HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 230, February 3, 19132;�f1 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH, r' 1913 _191 At a regular meeting of the 'Bord of Council, held in the Council Chamber, in the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, Febuary, 3rd, 1913. upon call of the roll the following answered to their names;- Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, Mathews, Meyer, Roof, and Vogel(12) On :notion the minuits of the previous meeting,was adopted as read. On motion by member Hannin, the Finance Committee's allowance, was allowed and the Clerk was ordered to draw warrents on the Treasurer for the respective amountq� upon call of the rol by the follesin votes;- Yens- Foreman, Barnett, Buddee, Farley, Ford, Hnnnin, Norton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof, and Vogel. (12). 04 On motion by the above, The Bord of Supervisors was allowed :72 each, arvl J� also a Clerk to the Bord at W_00, for the going over, ohnd'.eorrectin&�Taz Books. On motion by the above, A Stenographer for the City Solicitor, was (D granted, salary not to excoed44o.00, per month, upon call of the roll by the following o vote; Yeas- Foreman, Barnett, Buddey Farley, Ford, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, Mathews, Meyer, Roof,&Vogel. (12). On motion by the above H.L.Ross was allowed ; 199.63 for work done on dollnorth 14th, Street, aryl Fl-)urnoy Street 12th, to 14th, Street'sm Burnett Street to Q!Ap�i Reike Farm, Upon call of the roll by the following vOteB; Yeas- Foreman, Barnett, ;n: Q Budden, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Haot,on, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof, arv' Vogel.(12). ` On motion by the above, the report of the City Farm was received, and Jae Chambers, ( City Farmer) was releived from the ballanee of the rent due the City from acid Farm, upon call of the roll by the following votes; Yeas- Foreman Barnett . f; , 9 9 I B,uddee, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof, aryl Vogel.(12) •�",' On motion by the above, Jae Chambers was allowed the contract with the rJ a� City,farthe City Farm, for the Year of 1913, as per Contract, upon call of the roll � 00 by the following votes; Yens- Foreman, Barnett, Buddoe, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Horton, j Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof, wvl Vogel. (12). j On motion by member Vogel, F.L.Coleman k Co, was granted a Transfer of Sal— oon License, at their place, ill South Secorvl Stregt, to Boswell Bros & Co, at the same place, upon call of the roll by the following votes; Yess- Foreman, Barnett,, -- ,Budde, Farley, Ford, Hanntn, Horton, Jacobs, Mathews, 14ayer, Roof, and Vogel. (12). s �j On motion by the above, Henry rause was granted a Salool License at #1432 I South Seventh Street, and bond excepted, upon call of the roll by the following votes; � t Yeas- Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, Mathews, layer, roof, and vogel. (12). On motion by the above, A Saloon License was granted Fred Merry, at 900 Washington Street, anti borvl excepted, upon call of the roll by the following vote Yeas ; -Foreman ,Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Horton,Jacobs, Mathews, Mayor, roof, " Vggel. (12). On motion by the above, Fnglebt & Bryant, was granted a Quart Liquor License, at -119 South 2nd, Street, and bond excepted, upon call of the roll by the following votes; Yeas- Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hanning Horton, Jacobs, ,. Mathews, Meyer, Roof, and Vogel.(12). �. On motion by the above, D.M.Johnson was allowed a Saloon License at LSA I COONCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PAD' ' A ' F � �• 3 19 19 1 23 -- 3 # 115 South Second Streot,_and bon} excepted, upon call of the roll by the follovring vdEzEi Yeas- Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Feirley, Ford, H&IMin, Horton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, r tey roof, and Vogel. (12). f� On motion by meter }layer, The NbPei'tnnfl 1rW1A^Oheif of• 1161tde was t60divecl %U • and filed. On motion by member Hannin, A Dead was granted Fannie Custer to I,oL f �a,�.v�tcCyua(w #19 Blk, # 3, New Addition Oak Grove Cemitary. iOn Motion by the above, Fann7.e Custer was granted a refund of 5.3J for removeing body in Oak Grove Cemitary. On motion by the above, the reports of ell of the City d epnrtmentsaa ordered it to be printed in paing votes; Y mplet form, upon call of the roll by the followena- / , n,(, Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Hsrton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof, and Vogel. (12). On motion by menaer :'orton, the bond of City Clerk lUturice Me Intyra, was (r� released from the National Suraty, Co and Transferrer) to the Maryland Causalty Co,. On motion by member, Hr:nnin, A transfer of Deer) was granted for lot # g block #43 in Oak Grove Cemitary, from Nance k Rogers to R.A.Pninisor. On motioii by bomber F'arle y , A Resolution for tice Improvemer* of Soutli 4t1j, Street, from Broad Street to Islam Creak Bridge, and from Island Creek 11ridl;e>to the L North line of Farley Place, be improved on both eines, with concrete aid ewalks�seweroe and sot., All of said work to be done unlar the tan year y Pcynent plan, was given its first passage, upon call of the roll 1trV the followine votes; Yeas- Forerucn, Barnett, I•.77 Rudde,Farley, Ford, ?Ta,min, Forton, Ji cobs, l.tat}iews, Tfayer, Roof, and Vogel.(12). ' On motion by the above, the rules were suporule,l on the above Rosolution a upon call of the roll by t -.e following votes; YOM- Foreman, 11arnett, Budde, Farley, For/ Hannin, Horton, Jacobs,•l.iathews, Heyer, Roof, and Vogel.(12). i On motion by the above, The above Resolution was given its second and final passage, upon call of t}re roll Ly t}re following votes; Yeas;- Foronu:n, BFrnett, Budde, 'r 1� Farley, Ford, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, 1111,thews, 11ayer, Roof, and Vogel. (12). On motion by nember Budda,' A F.esohrtion for the improvemont of Washington Street, to the west curb line of Ninth Ptreet, of the property of 111ssippi Vally Q4orporation, by concrete sidewalks,cguttars,anj act,, All work to be done urutor the ton n year plan, was given its first passage, upon call of the roll l,y the following votes; Yeas; -Foreman, Barnett', Budda, Farley, Ford, !Tannin, Horton, Jacobs, Nathewa, !layer, If Roof, ani Vogel. (12). I' On notion by the above, t}ie rules were svpended on the above Resolution, upon call of the roll by the following, votes; Yens- Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Forc, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, llathewe, Mayor, Roof, and Vogel. (12). lI On motion by the above, the above Resolution , was given its second and fin passage, upon call of the roll by the following votes; Yeaa; Foralann, Barnett, Buddee, Farley, Ford, 11annin, Horton, Jacobs, Mathews, 14Wer, Roof, and Vogel. (12). On motion by member !lathews, an ordinence was ordered broullit in fixing the salamiof the Deputy City Clerk, from " 140.00 to 060.00 per month, upon call of the ' roll by the following votes; Yeas- Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Parlay, Ford, Hannin, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH , F Eu' .2 - 1913 _191-- Horton, 91__ Horton, J3cnbs,.Mathews, Mayer, Roof ,l�Vogol,(12). D}�p� On ration by :somber Vogel, A comunication from the fimployess of the City Lig— ��V" ht Plant, was gn�ted dn` jnbress'.in'tthe'ir`enlaxv; f,on7.oal2n0f-6' !, ' -"I! c" 11 of . the roll by the folisowing votes; Yeas— Foreman, Barnett, Bnddeq Farley, Ford, Hannin, I Horton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Roof, and Vogel. (12). L On motion by member Farley, the above motion was amended and .referred to the a n, Light, Water, and Finance Committee CoMmittee, upon call of the roll by the follo►i votes; Yeas— Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, Mathews, 'I Mayer, Roof, and Vogel. (12). On motion by merlber Itannin, the matter pretaining to the"White Way", was referred to the Light and Water Company, " Public Improvement Committee, to find out cost, ant report back. On motion by member Horton, The Petition , for Hawkers, and Hucksters, was �$--" �� referred to the Ordinance Committee. On motion by member, Hnnnin, the ratter of Installing a pump to Olean the City Sewers, was referred to Joint Finance] Hospital, Sewer, and Sanitary Committee. ' On motion by member dlannin, the delinquents on the Ten Year) payment Plan, W'�f amounting to 4 169.26 was referred to the City Solicitor for collection. On motion by member ddannin, the bids from the Remington Typewriter, Co, was referred to the Finance Committee, upon call of the roll by the following votes; Yeas—Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin,Iiorton, Jacobs,Mathewe, Mayer, If Roof4t Vogel, (12(. Q o. On motion by the above the action, on the bove, was reconsidered , and, the City Treasurer, and City Judge, was grantee ne Typewriter each, upon e•.11 of the roll by the following votes; Yens— Foremah, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Ham d � nin, Horton, Jaoobe,Mathews, Iyer, Roof, and Vogel. (12). j; I —On motion the Bord Adjourned I' i I ;COPT f ° 1:71913 �P o v� F E 3171913 Oi y MIA, G LS atm I mri.dent Board of ux.neUm;; . G �''�l�S��,.iwYl.'.eq{, JIYTiAwn+�+•rA-7+1V�JkYiLNYiw:wiyZjF.,y,,"--�i'i�W����,�•� y, � ,}�. t q �''�l�S��,.iwYl.'.eq{, JIYTiAwn+�+•rA-7+1V�JkYiLNYiw:wiyZjF.,y,,"--�i'i�W����,�•� y, � ,}�.