HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 120, July 17, 1911."",.!' .�'COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CIT -Y 10F 3 t9 At a regulnr meeting of the Board or Counciinan, hold. in'the' Cc u*noilAhaiberp In the' City' Hall to the. City Of P&dueahp Kentucky, July- 17th.- - 1911, Upon call of. the roll 1, vll;, Lite f ollowina hnsWered''to'their names;—Poremanp- Bpi -non, Broadfoot, Duvall, ftrleyj.. Trannifip''Hartsn, Kroutz2r',, Lally� andlAnyor. (10) On notion by member Broodfoot, the minutes of the previous moetingp -was reconside r.94, in se*far as removing the Pump l*- --from the Btatioh'usid for Sewerage turposes located t at 3rd. and Clay streets. On notion by mainVer Hmnnin, a a amunic at ton 'from the Mayor In regard the Fin" an condition of each dopnvdment'i, was received and filed. -On motion by the abovet the Finance Committee's allowance fee salaries atc.ilwas allowed aril the Clerk was *authorized to fleaw a warrant" on the Treasurer for the respect fu;;.anountsj upon call of the roll by the. following vote;—Yens Foreman, 13aiines Broad I` feet. 1hivall, Paiplayj Hannin, Horton, Krailtzerl Lally aryl Mayor. (10) On motion by the above.,. the 'ieport of th . e'S Sinking Fund Commissioners, was receiv- . ad, and filed.. I q On motion by the abovep the Treasurer was authorized to draw.a, warrent in favor of G.W.Kattdrjohn for work done on th6'Gouth aido:of Trimble street between 16th. and' a-treat -far 4330.64 upon call' of the roll by the following voto;—Yeas Peron . ting B . �9- . barnea j,Bro,adf sot j Duvall, Parley, HrLnfiin* Harten, Kroutzerp Lnlly and mayer. .(10) came in. ..Lai On motion by tjxo above, the sale of Jackson Hill Comatatry. proportyp was referred' to a special Comn.itteo,'tv report back at the.next meeting, and the Chair appointed; oil members Hanning Duvall and Broadfost. On motion by member lally� AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TILT: COT;STRUCTILOZI u G 110 RAD1 JAIM GRAVELING OF POV0jL STRFrT FROM THE L-C6RAILROAD OR TIPPLF TRACK TO I= STR=;.OF AMI YEIS,RR AVENUE FROM ASHBROOK AVENUE TO HAYS AVFIW,;OP 86VML AVENUE rROIJ ASITCRAFT AVE7WE, TO MILL STREET; OF TIMRMA14 STRFFT.FROI.1 Powmz STREET TO SOWELL "FITUR;. OF EMAH STRYMT �,vnlx T11UNAAWSTREET.TO I.C'.RAILROAD OR TIFLE'TRA6K; OF ASHCRAPT AVENUE FROH POWELL. FLL S -STREFT TO BRIDGE STREET; OF POW STRPFT FROM JARRETT STRERT TO CLF21PNTS RE 7 :F.T;,., AND "Y 1 -'BY GRAVFIING OF POWELL STREET FROM CLET.T.NTS STREET TO L.C.RAPLFILROAD OR TI TRACK ,- —v. IWE CITY OF PADUCATI, )TITTUCKY, was placed on its first passage, Upon call of the roll by the f0IIoWInL7 vete;—Yeas Foreman] Barnes, Broadfost'y Parloyp Harton, Lally, Leigh-' and Mwer.(&) Nays Duvall, Hannin' and Kroutzer. (3).. On motionthe rules weren call of the roll by the lowing v6te suspended, upon following 0 Yens Foreman, Barnes, Bro&dfoot, Parley 11annin, Harton,.Lally, Leigh and Mayor. (9) Q., V. Rays Duvall and Kroutzer.. (2) On motion the above Ordinance was placed on its second and final pn:ssago, b3r, its 'titlep'Upon call of the roll by the following vote;—Yean.Forenang Barnes, . Broad feet Parlay, Hannin, Harton, L&Ilyp,Laigh and.Mayor.(q) Na• ys Duvall ani Kroutzer. 0n, notion by raomber. Kroutzor,,'two•reports from the Paducah Water Company in ,egad'. laying bstar mains n Brot.dway from.,20th., to 21st:,: strosta. and -placing the Piro:j ?lux -- .on he rental list and on Harrison'sireat fiom,lqth. to 20tha street, wid-Macing the ft vo'Plug -,Fir s -same was receive anon -rental Jist,' -4. filed.. A % A 4 atur `,�S :FNr'c S„'%V".r^a' -wqr�. is � '!` i'<". rn -nr o.7ryv xr .- •ra '^,+fyT. v� -.ra ' '"'`a .. ' .r d 'T- y - 1:. a - L + +r.-r-a•iTr-^+^init+�yy'•t, T r. - :a • r - ( r , COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY` OF PADt7CAH_ �: 191 I- " ` ' �, , :I r' r ,,• On motion by member Mayer,the following'report, was received arul.filed and ordered �spead upon the minutes.` p .- Paducah�Ky iJuly 12th 1911 do the Honorable Mayor and General Council, of the City of, Padue'di, Ky., I •,Ih I have this day deliver ad to A.L.Jo*nes, local manager•.of the F:at Tennessee.Telephone vCo.of Paducah Yy., h..popy of the resolution passed by the General Council of Paducah, Ky.� i9 y 20th. 1911, revoking any eyar* or license conferred by;the resolution or ropoirt-of j;Ootober, 23rd. 1860. 1 Iienry Dailey. , Chief of Police. I On motion by member Duvall, a Retail Coffee House license was granted John H.Dye and r ;the Fidelity earl Deposit Co.,Ceof llarylanl accepted as his bondsman at 1729 Meyers atreatr' n liupon call of the roll by the following vete;-loas Foremani Barnes, Broaclfeot, Duvall, Parlay,Ha-min IIarton Y.reutzer, Lal ( � I � � � lye Leiglh and ]layer. 11) On motion by;the above, Frank Dunn Flevater.man, was grantod a ten days vacations with pay, Upon call of the. roll by the following vete;-Yens IIaecdfegt1:•.Duvaely Parley' }; �ilanninf ilarten, Kreutzer, Lally, Leipjh and Mayor. (9) Nays Foroman� and Barnes. (2); On motion by member Ilannin, .deeds were granted to Lira Sallie Smothernan to lot 12, ' i bleek X18 in Oak Grove Cemetery and Clemb4a Creasen was granted a deed to lot' 1 block 2% in�'`• ithe New Addition in Oak Grove Cemetery.. i ', ,•.;. i, On motion b the above a transfer was i 3 Q Y � granted to 1lre�.Frnnk Brown from Mrs Carrie d7nr! ; �iren,Oirardy 11 feet off of lot 143 block 9 in Oak Grove Cemetery. J On motion by the above, a transfer was granted to-Fmma Lowery from Iiattle'Cov11{lterl� 11 �•{. `c the ;7oat half of lot 467 black 32 in Oak Grove Cemetery. On notion by the above, a Resolution woe granted permitting'J.L.Jones to oonstrue't'a ,: r'n' generate sidewalk in front of his property on Burnett and 1;leventh'•etreate,was given its Efirst passage, Upon call of the roll by the following vete;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broad jfoot, Duvall, Hanning Farley, Hartong Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mayor. (11). I� On motion the rules were suspended on the.above, Upon sell of the roll .by the fellow sing vete;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, IIreadffot, Duvallh Parlay, Hnnnin, Harton,,Kreutzer,Lally j, ,..� . ' �Leig3h arul L{ayer. (11) ',T On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given its second and final pnanage Upon call of the rail by the following vote; -Yeas Poroiaan, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Par7� i,Hannin, Hartong Kreutzerl Lally Leigh and 11ryer. (11) ". On motion by member Fnrley, the Board of Public Works wsTe instructed to grant ten •'a'.; days vacation to eaok member of the Street Depnrtment as the Street Inapedtoi sees fit: GU�Cikri�i� On motion by nember Leigh, the Ordinance Committee was instructed to bring in an amendment to the Building Ordinance excluding Fire Proof Buildings. Q �f On motion by member Lally, a Resolution for the inprovement of South 10th. street', from.,;:: //��✓j N � . I ;11 ar . . (J%rc• �O 'Kentucky Avenue to Husbands streets with concrete sidewalks ate.r was given flrbs'paasago upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foreman, Barnes, Brendfact, Duvall,Farley I w=tn, ITarton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leith and floyer. (11) f s } I i On motion the rules were suspended en the above, Upon call of the roll by.the follow; z" dI ng vote; -Yens Foreman, Barnes, BroadfoeL, Duvall I:nnnin, Parley, linrton� Kreutzer Lally , �,}rt; t j Leigh rad Ltayer. On motion by the above the above Resolution was given second and final passage, ppenj,+ 'Ieall of the roll by the following vote; -Yana Feremun� Barnes, Broadfeotr Duvall�41arloy�. 12 1 4 ,t,} t plHnnnin, Hartong Kroutzer, Lally, Leith and Mayor. (il) - �• y 1 . J l As charges having boon preferred against A.Franko Sewer Inspector by H.1t.Coulson ,_%n% �-, � f Ca�gf� onri it, being the Quty of the Preaidem of the Doard of Counoilmen� to appoint two . ,, ,t J, ., rt members of this Doard to act as prosecutors, President Foreman, appointed Members Lois';:' Ix .1 1� 6 T.d t1 •'a, „_', ' rr ,;::;; and 1,14oro' to conduct anme 'at a`special' hosting to be hold at S, P.M.'July 24th.1911. }: , . '} 1- 7 l " . r4 Y�. r f -= ---------On motion the Doard Adjourned ----------------- . ;,/, r ` ,j NZ ' tl a Sr s ; ".. , r AUG 7 1811^ f u r < ' ,• , ;,. '-�OPZ+��j AU®7 1811 t . . y ' f , , l/oeWn�1 tosri t fi`ltp /Cl�; , 5 s, 1 \ 4 # .t.; }! tr J Y u d (t - t i ,It �•, �4,,.,t i1 r:, ) 't`8•C tai �' ft , r' I { } . 1 1 T f .:,r c I (1 �l .t , ii I ., i r : i' f r s, r ' - ` rtl } I6 ,fit v t .t { t l+ . " - - �', ' Jai i 'l d d= t J r Yi.• } y,« sy I I t r d . 1 1d i� k '} 11 i't r •; 1 1 k tt ti r 7 r , f, . ,� f�. N i o a r t' (- f 3 Z �, n 3 t, t t f ` s t r� -. t- f f r} , w f •I ItL/ t d1 1 t f 7' f �'-. 1 c , r f• t ( I 1. � - �b( t re f ' r // ` t r � y `,• 'r , r Y. ti ' t ` t ,t r ,t t r '' , f.. to s I �. ,.,+ 4 i' \I t , .` [ . £ r, i t 1 �`�. < 4j ' r 1 . , t ± TS1dr, 11{ r� +.i t t T t r 4 :!5 1 '"l `�, 1 ; 7r .IS jYl j'1- 3 _! its^.r> �, 1 _ _ t _ _ �:. i d' 1.111'^y-� Y�J i-+ t x - , 1 g t(ftl i R 1r+ 1 \ ('' 7 it A tK ll +� ( t I t } f' 1 5 / r�,L ,f. t S' ✓ Y « tsl -. '1 t r 7. Y 1 .}ytl-.tf11,'' t3. r�." S{y. rr t.-� < t r. i '"' 'i ":t , }''. - +l s-�.t l: 11+31,rr rtk f `t lr f :1 t 4 l i'- _ t r I. L t f 5 1 �`�1'a+ i�ar<7'rs rr.! �r t,r r\ t, -> f _ r . N i1,, 1�'d=i f r t !'t -,1 'r n 1 • ', Y'- ...� 1 �'c f I o 1r l j. 4 � t a r J', 1 rr `�' 'i r 1 Y-C" ,.S'J h '� p�4'r �i�l �.v. r5l tl Lrl 1 t .f3 1r rl �+ i' ,h 1�! ,i< _ lit lj, t 17 1.1 I }ruin tir17_. >< t, J �.. Sf,; t/ a 1] 1 f < 1 �4 ,1.. r 1S t I Vf [Ix '. F It 3 t _ , i • ' RV t( L; , ( � } t ..ter 1J " �r } i :.l .. 1 + t t l t i 1 C 1 �t ity 't' i 1 ,,// f Ji. ,t ra Ix I 57 (r t , , ,. Y t 1 4' r F( �'y l ,'fid t ,..�h ) .a" ! }' , . t '� 1 rjX .r }�1}4P,, -I.-T , t ,,k + 11. - ,+' r I ,. _ •.� . f , K-'T 111f1{1II •i• , 1 + 1 j '''k •r.- E. t I A E` r r' r ,.7 V' „+. :•+ t r t [ , a S Y '' .: .r'rt 9-'} ysr C e .1 r i } �1 I .GLLj'._. . { . ,M1t to ^"2 4 � ' V i r' t >-- rs . p . � n 1, 4 � s,, r .. � 1 : ': / f r , rr Y 1 r to tit 'I, .. , t } , [ Y r - Y, 1 k r S "iIx t f.' t i�r4 7" h 1. 1 r i ti t t 1 -i,. _ 4..- t ' +• t' -'" ( t tt ; t,. ''r I .. § n t „ ` t i}. #t, t ti!1 f l 1 t r, ' i t J I n Sir*1 'N{� At,} 1 Prl a{l ` r i a j :}� rl 1\ly 1 I +, ` r.. T\ i.t� 1•F S �, y r. , Iti ' S :f. 1 L;} , r 11 rr ; t 3_ ►i^ ti�' w t 1, �t', t 1 }i f r 1 i (/�7'r i, it f�t�: SSL klr bx� si " 4i+1 1! Sr ? �tYh� snit}tt-� .1•,, t - q t r•t I .�.r if a r if x ( L R r, 1 4 1 1 1 1 I t F Er t' r 1{, fSly,�f` �j r ut '} 4t - 4+.I ty r' f+. <' t.;�` I' r t + J t f a+yr}[ rpt S 7}>,{` l i4r tt St+� ° Y -t {: t J t tial 4 ,1 I �.t4 1, , } I n l� i h 1 1},jkf•Fr > r, j k♦ ^, V .[! 1 �Sr� + , 3�`a r�,{}ti It.uLP I r t tt 1 i , 1S M1 t'i 1.1+' f t 1 { + :'1 1 t�. 2 1 t _ i'4..� tr ' i i.F,�{y.� 1, I , t! r y l Y ,. l t r t t1 Y. - -i "1 - , ,' ( I I' , ,, tyS 17'h .r1 I,'hf i+ jf 1 f\ t t 7 ' .ty+1 s i l m r t , ! t r. f t Al y 1 S1.A k 7 �r F..i` �.. 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