HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 159, February 5, 1912J
At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chrmber,
In th a City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ry.,Fatruary 5th. 1912Upon call of the roll
the following answered to their names? Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford,
Hannln, Loll-, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12)
On motion the minutes of the previous meetings ware srlopted as reed.
On motion by meribor Haldhin, the Finance Cor"itteo's allowance for salaries etc.,
was allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the respeo
tive anotias, Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foreman, Barnett, Broad -
foot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Harlin, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel. (12)
On motion by the above, Robert was allowed 14V 25.03 as salary as Comnitte
Clerk for the month of January 1912, upon call of the roll by the Pollowing vote; -Yeas
Foreman, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hearin, Lally, Mathews, Meer, Roof aril Vogel. (11.1
Nays Barnett. (1)
On motion by the above, the Finance Committee was given power to act, in elect -
Ing a Committee Clerk for the Council Committee's, Upon call of the roll by the follow-
trig vote; -Yeas Foreman, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannln, Lally, Mathews, Mayer,
Roof, ant Vogel. (11) Nays Barnett. (1)
On motion by the above, the monthly report of the Treasurer awl Auditor, was
r received awl filed.
On motion by the above, the Treasurer was instructed to draw,w warrent on the
�4 Special Street Hurd In `favor of O'Hagan h We for work done on Harrison and Madison
Streets, amounting to 7/6367.37 upon call of the roll by the followln�.-vote;-Yeas Foreman,
' 4-
W a+
. ��,�,�,ti,,,• Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford Hernia, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Yoge1.(12)
On motion by the above, thelMayor was given power to act in naming a committee
1 of three incl himself to go to Frankfort to look after a Roful fuwl between the City and
I County, Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yves Hannin. (1) Nays Foreman,
' Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof, aril Vogel. (11)
On motion by member Lally, A Resolution giving the Mayor the power to appoint
a Supervisor for the City's Farm, the rules were suspended, on scone, upon call of the
' o roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Ford, Hannln, Lally,
Mathews, Mayer, Roof awl Vogel. (11) Nays Farley. (1)
On motion by the above, the above Resolution, was given its first pdseage, upon
call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Ford,
Hennln, Lally, llathews, Mr.yer, Roof awl Vogel.(11) Hays Farley. (I.)
On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above, Resolutlon,upon
r call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Ford,
?tannin, Lnlly, Mathews, Mayor, Roof, awl Vogel. (11) (lays Farley. (1)
On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given its second and final
., passage, Upon call of the roll by the following vo+e;-Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broadfoot,
Budde, Ford, H:hnuln, Lally, Mathews, Mryer, Roof nut Vogel. (11) days Farlay.(1)
�,1 On motion by member Roof, a Resolution and petition for the Snprovenmtt on
Scuth 6th street between Beckman and Broad streets, was placed on its first passage out
amended by member Farley and referred to the Street Committee.
± �I On motion..by,member Mathews, the monthly report of the Biulding inspector,was
received' and filed.
On motion by member Mayer, the monthly. report of the.CIIief of Police, was
cis r f received -and filed.
On:motion by member Broadfoot, L.M.Rieke was refunded 11.99 on property Tax
On motion by the above, a release was granted the United States Fidelity.& Guare.^.;�•
my Compary off of Merchants Policeman L.F..00ilive as -he has resigned and left the Cityii.:
On -motion by the, above, a petition from the Typegraphical Union in regard to'.
he employees of the City working 8 hours per day, was received and filed..
Q� On motion by member Vogel, J.L' .Gaither was _granted a retail Coffee Nouse license'..
1 and the.'Fidelity & Deposit Company of 1{nryland was. accepted as his bondsmen at 129 South l
2nd;. street, Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Broad- rti',
(foot, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hanning Lally, Mathews, Mayer, Roof and Vogel.(12)
On motion by the above, the City Solicitor was instructed to bring in an
Ordinance making Saloon License transferable, after making the..required application for ;y�.. �.
— On ....
same. .
CJ On motion by member Hnnnin, a refund was .allowed John Jacobs the difference I`
between private and Public ground in Oak Grove Cemetery..
I, On motion by the above, deedswerewanted to .Teff Tucker and 1dre, Doshie Joeobs'"':
' y to :lots. in Oak Grove Cemetery.'
~ On motion by the above, a petition from Wm Simpson for a transfer of a lot
!� ak Prove Cemetery, was referred to the Cometery.Committed. ;, t
On motion by the above, a.trans®er.from Mrs Walter A StJohn to Guy Nance, was :.
'- referred to the Cemetery Committee. �••
;•� On.motion by member Lally, a comunication from the Paducah Storage Oompary for
C�exemption, was referred to.the City Solicitor.
.l. On motion by the.above, that the action in regard to a Committee of three be
Q1~ aent'to Frankfort including the Mayor, carried) Upon call of the roll by the following 7• w.
vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnettr ftmhv rFn.rleYr Hanninr Lalllr MaVerr Roof and Vo el. 8).
J ,`l' nays Broadfoot,
Ford Mathews.' $udde. (4) j
----On motion the -Board adjourned------------ ------------
-- FEB 3 0M1 1912 AP 1 FEB 19 1911 ,• ` ,1
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