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Minutes Book 14, Page 185, July 1, 1912
1 ty 121 - 1s. `� �;. •r?W^^'+; 3.i'�`""""r"7•":. 1`.It'7..r!7T` �.s'Y 7�' �.,. ry.�y "V''H t,.i7h •1 }r. -Q a -{r rR i'� „1'�M ..z. nt+.:Tl • r.:s 4,'stt t, ,t ' I t a rem - ,:' -+�++ " ! 'S .IF— '.'.., "COUNCIL' k0CI EDINGS CITY... -1 5 OF PADUCAH. At a regular IIIeu meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chamber'' inl the city Hall, in the City of Paducah• Ky.,'July lot., 19129 upon call of the roll the Poll ;t•.,4� ' owing answered to their names; -Foremen' Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde'.Farlay$ Ford',Han- a ,. j nin,•Lally, Mathews, !layer, Roof and Vogel. (12) On monlon by member Mathews, that his vote be reconsidered, in so far as the vote taken to give the Franchise Ordinance .creating an ordinance granting a privilege to, TIy' furnish electricity for Light, Power, Heat arul any other purpose.for-which electricity is ii; : •.'. used in the Cit of Paducah s Y' , ]dy., to give said Franchise Ordinance its second and final passage, by this Board, the Minutes of the previous meeting was reconsidered, as above: stated ' upon cell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Farley, Ford,• {N; Ha aiin, Lally' Mobva :.ljoof and Vogel. 9) Nays Barnett and Broadfoot. (2) °+ On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as corrected. u+ On motion by member Mathews, AN ORDINANCE CREATING A FRANCHISE OR. PRIVILEGE TO ' �,•� �.t t,. FURNISH F. r4mrcitry FOR LIGHT, POWFR, I EAT -AND ANY OTIIRR PURPOSF3 FOR WHICH FIFICTRECrT.Y ; �DLzv'IS USED IN TIiR CITY OF PADUCAEI,.KFIrTUCh!Y A1+D PROVIDING FOR T1IF. BALI' OF SAID FRANCHISE: OR PRIVILEGE was its second final given and Passage, upon call of the roll by the following° vote; Yeas Foreman, Furley, Hannin, Lally, Maghew9, Mayer, Root and Vogel. (8) Nays Barnet . Broadfoot, Budde, and Ford. (4) i On motion by member Hannin, the appointment by the Mayor of T.T.Neely as City i •t Auditor. for the term of two years beginning July let., 1912 and bond accepted, upon call... 11 big the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde' Farley, Ford, it •.:. a Hannin, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof' and Vogel. (12) ' J � W On motion by the above, the Finance Committee's allowance for salerieq oto.9 was Ppp` r allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer Por: the respective amounts on call of the roll bfollowingF , � y the vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, ;Broadfoot, .;; � •, ` a ;.., Budde, Farley, Ford, Hinnin, Lally, Mnthews, ;layer, Roof and Vogel. (12) •'� n, On motion by the above, a claim from George.%erey for services claimed$' was J� 4I referred to the Finance Committee. On motion by the above, the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, was gEF received and filed. ' On motion by the above, that an additional AWO.00 be paid out of the.ContingueLl., Fund for the Meyers street Retaining Wall as an additional to the Apportionment allowod,-{ ; ease was granted, and the action of the Board of Public Works in regard to letting the • n CDS contracts for the Retaining Wall and the Cross Oreek culvert, was conoured-in, upon call h �-or the roll by the following vote;Yeae Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Fnrleyi Ford, N Hannin, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) ' ..On motion by member Lally, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FLOUR- qJ-� `" i _ NOY STREET FROM Ti7MPTH TO FOURTEF24TH STREET, AND OF FOURTFM711 STREET FROM BURIiFTT STRE•= 741" TO THE INTEItSF.CTION , OF TI{F. RIFXF. FARt.I BY GRADING AND GRAVELING OF SA1dF., IN T1EF. CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY2 WAS GIVEN ITS FIRST PASSAGF.'1 UPON CAll.of the roil by the following �p vote; Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Lally, Mathews, Mayer.• Roof and Vogel. (12) On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the fallowing vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Brpadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hanning' 1 Itn •.J.� r CO UNCIL` PROCEEDINGS, -CITY. -OF PADUCAH' , 19 7i jLal]y, 'Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) ' +• r_� a On motion by the.rrbove,•the.above Ordinance was given its second and final passes by: file title, ttyppon call of the -roll by the .following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett,Brood- J foot., Budder Farley, Ford, Hannin,.Lally, Hathews,,Hayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) , On motion.by the above, AN ORDINANCE REGU�ATINO THE USE OF THE RECEIVING VAULT AT C.c.c OAN GROVE CF•MF.TfW, AND FIXING THE RATES FOR THP USE OF SAID' ,'IN THE CITY OF PADUCAHr .'. R .l r•. KENTUCKY) was given first passage, upon call of.the roll by the following vote; Yeas Foreman,,Darnetti Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, .Ford,,Hannin, Lallyr Mathewsr Meyers Root 7, and Vogel. On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above, upon' call of the n j roll by the following vote; Yese Foremen, Barnettr Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Pords Ban-. j nin, Lallys Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) I{{ On motion by the.abover the above.Ordinance was given.its,second and final pass- i1. age, byrolto title, upon call of the roll,by the. following vote; -Yeah Foreman, Barnett,'.. (.. Brondfootj Budder Parleys Ford,'Hannin, Lallyr Mrthbiwe, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) '.,On notion by the abovep AN ORDINANCE PROVIDI110 FOR THL' CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE { 4 �T i I IISIDRWALKS AND GUTTERSs TOGATItER.WITH GRANITE CURBING AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, I11TAY.ES F , II'CATCH BASINS, SEWERS AND. DRIVEWAYS T11HRF.FOR, ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH FIFTY STPM2 FROM, RTIJTUCKY AVENUE TO JACKSON 8TRRETr IN THF. CITY OF PADUCAHr KENTUCKY, was given It first passage, upon call og the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, DRoadfooty ; `+ Budder FarleYr Fordr Hanninp LallYr Mathewsr� Hayerp Roof and Vogel. (12 ) {` On motion.by the above, the rules were suspended on.the above, .upon oall.of'the roll by the following vote; -Yeas. Foreman,. Barnett' Broadfoot,:Hudde, Farloy, Sord, Harr 7 s'+ "`'t.•.'nins.Lally, Mathews, Mayers Roof and Vogel. (12) . 1r ;r•' On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given its second and final pass- , agesForeman by its titles upon call of the roll by the.following vote; -Yeas - r Barnett r t Broadfoot, Buddo, Parley, Ford, Hanhin, Lallyr Hathewe, Mayer, Roof and.Vogel. (12) ce '..On motion by the above,:AN ORDINANCE,PROHIBITINO THE DESTRUCTION, INJURY OR ' DfACI3dFdNT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY j IN THE CITY OF. PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, 'AND PROVIDING A PEZIALTY FOR THE VIOLATION. THm- rOFr was .given its first passage, upon. call of the roll by the ,7 :-following vote;-YeaForemanr Barnettr'Broadfootr Budr18 EarleYr Fod rHanninr Lally, t " Mathewer Mayer, Roof," Vogel. (12) J airy w, i l On ,I ,j motion by the above, the. rules were suspended on the above upon call of the:' .` tf ;,'roll by the following vote;-Yean Foreman,•Barnettlo Broadfoot, Budder'Farley;.Fords Han-' ,t; nini.Lally, Mathews Mayers Roof and•'V'ogel.•('12)' ;f.. On motion by,the aboves the above Ardonance was, given.1te second and final pass-` ager by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,..Bnrnett�. Broad-foots.Budde� Parley, Pord,.Hannin, Lally, Mathews Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) !: t "# J ', On motion D the above action was deferred on the.Ordinauce pertaining Y r., P fining to Pira 7 Protection of public buildings .eto: r E. On.motion ;by the ; above, ,notion was 'deferred on an Ordinance regulating the use of..' . �` Gasoline, Neptho�• eto�. for Dry Cleaning Buisneas, etop., t k t� On motion by member Mayersthe Monthly report of the Chief of Polices was. 7 Ali �4.J4 4 04 �. 4 received and filed. t r C a r t' i1.tR�Cidf.�iT'1N.w�atfra:�Iaw� �ak�iw&n �r lei' Twf t 5a91y.` ' 7. a y e:+s ikr rpt v4 ..v'�'Yl:i .ail. s.. � • �� 'Sd�'i�Ki.a.• i-14?> >o- f C i' l ' F , 1 ' t" ' 'li Grp .. 4 , ` F t ' • > nt . fi,i , Kit y� r i NN�+'rP '. w, ,:�' ��.t�A Ec ' rf y�i Ar ! • ���' `�i} t�`IiTS1 �A�{'�417Yj 'f9''r,�r�4 4>S"ff'��'1,"i7�"..�'t�.l•1'��yf biYtW 1 ,r•x�+• a"',t rk .rr f -tt ,F It %2 � l .a.� 11, f�T"'F.iV i.. r ;�S'.^-'� .h:.rJ'� tT ry. � N•. Tt.���:•f+s •01,,9 iA C.OUNCIL �OCLEERINGS; CITY, OF PADUCAH_ �.6? On motion by member Hanning. that the.,applications of the Retail Coffee House dank ers,.be taken upon and ready and if there ia.not any remonstranoes.against same] that they be voted on separately and collectively and granted and bonds accepted, and if any has remonstrances against then that they be voted on nopar e f ga ey a� ly.- same parried. I _ I i- <.!� On motion by the above, the following Retail Coffee Houses, dealers were granted I: license separately aipd collectively .and bonds accepted;-. `-•»'''' Frank Wagner 110 South 2nd at Bondman F.G.Rudolph and Gus 4. Singleton. Palmer. Hotel Co. 5th h Broadway • Fidelity &Deposit Co. of 11.1).' Necy Allen 116 Ky Ave " ''•;-_;<' (-i ,"'• p J.A.Lindell 100• Broadway " !! O.W.Fdwards 117 South 3rd at " < i, B.M.Allen 105 Broadway i A.T.Bohnnnun 111 South 3rd. at ° W.O.Vineyard. 1047 Washington qt " i O.II.Willow 212 Ky Ave Bondsman Jacob Oehlsohlnef;er & Adolph Well. G.Lashleo 400 North 12th Fidelity & Deposit Co.. of M.D. I W.L.Cates 126 South 2nd " L.L.Nelson 407 South 3rd. " Oscar Denker 432 North 12th at Hotel Belvedere 201 Broadway " t F.S.Johns0on 1034 South 10th John R. Dye 1729 Meyers at " James Bolden 704 Adams at " , I, John Ward 132 Ky Ave " James Ward 1100 South llth.st. " T` •l Kiley & Thompson 1039 Ky Ave Bondsmen Emma F. Nelson & M.H.Weikel. F.M.tfatlock 1132 South 10th at Fidelity & Deposit Cc of M.D. a III, R.L.Peacher & Co ' ; �:, 101 South 2nd at P• W.M.1.-litche11 1000 North 10th at " J W.M.1.-fitchell '£ 908 Boyd at • M.H.Gallaghor 829 Trimble at " !: 'Alfred Straus 114 Ky Ave. " f +, C.F.Schrader 233 North 13th at i Oscar Demmick ',.. 1735 Meyers at " is DaN Galvin 934 South Sth at " I Tuck Lowe 825.Waafdenton at " it Sam Bryant 434 Norton at W.C.Gray ., 107 South 4th at a ii Elliott h athen 134 South 4th at " Theo Petor 1045 Ky Ave • s i J.H.Peter &Co 116 South 4th at ° J.H.Peter & Co 113.South 2nd at - ° ;i A Marcoffsky 134 South 2nd at q Kennio Murray 115 North 4th at " a. i L.T.Clark 1167 North 12th at " J.D.Rothrook f: '. 200 Ky Ave r " I� J.1I.R1rod 128 South 2nd at " George Schulte :+ :..' 701 Jackson at } ,., + -• s w r ` S.A.Gott 119 North 4th at :. r • �;; Sam C. Smith 105 South 2nd at ! George 1i. Andeeoht 111 South 2nd at, ' r Hol Billingsley • 833 Caldvrell at f " errell 107 North 4th at " i James Sh" Nichols &Grey 800 South 3rd at " Teal & Welsh 1037 Burnett at F. " Rehkopf that Cc 103 South 2nd at " C.T.Graham 135 South 9th dt " Ed Pearson 701 Trimble at " Ferguson & Pell 737 Horth Sth at W.H.Thompaon , •i i' Sth & Huabancla ° Ieeman Brothers 227 South 2nd St Mike Iaeman & George Jacobs. j R.G.L.Moshell c 109 North 4th at Fidelity & Deponit Co. of M.D.' Elliott & Wathen 120 South 2nd at Jne J. MoAughan 1134 Jones at . H.C.Overby & U.S.Walston." I•' J.L.Potter Sth & Harris at Fidelity & Deposit Co. of N.D. 1 2'�c'•`-r. J.D.Schulte 936 North 10th at " i J L.Wells 119 !Broadway i.' Jae T. Quarles East Side Ullion Depot " t Chris Burger 701 South 7th at " r, :i' Jin Bolger 1615 South 4th at " r. Chas Denker 901 Washington St " J.J.Lally r`•' 1501 South 4th at " r F.S.Berron 113 South 4th at 4 L.B.Ragan >- 115 South 4th at i E 4hoa BoyTerd " 909 North BW at W.C.Stanford .129 South 2nd at all of the ubove were granted and the bonds accepted separately and collectively, upon' J s' ± call of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfootj Duddey'Farleys I'•" ! 3', �, Ford, Hannin, Lally, Mathews, Mayor, Roof and Vogel. (12) j' 19'1./. On motion by member Ford,.a petition to open 24th street"on Kentucky Ave. was referred to. the, Street 'Committee. On motion by the aDowethe monthly'report of +,he Meat& Milk Inspector, was .• _ yc~ti;• 11 ronivod and Pilud.•' b notion y`noiibur Rr.o,af, .' loot, petitions Prot ETuniy Ynn'6_oitur,. Nora DavieA.A_ ',' , cam. • ,, a � � erred to the, Hoard of Greor, Fritz 1letgzer, - and Gue• Smith for over assessments was ref d.. 'Supeiwisore. j �p f On motion'by,the above, a petition for over assessment from R.L.Paaoherwas referred to the Auditor with power to act. On motion by member Hanning a oomunication from Urs Chas Johnson for.& transfer of a lot' In Oak Grove Cemetery, wan referred to the Cemetery Committee. On motion b the above the Cemeter � Committee was Y � y given power to repair the Streets' in Oak Grove Cemetery with gravel or"atone they see fit, svr�e to some. out of the Cemetery Apportionment. = :' Qin-r�d-•r1i, 1 / • �. On motion by member Broadfootp'the Assessor was authorized to Lake off of the personal tax book •450.00 charged to J.R.Brown as.he does not live in the City. On motion by member Lally, a Resolution for the improvement of North 1th street 'from Jefferaon to Madisonstreet, with concrete sidewalks and Cutters'LogQther with ' granite ourbing under the ten year Pant plan, was given its first passage, upon .of the roll b the following vote• Yeas 'Foreman Barnett Broadfoot Budde • Fade Pod':: ,�'• Y g . r � �' � Ys•. Hannin Lallyp Mathews 9 Mayer I Roof wid.Vo el. (12) +� On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above, .upon call'. of the t r r roll by the 'following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, BRoadfoot; Dudde' Fesley .Ford s i ' Hc►nnin, Lally a Mathews, Mayer, Roof atui Vogel. (12) 7 On motion b the above the above Resolution was ` �.� y •. z , Y � given its second and final pease; .'•.� .'. *. age, upon call, of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas.Foremen�.Besn ettp•Broadfootj,Blvd- deg Parley, Ford, Hunnin, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12)'' ©�• '''tom:" On motion by.the above, AN ORDPANCR PROVIDING FOR THE; CONSTRUCTION OF CO11CRETE SIDEWALKS AND GUTTMS TOGATHm WITH GRANITE CURBING AND ALL 1JECF.SSARY MANHOLFA INTAKFS .' CATCH BASINS SEWMS AND DRrvFwAYB ' ON BOTH SIDED OF WASHINGTON STREET FRO11, TRE WEST Y 9,, CURB UNE OF NINTH STREET TO THE EAST LINE -OF THE PROPERTY OF THE MIlSSI88IPPI VA1rLFY , o9a CORPORATION, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, was given its first passage •,.upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Poremna' Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Perieyi l rtk Pord,. Hanning Lallyy Mathews" )tctiger, Roof. and Vogel. (12) ; �,r5 '� *�'.1• On motion by the above,, the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the y roll, by the following vote; -Yeas' Foreman,' Barnett, Droadfoot, Budde, Parley, .Pordi s�� ' Get Rennin, Lally, Mathews, 1[eyer, Roof and Vogel: (12) ` i ,On. motion by the above# the above' Ordinance was given Ate second and final, passag rr �4 ') by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Burnett, $load. .foot, Budde, Parley, Ford, Hn'#� Lally,' Mathewe, Mayer, Roof and.Vogel.-.(12) If anna On motion b member Hanning' the ,atter of const sidewalks ky , , y l8 Qn' Kentuo Av.e. to the Ferry Landing, same'was'referred to'Lhe Street' Committee. -A DOP'1'3ED JU� b 1819' .:]: ; o- l�PL Dv�a JUL 18 1919 ` *y'y f�r� ;Sift r�i r min bf. f t •�3 /' a• utt : )�,,. uAT ` v , > .. iI, , . n , va L y t✓7er1� �Ar �l/.,r j"rd y Q� ft"hu . i l s• h f �,Y i rr 4 j CZ 1, ,, , j t •. 6 , W ,n •. -�-'t• . w -. F�. q , 4 F t � ,J� i1 � s , 4 � f. _ _ r y rSt t ' ' '' ' 1 , , , • •w , � S r