HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 180, June 3, 1912LJ 6, rte. . y y r +.• i ,. ,.,,, _. 1 ,gyp... ... �, ,..r. `I `�, ° t -- . COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCA 3 191 ".: + + At a regulae meeting of. the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chambery in, ` the" City Hall in the City of Peducah� "ity: Jwe 3rd:,1912,40n cAll of the 'roll the. ;','• following answered to their names; -Foreman, Harnett Brondfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford,"' Fannin, Lnlly, Mathew,',-Hayeri Roof and Voeel. (12") On motion the'minutes.of. the previous meeting was adopted as'read:' On motion h member Hannin a petition Arom residents and �I Y � I property. awners,on � `• .l° West Jefferson street.for ernission to connect with the'sanitary sewer, near: t at'. P Y � 131 was referred to the City Solicitor and Engineer. 11 On motion by the above,. the Finance Committee's.allo*ance for salaries atc:,was allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on the-Treasurer:for the respect= ive,'amounts, upon call of the roll by the .fol low Ing'vot9;-Yeas Forman, Aarnetti, Broad -''.man, !'••. �footo Buddei.`Farley, Ford, Hannin; Lally, Mathews', Mayer, Roof. and Vogel.(1?_) T On motion by the above, the monthly.report'of the.Treasurer and Auditor, was ^ i' received and filed. - " On motion.by the above, .the Mayor. was authorized to borrow 410,800. same to be '� + C. charged to bilis payable and to be paid out of the J11ne half of the tax collection',{, 1. .. ' on call or -the roll by 't e w h Tolle ing vote; -Yeas Foreman,.Barnett, Broadfoo„, Budde, Farloy, Ford, Hannin, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vocel. (12). On motion by the grove, the :`Pity Treasurer was authorized to turn over the 1911, �. . ® �I tax bills,, that bre uncollocted,to B.M.Philley Rack Tax Colloctory` �� / ii r On motion by the above, Thos H. Clayton was nllowed�138.00"for roofinH""-1 Firs E' Station, and the balance of tho account was referred to the Public Improvement Committee” f 'upon call of the roll by the folloviing'vote; -Yeas T?oroman, Barnetti Aroadfoot, Budde,, :. . Farle Ford Hannin Lrkl Mathewn M ver Roof. and Vogel. (12) ! /►� On motion by member Lally, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF'PAXTON •'j' �O STREET PRO1I LITVIX AVrZTUE. TO BLOO14 AVRvUE. AND OF Bt.0.0)( AVFNUE. FROH PAXTON STREET ^0' F' I ' CITY LIMITS BY" GRADING AND GRAVfx,ING OF SAW, IN TiiF. CITE OF PADUCA1i miTUCXY, was given" © its',first paesago, upon call .of.tho,r011 by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, AarneR,t 1 , o Aroadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford.) Hannin�:hally, Mathows, Mayor, Roof and Vogel.(.12). On notion h the above the rules. " o i • Y � 1 eau porulod 'on the above ordinnnoo, upon cal.::'!:. ": � • } of•tlie roll b the followingwoto•"Yoae Foreman "Barnett' Broadfoot Budde Farley,Fo 11annin Lal Mathews Mayor Roof .arid Vogel. 12 On''metion by the above, the above.orcdinance was ginon its second and final age, by its titlop upon call of the roll by the".following vote; -Yeas Foremcui, Barnette �--- Broad foot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin,.Lally, Mathewa,.Mayer,.Roof And.V0L91.(12.)." 'On motion'hy.the above,. An ordinanee for the improvement of 1(y."Avenuo 9tli.":Lo"11 9 erne referreel•to the City Solicitor, to furnish copies. also ordinance for the improvemeL: �. Washlri�Eonietroet`.`Prom 9th., to .lith. street:. }� On motion:by member 11 Ayer, monthly report of. the Chief of police was reee�hved (�r and filed.' 2 on"motion by member Vogel, atranater of a: saloon license from d.L.Baither to W.C.Rtan1'ord at .129 bout 2ncdi�'etreet same wasV•granted"Arid erdered"to Lake its uauol OOuraO. ;, •w•''�i• �� ;ir.J�1��L v.'�'.•'''lttt'r'Iii:YiaLX•9£A:i1:51!£5�,'�,::ti;�$N'.'.,iii'�'�rtiinn•"mat''..c�.'Uf?GaxS?��"E�7J.1iiy�d.S+ `?�r.�t�•�..•^ •`.�,:riPvaCA�.: »n�S,Wl�t.tri.wtq: 4 ���'i 1 M 1 a I='k .Y Yb• { .1�1, �i' f )1 tj \ •f .) L' S .Si, tr 2 - rel •' t' _,.� a e1�4 "fr .33�•: � I � �.' •' k ' r':ti' •.�,• � tier , t,�Eis� �Y 'SI ei_ t .i�y+rck �1 '•' d _. j, , .� � t �,, , "' •�:'?I .,1 w ,irrn �` +, K r..cv 5' � K�(liy'"'T NS'' , .M. ff� .i•. .. . , h t. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH_' On motion by the above+ a transfer was authorized to -be made under the ustial proceedureof a saloon -license at 125 Broadway from B.D.Jones•h Son to R.L.Teal & J.E.1[61chl 1037 Burnett Street. ' i I. On motion by me:nber Ford, the• monthly• report of.•the Meat h. Milk Inapector''.was I' received and filed. " On motion by member Broadfoot, petitions from the Gibson Piano Cn,, am thea, e' Paducah Dental Co., was 'referred to the Auditor. ; On motion by member HNnnir},.o refund was granted Collie 9.11iott for If4.50 the defforence between private and puhlio ground in 0ok (:rove Cemetery.; On motion by member Budd e, a regolution.for the improvement. of, Guthrie Ave' from" ., F the Mayfield Rood to Jookeon street or 19th., dtreot, with side.wolks•eto,was' given its. first passage, upon call op the roll.by the following voto;-Yoaa Foreman,.Barnett, Broad- +i foot, Budde, Parley, Ford, t}annln, Lally, Mathews, Mayor, Roof and Vogel. (7.2) On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the p roll by the following vote;-Yoaa Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, 11e.rudn, II Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) On motion by the above, the above, ordinance was given its seoond ural finals ) `, ppnesa e; bY.ite title, uIon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens horenewt, Barnettr Broadfoot, Budde.,. Farley, Ford, Hannin, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Yogol.(12) On motion by the above, the Feepmohdatlon from the Mayor in regard to changing ' the patrol house into a kitchen, sane was reforred to the Public Improvement Comrittee; On motion bg above, the resignation of City Electrician J.O.Fieher was accepted.) -R On motion bi. member Hannin, the me.tter of taring down the house at }Oft South. 10 street, was referred to the Fire h Police Committee and Fire Chief with power to not.`;;`'`t On motion by member Lal7Y� a resolution for the improvement of,Clay street from� '•.'` ' 17th to 19th street, with sidewalks gutters etc., wider the tan ydor payment plan, was. I•'�'. 17 given its first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foreman, Barnett :'•? E;Broa}foot, Budde, Farley Ford, Tlannin, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12) On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above, upon call -of the., roll by the following vote;-Yoaa Fureman, Barnett, nr.oadfoot, iludde, Farloy, Ford, Hall n, C Lally, Mathews, laayer, Roof ant Vogel. (12) On motion by the above the abovo resolution was Liven its socond nn,l,final pi�s y age, upon call of the roll by the following Fore:yan, Barnett, Aroddfoot, Budsie, _'•, hFarley, Ford, Hannin, Lally,, Mathews, Mayor, Roof and Vogol. (12) On motion by member Vogel, n resolution for the improvement of 9th., street g A from Madison to Trimble street, with sidowalko gutters etc., undegithe ten year paynent r•'," plan, was given its first pasoago, upon call of the roll by t}te fnllnwing vote;-Yeae Fore -1 man, Darnett, Rroeulfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford,.TTannin, Lully, Mathews, Mayer, Roof,h Vogel.(* On motion by the above, the ruler were suspended on the etbove, upon call of tile roll by the following vote;-Yoaa Fore::man, Barnett,, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Mayar,l 11annin, Lally, Mathews, Roof. and Vogel. (12) On motion by the above, the above resolution was given its ueoolid and fin,l'�`•pbse. age, upon call of the -roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Burnette Broadfoot,Aludde „I,;j,' F �' Farley, Ford, Hannin, Lally, Nathewe, Meyer, Roof wed Vogeh. (12) LL COUNCIL P'tOCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191 On motion by member Lally, AN ORDINANCF CRF,ATING A FRANCHISE OR PRIVILEGE TO 17� FURNISH FLRCTrZICITY FOR LIGHT, POWFR,rHF.AT AND ANY OTHER PURPOSE FOR FIFiICN Q,F.CTRICITY IS USFD•IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, A17D PROVIDING FOR THF. SALE .OF SAID.FRANCHISE OR PRIVILEPS' was given its first passageptupon call of the roll by the following vote;-'.'•.� Hanning.. yeas Foreman, Ruride, Farley'ALally# Mayor -and.Roof.. (7) Ntgs Darnettp Aroadfoot, Fordp { I !Mathews and Vogel..(5) On motion by member Lally the ordee was instructed to bringan inance committ'iq I I � ordinance' rogulating dry cleaning houses. > On notion .by the above, the ordinance committee vias instructed to bring in an. ' :ordinance regulating public. garage®:.. t' -Y On motion the'Doard adjourned--=- --------------- 17 1919 APP JUN 17. 1911 I joloof l` c' a i i• r C 1 < TIMI/IM Be d Q iiw� ; • a .r t � , . rl t -J ,s r a.. ,�} � � C t.7 r 5 � r � ♦ .w JI i'..' t 1. r Vt5 , .r _`1 •1 ly j _ f r } r 1 .. �. . . � +SS r tCY,'1' •�' t 1 �'i jr ir, Ns�1 r,4 1•J.y\04 ar'r'{ Y fa' .. t.1 J Prb♦. `,'.. I i • y t 1 ;' r I } 't • x yr , o - x � � '. r r. - � t L't !' ~ r Jel ,je VI k S•tj t r.. } .a.•. .t .fir 1. t Y t � 'r t r' ' 1 ,.�♦�, yet ,Y t •1 R t tl t'r'` .t 1{' i 1•�G i. r ` tt' • , r �• Y:,rj ir. { � �' I rt ' ' Cj � r' ' 1 to a - •k' 1 1.., 1 } ,S _1. - r ,� "t r d-1 ;� � - 4 . rt o "t;la r{• � -� •. •} , •Ir .. 1 } t - J ..'�' t !, Y't If �L tL'.t(jv. {111 1.1 '� s.'t't,; itt so- v++� t,ltr Cy > � \r s: i }c { • Y k 1:�r"a, tr ,}, U+• , r v. r F t >i,1.t ��%.i�7•`SaSik+►'LiS+'''Sy.9"'c•iYaai:�r:u�i:'b�..lA•h,irL .K?Ai:�:i-_ , ... „�t '/ f' ?t ,i t�