HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 258, June 16, 1913-I S .1
At a regular meeting of the Board.of Councilmong hold In the Council Chamber).,
in the City Hally in the City of Paducah, Ky., JuneL 16th 19139 upon call of the roll the
following answered to their names;-Foremang Barnett, Middep Parloyp Ford, Henning Jacobs,`'.;,.'
Mathewop Mayerg Roof and Vogel. (11)
On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as read*
On notion by member Henning a petition from Clyde Cable for salary while he
11was sick, was referred to the Five & Police Commissioners.
)&4II On notion by the above 9 the report of the coat of construction of. the 8 Ixt h*
street.bridge, made by L.A.Washington City Pnginserl was received and filed. <t'
On motion by the above a bill from Rhodes & Buford for 92.40 Was allowed. '.;
On' motion by the above, a bill from Joe Exall for a5.50 was allowed.
On notion by the above, that the City Scales be repaired g same was referred
Ito t'he"P,ublic Improvement Committee power to setv same not to exceed $15.00 upon call o
the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Fore m.hp Barnett q Buddep Parleyl Ford, Hanning Jacob
Mathowsq,Mayery Roof and Vogel. (11).
A" On motion by the above, the Finance Con"tittee was instructed to report on the:
matter of installing the City Pumping station at the next meeting.
On notion by member Mathe"wev a Resolution for the Improvement of Madison stret
from Harrihan Boulevard to Fountain Averaley
with concrete sidewalks etc,.was given Its
!first prwoneep upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foromhn, Barnottf Budd6j.
'Farley' Ford, Hanning Hartong Jsooboy Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12)
On notion by the above, the rules were suspended on the abovey upon call of th
the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremang Barretts Buddep Parley, Pordp Henning ,H&r--
ton, Jacobeg Mathoweg Mayert Roof and Vogel .* (12)
On motion by the above g the above Resolution wad even Its s000rd,and final c,
passage p- upon call of the roll by the following vote;
-Yeas Foremanp Barnettp BAddep Par-,
19Y Ford Hannin, Hartong Jacobs %cobs,, Mathews 11kylerg Roof and Vogel. (12)' d/h
On motion by member Rootp.a petition from E.W.Bagby in behalf of Mrs Bettie
R. Thomasp was referred to the street Committee.
On motion by .the abovel a petition from Dr W.H.Paraon to oonRtruct a side"alk
permission was. granted to him to construct sidewalks on Broad streets all of the above
1(work to be done under the supervision of the My Engineer.
6 !�70f - " On motion by the AbOTog the action of the Board of Public Works was coneured
4.1-4 inin awarding contracts to Yancey A Johnson as follows;- Concrete sidewalkep curbs etc.
on Harrison street from 17th to 19th street; also Concrete sidewalks etc on Washington
street from 9th street to the Mississippi.Vally Corporation Compaq
and for the grad Ina
ani graveling of Finley Street from 49th to 10th street.
G.,,On motion by member Parley, a petition from the Retail Merchants Aeon for
":,j lights to'
be placed In the all In the retail district, same was referred to the Light'
and Water 1 Committee.
.On, motion by the above ' -a petition for water main to. be daid on Brown street
from Hread stIto the Union Statlong*--'same was reforred,td' a Water CompsrW to.1 'nal
place+ j,
on th'
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' K r t ...,.,s,•t.. / .. T :._.f �` :"C +P, P,t s i. - �'�� la�.. �;�,r. ;.dr. F �l4 aYY'.^ { .•4.tM a rR +` i-..7,'?' 7 v —.7 ,
COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, Cl'TY OF PADUEAH '' Yl�;�-fig-1913 '' : ' 191 s �' 259
On motion by member Ra»nin, the Finance Committee'a allowance for salaries. etc .I
> •' I� .. . Vii,•
as allowed andthe Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the res ect•%'
? t,
live anounta, upon call of .the roll by the following vote;—YensForeman, Barnett, Bux1de,•;.
Parley ,`Ford I Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, Hathews, Mayers Roof arr, Vogel. (12)
i �/ �►��+' On motion by the above, a warrent was ordered drawn in favor of Katterjohn'&''!
►; �i �, �,,,,��' ardnar on the Special Street Fund for ^534.32 work done on south 5th street from Jones to .
— Norton street/ upon call of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde,
• 1 ,
Parley, Ford, Hanning Harton, Jacobs, Mathews, 114yar, Roof .and Vogel. (12) +
On notion b the above V.F.1•taschme r was allowed X150.00 for
'. ►%y�%f1a�swuyw Y � Ye injuries etc.,
jl sustained while he was a fireman, upon call of the roll b,p the following vote;—Yeas Fore— k
man' Budde, Farloy, Ford, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Na„ver, Roof and Vogel. (10) Naye Barnett''_ l
i' and Mathews. (2)
On motion by member Vogel, a transfer of a Saloon license. was granted from
�%% )Sam Bryant to W.T.Cochrnn at 434 Norton street and the Fidelity Deposit Compare+ of bt,A.l ^`
' •g'alr^ •
was accepted as his bondsmen, upon call of the roll by the ;°ollowin;; voto'=Yea3
►, .
Barnett, Budde, Fnrley, Ford, Hannin, Harton, Jaoobs p Mathews., ttayer, Roof aryl Vogel.
On motion by the above, a transfer of a Saloon license from J.B.Rothrook'to �S ,
�» _w6G.W.Sheppard at 200 Ky Ave, was ordered to take its usual course.
�...•M^^� On motion b member Hannin the Railroad telephone & tele
3' • P .graph Committee and ,•: �1',, .
� y ( the City Solicitor. were instructed to bring in an Ordinance regulating Telephone Rntea.
On motion b
Y the above p a Petition from Motor Boat owners etc., for permisalott}}� ' �
to use a part of the Public Wharf for a Doak, same was referred to, the street, Comni'ttee,
On motion by member Mpthews, that the ,next three contracts be lot by the .Hoard:
of Public Works, without maintainance bonds, same was KI1,1,RA, upon onll of the roll by the'
following vote;—Yeas Barnett, Mathews, aryl Roof. (3) Nays Foreman, Budde, Farley, Ford,
Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, 1-%yer aryl Vogel. (9) �•1;;.
On motion by meriber Roof, the Hoard of Public Works was, instructed -'t0 burn '+
Streets Lights all nifjkt as was ordered some time ago by the Oeneralt Council. .
On motion by nefter Hannin, the Board of Public Works, was instructed to. c1041:
the gutters on North 12th street between.Trimhle and F.11is streets, also to put oil in the*.
i gutters to keep down the brawling of insects etc.
41 f On notion by member Roof, waPons wrire ordered furnished the �S^nitnry Officers �.
-...�u4.36to clean up the Alleys, by the Board of Public. Works.
I. --- ------------On motion the Board adjourned--------------------------- ---- 1
Ji 11 7 -1913
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