HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 23, April 4, 1910Ll
j• . At a regular nesting of he Beard
t l 8 F of Oenmot Lq held I Lne Cv, Cnamber� is
't' ' the 01.ty Hall -1w 0140 Cit. Gf P■d"rr4 [ �,rtl eTk,lgln,
tl;,,; ri , • r. 7. , 1 lips* Gall of . tAe roll the
fellerdwg ansoTM to t -ft!% semee;-Perowg Bower, Budde, Duvallg Hanning Barton Kraut- .I .
.,•,};.:.�• dor, Lally, Leigh, Mayers McCarthy NW.wllson. (12)
. On motion the minutes of the previous msstingswore adopted as road. .•. ,. I
On motion by member Bower, a letter from ]les Donaldson of '
Praufktert Ky., of
thanks, for a pars* presented from the General Council u u taken of thanks for her
• ' :: 1 servloes, rendered to our Reprooentives during the last eeoalen of the Legislation,
_ woo resolved and filed,
On motion by somber Lally, a petltlon,from property owners an Clay street tram
�ry, t���� `� 1'�+ +yjf �[:i" F tr�F� �•Y�r+F 'tm J;JrJ.. "'?C n, S..^.. -� ry ��_...� X 1 r 'a M r l 'F�'ti y^ I'
t PI �. k F _F 1l ;1 ,!r 1, re ^S. x. • !_�1 ,I .-Fs n.J i� �t'i!-rl [X..i a�^ ' , �Y �.T 1 �
9t4, to 12th. streets, In rep ard to the Improvement of same, was received and filed,
_�� S On motion by member Bower, a complaint Pros the Evansville Brewery 00,p In regard.
� to erer.►nosluent• was referred to the Board of Bupervisoro,
On motion by member Hannin, a reseaendstlen from City Solial tar ter • donation
as:a member, memo as granted.
' On motion by the a b0iehaJ,D.Roquet %be granted =100,00 for services roMored
�,�J. L a ease known as the Sinking Pond Case,';iYomber�Bowdrtmoved'tha0. the above be;&mend Od
j• . At a regular nesting of he Beard
t l 8 F of Oenmot Lq held I Lne Cv, Cnamber� is
't' ' the 01.ty Hall -1w 0140 Cit. Gf P■d"rr4 [ �,rtl eTk,lgln,
tl;,,; ri , • r. 7. , 1 lips* Gall of . tAe roll the
fellerdwg ansoTM to t -ft!% semee;-Perowg Bower, Budde, Duvallg Hanning Barton Kraut- .I .
.,•,};.:.�• dor, Lally, Leigh, Mayers McCarthy NW.wllson. (12)
. On motion the minutes of the previous msstingswore adopted as road. .•. ,. I
On motion by member Bower, a letter from ]les Donaldson of '
Praufktert Ky., of
thanks, for a pars* presented from the General Council u u taken of thanks for her
• ' :: 1 servloes, rendered to our Reprooentives during the last eeoalen of the Legislation,
_ woo resolved and filed,
On motion by somber Lally, a petltlon,from property owners an Clay street tram
9t4, to 12th. streets, In rep ard to the Improvement of same, was received and filed,
_�� S On motion by member Bower, a complaint Pros the Evansville Brewery 00,p In regard.
� to erer.►nosluent• was referred to the Board of Bupervisoro,
On motion by member Hannin, a reseaendstlen from City Solial tar ter • donation
U M of =15.00 to loin the Yunleipal Vague at this Stat o, in behalf of the City of.FVuoah, -
as:a member, memo as granted.
' On motion by the a b0iehaJ,D.Roquet %be granted =100,00 for services roMored
�,�J. L a ease known as the Sinking Pond Case,';iYomber�Bowdrtmoved'tha0. the above be;&mend Od
'. I.m■Q. hmt::1 5,00 be allowed, some was duly weonded, and was lostg Upon Gall of the roll
' )by
the following vote; -Yeas Bawer, Budde, Mayor and McCarthy,(' (4) Heye Foreman, i4nn1n,
. k HortonOn�
'.•: tE g [reuttor� Lally, Lsigh�-and wiLsm, (8) soLlon by bombor Hannln the original'
4 be granted, after being duly •Gedanded0 some was grasped, Upon Gall of the. ral I'by the .I
. fallowing vote; -Yue Foreman, Duvall, Hamnin, Barton, Kromtter, Lellydad Leigh. (7). gays I .'
Budds, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson. (5) ` -
% On notion by Member Hannln, a petition from His* Sopha JClrkland, also petition
V /r�
"ON Miss Kato Huruasher for an inereau In salary, some Ams referred to the Finance Comml
• !Lias.
On motion by the above, Dille for the Street Department were allowed after being
-;J �naa.1N
(� Audited and approved, a&me coving Dem over looted, were allowed and the clerk ordered to
k draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the respootivs Amounts, Upon call of the roll by the
following vale; -Yeas PorAman, Boar, Buddo,�Duvall, Hannan, BarLen, Kreuttorg Lally, I.elgli'•
,.. _ •(, Mayor, McCarthy, and Wilson, (l2) .
On motion by the above, the.Plnanse 61101wanee for salaries & etc„ except =25,00
a k for Was Maude Anderson, was allowed and the olerk ordered to draw a warrant at the Tr*ama
. ;, ,,.• E uror for the respectiva &mounts; -Upon call of the roll by the follows ng vote, -Yeas Pore=
r man, Bower, Budde, Duvall, Hamnin• Barton, Kroutter, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy, and s ,r
Wilson. (12)
,{ On motion by the above, That Miss Maude Anderson allowed 425,00 for acting ao t
Assistant to the Trsaomrar, during an investigation into Book Taxes en Corporation• for
4 Pr■nshise Tex, o&me woo granted 0 •+
, pen sail of the roll by LM following vote; -Mese Poreuq ..
Bower, Budde, Duvall, Honnln, Horton, Krcutter, -Lally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy. and wlleon.(L�'�'
On notion motion by memb Gr d■nnnin, that Mr. KOfsage be allowedl200.00 for repairing ..
a the Clock on the First Baptist Church ud 1650,,00 for repairing the City Hall Clock,!,;.Q } ;
• t_memDoieamended
'Oy Epwir;•rt4■t-Loo.abova
_ De pond ed by allowing Mr. Kef age 1150,00 for topalring
`,ths Baptist Church sleek#. after. being duly
eegamded, sone'WOO last, Upon Call of the
roll by the following vete;-Teas Bower. •(1) Noy@ Foremen, Budde, Duvall, Hennin,Harton
... _ :;i.•� Kr•utcer, Lally, L•1gh, Moyer, K•Cartbr:and Wilson; (11)'033 motion by membergannim
' that the original motion b• \`•�
Bl granted end after being duly sgaonded,-same was granted
Upon @all of the roll by t e following vote;=Y•ga-Pereman, Bower, Buddev Dmvall,BannlO
. • Berton, Kreutzer, Lally, Lelei Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson, (12)
' .On motion by member Rennin, -the Monthly reoprt of the City Treasurer and Auditor
• ..; �� was received and filed. � _ •,1
On motion by the above, -that the rate of Public Printing be'vaieed, some was refs'''
rr•d to the Printing Committee; •• ''
q/1�: '.
nlf, ',
On motion by•tho. above; the City Clerk was allowed -$100,00 -for an assistant to
4hh`'e'`'"'�"•� meke out the Tax Bills for 1910, Upon •all•of tho
roll' by the following vote; -Teas
1916.. Porsmen, Bower, -Budde, Duvall, Harming Barton, Kreutser, Lally, Lalghe Mayor, McCarthy
. and Wilson. (12)
I, C.l;f.
On motion the above -'
�Nn by r•5300,00, was allowed to take up Coupon@ at -the City Natl.
QDe*,,,�,-.w.,' 'Bank, Upon gall of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Poreman, Bower, Budd•, Duvall,.
SHe33nln; Barton, Kreutzer, Lalli, Lalgh, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson, (12) -
ON'ketion^by th@'above,. A RO6OlutiOn for the Improvmont of the following. We•t@ .'
t4Bido Walks Curb Gutters; IOth; from Bwyr to Trimble IIth., from Jejjeraon to Trim-'
bl e,ljth, from Jefferson to Trimble 144h, Bray Trimnio 16th, from Sway to Trimble,
TT tl
'Monroe 12th. to 17th. -Madison fr•m.11th, to 17th. and•Barria@n from ath.'to 17th. stre
"etc, was given first oossage,-Upon Goal'of'tnm roll Chs following ,
�f7t�J....•// � �! by ng vote•-Tgas Pores..
�•MW- ZSB•w@r,
/"(t Budde, Duvall, Haemin, Hartong Kroutzers Lall7rUSgh, Mayer, McCarthy »'ted
gWilson. (12)
-On motion by the shove, the above Resolution was second and. final passage, Upon
'- • ' "p '+.•all of the roll ay -the following vote;-riga.Poranan, Bower, Bddds, Ddvall, HaMln,
- Barton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh* Meyer, McCarthy and*Wilson, (12)
On :etien'by the'ab•ve, a petltlen to grade end gravel Plwerney street wee
;'. ; ...,• "•�', , . referred' Ls the -Street Committee,
�� On motion by member Lally, An Ordinance Exempting the H. Weil 8"Bone DSsLSlt cry
•;;•. •`1. for five Ygar•,ffom Advolum Tax, was given first poodap, y;the
46e. Pon *all •t the tall b
' fellwing vats; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, HannIn,'Hortan, Kreutzer, Lally,6•Sg,Mr, .
i.'pt�':•+,'. MeOarthy and Wilson:• (30)'Nays•Bomor and Duvall..(2)
1 .� r ;•' 1 On motion by-the.above the -rules were eu•pedod en the above 'Ordinance, Upon call r
`. .j,i rl' the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Peremani Budde, Banuin, Barton, Krwitzer,Lally '((
J,.•- '
'Leigh, Mayer, Mo0artby and Wilsonr(30)'Neys Bower and Duvall. (2) •.'
.On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given second and fdewl passage by.��
title, Upon *all of the roll` by the'tollowing'vote;ftTe@s Pbreman, Budde, 'Hannin, Berta''•
.'.' •04routzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor, MaCartby- and .Wilson. (10) My. Bower and Duv.11. (2).
' On motion by the above, The BvidenN+ln regard the Investigation of River glee
Was r000ivtl amd'.filed, ,'' .. .. .: . 1
�._ ..
033 me01on ta
by, he above, a request from 6d.H,Po
.,•.. t ryar'f•r j0 dye mo:• time s a
r the 'Ordinaeiga'Book • ems
1_�tt:f rr 11 '.1(S r7n�.', ���'��.j.♦{e i Ifi` O y'S1. la7 -tri , 1 \ r•1 �, .r 7,w { .
:t i�r
On 'stied by thr 'beau, a.00sunloatlan frsa the Board, of Publle Works, in regard
.•?,Bide wAcs on Clenmts gtrset,.was resolved and filed,' • !,.: ..
On nation by. the above
i That Clements Moyers and Bridge Streets to laprored,mas �'•,�_
// referred to the, Street Committee, �. ^ . • : •-+.., ; i '
�;'�- R� � .•:
On motion by the above,.♦ Resolution 1n regard'te Imprsv6ing Smith 5th, street
.✓ �' �fresh Kentucky Avenue to Morton street,.was amended to read Prom Broadway to. Morton street. "`ilii
On motion by the above, That a Dumay Elevator be installed -in the Kitchen of. Lhe �'.!•.T
River Side Hospital, the Directors of River Side Hospital were authorised to Install aur,
, M
On motion by .M®Der tally: L1ux an old 6teD la !n the rear. of Mrs, Kenn's
at Ninth aid Monroe be torn down, own oarried,- -
w,,,,�F Ih•'^•�., 0n 'Ration by the'abore the be rd of publie volts war* Instructed Lo report ,
✓.L� Lthe Coot at driveway of hospital acme .as referred toe street oommittoe, :.':�•'
i _•
pis"•-�^"'U'^'`"'�' '
On Rat Ion by above. that Brown crest be Imp oved on the ten War plan by
.II grading tend graveling so a was referred to etret committee. •' -
On melon by Mr. KKreutser theboard of public vorus waelnetruated.yo get, 'blds
n4' for a am engine at light plant,
0n motion by Mr. Meyer monthly repot ohisf polio o was loosived.oa fll ad' -
On motion by Mr, ')Duvall 00orgo Allen was granted rstall 00"60 house license
sod bond ss000ted at 116 Kentuoay avenue on sell roll of follwi
ng voffi: YEAS; Porem ng.
Bawor:-Sudd4e, Duvall, Henning Hartong Kreutser, Lally, Leigh. Meyers Moearty sot
s ' Wilson. 12,
�.. I lox on ■m son y the it ova Prank wegnt am$ granted »iau Corms house. license :
Land bond aosepted at 110 SJeeontm sell of roll y the rollAvl g rote; YEABfF-
Portman, Bower, Budder Duvall, Hon ding Hart On, Kreutssr,.L*Uyr Leigh, Meyer, McCarty and!
Wilson, (12), ... '
Ds am ion by Mr. Hei'Lmt,A,Prankr Els grant old primiseon to have 100 books
D'+,L.....•., w. printed 6f oewsrage ordire n% nme was referred to printing committee.
�� •,�
On colon by above monthly report most ad milk dnspoctor was receivedtmd'filed.
On motion by above oeenxn<mt woo rtifled for purchase of a wagon for tire
�J. .
' n department by special committee.
'41`"""''`'""• �. - 0l Ration by Mr. Mayor Thea. Courelor was refunded #2.15 for ever aoeeesnest,
/y.-1.�...� G,�u• ° P _ Cn Ration by the A ova the Pip uash Cooperage Co., was refunded #541.12 upon
mall of the r,11 tyr the fallasing YKAS-- Par6Ran, Budde, Duvall, Hsnlm, Horton, Kreutseri
Leuyr uighs Mger,MoCsrty and Wilem 11, NAY& Bower 1. '
Cm Rd ion by the above the of ty assessor was Instructed to assess all property,.
-k of Padueah Cooprage Co., not assesssed•
On motion by the above the watery eamittee woo instluoted to purchase a
., (,'/LdJlvo36.•.� rt/. @ Darrel of Owed poison,
/l0 U^'t"..11 Cn notion by Mr. Budde that south Tenth lrae► tetw6n Kmtuoky ova an Husband ,
west be improved man was referred to street Committee
On notion by Mr,lally the folloing resolulon far ,laying oldowalks curb and gut ton
fi-t •� '^""YVti•''� Clwmmt et, from Meyer to Bridgs, Aahbrook from Yeieer to Tyler ave, aM from 8dwell are
'JN j
to bridge urs a from Ydeer sofrom ' .
( f B rHaY Gesell and Sowell to & Sdg6, Bem611 fi'oR
" Y t
04, >;
"z''75ri. �. yiry
r""i:t-w�1.n.f r ,t 1 sl.,.r "w'•"�kr4 riLy ja y�'rr a.�'a:r-1 'YtLi,E, -+•", ,.�
I' 191
25 "
On 'stied by thr 'beau, a.00sunloatlan frsa the Board, of Publle Works, in regard
.•?,Bide wAcs on Clenmts gtrset,.was resolved and filed,' • !,.: ..
On nation by. the above
i That Clements Moyers and Bridge Streets to laprored,mas �'•,�_
// referred to the, Street Committee, �. ^ . • : •-+.., ; i '
�;'�- R� � .•:
On motion by the above,.♦ Resolution 1n regard'te Imprsv6ing Smith 5th, street
.✓ �' �fresh Kentucky Avenue to Morton street,.was amended to read Prom Broadway to. Morton street. "`ilii
On motion by the above, That a Dumay Elevator be installed -in the Kitchen of. Lhe �'.!•.T
River Side Hospital, the Directors of River Side Hospital were authorised to Install aur,
, M
On motion by .M®Der tally: L1ux an old 6teD la !n the rear. of Mrs, Kenn's
at Ninth aid Monroe be torn down, own oarried,- -
w,,,,�F Ih•'^•�., 0n 'Ration by the'abore the be rd of publie volts war* Instructed Lo report ,
✓.L� Lthe Coot at driveway of hospital acme .as referred toe street oommittoe, :.':�•'
i _•
pis"•-�^"'U'^'`"'�' '
On Rat Ion by above. that Brown crest be Imp oved on the ten War plan by
.II grading tend graveling so a was referred to etret committee. •' -
On melon by Mr. KKreutser theboard of public vorus waelnetruated.yo get, 'blds
n4' for a am engine at light plant,
0n motion by Mr. Meyer monthly repot ohisf polio o was loosived.oa fll ad' -
On motion by Mr, ')Duvall 00orgo Allen was granted rstall 00"60 house license
sod bond ss000ted at 116 Kentuoay avenue on sell roll of follwi
ng voffi: YEAS; Porem ng.
Bawor:-Sudd4e, Duvall, Henning Hartong Kreutser, Lally, Leigh. Meyers Moearty sot
s ' Wilson. 12,
�.. I lox on ■m son y the it ova Prank wegnt am$ granted »iau Corms house. license :
Land bond aosepted at 110 SJeeontm sell of roll y the rollAvl g rote; YEABfF-
Portman, Bower, Budder Duvall, Hon ding Hart On, Kreutssr,.L*Uyr Leigh, Meyer, McCarty and!
Wilson, (12), ... '
Ds am ion by Mr. Hei'Lmt,A,Prankr Els grant old primiseon to have 100 books
D'+,L.....•., w. printed 6f oewsrage ordire n% nme was referred to printing committee.
�� •,�
On colon by above monthly report most ad milk dnspoctor was receivedtmd'filed.
On motion by above oeenxn<mt woo rtifled for purchase of a wagon for tire
�J. .
' n department by special committee.
'41`"""''`'""• �. - 0l Ration by Mr. Mayor Thea. Courelor was refunded #2.15 for ever aoeeesnest,
/y.-1.�...� G,�u• ° P _ Cn Ration by the A ova the Pip uash Cooperage Co., was refunded #541.12 upon
mall of the r,11 tyr the fallasing YKAS-- Par6Ran, Budde, Duvall, Hsnlm, Horton, Kreutseri
Leuyr uighs Mger,MoCsrty and Wilem 11, NAY& Bower 1. '
Cm Rd ion by the above the of ty assessor was Instructed to assess all property,.
-k of Padueah Cooprage Co., not assesssed•
On motion by the above the watery eamittee woo instluoted to purchase a
., (,'/LdJlvo36.•.� rt/. @ Darrel of Owed poison,
/l0 U^'t"..11 Cn notion by Mr. Budde that south Tenth lrae► tetw6n Kmtuoky ova an Husband ,
west be improved man was referred to street Committee
On notion by Mr,lally the folloing resolulon far ,laying oldowalks curb and gut ton
fi-t •� '^""YVti•''� Clwmmt et, from Meyer to Bridgs, Aahbrook from Yeieer to Tyler ave, aM from 8dwell are
'JN j
to bridge urs a from Ydeer sofrom ' .
( f B rHaY Gesell and Sowell to & Sdg6, Bem611 fi'oR
" Y t
'f r^:.:_;r •::: •`; .'Sewell frog Ashbrook to Hayes ay., Tslsgr fmm'Cl®ate s4. to ,Hayes, Bridgr from
�Oleacts to Hayes, Powell, :fra Olemeite t:•'Hya,. odd paving to boil ie•et wide,
i, :�M;ib,�, i'•r Eremite ourw ad generate gutter for the Lg'•ovement to She felltv Ing streets •:!�k
"by grading amd grave Ing to. wit; Yelser from Ashbrook+to Hayes; Powell fLcom
1 ] t ,•.'Jnfrott tD I®C,Batlned, Small, fn■ Hayes to. Thmmve st fm■ Sewell to i r
0! Vvan.:I 1: 'Powell; Ashonft, ficn Small to Powell, material to be usual tLOd used by the
•+ city .gas given first passage an roll sell by the tolls, Ing Y&AH-- Foramen, Bw or, ;��� •,
:1.Budd*, .Duvall, /Hamin, Hr ton, Hrcutser Laly, Lai ghr Meyer, M*Cw ty'and Mdlsom 12.
.' .%
On ■t lom by the. ib os, +the move resolution was given &seed ad finl passage. on 11
dell sell by th • following vsts,TiAH— Paragon, Baer, B}ddoi Duvall, Hanin, Hartom,'.`
Lally, L&Sgt}, Meyer, McCaty mitafl• Ereutser and 1133 son 12..
.Om nation by the.aboveLa nsoldim to the Improvement of the folloing streets'.,
y laying sidewalk a, curb ad Putter; Marth Perth, Fifth, Hirth, So Vent h, Eighth and
l Ninth. streets fr a BWterson to, Triable streets , mouth fifth street tra Br adwy to
i';4YFN Orton, eti:d pavow rag to be six feat wide with. Grant* r. garb and concrete g utter
' was •Ivan first paasag* upon *all of the roller the fsbllowing vote;l'MAB; Foreman
....Se*r,�-Budde, Duvall, Haman Hrton, Rr*utger, Lml lyr'� r, Ma Carty and�oonl2, .
On not to "n. bf the.. ab*va the above resolution was give}; second and final passage
.. y `apf-
4 11 n•r y. •ppom mall .of.tho roll by the fo110r1Yng v'*ts TEAS;; Pa^emam, Bower Budd*, Dave 11,
.II .If r
Humin, H*rtoni Lally, Leigh, Meyer, MCCvty Kreutzer eat Wilson, 12, '
On noC Son by OO motion by the above oaoodk. 2 a motion asking Lor an ordinance.
" 'd',•providing for the Improvement of Brown B root res,referred to the diet ce mittas.,
On notion that the.ams]utioaoommlttn .:bring in a report the Idea was tabled;';;, 1:' '-
'p�,....�✓'',. On.act lon ..by Mr.,MoCrty o.complaimt.:froa.M ere: ichor fa^ overasesremt {
' s referred to CM beard ar' supervisors.
'Cm'�notion Lw-bo.ra dJwrasd. ,**
'n 1 7 /
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