HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 239, March 17, 1913S C- t 3+ j N* a• t r T 4 t Y. �,1 r i!• ! + r. rt'•'+ ' S a4 1 F 4' 1 a0 • . �f7C,.+ip � --}+t L. ) ? rM s� p Y r I f , F { i4. � ^ , d��'�t ' lr t' ,� ` J • t, a ,. 3' ,'k +>'w-'ti!�l �19�i 99 �t� '4'-4t • t'r'35�t'a"swiP�Eit''r'.,'ht�`ir�a�rPf7fw'�r t�.r,�` r„ , � '^ •r� .y.'"ti P`,' J � �, r+ . J P Yct r4 1K • f i' ,'� 'i:l .Y' � Y G 4 , si+ Si <'N•r {? � 4 1 w,"rf"� 1, � •4 xti r J'r n.�-.. a ?'� ..�a.1 5)) F r � +I z il. � r� :..t .v w LL� z gin. 1'a e -t� .�yj"�` )"rq F-r'R'r,a� '�"•.. S"ah'�+�"e��L", �', !�' •CJI- ,1'1{ i 1 lr. •%1' Mw l�t�Jnf e!A WXP kl +.{I i4 `. ft ,� { -,r \� t-�,1 wy3K+l 34 ,t NIf t�$ r. , r ,•. '`... .. ,�;, s� , I`i Yu+ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAHw1l7A ''`? 191 . At. a regular meeting of the'i}oard of Counoilmen, field IntheCouncil Chamber, in the Cit Hall in the\Cit, of Paducah starch 17th 191 it on call of the rot the i 1 , •_ t y Y. r. Y' r KYr 3 r P r ' -Foreman, �arnettt'BuAde, Ford, Hannan, Hartyn, Jsooba ijfollowine answered to their names; illlsthewei Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (it) 4 On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was, adopted .an react.,' Ori motion by morlber Liannin, the Finance Committee's allowance- for salaries eto, wan allowed and the Clark.w-ta authorized to draw a warrent on'the Tressueer, for the rasps ` !Live amounts, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas' Foreman, Barnett, jludda, %.;` iFord, Hahnin,'Hart,onI Jacobs, llathewa, Mayer, Roof &WVourel. (11) OWL • to On motion -by the above, the bill of the Paducah Water Coml+any was, allowed for �1.Q.v444 ;}Ii rent on 458 Fire Plug., .from January lot to April lot 1913 amounting•to :33462.5n lees -P75 7.Tr ., .,'reduction original 15A -plugs, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa Forerun, �{ Harnett, Budde, Ford, ?tannin, Harton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof .s.nd Vogel. (11) OrLxotion by the above, Miss Oonevd Burch was allowed :,40.0,1 as her salary for -ape,ial work done by City Solicitor A.Y.1.lartin, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yese Foreman, Barnett, Ruide, Ford, Hannin, liar*on, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Root' ant Vogel. (11) A r YW�+d On motion by the above, Yancey & Johnson was allowed !1978.42 for work done on� } - '.North 6th street fronm Jefferson to Madison at•reot i to be deducted from the`Rpocial ` t stat .l ..:. 'fund, upon cell of the roll by the .following vote; -Yeas Foremen, B:,.rnett, Rudde., Ford, ,:. (• °;� ' 1' ;llannin, Harton, Jacobs, S1&thews, ltLyer., Roof and Vogel. (11) On motion by sedber. Mathews, AN ORDINANCR FIXING T11r, TAX LEVY OR RATrr OF TAX InOlU.-ON PROPT3tTY I14 T1TF. PITY OF PADUCAH FOR THR-YEAR 1913, AM) TYR RATE; OF T11F, PnLL`:; TAX wITit TYF, PURP03R OF THR. RAID L?YY Ti1rR1:WMRR j)nrIN^.D $. was . given its • secant arri final •. l j'peaeage, upon call. of the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa Foremaut, Barnett, Budded FordKa:' .j Hannin, Hartom, •Jacobs, Mathews, Nay+er, Roof aryl. Vogal. (11) On motion by the above,.AN ORDi11ANCF RRGULATING TO T1TR NUt1BT•-i OF SALOONS. itl.l: vwa� THF, CITY OF PADUCAH, K}i1LTURKY-: was given its first passage, upon call- of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, BArnet4t , Budde, Ford, Hannin, Jaoobs, Mathews, and slayer. (9) j Naya Roof snot Vogel. (2) On motion, by the above, .that the sU2es+ Be•)Snapended, on the ,(bova,, Orrlinanoe, r'K was lost, upon 'call of the roll by the following vote.; -Yeas Foreman, Harnetti Ford,\Hanoi ! r Harton"� Jacobs*, anal Mathews. (7) Maya Budde, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (4) On motion by the above, A RFSOLUTIO11 FOR THF; 1:1A'ROVrIENT OF 21st, STRRi:T ?)ROM TFZ, /�,Qy�y.,.� 9ivi{/+HINKIIFVILhR ROAD TO OR TRI1-13Lr RTRii^T FOR. 0111: iTALF BLOCK OR WHER2 THE ORAVFL. F.NWI,13M •GRADB; M) GRAV'r3,R3)., ALL TO AR DONT UNDFA. TItR TF24 Yi:AR PAYTIMIT PLAN,i was given Its first paeeage 0 �' upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett' )ludde, Ford, ?tannin, jl Harton, Jacobs, Mathews, stayer, .Roof anis Vogel. (11) ?'r ";i On motion the rules were suspended on the above, resolution, upon pall of the i.. roll by the following vote; -Yeas For,pmaat, Barnett, Budde,• Ford, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, itathews# ►layer, Roof and Vogel.(11) On motion by the above, the 'above, Resolution, was •given its eacorul and final ' passage, upon call 0 the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa Foreman, Barnett,,Rudde, Ford, �•.'iF r '•''aYrt il, �1 Q1 All,t 4,41r. !A 'T'..'3r l`.,` .'^`4•x.+ L�t�`,. r�t t ,2f1 3� COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.°.. r , CITY' OF. PADUCAH'r tyi,•;_17 191 c ;a. ° �.; ; + Hanning' Hartong • Jacobs 9 Mathews., l -%Ver, Roof.. and Vogel. (11). 'On motion b the, above Y r A RFf•OLiJTION FOR Tlif Il•4'ROVRIAJIT OF.Titi NORT1.. SrDR OF $ !t 3';(t ki" "V t; �RI1?i1.R'RTRI;RT FRO){21st to 24th STREETS AND BOTIT SIDF`. •OF.22nc1 S:uF�T FRO1ri..#11.3MST a n TO. 1•QLDRI;D'.8TRRF;T or I ArRoVFm wITH CONcRnTr. SIDr7AL12 *' �'.K• ., ,,•'�;':�. r" r f ALL TO AF. DONP, UTIDF�1 THF, TRH YEAR -PAYMFJ1T'PLAN,j was given its first passage, upon call of the roll by the following • � r vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Ford,q Hannan, Hartong Jacobs Mathews, , gyer, Roo!`' On motion the rules .were suspend ad ..on the. above,. upon call. of the rollby the, following vote;-Y.ene Foreman, Barnett, Buckie, Ford Hannan, Hartong Jaoobs, Mathews, i �Aayer, Roof arvl Vogel. (11) • On motion bjt the above, the above Resolution was given its second, and final ! pa'.sage g,upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremang.Barnettg Buddep Fora i Hanning Harton, Jacobs, ,Mnthews, ;Myer, Root ..nnr1 Vogel .. (11) pf i 0.K On motion by member Hartong a petition from residents crit • • t property owners., on • ••', . � ' �Oc.IGd.v y+�ycfJackeon street from 3rd to 4th straets.g was referred to the Paducah water. Co., to ley., 4_ j. it mains ,,arml the Fire Plugs ordered placed on the rear al list 0 On motion by mer*er ltayer, the Fire and Police Committee was given power to act 1 in purchasing Noizles, Lanterns, aril Fire Hese for the Fire •Departments, upon call of tB doll' b the following votre •-Yeas Foreman BF.rnett Budde Ford Hanniri9 Hartong Jacobs c k E n Mathews,Mayer, Roof and Vogel..(11) on motion by tthe above, the Fire b Police.Committee was given power to act, in T; �,u e, r �rr►oT! 9r'''' urchasing n'Buggp for .the Chief of Police, upon call of th;roll by the following votet" -/3.iy li4.f97 Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Ford, }tannin, Hartong Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer,.Roof and ' A" ti`p- Vogel. :('11) ,. On motion by member Vogel, a transfer of the F.aloon:license of. D.C.ltetoalf to tar4u (Elliott IN ampbell, snipe was ordered to take its usual course. , On motion by the above,, a transfer of the saloon license from K.L.Catee'.to N.Q;Gat,ee g samewoe, ordered to -take its usual course. t �.-r---' On motion. by member Hartong charges against management of River gide Hospital was inferred to the Hospital Sewer h. Sanita" Committee. 4 1 On. motion by. member Barnett g .a petition from Pd Nance for, over 'assessrrent, was referred to'the Auditors Treasurer and Assessor. !%yj.�ogPa�aT =• , On motion by member Hanning .a deet) was granted Mrs N.F..Chastain to lot, 17 blotCA t48 t in.Oak Grove Cemetery: , t fYlgs' �arw.�• On motion by member Hanning a -transfer, of part of a lot in Okk Grove oemetery 6 Mrs o Sarah Hoskins from Dire M.E.Brigman, was referred to the Cemetery Committee. m,•:' F, , On, motion by. the above g.. A RESOLUTION FOR THE GRADING AND ORAVELIN6 OF. AN ALLEY BF.TIAREN 11th $, 13th:broadway and JEF W—ON FTRFETSg was given ate first passage, upon,'::,::'` .„; ._ /d&Of-.04 ,6811,'the.:roll•: by. the following, Vote; -Yeas, Barnett Budde' PoM,.Hannin� Har=. ' r i; tong! Jaoobsi ldath®wgg Ltayai•grRoo! (11),. +• GP :Vogel, On motion by the abo'veg.the rules Were'syrsrended the cell of the'-', t 1 r lit Ji , +F a f ;on .aboVal ttion - following votej Yeas; Foreman',' Barnett( Budd' V Ford j, pFmint Hartong;Jacobsi Mathews, • i }i i1i( 4Yery,Roof and"Vogai �`fi�,l? , S,J x>. , .. J1� , _ ' - °t i 1. iti w +•, t. !'• 7 a rytY� ++k�. .� :fit '. ,1'„ t v. • (� t 1r i ).l v,. J 1 li , i - !j , ... a,..! 'F1 ... r•., ,..t••'t .i , ,�.s-.', �}r`, jj,+IS 1 L": '- 'ry ' r Yo4>t .f'•,.r rptiiLi�tSif.: I, .. ...•..., r•:. - �` .' MTWLi„l�'r'k.']3. '•',• ¢Si10.�S:fi'+k+}�`i&°.QdKe _ 4 a .?'� VI .I ti{ J„_ r 1 i 4)txr✓ r rY,art rl t r,it"x`15 r, ; y 4 r • .y .i a•J1.fr iiwJ\I {,. ' k € tZ� �.. � �, t••TTtt ...: ?ltd 1't; �, �,ti: i{.yf .. ... st.,. .. f .. ? ,.-1 _, .. .. .,,lf '• �.t.feil.. .. 4 �jtt r cif r 1 J a, i j YO (_ ' L I 1 •' y t, ,I f,' Vi a, �r �• � .�,ra. �. F '3y I [ t ` _ r. 1 I . , , r 1 � - r I t 41 Vol Vy; r :'4t �`f w ,�'s.•.V Lf ,•r,•, :..r, + 6. 1 r t •'t , t '.{E.. Mt'F 1 Y�t71{'�'rit5`�t{tP 'rh.`1 niru r•f"r. 1t4 i t4 �P�' r'.p'3AHtaG >,i'I d: �"i^vY.. xifM1.l`�i•��f �t't "'+'M�iriiT.�lt Ali`"F r('7 t-�'•�j I>: •,-1-t r� t ;s gm- c. 7 ,dry 06's •jr I t r6t �i r pys t 1'-�, r t 't' y 7 t I ' COUNCIL PROCE.E.DINGS: CITY' OF PAD UCAH A:1A.�' 1710 .1: - x191„ f ? I On motion by the above, the above, resolution, was given its second anul finl . i..�i+-"`:5•_;,��r.'ycr',` . � '. •3 �: i ., .. J .r I t - ^�fr M<. •rpr ('passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yens Foreman, Barnett, Rudrle, Ford, i,Hannin _ r t Harton � Jacobs, Nathewe, l+�Per,rRoof anA Vogel. (11) •, • ++++ On motion by the above, a Resolution for the 0provoment 'or FGXon Ave from 12th 1Ijto 13th etreeC under the tan Year payment plan, by grading and graveling, was given its �. �4n � �MiI'first paaRage, upon call of the roll by the following vota;-yens Foreman, Barnett, Budde, `y . �- ?, ;,,Ford, Hannin, 1Tarton,; Jaoobe, %thews, Mayer, Roof siv] Vogel. (11) 'l On motion the rules were suspended on the above, rosolution,,upen call of the droll by the following vote;-Yens Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Fo5cl, Hannin, Harton; J000bs, tlathowe, .1•ibyer, Roof aryl Vogel. (11) On motion by the above, the above,' resolution was given its' second and final passaCe, upon call of the roll by t-he followlnE_; vote;-Yens Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Ford,, 1 :;Harnln, Harton, Jacobs, Mathews, llayer, Roof anti Vogel; (11) .w.:� f d e a On motion by member rceyer, the exchange purcase oTour horses for the 9fvs�je Department, was 'referred to the Fire k Police committee, with power to acs, upon call 1o the roll by the ^ollowing vote;-Yees Foremen, Anrnett, Rudde, Ford, liannin, Marton,.;`.'' IJAcobal Mathews, Bayer, Roof azul Vogel. (11) �. ! .Statla.r L�rse9.A e+.. On motion by member Hart-on, the matter of.-purohasing'a Pump to relieve .the sewer congestion, was rererred to the city Engineerand l(ospital ^ewer and Canitary Coamtit6 •------- ---------------On notion the Board aiiJourned ---- ----------------- l' i. q. �' . "�""'� d 1 uu•rJ• j C4rtsuc14ii7in i' Oity C/Alrk. 31$I IIT tf �1�'1r. Tf• ! -1 � ' ._ 1 i i� 't �`t +' r, .. -' t 'r � {• r4` il,']`{, t [1 _ t' i t+ I 'r .5, ;� -•7iFt f.. •1 i .t 1 ' d '4n 1.1t r,-.ry l7t rt \i Y( }tr I .+�^ ! - i. 7 � ) ( i�' r (t .. ( r i` i t ''' •• c 'N rt• 7'`7 ti + .'Ltk�r- t t t 't Jt j k •t r. 9 t .i,Y , - t 7 Y i.l.,l I.t .:! t,�y ._ r., ,{, 1 :w+ -rr .,ii -( ri I •t 4 ,�r tl A tr L E, r t. t y t r ' Ir t ,`i r t 7t.Iti ktl�y rr >%,S�� �'Nir 'h y�rtii tti�iL Tiift7lliet��ra' 14 ! Lt17 J t n { I t Yrt (, Y rr , { J.1 •,ter J r L c. rr t r i, i� 7 t t c J1 t t r t �f✓" a t t a [• ,, y. _t, " .� I. •f, SV � 1 r I t ; L p '!11 ,. r i t� T t • Jt, ,at-0t r�l.t J.� J.� Mir try tt ,,\may{t. `'11r�}:f p. , iSi �y r'k.S I tt* e •'• ^� fpr�� : J p r p Y r k=' +. � +t 1 � r s f. , !i !ie ? t ; t � c 4..,7 y _, "- T t k a r 't J:.. r-r) t• t ; , n 1 ' ! _-{ _ • . � � i;f 't �1 'fx. 4f � i � j 7 t I � t F w > i t M 3 �' 7 } 1 ` 1!,k A f ,�r � r1 r . �, t - t ff! t t r• r ` i �, .t 'L i r j t.. +bT [F t rltt �, t y -.-,Jr ct tYi •i i� k i rrY �r l.` t ., t lel • 1 'r',J� y E e r s � = j .. ti 4 i=yr' //' _,, t t i! ,+ ! '7 a + �, ' i E� tf � a '( 7r 't � r. ,St k T. PSr rl f �:r7r r i t t,r h ( �• A-.. rlf -,J < rt II }. Yy -i .','fit [ af= �! ks i� J � } 'ti 1 7t t! � I � �Y .firi� t r. t 4 /. :+" � 1 ,.r.r •r _ 1' +' .tit. }` y I 1 ' � . ''••f';}.t^ f (S' .iT Irl. %r E ;. f1t Ti{' "�U rF} .'� S�v t r - i .. 1 [ t n � ' t(i� t i `a+'�i' `7� -i" t 4, _ y. p•: J r: L d�.a✓ r ,7 .. / t t,. t C' Y lr ` t i ! Y. ✓ N tr m1 : - 1{7 }" S�l k .' �..-� .SF,+, ' '•�j Nw J � �X �Y4.yti T.t..�' I� r.�C,lt,. �+ L Sy��j'1�'i:V �l.�'i %�h f'4•ayp nr �".w')e.A.Ya.ti;,1'tt Y'^ t''it �Pi F�+�. �.y�r;.��.J. 4�i•.�"1_.t11 l: �-:ltfJ: .�,Sir:i{4.'C l W i.?yit r � f'lt - s �� T•.l- ••� ti5s�i i t r. vfs. .., 'F. 7- f{a{.� A.... toe .y -,t� r _.. ., p -„ ..- r _ t. _. 'i' r . , I, 1 .. - •- - _.