof awl VoLrol. (11) �+ Moyor reported the condition of the Finaaees of the City, and their was no action taken on same. —� fr-rd to Brown strat On motion by the above, a petition from tY.C.O'Brynn in rqL . h irlprovements, was referred to the Street Cot:tmittee, City Engineer and City'Solicitor, to report back at the next. meeting. ' On motion;by the above, a petition from tits Butchers on the Market, in regal i �a,., T•^� ;j.to Electric, Fans, same was referred to the Finance Committee. On motion by the above, the opinion of ehe.SuprengcCourLin regard:to,the_' case against the East Tennessee Telephone Cc by the City of. Paducah, sarle was received aml'` 1 filed. On motion by member 1'dathews' A RFSOLUTI011 RF:r11SINr TO I'JQ'FtC.LSE Tllf. OPTION OF ENAMmiG'A CFMAIN TFZF.PHONF WANCHISE 9RDINANCE PURSUANT TO TliF JUD('.FJ-", IT :OF "fF UIIIM ';S i STATFZ CIRCUIT COURT. W MN DISTRICT OF;KFTITUCKY. RMIDMED OFl JULY 13th 1909`. iia the actin) of the Bast Tennessee Telephone.eompart•y ve eity of Paducah, was given first passags,.:.upon'1 call of the roH by the followin vote; -Yom Foreman Barnett Budde Farley ForKd ))salt T Barton, Mathews, 14:yer, Roof and Vocal. (11) On notion the rules were. suspended on''•the above, upon onll of tits roll by th' the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde) Barley, Ford, llwutin, Hartong Mathows, )layer, Roof and Vogel. (11) : ix.+t COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH UL. On notion by the abovei the above, resolution was given its eecond and final,':' paeeegep by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yens Foremenp Barnet i. !Budde, FarlaVp Ford, Hanning Harton. mathews, Itayerg Roof and Vogel. (11) On motion by the above, A14 ORDINANCF, PROVIDING FOR TIM COiJiTRUCTION OF 21st - '`STREET FRom THF. iJINKLEvrLLr. ROAD(OR TRIMRLF STRF}T) FOR ABOUT ONE. -HALF A BLOCK OR TO THF: POIIJT RIiFRF' GRAVEL IIJ T11R CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIJTUCKYg BY GRADIiJG A111) GRAVELING 3AJ.S •' • was given -.lie first pasanLre, upon call of the roll by the Pollewina* vote; -Yens Foremang �fBer EarleYe Forl> Heunin> Hartong dathewsa1. vers Roof and Vogel. (11)arnettg Rudd11-0 ., On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by (' the followirU7, vote; -Yens Fnrertang Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hanning Hartong Mathews. �'••`k:::ry':;`';U%verg Roof arvl Vogel. (11) On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given its second and final assage,.by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremeng Budde'; l �8arnett, Parley, Ford, Hannin, .Hartong Mathews, Mayer, Roof arrI Vogel. (11) `e On motion b; the nhove j AN ORDINANCE ASOF„SING TI,F. ABUTTING PROPERTY oil BOTIi ^ r t RIDE, OF NORTH Tr--,4JTi1 STREET FROM CLAY TO TRI7'61LF STRF, -19, rXCFPT THAT PORTION OF SAID (+ e SIi)rwALK.",ON THE E.AST SIDE rim- rOF ABUTTING THF PROPERTY OF P.F.LALLY, Ill WE CITY OF �u�., PADUCAiie KFJITUCKI, THF, 31d1.d OF }31.6it304 PF32 FROiJT FOOT, FOR THF. COST OF CONSTRUCTIOil OF G _,{ ONCRETF SIDEti7ALJCS "Am)C,U'i'TFm,, TOGA^![T WIT1; GRANITE CURBING AIJD ALL SFT2S9 11AA'OLi'� g �; IINTA 0Z a CATCH BASINS AND DRIVFr7AY^ , Ill SAID CONSTRUCTIONAIJII PROVIDF.D„THAT SAID ASSP: ;:tic }%++•' ;'• �AAY BE PAID IN Tr F,QUAL INSTALWIENTS, BRING ONE E.ACIT YFJ1R FOR A PERIOD OF TFiJ YE.AiZ;. WAS GIVEN FIRST PAnSAt:F'• UPON CATJ, OF TIT-, . ROLL BY TIT roma. n VOTE: fYEASForerwn, Budde 1�Ce nrnett, Farley, Ford; Hanning Hartong Mathewsg Mayer, Roof arra Vogel. (11) t tr*,lit On motion the rules were suspended on the nhove, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-YeasForeman Barnett Budde Farle Ford Hannin Harton Itathews � r g g Farley, g � s f inyer, Roof not Vogel. (11) o On.motion by the aboveg the above Ordinance,. was giver% its second and final l l �1; „/ .•Iy a, . is assagep by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-YsasForemang Ba:•ne+, Budde a Parley, Ford, .Hanning Hartong Mathews, Ilayer, Roof arlri vocal. (11) On motion by the •above g AN ORDI14AIICF PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALLEY MING- FROM'MT.VENTid STREET TO TIiIRTFFNTH STREET S . �+ g BFTi41:FN .BROADWAY AND .JFU'F'i71. 01J STREET �� /'3• xN THE CI11Y OF PADUCAH, KMMCKY, BY GRADING AND GRAVELING OF SAl'.W., was given''firet pass• �gef.upon"eall of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Buddeg Farleyg,.'.; -Fords Iiannin, Hartong Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (11) `On motion by the above, the rules ware suspendedg on the aboveg upon call of YI f [he roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnette Budde, Parley, Fords Hannan, ilar- oni.t]Iathewse`Msyer� Roof and Vogel. (11) t On motion b the above the above Ordinance was Y ' g given its seoond'arrt.final assn s' b its title upon call the roll b the follows 1 - i y •R � •.: � g g Y' g, P y ng vote; -Yeas Poremnne Barnet ';i� "s yt ;t1•? uddsp Parleyg'Boidg sunning Hartone Mathews Mayer,'RooP'arui Vogel. (11) ! ' %��+� %•+� �• On motion by the above g AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF. MEATS g FISH g • OR :POWIS AND 'PROVIDING A PF.IJALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION HFXF)6Fg was given firts � passage, {rPon ' x all of•ths" roll' the" lollowing'vote,Yeae' Poremarig AerneGte' Iduddeg Fealery►, Fords Harr;; k 'tiri� Ht►rtone Nethewsg dl4yerg Roof e►nd Vogel. (11) '.14 ?: ,f''•� .c t�: S.r� . Y:;i •�n.j' �.,4�tr (4��d �'i'_. 4. ��.,I . .,-. �5iw1!n �.i�i:'s�1i.. , t s. •:..1 �+A_t.77':�; �r.� , _.t,., l , ' r> ,si. ._cL . •�•' i✓ �,. �i �} !t %nE: t . V` .�, '. � 'y's•'•.,. •a• vs.., ti ,....,. t -_,.r .:��. r t. ti . l�+`�YY95' in.- ��7 •` Yr ,l V',+41 iy ^, COIJ�VCIL PROCEEDINGS, Cl'I'Y''OF PADUCAH.�1llL2 Y 1913 267 i, On motion by the above# the rules were suspended, on the above, upon call 'T u of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman# Barnett, Budder Farleyg .Ford'# •Hearnin# Harton# Mathews, Ita�yer.g Roof aryl Vogel.. (11) On motion by the a.,ove, the Above Ordinance was given its second and final ` .Upassage, by its title, upon call of the roll by the. following vote; -Yens Foremang-Barnett, Mulde Parlay, Ford Hannin Hartong Hathews l• reYr , r , , Payer, Roof arul Vogel. (11) On motion by the above, All ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SCRI:F,NING OF SLAUGHTER, , r -/ HOIISIS AND PROVID I A MALTY FOR THE VIOLATIO1l TI[FRiOF` sae: Sybn first seas # 6 passage, upon t call of the roll by the following vote; Yens Foreman# Barnett, Buddeg Farle;r,'Pord� Ilan-'. ; nlnr Hartong Mathews, ).laver, Roof rnrl Vogel. (11) F On motion the miles were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll ;by the followingvote•-Yens Foreman Harnett Budde. Farle Ford liannin Hartong%thewu Bayer, Roof and Vogel. (11) r On motion by the above, the above# was given its seoorxl aril final, passage Iby its title# upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, lludde,g Parley, Ford, Hanning Barton, Mathews, )sayer, Roof aril Vogel. (11) On notion by the above, AN ORDI14AIlCE ANSI:^S ING 71M ABUTTING PROPMTY OIl nOT11 SIDES OF BROWN STREET FROM THE NASI{VILLrp CHATTANOOGA& ST. LOUIS RAILWAY TRACKTO MIDGI.1 • . �j OVER CROSS CRM-7(ColitinCTlNG BROAD ,TRrr.T) BY CARDING AND GRAYMLING OF soar, Ill TI:N EQUAL' • I13STALL11ENTS9 was riven first passage, upon call of the roll by the. following vote; -Yeas: Foremang Barnett# Budde, Farley, Vord, Henning Hartong Mathews, 1.1r,,ver, Roof aml Vogel., (3 r t: On motion the rnlos were suspemled on the above, upon call of the roll by,the, jfollowing vote; -Yeas Forerun, Barnette Hud0s, Parley, Fordg Hanning Hartong Hathews) flay - erg Roof and Vogel. (11) On motion by the aboveg the abDve Ordinanoe was given its secoml ami final i1 ; poesageg by its titleg upolk call of the roll by the following vote;-Yehe Forenaang Barnette t ' •r `'• ' l Budde, Parlay, Ford, tlannin, Hartong lathes, Hayer r Roof nml Vo ol. ` Tl l On motion by the above, the Fire Proteotion Ordinance was not take up, actio. being deferred on same. On motion by the above, an ordinance was oreded brought in requiring all ice wagons to.,Vaef0ruished with scales aml that. all dealers in Ice be required to sell by ' - _—ter • , 1, weigh On motion by the above, the City ENIneer wus instructed.to draw plans..for' , the improvenent of River. Front Levee, aml the Board of Public Works, was instructed to let the -contract at once# same carried, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas:'." "Poremang Harnett, Budde, Varley, Ford, Iia►min, Hartong Mathews, 1•ihyerr Roof'ami Voiel.(11)� eoP On notion by member Earle n, yg a report from the Paiucr�ti Water Co.Co.,in regard to. them laying mains on Jackson Street from Third to Fourth Streets a the placinr or one Pira ' Plug. sane was received aril filed. On motion by the aboger a petition for a Light on Brown Street# wasreoeived, f i; aril filed* On motion by. member Hartong the Public IMrovement Corviittee.# was instruejr- ed to have the Council and Aldermen Chambers# eceeenedt by the next meeting. �� .• '', ', %"'4iii�6 Fiw "Omi'9.4 r'� �a` `�rl' ''�•4t+�-"� ��.y9';,T rr',^i n i" f +i '.5.± Mme• + � � � � T. j. 1 Pt��"3:"�:'Y''t't _ „s.,. r � H'�ta{v ,��. .�tr7_.f�'+.1, -l`�+ � J.�' f'J r. ;'�. rn�,- y>� 3•.. 1 : 1 t> �t;� x�•,i- r7 �i ^, COIJ�VCIL PROCEEDINGS, Cl'I'Y''OF PADUCAH.�1llL2 Y 1913 267 i, On motion by the above# the rules were suspended, on the above, upon call 'T u of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman# Barnett, Budder Farleyg .Ford'# •Hearnin# Harton# Mathews, Ita�yer.g Roof aryl Vogel.. (11) On motion by the a.,ove, the Above Ordinance was given its second and final ` .Upassage, by its title, upon call of the roll by the. following vote; -Yens Foremang-Barnett, Mulde Parlay, Ford Hannin Hartong Hathews l• reYr , r , , Payer, Roof arul Vogel. (11) On motion by the above, All ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SCRI:F,NING OF SLAUGHTER, , r -/ HOIISIS AND PROVID I A MALTY FOR THE VIOLATIO1l TI[FRiOF` sae: Sybn first seas # 6 passage, upon t call of the roll by the following vote; Yens Foreman# Barnett, Buddeg Farle;r,'Pord� Ilan-'. ; nlnr Hartong Mathews, ).laver, Roof rnrl Vogel. (11) F On motion the miles were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll ;by the followingvote•-Yens Foreman Harnett Budde. Farle Ford liannin Hartong%thewu Bayer, Roof and Vogel. (11) r On motion by the above, the above# was given its seoorxl aril final, passage Iby its title# upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, lludde,g Parley, Ford, Hanning Barton, Mathews, )sayer, Roof aril Vogel. (11) On notion by the above, AN ORDI14AIlCE ANSI:^S ING 71M ABUTTING PROPMTY OIl nOT11 SIDES OF BROWN STREET FROM THE NASI{VILLrp CHATTANOOGA& ST. LOUIS RAILWAY TRACKTO MIDGI.1 • . �j OVER CROSS CRM-7(ColitinCTlNG BROAD ,TRrr.T) BY CARDING AND GRAYMLING OF soar, Ill TI:N EQUAL' • I13STALL11ENTS9 was riven first passage, upon call of the roll by the. following vote; -Yeas: Foremang Barnett# Budde, Farley, Vord, Henning Hartong Mathews, 1.1r,,ver, Roof aml Vogel., (3 r t: On motion the rnlos were suspemled on the above, upon call of the roll by,the, jfollowing vote; -Yeas Forerun, Barnette Hud0s, Parley, Fordg Hanning Hartong Hathews) flay - erg Roof and Vogel. (11) On motion by the aboveg the abDve Ordinanoe was given its secoml ami final i1 ; poesageg by its titleg upolk call of the roll by the following vote;-Yehe Forenaang Barnette t ' •r `'• ' l Budde, Parlay, Ford, tlannin, Hartong lathes, Hayer r Roof nml Vo ol. ` Tl l On motion by the above, the Fire Proteotion Ordinance was not take up, actio. being deferred on same. On motion by the above, an ordinance was oreded brought in requiring all ice wagons to.,Vaef0ruished with scales aml that. all dealers in Ice be required to sell by ' - _—ter • , 1, weigh On motion by the above, the City ENIneer wus instructed.to draw plans..for' , the improvenent of River. Front Levee, aml the Board of Public Works, was instructed to let the -contract at once# same carried, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas:'." "Poremang Harnett, Budde, Varley, Ford, Iia►min, Hartong Mathews, 1•ihyerr Roof'ami Voiel.(11)� eoP On notion by member Earle n, yg a report from the Paiucr�ti Water Co.Co.,in regard to. them laying mains on Jackson Street from Third to Fourth Streets a the placinr or one Pira ' Plug. sane was received aril filed. On motion by the aboger a petition for a Light on Brown Street# wasreoeived, f i; aril filed* On motion by. member Hartong the Public IMrovement Corviittee.# was instruejr- ed to have the Council and Aldermen Chambers# eceeenedt by the next meeting. ;r, , P 26� COUNCIL: PROCEEDINGS, MY, OF PADUCAH•;'JUL .2-1,1913 ILA( i` On motion by member Vogel, a transfer was granted from N.F,.Ransy to J.R. Ol•��Nw^' Clentleno'n at 1 South 2srl street and bond 'accepted* after talo its usuol.00uree y 13 ep taking t upon, "r 4` call of the roll by the following vote;=Yeas Foreman' Harnett,' Budde, Parley# Ford, Harri'�: IF' ninp Hnrtonj Mathews 9 14ayer y Roof caul Vo 1. 11 On notion,by the abeve, a Transfer of a Saloon license from W.T.Cochran to ►� . ln�nA, 2.H.Williane at 434 Norton street, was ordered to take ite` usual coureeo On motion by member Roofs the action of the Board of Public Works It was rat- lified in awarding the' following contracts, to G.W. Katterjohn; Construotion 'of Concrete• sidewalks*g granite Curbing etc., on 4th street from Kentueky'Avenue to Norton street for (< " the sura of 032,343.62 also the construction of 22nd street from Trirble to Mildred etren" I and of 2,3rd street from Trimble street to Tiildned street. On notion by the above, a petition from J.W.Aanew-in regard to the condition`....` ,'D'•'•,oQ�� �of sidewalks etc.' on Ohio Street, was referred to the Board of Public Works. o r On motion by member Hanning a cornunication from Chas At }Mable Rieke was 4 Irl ` 'referred to the City Solicitor to report back# at the next seating also the Cemetery U j Committee.. `4 On motion by member Hartong the action of the Special Committee on the West= i, ern Industrial College, was ooncured-in. On motion by member Hanning the above was amendedand the resignation of l Rev'quin was accepted and the above Committee was instructed to cirrS on the buieneee ae'',' :..instructed 6t hh On.sotion by member }[atoning the License Inepeotor, was Instructed to not toy �. isnforce the collection of Lunch Stande g on the ath of August, 1913. II' t On motion by member Mayers member Roof was exouded for the balance of this',1> i ' iaeet ins. I��j'• f eJ 1 On Motion by member Hartong a comunication fees Bettie R. Rhomasg was re- i= to eived and •filed. On motion by member Mathews# George Olrn was allowed his salary while sick. for 25 days# ea an assistant to Sewer Inspector Franke,'upon call of the roll by the e,•, 's`''• lfollowina vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde# Farley, Ford, Hannin*t Hartong Mathews, Mayer, and Vogel. (10) On motion by the above) a petition from Nancy;C.Brams wns referred to the I ' Finance Committee and City Solicitor iwith power to act, upon call of the roll by the ollowin vote; -Yew f a. 'T I a , Ysss Foreman, .Barnett, Budde g Farley, Ford, }tannin, Harton, Mathews pIt, • i� t ;,r Vouel.(l0)On motion by member Hanning a oorurdoation from W.C.O'Bryan was referred to ICity,Solioitorg Street Committee, and City Sheinser to report back. 'i-- -----= -�-On` notibn`the Bbard!Aifjourned` G -41913 x r _v °,A-VPRo AUG- 41913 !l air 1 °' y," ;• �OotiiolNlw, Y iS i7 'y. E "-•'`\'. _ : 5 � �i r ° w , y ! E 't Ai�j 1 �. ¢ r - t A',• V, r e +' _ :Pi 141rt. + I •;it '• -rcv r r. `y, c 13rdI- 'i ESli7n, CY., :. l r,I( t r � r •" i r !•a�� 1 - ,.t �t r X j e k ..}'.... , h. 7`f t- s �t r„�t •�.1. h(c { "}1i ,11 .. , 1r t4 y Pr ,,?• 1 ttr. r ..r._...a._ ._,L,:,+ .-ti. .h r It h .. a 4Ifl .d� i f 1 r. - �" � .,'.. r �:. r -,,. r • ' t ',�g i n ? �jo. �iF,o• P•:'�f� (. .•i')i I.�1�••. . ._L• i � - ... A•. 1211