HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 153, January 8, 191277
`; AL a meeting of the counoil held in the council chamber 4n yhe city hall, in the
?, `City of Paducah, Ky., January, let, 1912, the clerk announced the first t!-.i:lg in order' was
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Lha D2eotion of a president; aryl after several ballots being taken remained tied between •� '
Al U. Foreman and R. S; Barnett, the Board being hopelessly tied they adjourned to moat
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At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Council held in the 'council chamber'in the city
hall in the city of 'Paducah, Ky., January, 2rid, 1912, upon 'oall of the roll 'the ,following'
!answered to their names, Barnett: Broadfoot, Bu{)de, Ford,' Foreman, Ha+{nin, Lall�!,Nathows,
" iildayer,) Roof and Voegel, Farleyy-(12).
.. '
After balloting for eleven ballots the Board still remained tied, an{1 acljourned t• -i meet
the 3rd.
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k At an ndJourne meeting of the Board of Council held in the counol.l chamber in the
oity hall in the city of Pach)cah, Ky., January, 3rd, 1912, upon call of the roll the follow-
irk answered to their names, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Ford, Farley, Foreman, Hannin,
",':�;•;, u Lally, Mathews
Mayer, Roof and Voegel, (12).
'� er balloting for several ballots thr Board adjourned to. eat January, 8th, 191-2.
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At•�an adJour d meeting of the Board of Council ' hel,l in the o �iinc l" oltili�b`er! in= tCen.oity
hall in the city of Paducah, Ky., January, 8th, 1912, upon call of the roll the following!
s answered to their naves, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Ford, Farley, Foroman, l;annin, Lally,
l j h Mathews, Mayer, Roof, and Vogol,'(12). E
s After casting several ballots and no election, the final ballo' was for Barnett, Budde,
�"Ford, Foreman, Mathews, aryl Mayer, (5)� for Foroman', Barnett, Aroadfoot,' Farley, (tannin,
Lally, Roof, ane{ Vol;ely (7),
On, mot ion'by member 11annin the following retail coffee house license were gr ant ad and
=: bonds accepted separately and collectively,
John R. Dye, 1729 Meyerwi,offered as his bond Fidelity Deposit Co. of Md:'
D+:n Galvin, 934 S. 5th,
F. M. Matlock, 1132 S. 10th, a a
1 1 ]total Belvedere, 201 B -way,
FRank Wagner, 110 S. 2M,
Wm. Mitchell, 1000 11. 10th,
a a
G. W. Schulte, 701 Jaekeon, • . •
Raney 'le Jenkins, 112 S. 2nd,
Schulte h Snyder, 1034 S. 10th,
.!z J: J. Lally, 1501 S. 4th,
t, F.cl Pearson, 701 Trimble,
Nichols b. GRnY, 300 S. 3rd, " a
' h 11. t!. Gallagher, 609 Trimble,
J. W. Sherrill, 107 N. 4th,
R. E. L. Moshell, 109 1l. 4th,
�r G. Lashlee, 400 N. 12th,
F. S. Ferron, 113 S. 4th,
J. W. Eberle, 900 Washington,
Palmer Hotel Co. 5th a Broadway,
dd J. L. Potter, Sth h Harris,
' k Sam.C. Smith, 105 S. 2nd,
1 Chris. Berge, & Bro. 701 S. 7th,
1 h Sam. Bryan* , 434 Norton, <, " ° " ,•,
t' A. T. Buchanan, 111 S. 3rd,
Chas. Dunker, 901 17ashington,
i Jac. Bulger, 1613 S. 4th,
p , t '
•3 l'..
t. 191__., }
Elliott Wathan,. 120 S. 2nd offered as his. bond Bidelity Deposit Co'.';*of Md.....•
y kinney Murray, 115 N. 4th,
1 a L. T. Clark, 1167 N. 12th,
W. C. Gray, 107 S. 4th, " " 7•r. '
1 I J. B. Rothrock h Son, : 200 Ky: Ave'."'"' r ` , ': :. " ' tr .., + t'r, }• .
R. L. Peacher b Co. 191 S. 2rv1,
Rehkopf Dist. Co. 103 2nd,
J. 1i. Elrod, 125 S. 2nd,
( I , Tuck Lowo,.625 WAshington,
Ether lbetc&lf., loo Brondway,
Goo.. Andretch, 111 8: 2rri,
y John Ward, 132 Kt. Ave.
s :,•s,._. ' Jas. Bolden, 704 Adams,
Abe Marcoefsky, 134 C. 2rYi,
I r '. rl'•
F,lliott & Wathan, 134 S. 4th,
a J. 11. Petter k Co. 116 S. 4th,'
0. F. Dugger, 126. S. 2nd,
' Lee Ilite, 934 Husbnnr's,
� 0. Dironick, 1735 Meyers,. , ! ^ .a { •,t , Y111 •
+ C. T. Graham, 135 ^..9th, '" i .. r • f •. : •" c � rt i �. .
Joe. Ward 1106 S. 11th
J. T. Quarrels, east sine I.C.Depotj
I W. 0, Vinyard,, 1047 Washington,
Alfred 'Strauss, 17.4 Ky. Ave. " ^ + {,
1 ..1I. Pell `b- Co. 906 IIo;al St. "
S. B. Gott .119 N. 4th,
C. F. Schrader,. 233 N: '13th, `<
Theo.. Peters, 1045 Ky. Ave:. " ^
1.111108. Boyle, 900 N. 8th,Oscar Denkor, 432 N. 12tH, " It
G. W. ,Frtwards, 117 N. 3rd
L. B. Ragan, 115 S. 4th,'
'. B. M. Allen, lO5 Broadway, " " C./i
Casper Jones & Son, 230 Ky, Ave.,
J: B. Schulte, 936 N. 10th,
L. L. Nelson, 407 S. 3rd., '. ('
j 1A. D. Campbell i 106. S. 3rd, ^ w��
upon.call of the roll by the.followingT.
vote,, yeas, Barnett, Broadfoo*,.Budde, Ford, �.
'! Farley, Foreman,Hannin ball Mathews M ger Roof
1 � s Yf � . ai. , . - and Vogel, (12).
`y:, f.
On motion by the above the following retail coffee house license were, granted I. jr
f and bowls accepted separately and colleet•ively, subject, to the approval of the mt�yor..,:1_-
aryl city solicitor, '
„• ; ,�. Kiley 6: Thompson, 1045 Ky;. Ave. offered as his born (leo. Weikel d Gus Reitz,
J. J. MoAughon, 1134 Jones, " U. S. Walston k Henry Overby*,
Geo. Willow, 212 Ave. "
Kyr Adolph Weil & Jacob Oehlsohleeger.�`
Isemnn Pros. 227 S. 2ru1,' " Jake oehlschlaeger b. Mike Is: man,,.: I'
!' 'upon call of the roll by the following voted yens,'&:.rnett, Broadfoot, Budde, For:
I Farley, P'oremnn_,- Hannin, Lnily, Mathews, Mayer,.Roof .anti Vogel,
'On motion by thet•above'the following quart liquor license were granted and bonds Sr`.
accepted, separately and collectively subject to the approval of. the Mayor aril : ? �• f
Odtty Solicitor. t"
Aiedermnn Diet. Co. 111 N. 3rd, offered as borul Fidelity Deposit Co. of Mer laM
Geo. II. Goodman,. 100 17: 2nd, " t
I n>reyfuss Weil & Co. t 1 T 111 '71 9,
M. Livingston Co. 113-115 N. let,
! 1.. M.-Stephen, Bridge St: Bet. coal Tipple b mill,
;..;�.: H Wei k Son, 113 N. 2nd, " Wallace Weil G. B Willow
/� ,
r' seats onrried u on call• of the roll b the foilowi vote
t, P bythe , yeas, Barnett, Rroadfoot i
Budde, Ford,•Farley, Foreman, Hannin, Lally, Math-owe, Mayer, Roof and Vogel, (32). }
{alp k` On motion by member Lally deeds` were,:granted to lots in O04k Grove',Cemetery It L. , t
Judfl lot no' 3;` block 44, Sexton h Jennings 'lot, 5 block .45, 0.I'B. Wilkerson, lot '
4207 blook 29, and R.. M..•Jonse lot. 19,block 44.
ON motion by member Lally a • communication for'overassesement of 0. D.
McLaughlin was referred to the board.'of tupervisors.
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FM k�?ry'T,jay �5. r�:r'"K a{ 5
r1 b ,;7 ;,"� y t•s. :.11r~ ,+<rtXj �t. -i =` r+, •. �,"i•; I;, -.,'c, "�,.r - +y.
+ -,.On Mot ion .by, the, abov9 a communication for overaesseament from-Sambuoetti de Co. and I•`
•. a frank Levin for over. assessment was•referred to the Board of Supervisars. '•'.',�a ,:.^
On motion by the above a rewind for poll tax wra granted G. H. Angle •1,, (r
1 On motion,by the above F. Rosenfield was refunded $26.25 fpr over, assessment` upon call
tes— R'�'"" of the roll by the following vote, yeas, Barnett, Broadfoot, Budde, Ford, Fnrley,�' Fore–
iAannin Lally, Uathews,Ma er, Roof and Vogel, (12).
On motion`by the above the MaRyland Casualty Co. of naltimoRe was Releneed off .of th
bond of John J. -Clark, city assessor,•from all liability, ne he is nova.'eoeasr
j Qyw� On :notion by the above T. C.. Leach. Invest meat Co. was granted a refund ,of 419;47 .
�. n! for over assessment , also Louis Theobold was granted a refund of f1.50,:poll taxand
'Dennis Smallo a refund. of #1.50,
r • Yrroll tax.
• On motion by member Fannin an ordinance providing for tha,construction of,Paxton "
v street from Little Ave. to Bloom Ave. for grading and graveling was referred.to the
orflinancb oommittee. 1,
On motion by the above an ordinance fixing the rate to be charged by the official
newspaper of the city of. Paducah, was referred to the ordi.nnnoe committee.:
` On motion by the above a petition from, the police and fire department captains for.ap
�, MV I .increase in _salary of fl0.00, same was referred to the ordinance committee with a reoom–
stonlation of t5.00 raise. .
^� On motion by member Farley the Board of Public Works was instructed to invostisate..
as to its power to remove foot bridge adjoining N. C. !e St. L. trestle anal report beak,
the first meeting in Febrvary.
---On motion the Board adjourned.-------------------
---------P V JAN X r l;13
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