HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 217, December 16, 1912t L R. ,°r it Y , S ' ,. �, n r c• r� enns :�*- , a �•� • r , ii r • ri" Y �._i� `i St 1 'J t + 6 i .i .l• ,t 1 'Jr, I �' '� •It ° S JI ., qqr -. '� >r .t S �; .r -yti1 Yy .r c ,� � t� •t'r r 1 _ ! - �°7- ` V 4 - ! R'-'it^5.4:�.1✓"?`Yf`i4 l'i Y'S>k^�t9 •J9'�A^.4"'C':"'SN +^YN'tC4�'S7"t^u:a'wvunr saw a >:, M rttrt w.-� !Y' j �:� CCSUNCIL PROCE�DIlVC;S CfTY OF. PADUC i I; 217: al on water Plugs, upon oall'af the roll by the -following votes; Yeas— Fosoman, ! Darnet.t, Budde, Farley, T.F. Ford J.P.Ford, Hannin, Lully, Hathowa, Hoyor, Roof, Vogel.(!L'. j ��►�,:C' On motion by the ab•1ve,R.P. Gilson was allowed 2.05 for over aasosenant I :. on his property. h y On notion by the above, The reoomendntdon from the Bord of Public works Reoomending the work 770 done,by Taney and Johnson on North Seventh Street from Jefferson a • , µ �; Street to Madison Street, and also gradeing and graveling of Flournoy Street and Burnett..i" x' Street,oto Reike Farm by K.L. Rose, wasAtoepted. ..� On motion by the above, Yancy arni Johnson was allowed 60.00 Dollars for work, % ODone at alley bafteaft]Jefferson and Monroe, upon call of the roll by the following - votes; Yeas- Foreman Barnett, Budde, Parlay, T.R.Ford, J.P.Pordj' 1(anning Lally, Mathews a it Meyer, Roof, Vogel. (12. wt h On motion by member Hannin, The statement of the cost of abutting.property. � ll Y QAC.. d'�wners foe pork dorso on Flournoy Street, from Burnett Street, to Reike Farm,.aleo. Flournoy Street from Fourtenth Street to :-12th, Street, by gradaing and graveling, .f li was received and riled. On motion by member }[annin'The statement of the cost of abutting property owners on P N 1 7th, Street, from Jefferson to lia.diaon Street, with concrete aide walks 1k l jwas received and filed. On notion by the above, The estimates against property owners on,7thiy r.,r Street, from Jefferson to Madison Street with conoeete aide walks and act, done by �[ U Taney h Joh neon was received and filed. ` :.Y At o regular meeLinn of the Bord of Counollmen, held 1n the•Counoil Chambers in the , E:- City:Hall,'in-the City.of Peducah, Kentucky; December 16th,,1912. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names;Foonan, Barnett, Dundee, Par1A a T.H. Ford, J.P. Ford., Hannin, Lally, ldat4swaa, Roof, Vogle..(12.: t On motion the minuita of:thp<previous meeting were adopted as read. On fiction by member Hannin, The Joint Finance Committee allowance for sallarie pas allowed and the Clerk was ordered to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the reepectiv . ' amounts, upon call of the roll by the following votes; Yens— Foeman, Barnett, Buddee, ' Farley, T.R.Ford arid. r... •t • , •�.--�, Hannan, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof, Vogel.* I �,//���� i On imot'ion by the above, H.L.'Rose was allowed 325.28 for gradeing, and gravel i:..' ' i `Ing fourteenth Strestand.Burnett Street, to Reike Farm, upon call of the roll by the follw :.i owing poteA. Yeas'Foeman. Barnett, Budde, Farley, T.F..Ford Hannin, Lally, Hathews, !.layer, Roof, Vogel.(12 I On motion by the Gardner w above, & Kattijohn was allowed 1078.65for out steric)- '• p Ing warrents for work on South Fifth Street upon call of th roll by the following votes; l" t 0!.;,jj.Foeman, Barnett, Ruddo, Farley, T.F. Ford, J.P. Ford HnnAln, Lally, Mi:.thows, Mayer, RooP,a and gel.(.12 ., On motion by the above, Gus Smith was allowed$ . ,Por offer 'assessment on' auto = On motion by the above, The mayor was instruoted to buffy Red Cross, Seals to d the amount of 50.00 Foreman, Budde, Barnett, Farley, T.F. Ford J.P. Ford llannin Lall Y, Mathews, Mayer., Roof,arui. Vogel. (12. On motion b the above The Paducah water Co Was allowed �a h Y , � 3087.50 for rer*! •.' al on water Plugs, upon oall'af the roll by the -following votes; Yeas— Fosoman, ! Darnet.t, Budde, Farley, T.F. Ford J.P.Ford, Hannin, Lully, Hathowa, Hoyor, Roof, Vogel.(!L'. j ��►�,:C' On motion by the ab•1ve,R.P. Gilson was allowed 2.05 for over aasosenant I :. on his property. h y On notion by the above, The reoomendntdon from the Bord of Public works Reoomending the work 770 done,by Taney and Johnson on North Seventh Street from Jefferson a • , µ �; Street to Madison Street, and also gradeing and graveling of Flournoy Street and Burnett..i" x' Street,oto Reike Farm by K.L. Rose, wasAtoepted. ..� On motion by the above, Yancy arni Johnson was allowed 60.00 Dollars for work, % ODone at alley bafteaft]Jefferson and Monroe, upon call of the roll by the following - votes; Yeas- Foreman Barnett, Budde, Parlay, T.R.Ford, J.P.Pordj' 1(anning Lally, Mathews a it Meyer, Roof, Vogel. (12. wt h On motion by member Hannin, The statement of the cost of abutting.property. � ll Y QAC.. d'�wners foe pork dorso on Flournoy Street, from Burnett Street, to Reike Farm,.aleo. Flournoy Street from Fourtenth Street to :-12th, Street, by gradaing and graveling, .f li was received and riled. On motion by member }[annin'The statement of the cost of abutting property owners on P N 1 7th, Street, from Jefferson to lia.diaon Street, with concrete aide walks 1k l jwas received and filed. On notion by the above, The estimates against property owners on,7thiy r.,r Street, from Jefferson to Madison Street with conoeete aide walks and act, done by �[ U Taney h Joh neon was received and filed. ` :.Y COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH . s 191 r On motion by member Hannin, The instalation of the so called White Way be. refe:.. ? rred to the Street Committee to -and said Committee report back at•bhe next regular. ✓VI= meeting Of the 6unc6l. 0 On notion by member _Lr11y,AN ORDINA14CS ASSESSING THE •ABUTTING PRQPF.RTY ON BOTH SIDES' OF NOTHH MJ•&(STRfU T_�FRON JF.FFFRSON STRFi T TO MADISON STREET, IN TnE CITY OF '' ':'•; ; PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF n1.6946 PER FRONT'_ FOOT„ FOR THE -COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF `;'•f' s 'CONCRFTF SIDFW.'1KS AND GUTTERS TOGATFim wITH GRANIT CURBING AND ALL Sr -MFRS, MAN HOLES' ' r? INTAKrz, CATCH BASINS AND DRIVEWAYS, IN LAID CONSTRUCTION,,' MCF.PT THAT POTION PAID `' r nY Tl{F CITY OF PADUCAI{, AND PROVIDF.ING THAT SAID AG.SFSSIM MAY BR, PAID IN TEN EQUAL p`'.S fe INSTAI,MFNTS, RFING ONB EACH YFd1R FMR• A PERIOD OF ftil YFARS. WAS given ita first paseng t as upon call of the roll by the following votes; Yeas— Foreman, Barnett Budde„ Farley„ y r T.E. Ford,i J.P. Ford, Hannin, Lally, Mnthewee, Meyar, Root, Vogel. 12. On motion the rules were eupended on the above ordinance, upon call of the rollby the following votes; Yeae— Foreman, Barnett, Dudde, Farley, T.F..Ford J.P.Ford, liafmin>, Lally, Mathews, Meyer, Roof,, Vogel. (12'. ' On motion by. the,above the above ordinanrow was given its. second sH final passage,, upon'ca1L of the roll by the following votes; TYeas— Foreman„• Barnett, Budde, Farley, T.R.Ford, J.P:Ford, Hannin, Lally , Mathews, Meyer„ Roof, Vogel. (12. On motion by the above, tAN ORDINANCE XzSrl.;SING THE ABUTTING PROPFRTY ON B0711 4 J: 5 v SIDFS OF PLOURNOY STRFFT FROM 12TH STRFF.T TO raTl';;STRE T„ AND OFF 14TH STREET FROM y�v 1 F.TT STREET TO TIiF INTERSECTION OF REIKF FARM, THE SUM OF A3273 CENTS PER FRONT - 11 ( FOOT ON F.ACIT SIDh OF SAID STRFMS, FOR TFIF ®bST 0Y CONSTRUCTIO'I OF SAID STRIU?TS, f' _ �, "•'Rh' GRAI)RING AND GRAVELING OF SAME, AND PROVIDFiNG THAT SAID A.^SMS1U-2IT MAY BE PAID IN ? r TEN .EQUAL INSTALLI�fr.NTS, BBINO.CNS FAO11 YRAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YRARS. WAS gVS11 ''-91r •`J't!'' �'' its first passage, upon call of the roll b the following votes • Yeas— Foreman B by . owing � � -/ ' Barnett, Buddeq Farley, T.F.Pord., J.P.Ford, tannin, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof On notion by the above, the rules were supenrlad on the above ordinance, on, 'n}t'; �'1 �': P.;: : :, .. .. • • '.V r$}t ^y 1 upon call of the roll by the roll by'the following votes; Yess—Foreman, Barnett, Budde Farley' T.F..Pord, J.P.Fordl, Hannin, Lally, Mathews l' 14ger, Roof *Vogel. (12. On;motion by;the above the above ordinanco"was givon its socond and final " {1 ' passage t( call bf the roll;.:by the following votes; Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, 1 a lttlt• it-'. -r•• '' Farley, T.F.Ford, J.P.Ford, Henning Lally, Mathews, Mayer, 800f4t Vogel. (12. ' t On motion by meAember Mayer, the report of the Cheif oP Police was received r° and filed. :r { Om :On motion by member Vogel, A transfer of Saloon Lioense ftom Chas Vineent- to 1!' U en Calhoun at 1100 North 10th, Street, was granted and Bond excepted, Mr Calhoun, ..{ offers 'Pidalit and Deposit Co Of H.D. as his bondsman ••' ,,,:.I , Y P r , mon call bf the roll bye'' . Ythe followingvotes; :Yeas— Foreman, Barnett,; Budde, Farley T.F.Ford, J.P.Ford,,Hanni� 'i.•�: r .! , Y r'.�t i, { ' Lally, Mathews EteWort Roof, and Vogel. (12. t�..M motion b J.P.Pord Chas .a R 'J f-, "� 41A.0Y f .,, etf'� aM G.W.RoDeA n reieelsed troi their A r.'''Bond with* the. Peducak' and`LiAn, cle rFerrq Co;,, same was referred to the City 8olioitoic j, sod Auditor: , flag 1 - r,. �t i+tt ' ta`' etx � ' + t .� ' '' `- �t . t` t' - �'i J S `,l t ,r r i .. r - '.: • ; ' r s s On motion -by the 'above, the Oity jail; ore'report was received aM'filed.' } 1 r 0. j #a'��'.�J'�( r,!1 a y l\/t., �::: !�� t !+{ fYf tt 1 i ,, 1 ;,! I i. i i} tI r C r �,�f .. It , +•'G t .r , s.• _1tn 4"5 r: it!4 rf,is ', '7;i,.,.,Gi,r .';. r }a rT- 1 •�+�; 7a� o1` {-t• ti-' J v' 1 <_—T•fF i ¢ - ' it i - y� ' J 'iiS,4 d L )'17+� •, r la.� lv}..k r r •J' rr _ +.l ` ; ¢ Y 1 } r . . . ' ' 7t' ''�'�'� bttP.: h tYr 'b��,� f,t��hS ,�T,Tt �� e F'. !! .+-. n • t ` �/h' � " ��.e'. +.1 .f� t r t. �, ',•.F c4 •,. �'Y i'i `r n ) •,y�', . r 0. i (Lc`''•• J - , ! �. 2 Y s R fit- {f .. fR' ,t�' r' •� �-¢rT 'Mj/'b at -i 4 ',�+ !f F �! •IL i - " k J r �� ..`.. ar �.4� �i•.iq. yls -��?�. T,. _ C'/.3 .rr� y �1ai .:� r �'.. ..,a•; r s.. i; °':+a'il 6', ��''�''"i" ' tiE . r . r 'f'1 i` } r t 4 x n r r ""'e.."4. Y ,, "f� t.F 7 } i 1, • 1 rlltr _ a:, y Y 'f �i ,� - y < kS. S t , i ri r �1d1 i 'j I r -t. _ ° .', , e - 1. e. i % ddpit. a H „�r �•. �, r 7 ,lc r �( - r44","fid" ` ' i.a r, r r'. , '•y • t r. x tk} 7 rf v 'n? al b f 'r -'e?; }r r a M A 'RVC W d .s —zr '4v I",Vt '-v. {yl 4'W" r"'-''w-s.v' wr+rn�• .r nrr t � f e µ t i. l ,. L Cr f, 1. R' q1f, .rrn'n-•,y„, /T/W ml 1 '+' r.t{it tt �.1i ft. he �, ;. �K ; f x ; r ?; 4f6 J,,�'t n ii:• ,� rYf7 ti ! ti t v i t iR ' r 1 i' r. Ir { I y . u r , ,S f i -1� } � �1} F.. } `'' K Y'�,r ,,COIJIVCIL PROCEEDING; M Y OF PADUCAH.� 6 '' ;191 -_ ! ` '. 2l )' '11 {. .. - ;. • . . e.: y : � .�1. 4n motion by member Hannin, the'Auditor was inatruoted to draw a werrent,�,' On Taeeauner*.in renornofrH.L.Ross for the amount as shofar•on the Engineers estimates -a 1; A. tel./ (: .. r -. ,•i•7 -. +C ! i f. foe that potion of 14th 8troet abutting the New Cemitary same to be taken otic of.the_I :, A .,. • _ Street fund, upon call of the rol.by Lhe P411owine votes;Years- Horeman, Budded Barnette , ,,! I . , i-1. . - . i . . . )` Fer3ey, T.F..Pord, J.P.Ford. Hrnnin Lal Mathews 1 "'� i `' . . .S , Lally, , 4�yer,. Root} vocal. 12: "'.4 +_7 hr i 9/d' t f' �( . i91� ' On motion by member buride, in the new Apportionment Ordd IM150(1.00 wars r was ordered to be eet aside for a New DZnamo so more lights can be pinoew9 in the City. ' � µf1 1 :. G� �. On motion by member Hannin, the petition toe::Rdi Buchanan -for the over assess t. [vy _11a; I;: Ment of his property was referred to The Treasurer. and City Solicitor. `' t On mof,ion b the above a deed was r y� �m. ,,N6 y , granted C.W.11ancham for lot #15 Block rrl . Y . /,°�'`�` 7 t6._ in New Addition Oak Grove Cemitnry. i 1. G ,11 li - .. : , .-SIS ;�} j On motion by the above, D.A.Eteacham was granted a deed Lo Lot �,E 1G Block #1. ' - PPP 0 - _ _/ 'y�It Stewaet Street New Addition in Oak Grove C6mitary. ;;; . � ,I. ,. ':''...r . ij An motion by member ]tannin, the matter ,of _building a Levee was referred tort E ; 1: N� . t ; I ' ; 1;;, i' Strut Co1pe ittee with the instruction Lo bring the matter before the bord*of Public alt �d -,- ii Works. �. I' ----------------T -.On notion The Bord Adjourned-------_ - I - - 4; ' J ` :1�'+ . i . 1 �,�. i; - DEC 1912 • h �{ P . t 1�q%�'l 'r301911 , _ I I.r; r: , jj .i f. ! . L •. 1 r y, r ai+ ...1}.i f" i. - '`f. `rl f I.1ir 1 ' { - r -j i. �. ,,, 1 .. . i ri'I r i , " ��1'' t ,} i Z t i - ihj l.j I Y y � t� r ' t ' f 1 ..t i f.9 .. l i i c 4 r _ f- ? r t j .,r. 'y ' ' '. iv*r '1 �1� fF ° 1 < I _ • 1 �� ; r� t f rs I l ^ n r ( " r , '%'_t 'S ' 1 S . . f�'r - 'o r'tt1 I .,� ti}t r T Ir r q 1. r i r •. 1Y 1) , err✓ ,F - f �i-} 1 �. ,.i, ' .'� ji y + J t r r. f 1� ,S 4 'j �t { ,r t { ' 1 c y a'/ r... i i t , f. 'I! FS 1 r {• ,i 't r r f' '}i # }!r f .i L T.., t( x i xf, 1. �r r t * tixfil r: 1 15I r .'`� r t' y # - \ _ t - � f, f. - y r f r r ,r r: J I ( Y S r i r 6 rI ' y} i Y ik{r L (( ,.t , t r !( Y i -7 x ,,. ! J _ i P 7 ? r I r a = s ' ! �1 .f , y,� �_ { r I It ,! 1 f' _ t i _ rS 2" 1 i' i -r i } _ r;'r s '. 11 t ,f - �.• r '�' r *'kJ.r . 1 r , ;i.}. a'�, @ 1^� r:. i _.. h R5 ��1 i'l y '.r rtt t . i(. i yHr. l t r7 fir' it i {. -J .l S' 1 r. , _ x r, �P. r n. a r i } } 1' rf . f `i , 3y yR1ft ., ;'fpr 1-tia 7'. 1 I`.1. Ys 1 � i -. .,f i f. , x .y 1 i i";i t i ' iSS 4 t 1,,I, f } , v + '_ �r' d+ / 1 i I• i 1 �' r S ! - .. tt r -r S.S,. S'- t .'' !. e t p r , ,. r I ',,' ( 9 14 t < 1 .F .E� f.I ;' 'r °J Ir 1 L rt i in y ,! ✓ ' i i !: t r t .SI f i,7p '{ r 1 L< r r 4-' lr� .71 Tkt'4 �. '.r - �" Ktl '{}, ti r.'. ,Up 1 ! �, ' J : if r/,r Y 4. ` ,� r, �, i r i r t �J 7_ I r 8 t ' .yf . i F i- {, r i 4 f R S- j. .fry, J fr I.7 f 1 r r .a t .1 r' 1° rf ��. ir�r r,, jl !t rIt• �'S1' f'1• P ro I A• + ri r'' 7 1 t2 { it ! ! JI '.4 1 c r-. 1 t ! ,rr r A 1 ,< N d.- 1yy J f.• r S .' t Ih t .v ! . e r1 6 ,' 1'. r, { r; tj t S�, 5 i r I `{ �r 1 J .y }St! to I rr v '�.' 7 C _ ,t r i I r t f t Y frI v ', •� . r i J r f v, r7 r ; J r - t r r '� , r 1 P .' C` r . r }l. .r C aft - ., I, '- . � 1t� - { ,f � . } V u',{. it x .'l ,i . - 1 " "'t f JI I ! ,• rII - f l i r I' r' :I i r i. -f� t' y f i 'I?,. f'! tq y r P .0 . t i t i t i f' f` ' i I r r S ' r I 1 { r "{ s n r tf i I r.l. rt F { i ; { i. ,il I s11:r . i ''r r ' i 'r (r'.. � rte ll, i 11 - � T '1 '� ', r, i .y /. _ . f { y 1 ir t r }:C,r .r +.yS �iPIl r x ?� y 1� :fy f -t11 ?< ,.1 I - t. _ r r r,-•. 1 n'y,. 1' r.'1 ,� r, C 1'r F }'r• 1 r I t r f r J +.: Y L Y I r t i a 1 r .} t y f -.�, rJ r r[ , .5 fry, (,fir, /� l I y�. 11. li} t r.{ I e. ,v_ "'7!t i 1 1 ^ 411" A, Rr.- t" rj r - ,t �;.. , ''�j7 �61-uC 'ai it-rri{ r "' ay lrn t. ay, ,: I - r �,} < ri rt 7 -,,r US 7'..+, t+ 1�':t'� - t 1'' .t, t"J ,.',�" a,' r}-I_'r+i air�vS! f d :,,er> .n 1 C. ! ':t i >. r-nir- ! 1 J "�.� I ,i•. r, .1. T I: kt r v I .r 'g'. L r, :'Y, T St, . f .t - •� u )x: 1 I C fgi l 1 4 , n r-,::� , :.t�x t '' t I ti: ._` _ r - ' , y, . C fi` ' I