HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 130, September 5, 19113U: COUNCIL; PROCEEDINGS,'CITY OF PADUCA ' 1911 At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chamberj:, in the City Hall, .in the City of Paducah, Ky:, September Sth. 1911, Upon call of the roil the following answered to their names;-Poremenj Barnes Broadfootp Parley, Hanning.,,' i' Hartong Kreutzer•, Lally, Leigh aryl Myer. (10) On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was. adopted as read. i (' On motion by member Hanning the Finance Committee's *allowance for salaries etc., ON wne allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw.a warrent. .on the Treasurer fAr the, �. ;_... respective amounts' Upon call of the .roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoots EarleYr Hanninr Hartong Kreutzerr Lallir Leigh and M Wer. (10) r On motion b the above the monthly , !t Y g hly report of the Treasurer and Auditor was ! �i 4..: � reoeived.and Piled. 1 On motion by the above, a recomendation from the Board of Police and Fire Com- alwtatiivt,, missioners' in regard to donating to the Widow of the late Maurice Ingram a Fireman, at !!� li. #5 Fire Stationg'amounting to 65:00 same, was concured-in,'.by allowing the mount, Upon j call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Poremani Darnes, Broadfoot,'Parleyg, HaguU* Hartong Kreutzer, Lallyi Leigh and Mayer. (10) �%�N On motion by the above, the.Treasurer was authorized to draw a warrent on the + .. ✓`aha �GtQ special Street Fund in favor of G..W.Katterjohn for North 10th street for ��.57.87 said ;'I': 4; :•. �..'. Mechanicsburg for 4;21 Upon call of the roll b the following vote;-Yeas Foreman s`'" . ('✓ a r Y g BArneep Broadfoot, Parley, Hennin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh end Mayer. (10).• i tir On motion,by member Lally, AN ORDINANCE. $EPF.ALINO AN ORDINANCE F.X�TINO THE, t FEDERAL CRATE. ANP BASKET COMPANY,FROM MUNICIPAL ADVALOREM TAXES FOR FIVE. YEARS was j given its first passnge, Upon call of the roll:.by.the following vote;-Yeas Foreman I Barnes, Droadfoot, Farley, Hannin, Hartong Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mgyer. (10) On motion the riles were suspended, on the above Ordinanceg.Upon call.of the .roll., by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Droadfoot, Parley, Hannin,'Hartong Kreut-• t � zerg Lally, Leigh and Mayer. (10) , Oh motion the above, Ordinance was given its second and final passage, Upon call; ''• ;,'` I of the roll by the following.vote;-Yeas.Foremen,.Barnea., Broadfoot, Farley Hanning.; Harton Kreutzer Lal e ly, L igh and Mayer. :( 1 On motion by member Hanning.a comunication from the Board of Public -Works, in GZeLr.�rJ -regard to the improvement of Harrison street Prom 8 th. to 12th..street and on Madison street from.11th. street to 12th. street, in accordance with bids afirertised.fort s ameg was awArded to O'Hagan & Lake, of Avrors, Ills, fon#9,270.36.as they are the lowest and.best'biddersg the City Solicitor. was_ordered.to dray a contract.` 'on motion by member Lally, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DIGGINGi OPF-141IG OR EXCAVATING IN ANY STREETS SIDEWALK, ALLEY., ETC.,IN THF. CITY OF PADUCAH, KY., was given`'' its first,passage, Upon.call Of the roll by the-following vote;-Yeas Poreman.g Barnes, .,Broadfoot,.Farleyp Hannin, Hartoni Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mayer. (10) I i`:•` On motion the rules were suependedi on the above, upon call of the roil by the .foiiowing.v0te;-Yea8 Foreman ' Barnes ' Broadfoot . Parl Hannin' Hartong Kreutzer La 1 { r rKf; t s. �, eYf s 1Y, Leigh'and.Mayer'. . T• tit �,.•, f .,• �•• ii • f.'ir; r' �" Om motion by. the above the atiove;Ordina a was v ✓"� b A. t ? }• s , n0 given en its' second atld final pass. 1 , wiuii- e'- easPoreman Barnes 7. �' r a•'r''f , 71 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF PADUCA191 Broadfoot, Farley, Hanning Horton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mayor. (10), !� > !I On'motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE'ABUTTIHG PROPERTY ON.BOTti ycLQ li C J9 3IDFS OR ,,ROADWAY FRou BLI:VP•.NTH STREET TO FIFTEENTH STREET, EXCEPT THE PROPERTY BELONGING ATO THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD HOSPITAL,COMPANY, IN 'THE CITY OF • PADUCAH, KdITUCKY, THE !I SUM OF 1.68181 per FRONT FOOT FOR THC COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND !� f h GUTTERS TOGATHFR WITH GRANITE CURBING AND ALL SEVIERS, )iXANHOLFS INTAKES CATCH BASINS AND (' 1 DRIVRWAYSIN SAID CONSTRUCTION, EXCEPT THAT PCRTION PAID BY THE CITY OF PADUCAII, KENTUCKY I AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESS)VIT MAY BE PAID IN TF.11 EQUAL INSTA AIENTS, ONE EVES Y YEAR, FOR A PERIOD OF TEN WARS, was given its -first passage, upon call of the roll, by the i �I following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot,.Farley, Hanning Barton, Kroutzer, Lally,� `. a.` .. Leigh and Mayer. (10) - } On Lmotion by the above,.the rules were ssupended on the above, Wpon call of the ' roll by the following vote; -Yeas F roman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Farley, Banning Hartong Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mayer. (10) E i Ob motion the above Ordinance was given its decond and. final passage,. by its title ttporttoall of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot-, Farley, Hanning Hartong Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mayer. (10) n On motion by the above, A RESOLUTION, GRANTING WE PADUCAH BREWERY COMPANY.VIE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS GUT'1,'FRS ETC I14 WRBNT AND ALONGSIDE OF THEIR PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH EAST CORNFIt OF lOth.& HUSBANDS STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCA'H KY., was given its tarstupassage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foromanj !; Barnes, Broadfoot, Farley, Hannin,.Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mayer. (10) On motion the rules were suspended on the above, B118mhURE9y upon.. call of the ?:�.'. ;•' I, , 4 JJ y the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Parley, Hniutin, Barton, roll b -h Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mayer. (10) r qOn. motion by the above, the above.Resolutlon was given it's second and final, pass �1 age, by its .title, Upon call of the.roll by the following vote;-Yoas Foreman, Ilarnos, Broadfoot, Farley, Hanning Hayton, Kreutzer, Bally, Leigh and Mayer. (10)" On motion by theaabove, AN. ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE SALE OF MILK AND OTHI.2 DAIRY, PRODUCTS, AIM REGULATING THE SAIOITARY CONDITION OF DAIRIES, MILK DEPOTS, USE OF UTF:IISIL`l , fit VEHICLES, ETC.,USF.D IN THE HANDLING ILQWACTURI14G OR SALE. OF MILK AND DAIRY: PRODUCTS IN - ` PADUCAH KY.,AND REPEALING CURTAIN ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY, was given.its'seo'ond and final 'i passe a VVRc►1')balT bf thebr I•D tt e - r ;. passage, oil y h ,@oliowing Vote;' Yeae. Foreman Hanrlln� Hartong Mrb♦ +, h btzsrj^Lally'j%'•Lei'ghiand Mayer. (7) Nays Barnes, Broadfoot and Farley. (3) Q� eo• On motion.by member Kreutzer, a report front the Paducah Water Co., in regard to I I• o.;�, .� J the oompletion of the laying of their main on South Seventeenth atreat from Broadway to I, Clark stbeet, was received aryl filed. ' a On motion by member Lally, R:L.Peacher & 8ompruLy wrer granteA a transfer'of. the Quart Liquor License from 117 South 2nd. to 101 South 2nd. street, Upon call or.the r'+11 i ^' I, by the Following vote; Yeas Foremang Barnes, Broadfoot, Farleyg ifantiin,_Bartong Kreutzer; ' Lally, Leigh and Mayer. (10) (I On'motion by member Horton, the 1[onthly report of the Meat & Milk.Inapeotor was ,j't'•;' II (�� received and filed. "' :x:32, ' ' -. 'i P • • ° .. _ ' :. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF' PADUCAH 191L y IIOn motion by member 11annin, Deeds were granted to the following to lots in Oak', : !�Orove Cemetery; Angie & Colonel Blanks, lot 79-blook 3 in the New Additiong.Jennie Little �.:. Lot.2 block 3 in the New Additions and T:O.Wadlington Lot 25 block, 49. i On motion b member Kreutzer, a etition from the Mutual Wheel Co Y � 13 Company aryl reside.: rNtQ 1'✓�teelCc 1: . ` :4y�, •nte, in Mechanicsburg for water , was'referred to the Paducah Water.Co., to ley mains �. and the Water plugs ordered placed on the rental list. _7. ? On motion by. member Bally, s Resolution' for the improvement of Paxton, avenue by yb�d� grading and graveling from Little Ave to Bloom Avenue from Paxton. Ave to the City Limits li✓'..'' ,.. A lall`of..the said work to be done under the Ten Year payment•plan, was given ite.firet 'A passage, Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot', 7 IForleyp Hannin, Horton, Kreutzer, Lally,.Leigh and'Moyer. (10) On motion the rulse.were suspended on the above Resolution, Upon ball-of.the.roll Iby the following vste;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot Farley, Hannin, Horton, Rreutzelf La11y, Lei&h and. Mayor: (10) On motion by the above,.the above Resolution was given its second and final passe/ f1 , gge, upon call of the roll by the foil owing.vote;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes] Broadfoot:, Farly Hanning Iiorton, Kreubzer, Lally, Leigh and Meyer. (10)• ,tdi^OQ Ctat On motion by the above a petition from the Federal Crate and Basket Company for ✓��.^�� a refund on Taxes,. amounting to 26.94 same was allowed, Upon call' -of the -ro"L by.the lI foilowin vote; -Yeas Foreman roadfoot Farl Hannin Harton Kreutzer Lal, g � � Barnes,� �' eY r � > > >,lt . Qir `t''•ri'f Laigh and Mayor. (10) On motion by the abovep the Ordinance Committee was instructed to bring n'an !' � Ordinance, regulating the sale .of Coal, in the City of Paducah. r!' �� ��T•. [1', On motion by the above, the City .Fngineer. was lnotr- uoted to prepare plans for ii. .! the'improvement of First•.treet from, Broadway to Jefferson street and Jefferson street ..'.i from Firet'to Second street. !` ' r On.motion by the above, an Ordinance granting a Privy. License, was referred to C�«+ the: City Solicitor to be rewritten. On motion by member Barnes, a comunication and blue print from Mr. W.J.Hille Supt . 1 / " m• , of .the N.C:& St. LoR.R. was referred to the City Solicitor end Ordinance Committee'.to. �� a1No1 (bri in an Ordinance antin a driv t ..y bringin , ' gr' g ewey. along Norton. street, . in front of their. ; t; l 1' r, property. i On:motion by member Hannin, .A deed'was accepted from Mamie K.and Chas K.Wheeler: for part • oP. lots 4 and 5 block; 10 ' in Wheeler Addition for 350.00, Upon call of the /•`J.� t soll•by the following vote;-Yeas'Foreman,.Baines', Broadfoot, Farley, #annin, Hartong Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mayer: (l0)' ------- ---- -On motion the Board Adjourned-- --T--- - !j ►G� ��r ux t�t _ • I 1 e�. SEP IS 1911 I 8EP 18 �' r� f;Y Q .. �, �e('✓�Yt l i t k t . i, ° r Ij' : 1 ..t .. , . ry �. . . (�tt J f, 1t f t' ,il. �•1�) i i i { S a, i 'P. �.rV r', .; ti , , , � r, 'i' � - r.• q , `' r { �_ f �,t, t - 1•�l �l -,.5,. ^I. •tt..11.,� • � i st, r: 1 ' , .i tirt i ' t II ' Kk ,,•.�� yy y TM1 1 ) vt �W