HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 177, May 20, 1912i . r t s i :t � a •, kc4x`�•¢: 1 19�' 'r ;•rr }„ ,,+r a, �>fF *r „7' ,.,.t�;rr.
At a regulR.r meeting of the Board-of'Counoilmen, held in -the Council Camber, in
the City Hall,: in the City, of Pnducsh, Fy., May. 20th. 1912, Upon call,oP the,
roll the
following answered to their' names; -Foreman,, Bariiett, Broa df`oot, Budde' Farley, Hsruiin,
Ford, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel: (12)
i'- - •'' On motion the minutes of the previous mooting eras adopted as, rend. , r.
On motion by member Farley, member Lally was excused for the balance..of this +
meeting. .
4, _7y.,,.%w i" On motion by member Hannin, the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries etc.,.,.
was allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on tho Treasurer dor the respe
• � Com"""i � _ ;.,+ � . ,1
;I ctive amounts;'upon cal -1 of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, .Barnett,.Broad-
foot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Mathews Mayor Roof and Vo el: 11
} r r C ( )
? '-On notion by the above, the Mayor was authorized to borrow not exoeoding,A250.00 ~' '
for the.running expenses of the City, same to be charged to bills payable accotnt, until'
the collection of the June half of the Tar.es, upon call of the roll by the following veto
• i
Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot Budde, Farley, Ford, Hanain, Hathnb , Mayer, Roof and
t j Vogel. (11)
On motion by the above, the matter of constructing the Great White Way.on.Broad- �
way from lat. to 10th street in the City was referred to the Light and Water Committoe
' and. the Mayor.
On motion by the above, a request from Miss Annie Duigiud, for a raise iri sallayr j :
same was referred to the rinanoe Cpmmittoe.
On motion b the above the matter of `
• y , painting, the Market ltotase,and•pleasning
�� 1 same, bids were received by the Board of Public Works, and C.T.Pisper being the lowest. ,r
! p .
1 !' and beat. bidder fo/494.00 specifications attached ,eeme was retifiedrup
orcall of the ..�. l
4' roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, lion-...
..nin, Matheym, paver, Roof dnd Vogel. (1T.)
On -motion by member Mathews,,; All ORDIIIANCR TO PR6'VF.t1T C11IC10EN9, DUCKS AND OTItIR
upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremen, Barnett, Dboadfoot, Budde,' II
Farley, Ford, Hannin, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel.(11)
On motion the rules ware suspended on the above, ordinance, upon call .of the
roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Bannin
li Mathews, Mayer, Roof and.Vogel. (11)
On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given its second and final'pase
�• li ase, by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett,,'
",- Broadfout, Budde, Farley,.Ford, Hannin, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Voeel.(11)
II On motion by member Roof, a Resolution for the improvement by grading and. gravoi-
Ing Paxton and Bloom Ave to City Linitsi all to be done under the ten year payment, plan,
(•j r
i'L2•,: ;i same was given its first passage, upon call -of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Fore-
Man, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Itannin, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel.(11) i
On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above, Resolution, upon
i• call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,' Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde,,Farley,
. `4 Roo; 1(Wer, Ford, Hannin, Mathews and VoEel.(11) f
L j ,
r,'.On.,mot Ion by the above, the above Resolution was given its second and finalgpase
ageupon call of the roil by the following vote;-Yoas,Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Bud-
�; •„ Idoi:Parley,.Ford, Hannin, Mathews, Mayerp Roof and Vogel.(11)
�. On motion by the above, &.petition from Kolb Brothers in regard to. improvements
�,' on Dread street g. .same was referred to -the Street Committee and City Engineer.
On motion by the above, a Resolution for theimprovement of South Fourth street
from Kentucky Ave to Jackson street with concrete side and
g guttereg to -gather with
1, granite.ourbing, all to be done under the;ten year payment plan .same was' given its
first, passages upon call of the roll by the'.following vote; -Yeas Poremang Broadfoot,
Budde Farle Ford Hannin Mathews M
• r'�� Yr � �• , oyer and Vogel. (8) Members Barnett and Roof west
excuded for. the balance of this meeting.
",.. On motion by the 'above, the rules were suspended 'on the above, upon call of..the
iroll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,'Broadfoot,.Buddeg, V'arleyy Ford, Harming, Lath -I•
I +'
I ewsg Mayer and Vogel. (15) .
i! .,On motion by the above, the above resolution was given its.second and final.paes .
,I age,' upon call of the roll by the following vote, -Yeas Foroman, Broadf.00tg Budde, Ford,•:"
't•,./) Farley, Hannin, Mathews, Mayer and Vogel. (8)
4 i On.motion by the above, .a petition from residents and property owners, on the
May.+'ield Road, for, water mains extension, same was' referred to the Water Company to
lay mains and the Fire Plugs placed on the rental lista
On motion by member Broadfojot,•a petition .from .the Wemem's Club in regard to
j �Oitizens cutting weeds', Banpros referred to the Public Improvement Committee. `
Qo w� On motion. by the above', a petition from pro ert ,owners in
P Y regard to the erect in' •, •. ,
I -
f�rQ of a :br,idge .accroee Cross Cross Creek at the ehd of Vasar Avenue. in 1:Sechaniesburg,waa.
referred to the Street Committee.
On motion by the above, a transfer, was 'granted from Mrs Mary M. Wheeler to W.H.
Caldwell the North of ,lot x{279 blook l8 in Oak Grove Cemetery.
On motion. by member Hanning a' deed was granted to L.A.Albritton and W.A.Gilliam'.'
;.. k to lot :#9.;bloek. 46 ,in Oak Grove Cemetery.
L9� � '• On motion by the ,above, the notion of the Ceuetery.Committee, was ooncured-In +
in'regard to'awarding the contract to J.B3.Gardner for removing old stumps, trirming
tiees and grading all lots in the .new Addition of..Oak Grove Cemetery, all of the above f
and Joe ttsttison Sexton of Opk Grove 1
work t6 -be done under the supervision of the ,City,.Engibeer,A for .the sum of 4200.00 upon
d ` .'r• .C( c.: 'call of the rollby.the following.vote;-Yeas Foreman, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford,. '
1 Harming Mathewsg Mayers and Vogel. (8) 111
�Ott-, '. On motion b the above a Resolution for .the y" ng
p �� Y , improvement of an Alley running- frolq .
10th to 11th street by grading and graveling,, same was: given -its first psaesage, upon
� q. C., o;allof-the-roll-by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Pord,
F f C ya t Hanning Mathews, Meyer and Vogel. ".(9j' r
-On •motion the rules,were suspended on the above,'Upon call of the roll by the
:f 6110IFing vote; -Yeas Foieman,.Broadfoot,' Dudde, Farley, Forth Hanning Mathews, Mayerp
r HSI �1r x�. On motion by the, aboveg the .'above Resolution was given its second and final Paso -
3y��ry`Ji�)d"�a���;l ',�' �;'` l'a}t� •.ii� .1 two-. i
say 1
1 b ii,`��f�yyP�,� t�.+.tC���- •' GS n, � l::y � s. r -, r _. .•� ;' � to"•,:, ..
y H f t,
R ,i� 7 t; y ,�`xily ar• D �,
' .:ir"'b, le �'•-t�n '! a.l,''x �� ^fie Fx�.i''��i Kr;'�"n5•����t.r•,,.{S M ,4:n!, ?`F,.. �i'u ; %�'. s�'�" x; s3"''+�1� ?,f�*vi r �ri.�si h i"t�, ;#Y. � •wr4-,trt r'c,t::f.-r.r.. ,,�_�'a .
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&get upon gall of the roll by the following•voto;-Yeas Foreman, Broadfoot, Budde] Farley;
t '
Ford, Hanninj Mathews, Bayer and Vogel. (8)
Onmotion by member Mathews, an amended bnilding.0rdinane e' 'wan referred to the
city Solicitor to have copies sent out.
.,---- ------>- ---------0n motion the Board adJournedr----- --------------- ----
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